[RFC Marathon] Realpolitik America

Winner. Congrats Danger Bird the people where clearly satisfied with how you ran the country, you win yet another election.

In the end the voter turn out was under 30%, this shames the american democracy
Ok, sure current Issues.
Vice-President Lightheater the minister of economics:
You are to determine the amount of gold that goes towards espionage, culture and science. keep in mind.
30% must be put into gold to make a surplus
20% must be put in culture or else the people of New York. Halifax and Boston will refuse to work
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As we all know Joseph Stalin was elected President of the USSR 2 years ago in 1993. Being the leader of the only conservative party in Russia, he began social reforms. (he went from free religion to organized, and from state property to free market) The socialist people of Russia was clearly not satisfied with the sudden change of government. Yesterday the Bolshevik revolution started, and killed the president. The country is in total chaos, the broken star has been changed into many minor independent counties.
Europe was nice. ;) What did I miss?

Winner. Congrats Danger Bird the people where clearly satisfied with how you ran the country, you win yet another election.

In the end the voter turn out was under 30%, this shames the american democracy

Oh, my. The people must have enjoyed the postcards. :) Good job, Ministers, on keeping the well-oiled political machine humming for us. Suits me well, as you know, really, it's MUCH nicer over there than in this miserable inbred backwater. In fact, I think I might just take anoth-
eh-, erm
whaddya mean the 'Mike' is on?
Ray-dee-O? Who the heck is that?
Ok, ok, I have no idea what you're blabbering about but, sure, ok, I'll watch what I say.

Ahem, yes, well, as I was saying, I put my full trust in Economic Minister Lighthearter's percentages.
Glad to see the president has returned. The main issue is the collapse of Stalins Empire, The Islamic Federation of Russia. With that the European empires of France and Netherlands have a vast land to the east with great cities. I am disappointed that your attempt to forge an alliance with the dutch failed. We need an alliance with the soon to be world power. (already second place in tech, with alot of independent cites on their border they will surely take alot of them. My primary concern is that Moscow was 4th place in the top 5 cities list)
The government seems to be in anarchy, as nothing is getting done. COMON people, post ideas as what should happen next, other wise the story will not continue.

I think that the consensus is to continue building basic infrastructure then build the army, make France our espionage target, and try to get def pacts with any of Turkey, Russia, or Portugal.

If we are going the espionage route for techs, then we can neglect science buildings and just build banks, couthouses, jails, security bureaus, etc.
BREAKING NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1798, A great war has started, with us aiding the Japanese and Portuguese and Mali. As a result the English, Aztecs, Arabians, Romans and Vikings are now at war with us. The Aztecs have taken the undefended city of Guantanamo.
The people of America need to act fast, what are our orders?
As the minister of the military I wish to order emergency laws into action, which will order all capable cities to recruit much-needed troops at once.
All we have to do is wait for the president, to decide whether we change building buildings to massing armies

Also we can upgrade all our cannons to artillery, should we do that?

I concur with BurnEmDown.

I would say we interrupt any building that is more than 2 turns from completion, and build rifles. Let buildings finish if there is only 1 or 2 turns left, then rifles there too.

Upgrade to artillery, yes.

Defence is the priority, until/unless we see that England/aztecs don't threaten our mainland cities. Then consult with Military Minister.
Part 3: Americas First War
In 1798 America quickly found themselves at war with Brittan, Mexico, Viking Union, Rome and Arabia. DangerBird decided they would fight a defensive war, and for the first 2 years, America hid behind their forts. The British enacted a navel bombardment, cutting off America from her allies.

In 1800, it was reported that the city of Churchill had fallen to the Japanese. It was reminded that Churchill that reminded America that the allies could get the rich oil fields of central Canada. It was because of this that Burnemdown decided it was time to go on the offensive. He ordered Field Marshall IlDuce to take Ft Albany. The city was heavily guarded and was considered untakeable. The artillery bombarded the city. And in 1801 IlDuce decided it was time to storm the city. The casualties where staggering, with America loosing half her soldiers, and Britain loosing more. The city had fallen. After that York Factory fell easily, with the British surrendering without a fight (a attacking soldier lost 0 health). In 1803 Winnipeg was assaulted, the British general laid an interesting strategy. Capturing the artillery was the top priority. Despite the odds it was successful, the British captured and destroyed the artillery guns (83% odds and the artillery dies in combat). The city was still taken easily. IlDuce ordered to hold the line. We where getting close to Edmonton (the super city with 1 oil 2 wheat and 4 Uranium). However our soldiers where injured and there was a desperate need for reinforcements. They decided to stay put in Winnipeg for now (ordered all units to heal).

Now it is 1804, this mean ELECTION TIME. However due to the emergency war act. We can postpone the election due to the war we find ourselves in. Dangerbird do we want an election now or later?


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Capturing St. John's is a big priority too, the city is very strong, and will remove Britain's influence in North America, since they'll lose one of their important port cities.
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