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A Mind in Oblivion – The Kan’ Sharuminar Story AAR

Part 16:

Spoiler :
A Mind in Oblivion – The Kan’ Sharuminar Story AAR
Part Sixteen

So it’s come to this, as I thought it might. A political prisoner, wanted for the little act of trying to bring freedom to the people of Skingrad. How foolish my captors are – do they not realise that by keeping me here I become a hero in the eyes of my followers? Soon Baurus will be inundated with letters and mobs demanding my release!

The guards aren’t much help. I try to strike up a conversation with a chap who passes by. “Viva La Revolution” I whisper to him. He just gives me an odd look, probably because he doesn’t speak...wait, what the heavens did I just say? Was that elvish?

Clearly I’m going mad from captivity. There’s no chance of escape here. I looked for an escape hatch like in the cell I was in before, but alas, no luck. And a single lockpick was not enough to help me get past the lock. There’s little hope for me now, I shall rot away as I serve the rest of my sentence, doomed to be a martyr for my cause.

Upon my release the next day, I decide to go check out the Arena. I went before but had no coins with which to place a bet. When I arrive I’m suddenly inspired not just to gamble, but to actually participate. Alright, the only time I ever managed to kill anything larger than a rodent was when I was under the influence of rat-meat, but never again. Never again I say! I can’t control the madness I would unleash.

The guy in charge just hurries me along into the participant’s area.

It’s nice enough, Ii suppose. Lots of opportunities for practice here, which I suppose I’ll need. I go have a chat with Owyn, who’s in charge of all the fighters. He seems nice enough, even when he spends several minutes doubled over in laughter when I tell him I want to join. When he recovers I tell him that I am being serious, and then I have to wait another few minutes and get him some water.

Eventually he agrees to let me participate, and asks if I would prefer light or heavy armour in the combat arena. Since so far I haven’t worn any armour, I go for light, assuming it will have a degree of elegance to it that will add to my image.

Well it adds something, all right.

Alright, so that’s disappointing. Still, I’m sure I’ll make an impression with my skills and, above all, Oscar. I bet most of the combatants out there use pretty boring weapons, like swords and axes and the like. We’re here to put on a performance, and Oscar sure knows how to do that.

I’m told to go up to the arena to face my first fight. It’s an exciting moment – I hear the cheers of the crowd as they anticipate a tremendous battle, I feel the atmosphere of a thousand fights that have gone before as I walk up the bloodied ramp to the arena, I start to feel a bit nauseous when I see a door painted in blood.

thats not blood! its ketchup!

Nobody would already be bleeding on that side of the door and trying to open it, therefore the more likely answer was someone was sloppy with their lunch.
On the bright side, maybe the combination of armor and Oscar will be enough to discourage highwaymen from stealing our lunch money in the future.

Wimpy gladiator on the run is also a step up from wimpy Emperor murderer lookalike on the run!
Awesome! I'm in the game! and I'm black! Doubly awesome!
Spoiler :
A Mind in Oblivion – The Kan’ Sharuminar Story AAR
Part Seventeen​

I briefly consider turning round and heading back to the Arena. Not out of any desire to redeem myself, mind, I just have an idle fancy that if I place a bet on the opposing player, then my non-appearance will result in my disqualification and I can collect on my bet. However I am interrupted by a stranger.

I...don’t have any friends, except maybe Oscar. I open up the letter.

This is almost too convenient. Did I mention to Neville I was looking for the Thieves Guild? It could be a trap, but I suppose I better check it out. For some reason all I’ve been thinking of recently is joining the Thieves Guild, despite being useless at, well, thievery.

The meet is at the waterfront, which is a part of Imperial City I love and I hate. I love boats, so it’s a nice place to have a stroll down, but I hate the folk who threaten to stab me if I wander too near to said boats. I’m not a fan of stabbings.

I pass the time by practicing my skills – namely by robbing the local houses then apologising profusely and putting everything back when the owner comes back. It hits midnight, and I go to the meeting place:


Y’know, if this isn’t a lynching mob set up by Neville, and it really appears to be, then it is the worst hidden meeting-spot ever. Bright torches in the middle of a housing area (alright, the worst housing area in the city where most residents are probably part of this guild) are rather attention-grabbing. I sigh and step up. A chap called Armand greets me.

“Ah yes. Another scoundrel who served-“
“Err...excuse me.” I’m a little put out. “I take offense at that – I am not a scoundrel nor have I ever scounded anyone.”
I get a glare for my troubles. “Everyone is here, let’s begin. Each of you is seeking membership in the Thieves Guild. The Thieves Guild is not a...”

He continues on about the history of the guild, but my mind simply wanders off. There are three people, including myself, applying for membership. This strikes me as a little odd.

“It’s a bit easy, isn’t it?” I say.
“...passed the first- pardon me?”
“It’s just...you have several people applying at the same time. I was offered entry ‘cos I served some time in prison. For a single night. Is that really all you look for in an applicant?”
“Well, you were imprisoned for thievery! Which is just what we look for here in the thieves guild.”
“I nicked a sword! Which the owner promptly took back from me. I was technically arrested because they thought I was a revolutionary leader, and happened to find some stolen cheese on me.”
“Ah ha, so you are a thief!”
“CHEESE! I’m not exactly talking the Amulet of Kings here. It’s a lump of hardened milk, for goodness sake!”
“Hang on, I’ve had a brilliant idea!”

“This is because I questioned your recruitment method, isn’t it?” I say.

He gives me a cruel smile.

Eventually he makes up some story about needing the diary of Amantius Allectus, who resides in the city. He suggests I speak to the beggars to locate him, and if I need any lockpicks he’ll sell them for five gold.

“Five gold! That’s exortion!”
He smiles with a false look of innocence. “Thief.”

Long story short, I make it to the house of Allectus, and find his diary quite easily. I think about taking a look through it to try and work out why Armand wants it so much, but I’m interrupted by none other than Allectus himself, who looks a bit put out. I take my leave before he regains his senses.

Armand is not so impressed with my coming first.

Unlucky mate, looks like I’m part of your merry band after all. Now about your recruitment methods...
Nick his trousers, nick his trousers! Oh, and go talk to that dashing red dude from the arena. He's SUPAH COO!
A Mind in Oblivion – The Kan’ Sharuminar Story AAR
Part Eighteen​

I’m a bit cross with Armand. Here I am, now a fully-fledged member of the Thieves Guild, and he still treats me as a first-class novice. Well I’ll show him – I’m gonna nab something from his pocket. Like this key...

Oh stars, he noticed. He turns to me with an angry, yet satisfied expression on his face. I might be able to salvage this though:

“Hey, I know what this might look like but, wait a minute, is that something behind your ear?” I reach out and reveal...his key!

“Ta da!”

Alright, fair enough, he’s not easily impressed. He demands 200 gold and his key back. I have no money anymore, so I grudgingly give back the key and accept my exile from the Thieves Guild. Seriously, what was I thinking?

But I can still make up the cash and get back in - It’s just 200 gold, and if I’m good enough to enter the Guild, then I must have some thievery skills. I return to the house of Mr. Allectus (I’ve robbed him once, what’s a second time?) to try and grab something of worth that I can sell off.

It doesn’t go well. It turns out that, while Mr. Allectus is quite asleep and quite willing to let me raid the coins he’s helpfully left on his desk, Mrs. Allectus is still awake.

“Oh, hi.”
“What are you doing in my house? I demand you leave immediately.”
“ Hey, I know what this might look like but, wait a minute, is that something...”

I’ve made a huge mistake.

Pretty soon I’m on the run again, this time for robbery and resisting arrest. Llet me tell you, at this time of the night in Imperial City virtually the only people awake are the guards and, as I leg it through the silent, stony streets I’m being hunted by at least a dozen of the buggers, all of them apparently expert bowmen – why the devil aren’t these guys being hired for the apparent Oblivion invasion I've heard about?

Eventually I make it outside the city and find my poor horse, who seems quite confused as he’s trying to eat the moss growing on the walls rather than the lengthy grass below him. Poor dumb horse, it’s little wonder no-one in Skingrad cared that I stole him.

Please let it be able to swim.

And so, for the second time in as many days I’ve had to escape from another city. I’m starting to get a bit used to this by now...
You seem sad, I've heard of this great support group called "The Blue Man Group" you should join them
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