Realpolitik CIV - An Interactive AAR

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Congratulations President arya126! Here is the cabinet AFAIK:

President arya126
Vice-President Aysee
Secretary of State(Foreign Minister) Nukeknockout
Military Minister resident_uk
Interior Minister ???
Just saying; however, if you want the job you can have it.

I still say:
Construction-currency-code of laws

EDIT: @MN: Arya last posted 12:35 YESTERDAY.
Oh, then yeah, Aysee, you're the temporary prez then.

I was being sarcastic about the one week thing, but its still been a while.

I'm waiting for LH's answer to the tech percent question I asked, it decides whether I want 3 or 4.
If there is no Interior Minister, I would be interested in that position. I imagine that I would get to determine city builds/tiles worked, Worker actions, and the like?

EDIT: Wow! Whosit, you're really knowledgeable about Civ!

I've been playing for a little more than a year, so not that long, considering the life-span of the game. However, I have played in numerous Succession Games on this site, and I also participate on the Realms Beyond forum. CFC has many useful articles on all aspects of the game's mechanics, and many good players (such as those at RB) will post write-ups about games they have played and the strategies they have used. That's how I have learned so much about Civilization.
Actually, I'm the Interior Minister. A more updated version of the cabinet is on the first page.
Actually, I'm the Interior Minister. A more updated version of the cabinet is on the first page.

My apologies. I looked for that, but must have missed it.
Wow, harsh game if your declared AWOL by being gone for a day.

Right. Plan of Action

1. TECH PLAN. I personally say my previously posted one, but I'll hear other thoughts.
2. BUILD PLAN. Up to the Domestic Minister
3. WORKERS PLAN. Haven't gotten a good look at the situation, up to the Domestic Minister
4. FOREIGN POLICY. I say cozy up to Rome and Carthage, waiting to hear from the Foreign Minister

Thoughts, gentlemen?


To Lighthearter:

Need to see:
  • All City Screens
  • Domestic Advisor
  • Foreign Relations Screen
  • Military Screen

That should be all...

EDIT: Oh yeah, try and get IW off the Irish Mongols, failing that, the Romans, just DON'T GIVE AWAY ALPHABET. Try and get as much techs as possible WITHOUT GIVING AWAY ALPHABET.
as foreign minister,I'd say Rome would be a better ally,or at least meat shield,than Carthage.but we're more likely to get Carthage or India *shrugs*

realistically,I should have said this way earlier,but I'm not good at diplomacy at all. I'm better at "give me what I want or I will take it from you" or "I will give you this,but in 200 years,I will repay you 100 fold for this dishonor"
@Whosit: You can have the post if you want. You certainly seem qualified.

Well, I'm not trying to grab power from anyone, but I do think that I could serve well in that capacity. If you consent, as well as arya and/or Aysee agree, I will take the post.

@Nukeknockout: There are a few things to consider when doing Civ Diplomacy, although it is much harder when you do not have direct access to the game's save file. Checking the "Glance" screen for "worst enemy" status is a good start. For example, if Civ B is Civ A's worst enemy, trading with B can make A more angry.

There are a few ways to improve relations. Sharing the same religion is one. Note that if we were to found Christianity and adopt it ourselves, the rest of the world is not going to like it. Open Borders can improve relations, but it takes time. Trading resources, as well. Gifting technologies (or making lopsided trades), and sometimes resources, can also give a boost, as does giving in to a demand.

Getting on good relations with Rome, for example, will probably require a few concessions. Whether that will pan out or not, I cannot say.
You certainly seem qualified for the job (heck, you'd be qualified for any at this point)

So, yeah. We'd like to see the glance screen, too.
You certainly seem qualified for the job (heck, you'd be qualified for any at this point)

So, yeah. We'd like to see the glance screen, too.


As for the Glance Screen (a subset of the Diplomacy Screen), well, just looking at it will be useful, but to see the Worst Enemies (which I think can also be seen on the main Diplo page, with the relationship web) you need to mouse over each Civilization, so we may just need LH to report on Worst Enemy statuses. Sorry, that's something I didn't think about when I first mentioned it.

And not to sound like a total ingrate, but is the reason that the save file is not generally available because LH needs to keep it secret to run things? Or to avoid cheating? Or is it part of the simulation in that the leader only doles out as much information as he wants?
Whosit and I have entered negotiations over the Opposition's demand to get a religion. We hope that these negotiations end peacefully.
@Whosit:technically,I do have access to the save.LH and I live in the same house,but my honor and strict observance of the rules necessary to not be banned from the thread prevent me from using it.also,I'm scared of him.he's much tougher in RL than he is in this thread.that said,I will talk to him about the save.I probably won't accomplish anything,but I'll talk to him about it

EDIT: and thanks for the advice on how to do my standard diplomatic policy is "Assimilate" which doesn't apply here :P
EDIT: and thanks for the advice on how to do my standard diplomatic policy is "Assimilate" which doesn't apply here :P

Well, it's a good policy when you are much tougher than your neighbor. :mischief:

Also, no need to risk life and limb for a Civ save. I was just curious.
I was PMing Cull, and it turns out that he hadn't read the previous posts. So, disregard his tech plan. (Even though I think the damage has already been done.) :mad: :lol: :p

Reference to RB game that I played with Whosit, Dantski, and I think sunrise(right?) in which Dantski Oracled Math, and got Construction early(stupid marble in capital BFC if I remember correctly), and used cats/axes/swords to dominate defense. No relation at all to Realpolitik. Sorry for confusion.

Lurk mode back on.
The Lighthearter Administration Years

The Forming of the Parties

Spoiler :

Many of the original parties were formed in the first few moments by the musings of the original Politicians:

West India Man founded the Green Party of England and Wales, and while not initially decalred a pacfist it slid quickly into a extreme left-wing party.

Lopaz emerged as the founder of the ideals of Liberal Marxism. A communist run state that would still support the freedoms of the people.

Sane Person started the Modernizational Party and while he still no longer leads it he is still a member within this powerful party. It focuses on constantly developing the nation even to the detriment of the people.

Cull founded the Educated Party as the latest arrival of the "Big Four" parties. His was a party focusing on the gaining of technologies.

These four parties quickly became the largest due to their initial starts and clearly defined agendas. Three still still exist to this day (page 378) although many of the leader positions have changed hands as the founders grew bored or tired of the trappings of power. The names have also undergone a change, with the Liberal Marxists now called IngSoc and the Educated now called the Co-Operation Party


Other lesser parties were also formed. The People’s Consortium of England was founded along with the two war-like nationalist parties.

These war parties were reformed later under the new Imperialist Party. Which also gained the remains of the Modernization Party.

This time was when players started to develop the ideas they would like to support in a party system. The ideas were tested through dialogue and the leaders began to plan how their ideas would translate over to in-game mechanics.

Issues: Britannia, Rule the Waves & Isolation VS Settlement
Spoiler :

Initial Issues By Lighthearter;

Britannia, Rule the Waves? -
Far beyond the beaches and other shores that Britons have long laid claim to, a vast ocean beckons. Some of the wise elders proclaim that it is the destiny of our nation to claim those waters and emerge an invincible maritime power - but other respected elders say that our fate lies not at sea, but on land. Should we develop and settle deep inland, or should we turn to the embrace of the sea and seek faraway lands to colonize in the name of Britain?

Isolation VS Settlement: -
Long have the men and women of the United Kingdom resided in our admittedly small ancestral lands - recently some of the people have begun to suggest that we outfit parties of settlers to explore, claim, and tame the wilds. However, the traditionalists warn that the Nature Spirits might not take kindly to such action. What do we choose?


These were the first issues that faced the parties and the thoughts on them helped shaped the developing ideas and motives behind them. Most of the parties supported coastal cities to rule the waves and expansion into unknown lands. The only voices against were some of the military minded parties who wished for caution against purely naval cities and desired powerful land based cities as well to launch bids for power.

Lighthearter Term - Part 1
Spoiler :

Post 59#: Shows the initial layout of the starting position of the British Clan.

Spoiler City of London :

Lighthearter settled the City of London in place by the sea and decided to let the peoples grow peacefully while building a barracks for the future training of the army. This was eventually seen as a slow approach by most party leaders and many pointed out the need for workboats to claim the fish or workers to tend the British Fields.

Issues: Britian & Wales
Spoiler :

The next issues by Lighthearter;

Britain . . . and Beyond?
One more settling party will assert our dominion over the British Isle, but there lies nearby a land we call "Ireland". In addition, there is the strange land of "France" to the south, across the English Channel. Ireland is almost assuredly ours, yet there are other civilizations near France - if we don't claim it soon, someone else will. Then again, do we really need it?

There is enough unclaimed land in the west of England that we might be well served to found a new city in Wales or Cornwall - however, that would interfere with London and its productivity. How do we proceed here?


These issues gave focus to the plans of expansion. Now that the Politicians could see the lay of the land plotting began in earnist.

While many wondered on wether there were other Civilizations on the mainland people bickered on the risk of expansion out of the relitivly safe British Isles. What all could agree on was that foriegn oppressers should be kept of our individual island. Yet some started to wonder if waiting too long would allow the much larger continent of Europe to be engulfed by another power...

Note: Lighthearter mentions supporting expansion overseas because of the glowing rocks found there...

Issues: Parliment & Stonehenge
Spoiler :

The Next Issues:

Parliament Building, London

The ornate hall glows in the late-afternoon sunlight. Great statues of the gods stare down at the congregated Lords, their faces mostly etched in stern disapproval. The general murmurs around the hall suddenly are cut short as the massive doors behind the large balcony where the President will give his address to the Parliament groan open. The various senators stare with keen interest as President Lighthearter walks forward, stopping at the edge of the balcony.

"My lords, currently England is in the throes of an election, and it is shaping up to be a heated one. At the moment the First Coalition that Lords Cull and west india man have formed are in the lead, but other coalitions shall likely emerge soon to offset their domination of the race - be ready to brawl with the best of them. Now, on to the State of the Union:

Stonehenge -
The key question facing us today is the issue over whether a monument to our Republic is a worthwhile expenditure - If it is, the effects on popular conciousness and culture could be astounding, but if it isn't we could face anger from the people who desire to see such a monument erected - you must choose our course, my Lords.


This was really a time of issues. Lighthearter raised many of them to help the parties. I (Ravus) Had actually forgotten how many of them were raised...

The Stonehenge question became a key point in the following elections and the actions of the Second Administration. Many agreed to desiring this powerful monument especially as it seemed so very english in origin. But there was much disagreement on how to get it and even how important it would be to get it.

The Great Wall was also considered and some were even power hungry enough to start to plan ways in which england could claim both powerful wonders. (this unfortunatly did not come to pass and the Great Wall is now in foriegn hands.)

The First Election: “The Power of Coalition”
Spoiler :

The First Coaltion was quickly founded by the offer of Cull’s Educated party alliance to West India Man’s Green Party. These two parties had very similer views and had no difficulty forging both trust and a plan for the future together. They are still to this day one of the most trustful of coalitions due to them being able to completly rely on each other.

The other coalition’s that sprang up were in response to this initial coalition, they were made out of a desire to stand equal - not a easy alliance of view’s like the First.

the Liberal Marxists and the Modernizational Party were quick to join together. A name was not decided on initially but the peaceful First party was quick to point out how unlikly it was that a coalition with such opposing views would be able to remain allys for long. They thus gained the nick name of a Doomed Coalition and unfortunatly it stuck...

The two Military parties also formed a coalition into the more powerful Nationalist Coalition with a pure war outlook. Too this day there has never again been such a war like coalition, perhaps because it was to hard to gain voters or because of the rapidly changing leaders it is unknown.

It was here, in the first election that the Rules of Coalition were tested, it was found that both party leaders needed to okay or ratify a Coalition for it to be recognised. Lopaz the initial founder of the Liberal Marxist party disappeared around this time. It was obvious that the only way to challenge the First Coalition was to create another. Lopaz eventually communicated via a PM to the Modernizational leader and while this decision was ratified by Lighthearter this highlighted the weakness of having only one leader.
Thus Ravus cautioned all Parties to try and declare a second in command so that this event would not happen again.

It was also highlighted here that there would have to be a minimum of 3 people in a winning party to claim the three main positions of;

  • Leader
  • Interior Minister
  • Military Minister

The Coalitions quickly started planning out who they felt was able to be in command. They also added some of their own and began to realise the political power of offering one of these positions as an incentive to join a coalition.


During this the New Politican Ayra appeared and became the initial swing vote to allow power to the Coalition of Doom. This caused Cull and the First Coalition to become plotting to create an army of lurker voters who while would not interact much, could act as a powerful voting block.

Sensing this, Ravus Sol realised that a Coalition could have more then two members. He thus siezed tempory power and extended a offer of alliance to the Nationalists with the temptation of the position of Military Minister (the position he, Ravus convetted). He also offered to leave if his actions had been wrong.

Page 10 shows the end of the election and the Nationalists joining the Coalition of Doom just in time to stop any attempt at swinging a last minute vote by the First Coalition. In the aftermath Cull was elected Opposition leader. However with Lopaz still absent there was no clear leader for the winning Coalition. Eventually through neccesity Ravus agreed to take the position since he still technically had control from when he siezed power. The Administration became;

Prime Minister: Ravus Sol
Interior Minister: SanePerson
Military Minister: Conquerer500
Foreign Minister: Arya126
Science Minister: Nukeknockout
Cultural Minister: Jayrad
Finance Minister: Aysee

Lighthearter Term - Part 2
Spoiler :

Note: Cull is the first one to give us the name of Immortal Politicians...

Post 405# shows turn 30 in the Lighthearter Administration
Spoiler City State of England :

Spoiler Technology :

Spoiler City Planning London :

London switched from building a barracks (which then mysteriously dissapeared half built.) and cranked out a worker.

The techs england knew were:

With only one city and worker the next administration was able to micromanage the english people easily.

Thus ended Lighthearters political career. He vowed never again to take office or join parties and became a Reporter.

so... yeah.

I'm making some notes on what the frell has happened while i watch some farscape episodes. I figured everyone else could also benifit from them even if they are probably biased from my perspective.

I may not get them out quickly as that write up was only 20 pages of thus insanely growing forum thread.

Lighthearter can link these if he wants from the main page so that people can get a quick summery. Although it's still probably best if people just skip ahead as this was huge and it is only Lighthearters little affair with power. Mine and Cull's would be even bigger (And Ayra's would be huge with his Russian Crisis)

Cull - Reading back on these pages made me realise i never asked, do you want the position of second in command of the monks? I know we are basically staying neutral at the moment but i figured you deserved some official power even if you never use it.

... so yeah. Hi everyone.

aaaaaand back to lurking.

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