NWolfNES I: The Greenskins, home edition

Luke was wandering in the outskirts of the village. The quiet was very relaxing to Luke. It gave him time to carefully think of solutions to the many problems that he has. He current problem is how to get his axes fixed. The crafters dislike him right now, so they aren't going to do him any favors.

"Oh well, not much I can do about it now", he thinks to himself,"Maybe I should get something useful done while I think. He walks over to his bag and grabs one of the broken axes and starts practicing with it. He concentrates on a few different ways of gripping the axe and tries to find the most efficient method of axe wielding. He is making a little progress. Although, he needs to have a proper axe before he can actually become proficient.

Then he hears a sound. It was coming from the bushes near his bag. He carefully walks up to the place where he hears the noise and then yells, "What are you doing over there?" A younger orc jumps out of the bushes and attempts to run. Luke just reaches out and grabs the little guy before he can get anywhere. Luke says to the kid, I don't like to repeat myself, but what are you doing hear?" The kid doesn't respond, but he looks in the direction of the bag.

"Hmm, there is something in there you want huh. What could it be? The amulet I have?" The kid shakes his head no. "So the axes then." the kid shakes no again. "Oh so you want to see the painting?" The child's eyes beam and he nods yes.

"Okay sure I will show it to you." Luke takes out the painting and shows it to the enthusiastic little child. "Ah, so you like it. You have good taste kid." Luke senses the opportunity. "Do you want to be see this painting as often as you want. The kid becomes really excited and finally speaks. "Yes!, he screams."

"Okay", Luke responds, "All you need to do is take these axes to the crafters and get them repaired. You can do that right?"

The child says, "Yes", and walks away with the axes. They seemed a little heavy and he had some trouble carrying them.

OCC:Could this kid possibly become a follower of mine of I keep this up? Can the builders build some sort of silo to store food?
OOC @ Northen Wolf: No I meant a tench instead of a fence but anyway have they noticed that sheep dislike dips and hollows and always tend to run uphill if they have a choice?
We don't need irrigation at all, crops are growing fine without it.
So if we listen to you and it doesn't rain, I can give you to the trappers to use as bait, right?

The answer to that is quite simple, if we don't find a way to contain the sheep we will have to kill them.

Ah, but there are many more ways to contain sheep. There is this method called... tieing them to a stake.

Once we have some sheep, then we can build a pen

We have plenty of solid wood to build shelters from, more of the same wood would suffice
Can you honestly say that after seeing the qualities of our shelters?

Wood for a fence just needs to be solid

It also needs to be not rotten, it also needs to be not too thin, it also needs to be nailed/tied together using ropes, blah blah blah.

maintenance depends on how determined they are to break out

You forgot weather conditions. And how determined they are with breaking out? I say from scale from 1 to 10, around 7. These are not some docile domesticated sheep just waiting to be captured, these are wild sheeps who obviously know how to defend themselves.

On a different note how do you intend to ready five or ten pitfall traps, properly concealed, or twenty snares, probably more in case the sheep manage to avoid some, before the sheep disappear over the horizon?

Say that after you propose a plan to build a sheep pen within 3 days. Oh, and also it has to be in a place where sheep would logically go towards if they are being chased by a group of angry shouting villagers. Preferably far Northeast where they were going anyways.

let's see, a shallow pitfall trap around 5 feet wide and 3 feet deep would take 2 orcs 3 hours to dig. If we put 20 orcs to the task of building a pitfall trap, we can do it much quicker than we can do if we built a pen.

As for the hunters I propose they do a long-range sweep around the village to spot incoming enemies. New hunting grounds might be a secondary benefit.

I don't see the point of this. Are you sending a single group of underarmed hunters to patrol the giant forest filled with nasty animals and to look for a sign of enemies? What will they do? Give us a 2 second warning before a giant army of the bull people come crashing out behind them? Appear behind the said army and shout "Run away!" before collapsing from exhaustion? Crawl out of the forest with a bobcat biting his head and yell out "BEAR!" before collapsing from bloodloss? Seriously now, what do you think the hunters have, telepathy? Why not send out the Tricksters then? Without any ways to contact us in long distance, we might as well kiss them goodbye and give them a funeral as soon as they leave the village.
It would if someone would chain head-ram into that pit. There are several natural slopes near your village.

Then again, there'd be not much food in that pit, would be?

...are you saying that if we somehow capture the head ram and chain him, all the follower sheep would gather around him?


UGAG! A bag of shinies and a double portion of meat for you if you catch that head ram alive!
...are you saying that if we somehow capture the head ram and chain him, all the follower sheep would gather around him?
It is highly likely that some of the sheep would.

Also sheep ->sheep
sheep -> sheeps



Yes, he may become your follower, depends of how poor dice rolls you roll

Yes, builders know how to build granaries - basic room with small basement to use a cellar.

Some may have noticed sheep behavior


Overseer has until tommorrow to finish summing up immortal opinions. (If there are any changes)
I've looked thrice (three times a row) and I am MISSING ORDERS FROM:

merciary / Shurzurn
Heraclius49 / Luke
Seon / Stoll
badunoff / Maxwell


Hbar - ugag









Did I miss anything?
Newcomers, accept or not accept

Aye: Stoll, Ugag, Gorrick, Gaarth, Luke, Xialo

Passes by unanimous decision

-corollary: Restricting the newcomer's movement:

Aye: Gorrick, Stoll, Ugag.

Passes as no objections were made.


Trap Method: Stoll, Ugag (2)

Pen Method: Gorrick, Xialo, Gaarth, Luke

Majority votes for building a pen, passes.

No decision made

-Protect Lumbermen
Aye: Stoll, Gorrick, Ugag, Luke

No objections made, passes.

-Patrols during night

Aye:Stoll, Gorrick, Ugag, Luke, Maxwell, Xialo

Passes because no objections were filed


Stoll: create some nets for fishermen to use

Gorrick: do what's best for village

-Finish Irrigation Ditch:

aye: Stoll, Ugag, Xialo, Maxwell, Luke (that what you meant by implied yes with majority)
Nay: Gorrick

passes because of majority ruling.

-Gather foodstuff from surrounding area
Aye: Stoll, Gorrick

-Help catch sheep: Maxwell, Ugag, and Xialo, Luke


-because they will be busy with the building of sheep pens, they will be repairing current shelters if possible instead of making a whole new one.

PROPOSAL: Hunters scout for the bull people
Aye: Gorrick, Luke

Nay: Maxwell, Stoll, Ugag

proposal fails
Search for new hunting ground near village when idle
Aye: Stoll, Xialo
Nay: Maxwell
Sorry for the double post but I am not going to add my actions in with the final vote tally, yasee

Action 1: Follow the farmers as they gather foodstuff around the village and take note of the plants they gather and ones they avoid. Help them (carry stuff) if neccessary.

Action 2: Train how to fight with the soldiers so that I don't get mauled by a boar so that I can protect myself and the village.
You guys have disgustingly good luck - no NPC factions rolled below 3 and [censored]...

Expect update in few hours 12 hours.
OK - I'm too tired to post update today, but I got most of it written and only have small part of "part two" left to do (what requires less grammatical error checking).

Oh man I forgot to post actions with the story. Is it okay to post them now?

Action 1) Train with the soldiers and learn how to properly wiled fighting axes. If I could also learn other weapons that would be nice as well

Action 2) Search the ruins for objects of value again. Ignore all crafters, unless they ask for assistance.

Action 3) (story bonus) Have the little Orc fix the broken axes.
I've looked thrice (three times a row) and I am MISSING ORDERS FROM:

merciary / Shurzurn
Heraclius49 / Luke
Seon / Stoll
badunoff / Maxwell


Hbar - ugag









Did I miss anything?

I posted a request to join in the soldiers training. I am need a reply before I send orders in.
You can train, I am and so are some of the the others.
1. Having failed at both farming and hunting, Maxwell has decided to try another "career". Training with the soldiers, he hope, would give him physical fitness and skill with weapons, wich could later be applied to other things. Determined to do something useful for the village, Maxwell devoted himself fully to training.
2. Being poorly equipped, Maxwell decided that what little time he had that was not taken up by training, he should search the ruins for anything useful, such as armour, weapons, clothing, or any other things that could prove useful to him or to anybody else(example: if Maxwell finds something like an anvil, he should donate it to the crafters, hammers to builders, ect.).
Update two
Summer of 751

Summer of 751 sees several changes, one and maybe most important change is the fact that orcs feel themselves more certain thanks to new warriors. Another important change is that village of Gormadash now has several animals. These animals, called „sheep“ are not yet domisticated (so no "milk related products" !) - many of them are chained up and everyone are surrounded by small (but strong) pen - wooden stockade of sorts. Building this stockade did not go easy as many were oppose it and some said that it'd be smarter to simply kill these sheep. Yet it now seems building this stockade was a good idea and it should be enlarged. Most immortals were rather lucky with their actions, then again commoner and specialist factions did not do bad either. Of course there is still left a lot to do, but this season went very well for inexperienced villagers of Gormadash.

(OOC: You guys got ALMOST NO POOR ROLLS, you ... cheaters!)

Chill Bill decided to help out crafters with building and preparing traps. He annoyed several craftsmen with his constant chatter, but in the long run craftsmen were pleased with his actions and help. Thanks to recent events and many wild rabbit families, Bill help was needed to help with trap line semi-daily. Thanks to his constant work, nagging, organizing and running (where does bill get his energy from?!?!) Bill finally learns basic trapping!

These are things what Bill learned to trap

Immortal known under the name of Luke practices with soldiers – enough to learn „50% of fighting“. Another immortal, named Gorrik who had „accident with fire“ also practices with soldiers, his accident with fire grants him unique ability to make spears with charred tips – effective and cheap way to improve spear durability. As it is his knowledge, he does not have to share it with rest of the tribe. Despite of keeping his knowledge secret and being forced to spar with Ugag, Gorrik learns 50% of basic fighting and does not get many bruises.

Immortal, known under the name of Wotepchu Broadhand, continues digging irrigation. He does not shine out from other workers but then again, he does not make many fatal mistakes either. When Wotepchu was not digging, he scouted riverside with few volunteer gatherers and one farmer working as an advisor. Thanks to his abnormal luck, Wotepchu found many useful plants near river and learned „basic herb knowledge“. That means he now knows very few plants what can be eaten or used to treat wounds – of course this means he only knows plants which can be directly applied to a wound. Plants which are need to be boiled or otherwise prepared before eating/using are still a mystery to Wotepch. Among plants he gathered, he also gathered two 2 units of medical herbs, enough plants to improve healing rates of two wounded kinsman.

Ugag, despite of his previous „unlucky“ events decides to spar with soldiers. His little follower does same as Ugag does – Ugag succesfully gains one follower. However, one of the young recruits gets a severe wounds, when sword that Ugag used to practiced with, „flies“ straight into young warriors side. Despite that small „unfortunate“ event, Ugag learns „50% of basic fighting“. As small and barely mention-worthy „side effect“, craftsmen had to repair shields and swords every time Ugag and Little Ugag practiced with them.

Wotepchu gathering squad runs several times into fishermen squad. Same fishing squad that immortal called Xialo is part of. Xialo follows and learns how fishermen catch fish and learns "basic fishing with spear". When creatures of night take away one of the „more experienced fisherman“, his friends decide to give his tools to Xialo. That means Xialo gains Fishing Net and Fishing Spear. Xialo learns „Basic Fishing“. There's nothing much do be said about Xialo hunting trips – he gains nothing but loses nothing.

Wotepchu, is not only immortal who gathers herbs and plants for food – one immortal known under the name of Gaarth also gathers herbs in the same squad. Unlike Wotepchu, Gaarth gives many of the plants he gathers to young orc females. As Gaarth is not very smart, he soon decides to join two actions into one – he looks for plants and hauls dry firewood from forest - at the same time. This action is not smartest action Gaarth could do - as Gaarth has no bag to carry plants in, plants he manages to bring home have rather poor quality (as he is forced to carry dry logs and plants at the same time. This „minor problem“ is solved soon when one of the Orcish females gifts Gaarth a „shoulder bag“. At first most orcs laugh at Gaarths bag, but soon they relize that it is very useful thing to carry with meals or gathered plants. Gaarth gains „Shoulder bag“, Gaarth gains 1/2 female follower.

Maxwell who takes rather long time to decide what to do, eventually decides to practice with soldiers. He is lucky and does not have to practice with Ugag and by the end of season he learns 50% basic fighting.When Maxwell notices Ugag “accidents”, he decides to go for a walk in ruins instead – this is only a safety measure, to avoid “getting hit by Ugag famous flying axe”. His walks in ruins does not take him to huge treasures, as it seems most recoverable stuff has already been dug up. However one of the Maxwell scaveging trips is a success - he trips (and hits his knee) on something, when returning to village and as he takes closer look at what he tripped on ... he smiles. From the ground, piece of sword pommel sticks out – no one would have noticed this and all other orcs simply walked over this but Maxwell clumsiness found him a sword. It takes only half an hour to dig this sword out and find it is in semi-perfect order - only needs cleaning and some minor repairs. Rest of the season does not bring many noticeable findings.

Maxwell practicing

Immortal known under the name of Luke does not find anything in the ruins, but his attempts to help village make his reputation rise back to normal levels among crafters.

Stoll also helps to gather plants and, like most other plant gathers, he too is very successful. He manages to find small field full of eatable plants and many gathered roots can be conserved for rather long period of time. Thanks to this and several other (smaller) finds, he gains respect among farmers and learns 50% of basic herb knowledge. Evenings Stoll spends with military troops. At least 5 first evenings, on sixth evening he's finally ready for live training and faced off his first training match against Ugag – who, by accident, manages to break both Stoll hands. Not only that, but as Stoll rised back onto his feet, he discovered that Ugag had broken his shield and his inexperienced fall had damaged spear. To cover up pain and hide tears, Stoll runs, leaving his broken stuff behind – his „tactical retreat“ is often remembered with laugh among warriors.

Ugag, luke and Shuzurn with many other villagers attempt to catch sheep. They try to surround first herd and capture some sheep with their bare hands, this event is unsuccesful as only caught sheep suffocates when orcs try tie that poor animal up. Orcs then try to scare second herd into small sheep pen and they manage to scare half of the herd (roughly 10 sheep) into specifically built pen – unfortunately they also scare ram into pen, who smacks down small part of a fence and lets most sheep flee, only one is left into pen after orcs manage to close that open gap. Third herd is attempted to catch same way and this time "this method" nets 3 sheep after closing another broken gap. Fourth attempt goes totally „into woods“ as one very angry ram protects his herd and several orcish brothers are forced to seek first aid from the village. Last herd is also protected by rather big and mean ram, who manages to open way for his herd through orcish ranks. Sheep herd, running wild towards „freedom“ suddenly faces a large hole in the ground – unable to stop or slow down, many of them fall into this hole. However some manage to climb up the hole sides before orcish hunters manage to surround this pit. Big ram, following his herd closely behind and seeing them trapped and surrounded orcs charges towards Ugag and Little Ugag. Ugag, who stands his back towards ram, gets rather big blow from ram and falls together with his attacker into the pit. Fighting between Ugag and Ram goes on for several minutes, until Little Ugag throws fishermen net onto two fighters. An action what, at first, seemed reasonable soon turned out to be very bad decision – Both of the „gladiators“ get confused within web and manage to tie themselves together, worse yet is fact that Ugag is forced to kneel on ground and some of the panicked sheep run over him. Ugag bad luck is reversed by another Immortal known under name of Shuzurn. Shuzurn runs downhill and jumps onto net that holds both Ugag and ram together. After several minutes Ugag and Shuzurn manage to tie big and mean ram legs together with piece of a rope. As final day comes to an end, many orcs are leave wounded but many more sheep are closed into this pen. Big Ram is tied into center of the pen and soon sheep gather around him. However this rather small and fixed pen requires constant feeding and care, as one can't simply move pen from one place to another and these sheep are rather far from what we know under "domesticated".

Few of the near-twenty sheep in small pen

Elections for Overseer
Clansmen argue and vote. Few heads are smashed in and few leave with bruises but eventually they decide to declare Stoll as Overseer of the clan. There are some who oppose his right to count votes, but most agree that clever Stoll is best choise to fill seat of power.

With his new high position, Stoll gains respect (+1) and fame +2, Stoll gains 3 followers, Stoll gains low respect(+1) among shamans.

Fame - how well known your orc is, more known orcs have larger influence among clansmen
Respect - how likely it is that others, specially commoners listen to what you say.
Followers will follow and help their owner, unless instructed otherwise. All followers start out as commoners and they can learn only one speciality. Think of them as you "tribesmen" they do what you say and rarely if ever disagree with you.
Evening raids continue
This time despite of constant watchmen activity, losses are rather high:
3 kids, 5 farmers, 2 builders, one fisherman and one warrior. That one warrior was sent out to protect a kid while kid was doing her „business“. When screams of a child reach into sleeping houses, all warriors rush out. Warrior who was assigned to guard the girl was is found on the ground near potty hole and girl was nowhere to be seen. Warrior was covered with blood and he did not survive for long, but despite of wounds he managed to tell his companions:
„It was large. Large bird but I saw no feathers.... two smaller flied in its shadow, one grabbed me, I stabbed it ... my spear, it dropped me.“
It seems young warriors few words were truth as blood trail led from village towards Mountain of Horrors. Local Warriors tried to ambush these „birds“ but only twice saw them flying in the distance – first sighting was when when one warrior screamed to alert others, shadows turn around immidetly and flew back towards mountains. Second attempt to catch these flying horrors with using latern as warning signal also failed, as the moment creatures saw latern light they turn around flew back towards mountain. What are these creatures and why do they attack during night?

Was this bird something like this?

Wild brothers are accepted into clan but they are watched carefully by clan members. Several of these „brothers“ leave on one evening, when many are caught up with catching sheep or preparing pen for sheep. In total 2 soldiers and 2 commoners, leave but rest of the „Wild Brothers“ remain and are soon treated like native clan members. Where did those 4 wild brothers go? Why did they go? Will they come back? Their kinsmen do not know or maybe ... do not wish to answer these questions.

Factions doings

As most builders are caught up with building and planning new sheep pen, only minor repairs and improvements are done in the village.

Hunters continue their hunting trips into forest, but it seems that most wild pigs have left caves or moved deeper inside. Several hunting parties which dare to move into caves return with wounds and low catch – it seems tunnel network is rather massive and boars who hide in the tunnels fight back much harder than on open ground. Why are boars hiding inside of the caves? Are all herd in the caves or did some leave?

Trap Line
Trap network that was built around village works very well during summer. It seems trap line was built on grassland what many young rabbits prefer to use as a feeding ground. Almost every third trap catches young rabbit during two days (traps are checked with two day intervals). This lucky event brings much rabbit meat and makes up for unsuccessful hunting parties.

Thanks to help of many volunteers, irrigation is finally finished - despite hitting some natural obstacles (rocks, digging into natural spring and breaking several spades). Accidentally digging into natural underground river made a small fountain burst out of one part of irrigation. This means that normally water does not flow from river to fields but from fields towards river – only on hottest summer days irrigation started flowing „backwards“ that means from river towards fields. In the long run, if river flows from fields towards river is better than backwards running – as this way, water stays much cleaner. But in general, it does not matter wich way irrigation flows, there's enough extra water to wash i and drink from even after watering plants.

Gathering wild plants
Several gatherer groups were sent out and they returned with bags full of eatable and other-wise usable plants. This succesfull event brings many more volunteer gatherers and even groups who were accompanied by only one farmer were rather successful with their findings. Many eatable plants were gathered and several groups returned with healing herbs. If food income of gathering wild plants, hunting, trapping and fishing is added together overall income is quite a bit large if compared to last season income.

Craftsmen are rather busy repairing broken stuff, fixing traps and they even fix two broken axes (one belonging to luke and one what Stoll broke).

Fishermen scout river and find several good fishing spots. As craftsmen manage to repair several fishing nets and other fishing tools, fishermen net gain increases. Despite using same old spot on the river for fishing, fishing income is relatively high and newly found net-technic catches many gigant frogs – what taste rather well when cooked and flavored with herbs.

Many of woodcutters dare to go back into wood chopping business when accompanied by small number of guards. First days of chopping on forest edge do not bring many wild animal attacks (exept one bear whose sleeping was distubed by woodcutters. This bear was scared away by warriors accompaning wood cutters). After these first days, many more orcs return into chopping business. Despite of overall calmness of forest, cutters were very careful and chose separated forest junctions to chop down – this carefulness did not damage wood income by much and much wood is brought into village.

Accepting newly found brothers among village ranks was a good choise and newly accepted soldiers gladly show their best moves to inexperienced warriors. Despite of many bruises and several deep cuts, training goes rather well.

Are quiet as usual.


New medical herb discovered

Plant gathers bring home interesting new plant, plant is later indetified by shamans as „regeplant“. Regeplant boost wounds recovery rate but one who uses this plant experience increased need for eating and drinking – if needs are not met, user will go insane.

How this herb looks like

Smoke in the distance
One of the children notices small smoke pillar rising from South. Did someone lit that used fireplace or did bull-creatures burn another village?

If you listen how orcish women described this smoke, you'd imagine it to look similar to this, in reality smoke pillar was barely visible

Several Hoof-prints found in the woods
Several large hoof prints are found in the wounds by hunting party, but it is unsure whatever these belong to bull-creatures or some wild animal.

Clan changes
Village changes

Irrigation finished
Woodcutters are brave enough to cut wood in forest side again
Small sheep pen is built
Sheep pen houses 18 sheep and 1 ram
Food income very high
Many young orcs train with soldiers
People are afraid of southern fires
People are afraid of evening bird-creatures

Supplies at the begging of Autumn:
Water: irrigation 100 meters from village
Food: medium income from Trap line, medium-high from farm, irregular small-medium hunting income, regular "low-medium" income from fishing
Wood: very low (most trees around village have been cut and most cutters are afraid to go into woods)
Bars: very low, mainly poor quality what could be salvaged from ruins
Ores: Some rocks piled nicely into village

Granary stocks:
Medium - 2/3rd of what is needed to survive winter on "normal" rations
10 units of healing herbs

Gormandash-Goro population changes
- 3 kids,
- 5 farmers,
- 2 builders,
- 1 fisherman,
- 3 warriors (1 to flying creatures, 3 left),
- 2 commoners (left with wild brothers)
Total: 16

+ 7 kids Will be Grownup by next autumn
+ 6 warriors (from wild brothers)
+ 2 commoners (from wild brothers)
Total: 15

Factions decisions

Up to overseer

Builders: Argue among themselves what to do next
Hunters: Argue if they should continue hunting boars or should they find new hunting targets instead
Craftsmen: Argue what to craft
Farmers: Need more forkforce on field - to gather ripe plants.
Fishermen: Ask for guards
Warriors: Ask more volunteers to train against new possible enemy, ask help against bird-creatures.

Some would attempt to go with hunters/fishermen
Few would train for defence
None would chop wood (If guarded, some would chop wood)
Few would help builders
Few would gather editable plants under guidance of farmers.

Most are scared of “horned ones”, mermaids and forest creatures.

Village gains
25 sheep (1 ram), 10 units of healing herbs, 11 fishing nets,

Immortals changes
NB! Basic fighting means handling all weapons on basic level and dodging - You can still learn basic swordsmanship for an example.

Chill Bill - learns basic trapping
Luke - Learns how to char spear tips, 50% of basic fighting, reputation among crafters restored
Wotepchu Broadhand - Learns "basic herb knowledge", gains 2 healing herbs
Ugag - 50% of basic fighting, gains one follower (up from 1/2)
Xialo - Learns basic fishing with a spear, gains Fishing Net and Fishing Spear
Gaarth - gains shoulder bag, gains 1/2 follower
Maxwell - Gains med quality sword, learns 50% basic fighting
Stoll - Learns 50% of basic herb knowledge, loses one action (due broken hands)
Shuzurn - gains reputation
Gorrik - Learns how to char spear tips, learns 50% of basic fighting

Moderator rants
Sorry for poor English.
Map update will come later
Part two will be updated by todays evening
Changes in stats (on front page) will come later today
Please point out any mistakes.
Hope this update is "good enough"
OOC: Damn you hbar, you reminded me of a time when I was praticing fencing; a guy perried my blade so hard that it snapped the blade in half.

EDIT: Anyways, back to business.

IC: We seem to have a myriad of threats to take care of.

First of all, the evening bird attack. We can solve this threat by killing the birds (fat chance), scaring away the birds (BUT HOW!), or removing the possibility of attack (huh?)

Killing the bird seems to be a very difficult task as a bird that was stabbed by a spear still managed to fly its way home.

Scaring the bird away seems to be very temporary.

Removing the threat, now, the birds only attack when we go outside to "do our business" at night. If we remove the need to go outside, then the bird would not be able to get to us. I suggest we enlarge the sleeping houses and add an indoor pottyhouse to them. This raises some other issues such as sanitation and the smell, but I guess that is better than getting eaten by the birds.

Other threat that you guys have been very, very vocal about is the Horned ones. Now, we never actually saw them before, but we all know that they are fierce according to our wild brothers. We should start preparing for our evantual encounter. Building a palisade around our village may work, but that means that builders may not have enough resources to enlarge our sleeping houses.

Alternatively we can just improve our shelter for the coming winter. It's gonna be freezing, people.
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