The Map and Technology Features
Resources/Terrains/Map Improvements
Terrain Types
Grassland - +2 Food, 33% defence, 1 movement cost
Plains - +1 Production, +1 Food, -33% Defence, 1 movement cost
Desert - no production, -33% Defence, movement cost 1
Snow - no production, -33% Defence, 1 movement cost
Tundra - +1 food, -33% Defence, 1 movement cost
Hills - +2 production, +25% defence, movement cost 2, rough terrain
Coast - +1 food, +1 commerce, movement cost 1
Ocean - +1 food, +1 commerce, movement cost 1
Terrain Features
Fallout - -3 food, -3 production, -3 gold, -33% Defence, 2 movement cost, can be removed by workers
Flood Plains - +2 Food, -33% Defence, 1 movement cost, found next to rivers
Forest - +1 Food, +1 Production (no matter what terrain they are on) +25% Defence, 2 movement cost
Ice - no production, impassable except for air units and submarine units
Jungle - +1 food, -1 Production,+25% Defence, 2 movement cost, when chopped they become plains
Marsh - -1 Food, 2 movement cost, -33% Defence
Oasis - +3 Food, 1 movement cost, -33% Defence, only in desert tiles
Rivers - +25% defence bonus defending across a river, +1 Gold to surrounding tiles, crossing a river uses all your remaining movement points
Natural Wonders
These are unique features on the map which give a bonus to your civ's happiness when you find them and a continuing bonus if you found a city near them
They are impassable except for air units and produce +2 Production, +3 Gold
Known Natural Wonders:
Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, USA
The Great Barrier Reef in the Coral Sea, Queensland, Australia - As it expands across two tiles it gives a bigger bonus than usual
Mount Fuji in Chūbu region, Honshū, Japan
Barringer Crater in Arizona, USA
Lake Titicaca on the Border of Peru and Bolivia
Grand Mesa in Grand Mesa National Forest, Colorado, USA
Krakatoa in the Sunda Strait, Indonesia
Mt. Everest on the border of Nepal and China [Tibet]
Rock of Gibraltar in Gibraltar, The United Kingdom of Great Brittan and Northern Ireland
Luxury Resources
Cotton - +2 Gold. found on grasslands, plains and desert, needs a plantation
Dyes - +2 Gold. found on jungle and forest, needs a plantation
Furs - +2 Gold. found on tundra and forest, needs a camp
Gems - +3 Gold. found on jungle, grassland, plains, desert and tundra, needs a mine
Gold - +2 Gold. found on grasslands, plains, desert and hills, needs a mine
Incense - +2 Gold. found on desert and plains, needs a plantation
Ivory - +2 Gold. found on plains, needs a camp
Marble - +2 Gold. found on grassland, plains, desert and tundra, needs a quarry
Pearls - +2 Gold. found on coast, needs fishing boats
Silk - +2 Gold. found on forest, needs a plantation
Silver - +2 Gold. found on tundra, desert and hills, needs a mine
Spices - +2 Gold. found on jungle, needs a plantation
Sugar - +2 Gold. found on flood plains and marsh, needs a plantation
Whale - +1 Gold, +1 Food. found on coast, needs fishing boats
Wine - +2 Gold. found on grasslands and plains, needs a plantation
One Luxury Resources is enough for your entire Empire
Strategic Resources
Aluminium - +1 Production, found on plains, desert, tundra and hills, Revealed by Electricity, needs a mine, needed to build - Helicopter Gunship, Jet Fighter, Missile Cruiser, Mobile SAM, Modern Armor, Rocket Artillery, Stealth Bomber, Nuclear Submarine, Hydro Plant, Spaceship Factory
Coal - +1 Production, found on grasslands, plains and hills, needs a mine, Revealed by Scientific Theory, needs a mine, needed to build - Ironclad, factory
Horses - +1 Production, found on Plains, grassland and tundra, Revealed by Animal Husbandry, needs a pasture, required to build - Chariot Archer, Companion Cavalry, Horseman, Cavalry,
Cossack,Lancer, Sipahi, Camel Archer, Knight, Mandekalu Cavalry, Stable, Circus
Iron - +1 Production, found on grasslands, plains, desert, tundra, snow or hills, needs a mine, Revealed by Iron Working, required for - Ballista, Catapult, Mohawk Warrior, Swordsman, Longswordsman, Samurai, Trebuchet, Frigate, Ship of the Line, Anti-Aircraft Gun, Anti-Tank Gun, Zero, Forge
Oil - +1 production, found on Jungle, Marsh, Desert, Tundra, Snow and Ocean, needs an oil well or offshore platform, Revealed by Biology, required for Battleship, Carrier, Fighter, Panzer, Submarine, Tank, Zero, B17, Bomber
Uranium - +1 production, found on Forests, Jungle, Marsh, Grassland, Plains, Desert, Tundra,
Snow and Hills, needs a mine, Revealed by Atomic Theory, required for Giant Death Robot, Atomic Bomb, Nuclear Missile, Nuclear Plant
One strategic resources will only allow you to build a limited supply of units that require that resource i.e. one Iron will allow about 5 units bases on Iron
Bonus Resources
Bananas - +1 food, found in jungles, needs a plantation
Cattle - +1 food, found on grasslands, needs a pasture
Deer - +1 food, found on hills, tundra and forest, needs a camp
Fish - +2 Food, found on coast, needs fishing boasts
Sheep - +1 Food, found on Grasslands, plains, desert and hills, needs pasture
Wheat +1 Food, found on flood plains and plains, needs farm
Worker Improvements
Camp - Used to accesses Ivory, Deer and Fur, increases the production of Gold from Ivory and Furs and Food from Deer, Requires Trapping
Farm - +1 Food, Can be built on Grassland, Plains and Desert Tiles as well as built on hills that are adjacent to a river, requires Agriculture
Fort - Provides a defence bonus to the tile, can not be used in enemy territory, requires Engineering
Lumber Mill - Increases the production yield of forest tiles, requires Engineering
Mine - Increases the production of a tile, gives access to several resources like Coal, Gold and Iron, can only be built on hills, requires Mining
Oil Well - Provides access to Oil, Requires Biology
Pasture - Used to get access to Horses, Cattle & Sheep, provided production bonus for Horses and Cattle and a food bonus for Sheep, requires Animal Husbandry
Plantation - Used to get access to Bananas, Silk, Sugar, Wine & Incense
Quarry - Gains access to Marble resource, provides bonus in both gold and production
Trading Post - Increased gold output of map titles, can be built on Grassland, Plains, Desert, & Tundra tiles, Requires Trapping
Road - Increases the movement speed of units moving along them, Connecting cities to your capital will provide a large amount of gold per turn, Costs 1 gold per turn to maintain, Requires The Wheel.
Railroad - Significantly increases the movement speed of units moving across them, Connecting cities to your capital by Railroad will give them a Production bonus, Costs 2 gold per turn to maintain, Requires Railroad
Work Boat Improvements
Fishing Boats - Used to gain access to Fish, Whales, and Pearls resources. Increases the gold yield of the tile for Whale & Pearls and the food production of the Fish, Requires Sailing
Offshore Platform - Provides access to an oil resource found in the sea, Requires Refrigeration
Great People Improvements
Academy - +5 Tech, Built by great scientist
Citadel - +100% defence bonus for unit in tile, any unit next to Citadel at the end of there turn is damaged 3 points, Built by Great General
Customs House - Built by Great Merchant
Landmark - Built by Great Artist
Manufactory - Built by Great Engineer
Ancient Ruins
Ancient Ruins (Goody Huts) will be making a return to Civ , some of the things you can find in them include:
Ancient treasure which provides gold to your civilization.
A map of the surrounding area.
Weapons upgrades. The unit which enters the tile is upgraded to a more advanced unit (a warrior might become a spearman, for example)
Survivors from the earlier civilization. They move to one of your cities, increasing its population by one.
A one-time boost to your culture.
On the easier difficulty levels, ruins can also provide you with free settlers and workers - 2k Greg
Technologies & Research
With a gold down-payment two nations can create a joint research project
(Computer Bild Spiele) that gives the players a 15% bonus to research output.
Ancient Era Techs
Animal Husbandry - Unlocks the use of Pastures and reveals Horses
Sailing - Unlocks Lighthouse, Fishing Nets,
Calendar - Needed to see Cotton
Writing - Unlocks research pacts
Trapping - Can Construct Camps, Trading Post
The Wheel
Masonry - Allows construction of Walls
Bronze Working
Classical Era Techs
Horseback Riding
Mathematics - Unlocks catapult and courthouse
Iron Working
Medieval Era Techs
Civil Service
Currency - Unlocks Machu Picchu, Market
Engineering - Unlocks lumbermills and forts
Metal Casting
Renaissance Techs
Acoustics - Unlocks Opera House, Sistine Chapel and Angkor Wat
Military Science
Printing Press
Scientific Theory
Industrial Techs
Replaceable Parts
Steam Power - Unlocks Factory and Ironclad
Modern Techs
Electronics - Unlocks Mechanised Infantry
Mass Media
Radar - Unlocks Bomber & Paratrooper
Atomic Theory
Ecology - Unlocks the Solar Plant
Lasers - Unlocks modern armour and jet fighter
Nuclear Fusion
Satellites - Unlocks guided missile
Advanced Ballistics
Future Era
Particle Physics
Nuclear Fusion
Future Tech