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Suggestions of mods for potential inclusion in CCV


Feb 13, 2004
I would like to dedicate this thread to suggestions for potential additions to the awesome CCV mod.
As I know that you, Thomas SG, don’t have that much time these days I will limit myself to mods and modcomponents that I have come across in the mods and modcomponents forums hoping that it will be easier for you to implement these ideas. Moreover, since I am fond of the approach of CCV of mainly improving and upgrading game mechanics and adding new ones which add value to the player’s game experience while refraining from overburdening the mod with hundreds of new civs, units, techs etc., I will try to limit myself to suggestions of such mods and mod modcomponents that make changes to game mechanics like RevDCM does or to the presentation of the game like the BUG mod does.
All of these ideas are only meant as suggestions. Take whatever you think is appropriate and will add value to CCV and skip whatever you think doesn’t fit the concept of CCV.
1.) Advanced Diplomacy
from “A New Dawn” Mod (Afforess): http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=9414097&postcount=4

“Advanced Diplomacy adds depth and realism, making diplomacy dangerous and important for any player that wants to succeed. The AI is fully aware of all the new diplomacy options, and will trade for them, or in return for them.
• Embassies
o Embassies are a vital agreement that must be made before Open Borders or any form of alliance can be made with any other civilizations.
• Right of Passage
o Rights of Passage are a limited form of Open Borders. They only allow non-combatants and trade through the borders.
• Contact
o Players can sell contact with other civilizations, if they have not met the third party.
• Trading Workers
o Players can buy and sell workers on the market.
• Trading Military Units
o Heavy Military units, like Aircraft, ships, and siege machinery can be bought and sold to other players.
• Trading Corporation HQ's
o Players can sell and buy the headquarter of corporations.
• New AI Memories
o The AI will know when you start lots of wars between others, or when you backstab a good friend. Don't expect them to forgive you for being manipulative. However, deciding NOT to declare war when asked may grant you better relations with the targeted nation.
2.) Dynamic and Fractional Experience Gain
from “A New Dawn” Mod (Afforess): http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=9414097&postcount=4

“Unit XP is now saved in fractional values, and units gain experience dynamically, depending on their battle success and the odds. The less likely a unit will win a battle, the more XP it will receive, to a maximum of 6XP attacking or 3XP defending. Units will always receive a minimum of 0.25XP. In battle, the less health the units lose, the more XP the units can earn, so that players are forced to make more strategic attacks, and that players can no longer gain significant amounts of XP by attacking very weak units.”
3.) Realistic Corporations
from “A New Dawn” Mod (Afforess): http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=9414097&postcount=4

"Corporations are no longer state-controlled entities. While the State may own the city a corporation operates in, or the headquarters for the corporation, they can not control it's spread, except in extreme circumstances. No Executives or units that can spread corporations can be trained, except when using a civic that blocks foreign corporations. Corporations are no longer founded by units, buildings, or otherwise. Instead they are founded by a little bit of luck, and some strategy. Each turn, the game will check and try to found corporations if the conditions are right. It will favor cities that offer the best situation for the corporation, so having cities with most, or all, of the resources a corporation needs will prove beneficial. Being more technologically advanced helps to a small degree. Further, having civics that boost corporations that are beneficial will help too, but more on that later. The game will roll dice each turn to try to found the Headquarters, and if the roll beats the odds, one will be formed. Also happening each turn, every city checks for nearby corporations, (almost exactly the same religion spread works now) and will try to spread a corporation to your city. If your cities are more beneficial to the corporation, the faster they will expand. Having large road networks will help you expand corporations more quickly. Now that Corporation Spread is out of your control, there is one new factor in the player's control. Instead of paying "Maintenance" to corporations, you can decide to tax, or subsidize corporations. Subsidizing them will cost you money, but will cause corporations to favor your cities and spread more quickly to your cities. Taxing corporations will generate revenue for your nation but will slow corporation spread. If you tax corporations too much (compared to other nations), corporations may decide to close their businesses in your cities, and will not return until conditions improve. Corporations are now essentially state-less entities that will spread in your cities if you are receptive to their needs. You can use them to boost culture, production, or fulfill other needs, and generate an income too; all while reducing micromanagement for the player.”
7). Influence-Driven Explorers:

Explorers can spend a movement point on a completely unowned by any civ tile to claim it. E.g. they grant 50% cultural ownership to that tile.

Explorers can't counterclaim tiles that have partial ownership by any civ.

Optional: Explorers can counter-claim tiles if they are only claimed by Barbarian. E.g. they give 50% cultural ownership to that tile.
Of course the AI Barbarian will be programmed to reclaim those tiles by force. :)

EDIT: My bad, this is not an existent mod, just one I've had in mind a while.
4.) Hunting animals mechanics (I already mentioned that, but thought to include it here as well)
implemented in Quot Capita (avain): http://forums.civfanatics.com/showpost.php?p=6428498&postcount=1

Sidebar: There are earlier mods like this for Vanilla. The Lopez did one I believe.

E.g. your Elephants can migrate until you hunt them down to one tile.

And also FFH2's menagerie has similar mechanism. E.g. a type of recon unit could capture animals and either settle them in a city or settle them on a tile within the city's influence.
8). Casu Belli and Reptuation (per EU3):

It's more difficult to declare war without a valid reason (e.g. mere gain is not valid) due to honor/reputation.
Refusing to go to war when in an alliance will cause a loss of honor/reputation.
Declaring war without Casu Belli will cause a loss of honor/reputation.

Low honor/reputation is simply reflected as negative diplomacy modifiers held by other civs about your own.

Possible tie-in to Revolutions mod is a lack of political stability due sudden drops or cumulatively low honor/reputation.

EDIT: Sorry again, this is merely an idea, not a mod pre-existent.
Sidebar: There are earlier mods like this for Vanilla. The Lopez did one I believe.

Do you have a link for the mod/modcomp you mentioned? I was searching for a modcomp/standalone mod with the hunting mechanics, but couldn't find one.
I'm still looking (I'll re-edit this post if I find more):

1. http://www.civ4.com/mod_20.htm TheLopez Water Animal mod. I haven't checked this exactly but I think this might help with resources as animals that migrate and might translate to a land-based mod.

2. Grand Menagerie components of FFH2 mod.
Scenario for Fall From Heaven 2.

Some of the problem is that this website has been hacked many many times in the past an old modders might not have returned to re-upload some things.
1.) Advanced Diplomacy
3.) Realistic Corporations

I agree with these. Absolutely essential mods...;)
The Lopez updated his Route Pillage Mod which might be an interesting addition. IIUC, it allows to pillage roads and disconnect cities while sparing improvements.
I found another interesting modcomp which makes the game more dynamic: The Lopez's Decaying Resources Mod?
It appears, though, that it still needs some polishing. But I am sure The Lopez will quickly find solutions for the reported issues.
I just came across this BTS speed mod and thought you might want to have a look whether there is something to help you speed up CCV even more. :)
Just in case the lack of Great Doctors pics kept you from implementing the Great Person images: smeagolheart has published some Great Doctors pics.

Oh and btw, the new version of BAT (the BUG mod with additional graphics etc.) has now also implemented "Events with images": ;)

Ok kiddies, the long awaited next release of the BAT Mod is finally here!

Mods included in BAT 3.0:
•NEW! Events with Images Mod by asioasioasio, Renegade Chicken and EmperorFool. Images by Arian.

Btw, do you think Lemon Merchant's movies could be of interest for you once you start polishing CCV? (I wasn't able to look at them yet. Too busy with CCV. ;) ):
Spoiler :

•NEW! Lemon's Movie Mod by Lemon Merchant, with slices, dices, and interpolations of music from Cybrxkhan's Diplomacy Music Packs. Used with his gracious permission.
A note about the movie mod:
These are little movies for the Shrines and National Wonders. The available ones for download were very good, but so darn long, and i felt that they broke the flow of the game. I created new ones with an individual length of 15 seconds each, with new music, so that they would be a little less obtrusive. The music has also had the volume leveled out so that it's closer to the volume levels in the game.
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