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Feature descriptions / Komponentenbeschreibungen

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Jump Jets
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Allows to define and use units as real jump jets. Jump Jets can use smaller carriers with the - Advanced Cargo - and they can start and land from forts while normal jets require in CCV a military airbase.




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Hybrid Helicopters
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Allows helicopters to move more realistic. Helicopters have now a dynamic airrange. Within this range they can do recon missions or firststrike attacks. They return to where they started after the mission. And with Hybrid Helicopters it's also possible to jump over small water areas. In combination with - Advanced Cargo - helicopters can use carriers and with - Firststrike Attack - even attack sea targets.



Cold War
basic mod / inspiration: TheLopez (MAD Nukes Mod)
modification / update: Thomas SG, macsbug

Cold War is a modification of the M.A.D. Nukes Mod (Mutually Assured Destruction Nukes Mod). It changes the way that nuclear armed units work in the game depending on the configuration of the mod. By using this mod cities can be completely destroyed including all of the units in the city and the plot the city is on is devistated and reduced to a water plot.

Especially, players are able to target the cities of their enemies and future enemies with their nuclear warheads once they have discovered the satellites technology.




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Great Generals From Barbarian Combat
basic mod / inspiration: TheLopez (Great Generals From Barbarian Combat)
modification / update: Thomas SG

Allows barbarians to have great generals and non-barbarian players to generate great generals through combat against barbarians.

Motivated Defenders
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Defenders of the capital or a holy city have an additional defence bonus of 20%.

Capture Persons
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Makes it possible to capture persons and make them work for you. You can capture and turn round missionaries, inquisitors, executives and great persons. If there is a limit for the captured unit type it doesn’t matter. It may just stop the training of a new unit of this type.

Force Production Infrastructure
basic mod / inspiration: TheLopez (Multi-Building Unit Requirement)
modification / update: Thomas SG

If enabled many units will require advanced buildings in a city to be trained. So especially the loss of buildings by air bombardments may weaken your infrastructure and make it impossible to build the best unit types available. The required buildings are shown in the hints and pedia.

Here an example screen:




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Unit Era Art
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

This makes it possible to have an individual era unit art style for each era, rather than merely in groups of early, middle and late. The new art styles are called Ancient, Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, Industrial, IndustrialLate, Modern, ModernLate and Future artdefinetag. The ancient works as the default arttag.

The IndustrialLate is used in industrial era if "Assembly Line" is discovered or later eras.
The ModernLate is used if "Stealth" is discovered.

The old arttags Early, Middle and Late will work also. But the game uses them with lower priority!

Dynamic Civ Names
basic mod / inspiration: jdog5000 (Dynamic Civ Names)
modification / update: Thomas SG

This component renames civs based on their civics choices and other status factors. A civs names will change many times over the course of a game. While it has no actual effect on gameplay, it adds dynamic variety to the game.

Dynamic Civ Nation
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

Requires Dynamic Civ Names! This component changes the civ description itself. As an example the English start as Anglosaxian but become British and English over the course of a game. The flag also changes by era!

If playing with - Dynamic Civ Leader (version 4.07+) - even the leader may influence the shown flag! In his historical leader era a special flag can be used! So for example Germany shows in the industrial era if under the rule of Hitler the Swastika. In other eras or under the rule of another leader another flag is shown.

Here three screens from the same game:




Dynamic Civ Leader
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

This component changes the leader of a nation depending on the current player era. So for example Louis IX or Napoleon will rule France in the Renaissance while De Gaulle will rule in the Industrial Era.

Dynamic Civ Leader looks best if playing with - Dynamic Civ Names and Dynamic Civ Nation -.

Here two example screens from the same game (with Dynamic Civ Names and Dynamic Civ Nation):



The Great Commandment
basic mod / inspiration: killmeplease (Commanders)
modification / update: Thomas SG

This component changes the leader behaviour to make a leader more individual.

When a Great General is born he gets by random one of the three promotions - leadership, tactics and morale. These promotions are given now to the leader himself and there is no other way to get these promotions! And now these promotions will work for all units (of the same domain) on the same plot! Units will get them if they are on the same plot on gameturn start or when the Great General is born. They get the promotion for one whole turn! So the promotion will stay even if the unit leaves the stack with the leader.

Even if the Great General leads a special unit of a stack his special leader promotion will take effect for the complete stack and not just for his unit! Furthermore the leader will give his 10 free XP just to the unit he is going to lead.

But while these three promotions are exclusive for Great Generals all units with a Commander (this is now for almost all units a valid promotion!) can get now nine new promotions. The commander can get these new promotions! Like the unit itself the commander collects experience points through combat. But the commander promotions work different. They are not given to the stack they are just working for this one unit.

And the best at the end -> the AI knows how to use it!!!






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Next War
basic mod / inspiration: Paul Murphy
modification / update: Thomas SG

With version 4.08 finally comes the Next War into CCV. You will notice some differences between the CCV version and the original version but at last it's Next War. If you don't want to play with the futuristic techs, buildings and units just disable the futuristic era by gameoption. The space race is not touched!

Here a screen with the disabled futuristic techs:




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    Next War.JPG
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Limited Era Progress
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

The techs off all eras can be enabled/disabled by a gameoption! So you can limit the progress for example to the renaissance era. There is an option for each era.

With the futuristic era you enable Next War.
basic mod / inspiration: avain (Terraforming, Forest Planting mod)
modification / update: Thomas SG

CCV allows to do three terraforming opperations. And all of them got now a good AI support!

Put the AI to an absolutly flat area without hills and trees so it will plant some forests to produce more :hammers:. Put the AI into a desert area and it will transform the desert to plains. And put the AI in an area full of hills it will make parts of the area flat to produce enough and efficient :food:.

Replant Forests

With the discover of paper workers become able to replant forests on grassland, plains and tundra. The workers build a tree nursery that will produce in 20 turns (normal game speed) a new forest. Of course the trees will grow without being worked by a city. But a tree nursery needs enough water for the young trees! So replanting in the plains may be impossible before you got good water wells with steam power (-> Natural and Artificial Irrigation) .

Terraform Desert to Plains

With the discover of ecology workers become able to transform desert to plains. The workers build a terraform dome in the desert that will transform in 40 turns (normal game speed) the desert to plains. Of course the transform will go on without being worked by a city. When finished the dome will be removed and a new fructuous area is yours.

Terraform Hills to Flatlands

With the discover of ecology workers become able to transform hills to flatlands. The workers start immediately to flatten the landscape. When finished a new flat area ideal for farming is yours.



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Airbomb Missions
basic mod / inspiration: Dale (Dale's Combat Mod)
modification / update: Thomas SG

CCV allows now air units to do up to ten different missions. And the AI knows to use them all and much smarter than ever before! The successrate depends on the choosed mission and your technology. And the damage also depends on the bombard capability of the unit type.

AI Bombardment

Let the AI choose the mission for you. The AI will select the target for you exactly the same way it would select it for itself. There is no unfair advantage for the AI in combat against you.

Area Bombardment

Allows you to bombard an area without special target. But the risk of bombarding civil targets is high. So if you want to bombard an unrevealed area this is your mission. If you want to destroy civil buildings to reduce the :culture: :science: :commerce: output of a city this is your mission, too. But always keep in mind that the risk to kill civilian population is high!

Precision Bombardment

Precision bombardments are difficult. And so the chance to hit what you want is lower than to hit anything with the area bombard mission. The chance for a successful strike may even vary a bit from mission to mission. It's easier to destroy an aircraft on the ground than to destroy a nuclear silo. It's easier to find the harbor and to damage or even sink a ship than to find an industrial area and to destroy all the production buildings. And keep in mind that also a precision bombardment can miss it's target and hit something else or civilians.

But the chances to hit what you really want can be improved by technology! Computer and Laser increase the basic hit chance by 100%. So if there is a chance of 30% for your early bombers there is a chance of 90% for your stealth bombers. But don't get it wrong. The increased chance doesn't depend on the unit type. After the discover of computer and laser also your early bombers may drop smart bombs.

Bombard Defense
Allows you to bombard city defense percentage. Also allows to bombard improvements that act as cities or airbases.

Bombard Units
Allows you to bombard units. And CCV knows no aircombat limit. You can sink ships, destroy tanks,...

Bombard Cargo Units
Allows you to bombard cargo units (instead of the best defender) if they are in the open sea.

Bombard Seaport
Allows you to bombard anchoring ships in cities and improvements. And to damage or sink an anchoring ship is much easier than to do the same in the open sea!

Bombard Airport
Allows you to bombard aircrafts on the ground in cities and improvements. There is no easier way to destroy them.

Bombard Industrial Buildings
Allows you to bombard industrial city buildings. And if you need infrastructur to produce units (-> Force Production Infrastructure) your enemy may be soon in big trouble.

Bombard Military Buildings
Allows you to bombard military city buildings.

Bombard Nuclear Silo
Allows you to bombard nuclear silos with the chance to destroy some or even all ICBMs. And of course the silo itself can be destroyed, too.

Bombard Current Production
Allows you to bombard the current city production. Use heavy bombers instead of small fighters for maximum effect!

Bombard Routes
Allows you to bombard traffic systems outside of cities.



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Advanced Nuke Effect
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

The new system is very complex. The idea is that the hit terrain between you and the detonation will influence the done damage. Lets have a look at an example. The plot in the middle will be nuked with a nuke of radius 2 for illustration. This the power of the super strategic bomber in CCV.


And that's the result.


As you can see the damage is reduced in dependece of the terrain. Here some information about the base damage reduction:

- 20% for city, forest and jungle
- 40% for hills
- 100% for peaks

Furthermore all nuke explosion will loose power from inside to outside. The minimum damage is 10%. The intervall over the whole explosion area is 35% - 135% damage. So if a nuke of radius 0 is used (just hits the detonation plot) all units get a basic random damage of 35% - 135%. In the example from above the basic random damage is from inside to outside 101%-135% -> 68%-101% -> 35%-68% (without reduction from terrain protection). So you may just survive the bomb from above in the center plot if you are in a city or better in a city in the hills. But even if you survive you are almost dead.

Conclusion: There is now a real difference between the tactical nuke (1), the strategic nuke/ICBM/strategic bomber fleet (9) and the super strategic bomber (21).


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Culture by Trade Routes
basic mod / inspiration: TheLopez (Culture Over Trade Routes)
modification / update: Thomas SG

Trade routes will gain money as well as culture to a city. The value of the culture bonus (+1-3:culture: per route and turn) depends on the culturally development of the trading partner. So trade with good developed cities may push the development of your own city culutre but if it is a foreign trade route it will also bring foreign influence to your city with all consequences!




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Advanced Support
basic mod / inspiration: Thomas SG
modification / update: -

While in BTS the upkeep is the same for all units (1:gold:/turn and unit) it's no more in CCV if you are playing with Advanced Support.

The Advanced Support defines an individual unit support for all unit types. The new unit upkeep has two components - a gold component and a population component! While the gold component is the same as in BTS (individual and increased) the population component is a new concept.
All units require a defined number of humans. And so you got a defined number of required humans over all your units. But if your population is too small in relation to the needed population the upkeep cost will increase. For each missing population point you will need to pay 1 extra gold!

As a result the total number of units is decreased; especially in the later eras. A typical empire can support 50 - 150 units. So Advanced Support reduces the effect of SoDs and slow turn times in the later eras.





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