Save games in the normal way does not work


Hates acronyms
Nov 25, 2007
So, um, the only way I can save my game is through quick-save, autosave, and on the Steam Cloud.

Is this normal? When I just go in the save game menu and I don't click on the steam cloud check, I type in a name, I try pressing enter, or clicking on SAVE, but nothing happens. Quicksaving works... As does Steamcloud.

I can play for now, but this is rather irritating.

EDIT: Dang, I meant to post this in technical support. Oh well.
I'm having a slightly weird bug. I can't do a regular save.
To clear this up a bit.

Quick save works.
Steam cloud works.
Autosave works.

However, when I just go to "save game" and type in a name then hit "Save", nothing happens. no error message, no sound, just nothing.

Am I missing something?
Similar issue here. I have the Legions mod installed. It seems the game may treat modded saves different from games in the normal game. I say this because when i try to save, I can see my old saves from an un-modded game, but not any new saves. I can see the modded save when I go to load however, but can't load any modded save file. I get the message that the save file is not compatible with the mod.

However, like you, my autosave and steamcloud save files will load just fine.
I think modded saves have to be loaded from the mod menu.
I had this last night, but it works fine this morning. Steam downloaded a ~900 KB update for Civ5 when I started it this morning, so that's likely the fix. Check to make sure you're not playing in offline mode if you still have this issue.

EDIT: I mean I had the issue of not being able to save normally. I haven't tried any mods yet so I don't know anything about that problem.
I had this last night, but it works fine this morning. Steam downloaded a ~900 KB update for Civ5 when I started it this morning, so that's likely the fix. Check to make sure you're not playing in offline mode if you still have this issue.

EDIT: I mean I had the issue of not being able to save normally. I haven't tried any mods yet so I don't know anything about that problem.
900 KB update today, different from the 995 MB update yesterday (on top of the pre-load)? Ok, let's see if that is it.

Note: related thread here

A guy found a guide on ign (down here), and one of the things it says is this:

20# Can’t Save Games on Local Hard Drive
At your desktop, navigate to your “My Games” folder then to the “Sid Meier’s Civilization 5? folder. Find the Config.ini file, right click and select “Edit”.

Scroll down to the section [Game], which is about 75% down the list. The third option under that is what you are looking for. It will look like this:

; Save Path – relative to working (Civ5) folder
FileName =

You need to put in the directory location of the “Saves” folder in the blank spot after FileName =

It should then look similar to this (check your own directory, it is different on different OS):

FileName = C:\Users\(Your Username)\Documents\My Games\Sid Meier’s Civilization 5\Saves\

Save the Config.ini file after your modification and congrats now you will be able to save games on your local hard drive.

Please try it out.
That fix worked for me (once, at least) and I previously had that issue.

Thanks! :)
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