[FIXED] Can't end turn because of bugged Puppet production


Sep 18, 2004

Playing the Babs, I just got a peace treaty proposition from the Egyptians, in which they gave me one of their cities.
Having quiet a bit of unhappiness already I decided to Puppet it, only to find that the game shows me the "choose production" option instead of the "end turn" button, asking me what I want to build in the puppet city... of which I can obviously not change the production.
I tried saving/reloading but it doesn't help.

Is that a new bug created from fixing the puppet production exploit or something? Couldn't find any other thread about this anyway...

On a sidenote, I had captured another Egyptian city just a couple turns before, in the same game, and had no trouble puppeting it.
Also annexing the bugged city afterwards unlocked the end turn button (after setting the production of course) but I'm now sitting at -15 happiness because of this :p
Anyone else getting this?

Version is

I am Egypt, at war with Rome. Rome offers me two cities for peace, and I accept. When prompted, I say I want them to be puppet cities.

The game then asks me for production orders for one of these cities. However, I can't do this because it's a puppet city.

This means I can't end the turn, and the game is dead.
I've attached my save file with this bug


  • 004.Civ5Save
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Small update: I have an autosave from 5 turns before. I tried to re-produce this situation, but the error didn't happen.


  • AutoSave_0090 BC-0625.Civ5Save
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Playing the Babs, I just got a peace treaty proposition from the Egyptians, in which they gave me one of their cities.
Having quiet a bit of unhappiness already I decided to Puppet it, only to find that the game shows me the "choose production" option instead of the "end turn" button, asking me what I want to build in the puppet city... of which I can obviously not change the production.
I tried saving/reloading but it doesn't help.

Is that a new bug created from fixing the puppet production exploit or something? Couldn't find any other thread about this anyway...

On a sidenote, I had captured another Egyptian city just a couple turns before, in the same game, and had no trouble puppeting it.
Also annexing the bugged city afterwards unlocked the end turn button (after setting the production of course) but I'm now sitting at -15 happiness because of this :p

Zip, Flex,

Just had a similar issue tonight. After puppet-izing two cities in my war with Siam, all was well. Surrounded his capital, and he begged for peace, offering 3 more cities to me, among other resources and gold. Like a sucker, I bit, and now I have this "choose production" for one of the puppet cities. Tried razing, doesn't work, finally annexed all 3 cities, and was able to move on.

Thankfully, I saved just a turn or two before he offered terms. It's ridiculous though that a bug exists in which we cannot end our turn. Even though I can load my other one, this error has me frustrated and I don't want to play now for a couple days. I feel like bugs are dictating my diplomacy now. Had a friend who made peace with an enemy, and his peace treaty is permanent (won't let him go back to war), and it's been like 40 turns for him. Aggravating...don't remember Civ4 having this many bugs.
The lastest patch: *Fix for Puppet State production exploit.

If you choose puppet now, you are prevented from choosing production, but you can't end the turn *without* choosing production!!! :crazyeye:

Basically you are forced to takeover the city, along with the high unhappyness that it causes.
Same just happened for me, montezuma gave me 6 cities for peace if I would stop attacking his capital. I puppeted all but one and now I am stuck.
During a war with Greece he offers a huge surrender of several cities. I accept and choose to make them all puppets. After this the game keeps asking me to choose production in one of the puppet cities but of course I can't do that because it is a puppet. Game won't let me end the turn as it thinks I still have production choices to make...
Saves would be very helpful, along with instructions on how to repeat this. Was this in v, or

save attached with bug active so you don't have to do anything - the bug is that it says to choose production but its for a puppet. Let me know if you need some autosaves leading up to the bug. I've loaded earlier saves and tried different things always leading to the same bug if I accept cities in the peace aggreement.

This is on version


  • QuickSave.Civ5Save
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To fix this bug temporarily so you can continue with the game:

1) open the file sid meier's civilization v\Assets\UI\InGame\Popups\ProductionPopup.lua in Notepad or any other text editor

2) Go down to line 710 and comment out the following 3 lines by adding 2 dashes in front, so they look like the following:

-- if city and city:IsPuppet() then
      -- return;
-- end

3) save file and exit

By doing this you are removing the 'fix' that Firaxis did in version with not allowing you to choose production for puppet states. Unfortunately their fix didnt fix the underlying core problem with the choose production code.
Here is the autosave immediately before it gets stuck and one from 10 turn prior... on the 10 turns prior to repro just throw all those elephants at montezuma's capital city and he'll offer peace and all the cities.


  • AutoSave_0220 AD-1550.Civ5Save
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  • AutoSave_0230 AD-1600.Civ5Save
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To fix this bug temporarily so you can continue with the game:

1) open the file sid meier's civilization v\Assets\UI\InGame\Popups\ProductionPopup.lua in Notepad or any other text editor

2) Go down to line 710 and comment out the following 3 lines by adding 2 dashes in front, so they look like the following:

-- if city and city:IsPuppet() then
      -- return;
-- end

3) save file and exit

By doing this you are removing the 'fix' that Firaxis did recently with not allowing you to choose production for puppet states. Unfortunately their fix didnt fix the underlying core problem with the choose production code.

Thanks, I will have to try it tomorrow night. I need to go to bed now - if I even fire civ 5 up to try the fix I know it will be sucked in :)
During a war with Greece he offers a huge surrender of several cities. I accept and choose to make them all puppets. After this the game keeps asking me to choose production in one of the puppet cities but of course I can't do that because it is a puppet. Game won't let me end the turn as it thinks I still have production choices to make...

I have gotten around this. Just select a unit that you have fortified and move it, upon his turn being complete the screen for the production will pop up right away. This has happened many times to me and always worked.
Happy Games
Here is the autosave immediately before it gets stuck and one from 10 turn prior... on the 10 turns prior to repro just throw all those elephants at montezuma's capital city and he'll offer peace and all the cities.

Thanks. I got peace, puppeted the cities, and yet didn't have this problem.

Load game, get peace (for the cities) with Monty. Wait for them to come out of resistance (presumably) and they come out fine - start building stuff.


  • bugged_puppet.Civ5Save
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Hello, much like most people who've been posting in this thread I have encountered the puppet production bug after being offered a few cities from Siam (?) - not sure about the exact name.

While reading the thread I figured I'd try and push a little more the bug report, so here is how I've been able to reproduce the bug:

  • I first would wait for the ingame cursor to get out of the loading animation, and then clic on the puppet option, the production bug would happen.
  • I then did a reload, and spammed the puppet option soon as they trade window went off, I was then able to get to the next turn.
I have repeated this pattern 6 times - read 3 times with the wait system and 3 times with the spamming system - and got the same results every time.
While I do realize this is not a sufficient ammount of tests I hope this can help.

Game version


  • pupDiploBug.zip
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