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R.E.D. modpack

you're using the modbrowser or you've downloaded and installed it manually ?

edit : if it doesn't change after uninstalling the mod, you may try to delete the content of the cache folder in "My Documents\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 5\cache"
Used the mod browser.
It's strange because I've turned it off before with no problem.

The only thing I did differently this time was load a saved game that I was using the mod with, after I disabled the mod.
Please Gedemon, tell me what map settings are being used in that screen shot? Is that just continents with medium sea level? In my games continents just create 2 ugly blobs most of the time... I'm still undecided which settings are best for me and it's torturing me.
I can't remember :)

maybe it was "small continents", or just "continents", but medium sea level, that's sure.
Where did you manage to find Civ5ArtDefines_UnitMembers.xml and Civ5ArtDefines_Units.xml? They're not present in any folder in \assets\Gameplay\XML.

Did you have to extract them from the FPKs?
Where did you manage to find Civ5ArtDefines_UnitMembers.xml and Civ5ArtDefines_Units.xml? They're not present in any folder in \assets\Gameplay\XML.

Did you have to extract them from the FPKs?

they are in UnitModels.fpk, yes.

when I started working on the mod before the SDK was out, I used the files in one of the exemple mods available (tiny death robot I think..)
I tried your mod to see if I like the difference with the vanilla. now I have to say I really can't play without your mod anymore ! so all I have to say is great work and thanks Gedemon :goodjob: or in other words : excellent boulot, merci ! ^^
Hi, I haven't tried your mod yet because I'm avoiding Civ for a while, but you did make me wonder if it is possible to have units have different stats or bonuses based on their formation. So for example, a bunch of musketmen in a square would fight better against horses and worse against musketmen in a line formation.
I hope to do the exact reverse if it could be managed (now or via c++): changing formation based on unit's promotion or opponent ;)

I wasn't able to do it on civ4 but who knows...
I tried your mod to see if I like the difference with the vanilla. now I have to say I really can't play without your mod anymore ! so all I have to say is great work and thanks Gedemon :goodjob: or in other words : excellent boulot, merci ! ^^
de rien :D
Congrats on making the Civilization V top 10 mods list on PC Gamer! You deserve it. :-D
This is a really great mod. Especially on Earth maps it makes the world feel a lot larger.
The only complaint I might have at this point is that cows, sheep, deer, and horses really look huge compared to the units now. How hard would it be to scale those down a bit?
Well, here's a screenshot in game with horse and cow mixed with warrior and horseman...

The warrior head is just above the horse's withers, which look okay to me (withers is at an average 1,60m, so the warriors here are around 1,80m tall, wich is in fact slightly above average I think)

does it look differently ingame for you ?

To answer your question, no it won't be difficult to scale theim down, it's in civ5artdefines_landmarks.xml (search for horse, there are multiple lines with/without pasture). But I don't plan to change it, because of my above statement.

But you can make a small mod with modbuddy and activate it with R.E.D. (I suppose there are tutorials out there) and just civ5artdefines_landmarks.xml in it (this file isn't modular, you can't use the update mod method on it). The actual scale for horse is 0.08, try 0.07 or 0.06 to see if it's more to your taste ;)
Great work Gedemon. The rescale looks nice, feels less I'm playing with my 1 year old's toys. The vanilla size is just too big; and this gives a bit more feel of armies against each other, not giant sized flesh transformers beasts, with spears. :dubious:
Alright I'm convinced by the cows and the horses. :lol:
Although the sheep and the deer still seem a little big to me.

I did notice though that there seems to be no scale correction for the Babylonian unique unit, which led to some pretty comical moments when I was reminded just how huge the original vanilla models were. Those Mesopotamians really take their vitamins.
Taneda Santôka;9809016 said:
Isn't there a problem with archers and their huge arrows floating in front of them ? :crazyeye: Maybe you didn't resize the projectiles...
yep, this has been reported, but thanx for the reminder. In fact the arrows are scaled down, but not the position.
and I didn't find yet where the arrows position is set. I fear it's in the model itself :(

I think the archer is not the only unit affected (chariot ? camel ?), but the longbow seems ok, I'll look this way...

Alright I'm convinced by the cows and the horses. :lol:
Although the sheep and the deer still seem a little big to me.

I did notice though that there seems to be no scale correction for the Babylonian unique unit, which led to some pretty comical moments when I was reminded just how huge the original vanilla models were. Those Mesopotamians really take their vitamins.

I've posted a fix in page 2 or 3 of this thread for the babylonian bowman. ;)

I'll update the mod files with the fix after the next DLC to include the incoming mongol unit, and if possible maybe some civ4 converted or new units graphics...
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