

Oct 6, 2010
Scroll down a few posts for the large and better 128x80 version.

The old Azeroth world map of World of Warcraft.
Sadly the original map is filled with mountains everywhere seperating all the regions so I replaced the less important ones by hills.

Included in the attachment are 2 versions, one with random starting positions and resources, and one with a 'scenario' for fixing the start position problem. For whatever reason without this scenario loaded the player would always start in Stormwind.

Starting positions with scenario:
England: Darkshore
Rome: Tirisfal Glades
India: Mulgore
China: Feralas
France: Wetlands
Persia: Durotar
Egypt: Elwynn Forest
Japan: Hinterlands


Spoiler :

Eastern Kingdoms:

Spoiler :

Move to:
my documents - my games - sid meier's civilization 5 - maps
and it should work.


  • azeroth
    11.3 KB · Views: 16,519
Simply awesome! I'd love a huge version of this :D

Really good there. Have you thought about including the Draenei and Blood Elf start areas in your larger version of the map?

Northrend would probably have enough variety to merit its' own separate map.
This is the largest possible version, I am much more pleased with this one.

Included in the attachment are 2 versions, one with random starting positions and resources, and one with a 'scenario' for fixing the starting position problem. For whatever reason without this scenario the player would always start in Booty Bay of Stranglethorn Vale.

Starting positions with scenario:
England: Rut'Theran, Teldrassil
Iroquois: Booty Bay, Stranglethorn Vale
India: Thunder Bluff, Mulgore
Aztec: Orgrimmar, Durotar
China: Western Feralas
Greece: Stormwind, Elwynn Forest
Persia: Theramore Isle, Dustwallow Marsh
Arabia: Gadgetzan, Tanaris (not recommended)
France: Menethil Harbor, Wetlands
Egypt: Southshore, Hillsbrad
Russia: Ironforge, Dun Morogh (not recommended)
Rome: Undercity, Tirisfal Glades

Worldbuilder overview: (BIG image)


Spoiler :

Eastern Kingdoms:

Spoiler :

Updated october 13.


  • azeroth 128 80
    15.3 KB · Views: 7,119
Haha, way cool! ;D
I'm not going to play on them but still thanks for the effort :D Nicely made and themed!
Great work!
BTW, is 128x80 the biggest map size in Civ5?

Last time I checked it is the biggest possible size. I don't need it to be bigger because turn processing can take 15-30 seconds in the modern era.

Also whenever I play the map I always start at the south of Stranglethorn Vale even when I check "disable start bias", does anyone know how to make the starts random?
This is really cool, I just was thinking to star over with Wow (due bugs a AI weakness at Civ) but I will play this map. Its like being at same time in both games!

Thanks again!
is there anyway I can start somewhere else besides stranglethorn vale?

As soon as I find out how I'll let you know / modify the map, I have no idea what the cause of this is. I made 12 starting points and yet it always chooses Stranglethorn Vale for the player.
Looking good!!! Keep it up!

All we need now is Warcraft Civilizations :p

I'd pay $1,000 for that game :king:
is there anyway I can start somewhere else besides stranglethorn vale?

I have updated both the normal and large maps, so that with a 'scenario' loaded the player starting position will no longer be locked to Stormwind in the normal map and Stranglethorn Vale in the large map. Also added a random starts and resources version for both sizes.
Hopefully everything will now work well for players.
That big map is gorgeous.

Seems to me like it could be a bit more generous to some of the less hospital places though, and of course the expansion areas would be really cool as well...

Great work! :D

Wish I had time to play it... :mischief:
Screenshots of something other than just the worldbuilder hexes <3 <3
Really lets you appreciate the map without loading it up first, great job!

Being a WOW & CIV fan, I could not not try your map !!
I love it !!

I'm using your 128*80 map but tried to twist it a little bit to avoid having mem failures in late eras due to number of civs. So what I did was removing 6 civilizations out of 12 to lighten the game and give every one more space. Using the starting positions you give, I kept only 3 civs in Kalimdor (India, which I play, England & Aztec) and 3 in the Eastern Kingdoms (Iroquois, Greece & France). So far so good using the World Builder it is easy to remove these civs. Strangely no CS appears in the according list in the CS tab in the Scenario Editor. For now it is OK as I don't plan to remove any, but i'd like to know how you can do so in case I would change my mind. And more importantly, I noticed sth weird : France does not start in the Westlands (Menethil if I recall well) but somewhere else in Kalimdor (I think it was Dustwallow marsh). My conclusion was that removing civs from the scenario editor caused it to mess things up regarding starting positions (although other civs popped up at the correct place - Aztec actually). So my question (at last !) was how & where do you edit the starting positions ? I could not find anything related to this in the Worldbuilder though I looked for it with deep concentration ;) If somewhere else, like in a txt file, could you tell me where please ?
Thanks ! I'm eager to win a cultural game with India & rule Azeroth with my mind rather than my sword, which will be a "premiere" in this Warcraft world :lol:
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