New Unit: Ork Looted Leman Russ: Feel the WAAAAAGH! (03 Nov 04

DJ Bonebraker

a.k.a Laura
Mar 10, 2004
Eorzea, Hydaelyn
Well, I've finally completed my contrubution to the WH 40K mod, the Ork Looted Leman Russ. As for the specs, I'll let one of my green-skinned friends fill you in:

"Yuh see, we wuz on patrol wun day, wen we seez dis ummie tank wif some marines scoutin' da place out. So I sez to my boyz, "Hey guyz, youz wanner play sum 'Gran' Teft Auto, San Orkdreas'?" So, after we off da crew, we hauls dis tank back and I tellz my mek boyz to loot 'er, and "make shur dem 'ummies know jus who it wuz dat stoled dere tank." Well, my boyz went all out: dey added some spikez to da gun, ripped out dose wimpy 'ummie gunz on da sidez, and replaced dem wif twin big shootas. Dey even went so far as ta add a big ol' spikey ram to da front of da tank, so we could run over dem 'ummies like dey wuzent even dere. Ta top tings off, dey also put in sum movin' bladez on da sidez fer choppin' anybudy stoopid enuf to get too close."

Download (1.3 MB):

As soon as I get off work in 15 minutes this beast is going into the mod. When you feel like working on 40K units again, please contact me.


cuz dis tank makez da biggust boomz.

Here is the Preview it goes Default, run, Fortify/fidget/Victory, Attack A, Attack B, Attack C, an Death


  • OrkRuss.gif
    135.2 KB · Views: 2,822
Glad you like it, Goldflash.

Well, my connection finally decided to behave itself.

Preview is Default, run, Fortify/fidget/Victory, Attack A, Attack B, Attack C, an d Death.
I put the preivew in my post., so it is in the second post and so you can save your atatchment space
Not Orky enough?!?!!?! I mean c'mon! The tank's got more spikes than the fans at a punk rock concert. And no, I'm not planning on doing a version with banners in the near future. One of the reasons the finished product looks the way it does is because it's mostly based on a picture of a model that Goldflash sent me along with the unit request. That's what you get for watchin' porn instead of making suggestions in the preview thread :p

I'm glad that both the guy who requested the unit (GoldFlash) and the guy who made the original model (muffins) both like it.
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