25th anniversary of an epic trolling


Garbage day!!!
Sep 30, 2007
Caldes de Montbui, Großkatalonien
Mathias Rust's landing on the Red Square 25th anniversary!!

May 28th, 1987

Link to video.

Apart from the sacking of some of the air defence top brass were there any other consequences.
The Soviets looked like fools.
Apart from the sacking of some of the air defence top brass were there any other consequences.

It was actually a rather large sacking if I remember right. One of the largest changes in Soviet Military leadership outside of the purges and the promotions of the Second World War. A lot of the fired individuals were ones who opposed Gorby's reforms too, so there were some consequences.

Rust himself is no hero though. He is just completely nuts. In addition to going in and out of prison for stealing half a dozen times since the incident, he also stabbed one of his girlfriends, almost killing her.
I'd never heard of this before. Hilarious. Surprised it wasn't followed up by a massive nuking of the USSR, just for kicks and giggles.
the reason he was ID'ed even before he crossed the border , had a Su-15 sitting in the saddle a few miles back , even if the interceptors had to break contact as their fuel bingoed and replaced by others is that it was meant to show the decadent ways of the Old Guards and make reform possible .
a little more rant with apologies .

the Cessna in the Square was once forwarded as a case study , for young Americans who use the term libel with regards to analyses concerning actions against this country .

which can be a weak cause for yet another exactly similar part in an interminable r16 rant :

Spoiler :

- america wants a cleansing of Turkish military on the grounds that we betrayed them

- which was incidentally engineered by the US themselves , this betrayal thing

- objections to which were defeated after we refused combat troops for Afghanistan . Even after the manhood card was also played

- for which Bin Ladin conveniently had a video recording where he regaled his esteemed guests with the ease he got through a siege laid by us and the Kafirs . To this day no explanation on how and why we would be in Kafiristan / Nuristan / Kunar

- anyhow the golden rules of good puppetry convince military hardliners , the NATO officers as everybody here accuse each other to be , they are safe , they will walk free in the end

- meanwhile the present day elites convince themselves the West "likes" them , so they decide to steal the country

- with superlative cooperation from the hardliners , tons of stuff , half invented . Many in jail , elites really love arresting people

- leading everybody to conclude that it is "obvious" that any kind of dissent will result in being a conspirator against ...

- finally somehow the elites decide that it is their power and even moreso own brilliant idea to make a mass court case

- which makes it impossible to reach a conclusion or convict the criminals , who do abound

- causing widespread international pressure to be lenient on behalf of the innocent

- which then leads to hardliners finally getting the greenlight , that they will be walking free - as promised - to return to the arena

- to colloborate with the elites to talk of the civil war that will even reach the kids , no mercy , no nothing

- oblivious to the thing that the civil war will leave no trace of the country they had bossed for so long

- the most insulting thing about this whole being even an idiot of my caliber could see it coming , to general laughter in certain forums which have then banned me without fail since 2008-10 , for the simple reason of me being an idiot . Have no objections to personal idiocy , though when it becomes the talk of the streets , this libel thing , even an IQ of 85 can get out a word or two . Yours truly is indeed an idiot , a poor unacceptable imitation of

- the kind of the ungrateful backstabbers young Americans do not understand at all . Ah , so you are helping this country ?

- indeed the hardliners are all fiery speeches on how many things they know ... Something their handlers don't ? Yeah , by God , people are all ears !

anyways the name Mathias Rust was phoned to Moskaus , Finnish Airforce had a bead on him including one or two MiGs overhead so that the Russkies could start looking in the right direction immediately and ı hear there were a dozen different firing solutions on him , if not more , by the time he landed .

rust was a media asset which happened to serve Kremlin as well . He thought he was more , which apparently led to all kinds of stuff where he tried to prove himself and satisfy his ego . His true value in the scheme of greater things can described by the "fact" that the US Authorities ignored the 9/11 operators on the grounds that what Mathias Rust had achieved with the Cessna ... The German Selbsstopfer -am so sure ı have mispellet the word - who took to the skies to avenge Resnick of Challenger the Space Shuttle or the guy who crash-dived into a corporate headquarters in Italy also stress the media aspect , ı certainly don't even know their names . There is this talk of a Black Baron that bugged the French and chased over Paris by police helicopters ; curtains were invented against peeping Toms , were they not ?Any kind of reforms in those countries ?

though at the time it was all glory . Cowardly Ivan , who had murdered hundreds of people on the KAL flight a couple of years ago couldn't even see a light plane arriving into its heart ; he surely couldn't see the cruise missiles and stealth aircraft with miniscule RCS . A narrative that disappeared in time as Rust was not the epitome of the Cold War hero and certainly not "Anglosaxon" enough .

regarding cowardice and shaming Ivan - with large scale cooperation of a multitude of agencies - another event , the Able Archer '83 comes to mind . Where a computer glitch showed an ICBM on its way to Mother Russia , a Colonel had some iron nerves and insisted it was a mistake , preventing the global nuclear exchange . ı get stuff gets broken , but then wouldn't it be some incredible coincidence that the failed IR detectors showed the incoming missile had MIRV'ed ? Aluminium without ablative screening apparently does not survive long , though American belief that they can do and the opposition can not dare has been indestructible . Theirs is a manifest destiny , not for mere mortals to comprehend or resist ...

Spoiler :
ah yes , the last paragraph is relevant to the thread , they being exactly similar . Between you and me their destiny is orbital bombardment .

afterwards it all becomes the PR , the art of telling lies for higher interests . Which could be the exact reason to get into yet another film critic thing that truly annoys everybody , but ı saw Spielberg's Munich on TV the other night . The basic premise of the movie , rather the movies and the novel that started it is not vengeance but American might . This really deserves some bunch of Wuts , LOLs and stuff but nobody apparently cares ...

the family that sells info to the Israeli vengeance team is actually the formal French intelligence service , but it would be really unpatriotic for the author to say it so , Gentiles with an appetit for coin fit the bill perfectly then . The Americans finally intervene to stop the things with the assasination attempt in London , crushing the Francophones for good . The riverboat house in the Netherlands is not what happened . What happened can be deduced by the slang usage of the bicycle accessory in the movie and incidentally loud drunken bragging afterwards -in own language- in the hotel bar was overheard , drawing in the Leftie Palestinian hit squads looking for an easy hit on soft targets like businessmen . As such the body on the bank by the river was the first , not the hotelroom . The team was not in Lebanon and it is most doubtful the author was ever in . But it is Hollywood where a good script can be hard to find . And PR can be quite watchable ...

guess what ; despite me being a Starfleet admiral ı had always thought the opening scene of Star Trek Irresuction or whatever was the opening of the movie with the Borgs and ı was never aware of the Nemesis . Yeah , two completely unknown movies , how pathetic is that ? ( A TV channel has them here in Turkey .)

even when the US went showing off even before they had the lazer thing for Star Wars , even if if it doesn't fit with the poor uncapable Soviet Union thing . They had pride and guts , at least some of them .
basically to add more action to World History section , let me one more pointless rant . ı never take myself seriously and never credit anything to myself . Take an extreme present day example , the usual leak mechanism that has reorganized my country has just announced the PM and the President can be trialled in court after they lose the elections . Not because anger at America stays above boiling point , as it's a spectacular tautology if that's the correct term . All that remain are Goverment generals , the only mechanism that can take those people named to court are the laws they are installing . No sir , it is only because the leak machine on local initiative announced the US would be for them , by repeating the words of a diplomat from 1996 . America for some reason wants a civil war in this country , just like they fired stuff onto places where they do not rule back in the day , and such a declaration would discourage the opposition from further resistance in political arena which will "accidentally" spill into clashes as soon as we are dealt with , say in Syria .

though that must be spam by any definition . To take the thread back to more fitting level to history , one can only say with limited info that the US had an ADI , an Air Defence Initiative , in case their newly fangled Stealth technology , expensive as hell , was countered by Speed . Somebody remarked about the requirement to President Reagan and , voila , he had a means to fight the Space Aliens . This post has no relation whatsoever with me being in the Starfleet , the guy actually believed in UFOs . Meanwhile the US hardliners saw this as a way to bend the treaties about the disarmament of space , by talking of ICBMs instead of airbreathers . The SDI was only for putting first strike weapons in space and nothing about defending the West from nuclear attacks . One can deduce the level of tech or expense required for reasonable defence from the fact it is 2012 , not 83 and the this NMD thing is for about 10 missiles at most . It is not much of an accident that many people believe , offense is the best defence . When some Russian Colonel calculated the impact points and had confidence , he saved the world from an exchange that might have started from an American expectation that people will blink whenever America frowns . In the single fully relevant line to the thread , Mathias Rust would have been shot down , for similar Colonels were watching over with fingers on the triggers , if Kremlin had desired otherwise . Moscow is still an unhealty place for intruders . Even if it is only meant for protection of political authority to green light the launch . That's why finally instead of more weapons , Gorby and Ronnie made the deals to reduce stuff ; it is not an American victory as people are wont to believe .
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