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The many questions-not-worth-their-own-thread question thread XIX

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Flying Pig

Utrinque Paratus
Retired Moderator
Jan 24, 2009
Perfidious Albion
As previously enjoyed here

If I didn't in fact have privilege to start this, kindly ignore, but now at least it's off the ground.
Congratulations to our lucky 18,000th Many Questions poster! :D
Danke Mr. Airborne Pig. It took me several hours to find the "new thread" button. I'm pretty special sometimes. Subscribed!
I need some help and some questions answering.

A while ago I got talking to this girl. She was very nice - both to look at and personality wise, and she was intelligent with a good sense of humour... an all round good catch. It felt like we hit it off. We would regularly talk to each other both in person and online, she would often go out of her way just to talk to me and she always tried to think of new things to talk about, so it was clear that she enjoyed being with me and talking to me. I detected that she liked me too; she'd always seem a bit nervous when I was around, playing with her hair, and the little things like trying to make eye contact and laughing at near enough anything. So the time came when I asked her out with me just on a casual time out, nothing serious, to which she said yes. It was a good night, we got along and it looked like she enjoyed herself because she was smiling and laughing through it. I took her home and then we went our separate ways, saying that she would talk to me soon.

And so the day after she did talk to me (at this point I was fairly convinced that there was something between us) so I said we should perhaps do something on a free Saturday we both had coming up. She said it could be a good idea and to plan it later. And then I lost all contact with her. She never appears online any more, I can't bump into her at college any more because we have both finished our year, and she isn't responding to the message I sent her over a week ago, even though I know she has seen it (Facebook's new master troll messaging system.) Have I done something to upset or offend? Is this really what women are like? They show interest and having a good time and then just let you down like that?

I thought maybe she was intimidated. Me being a little older, having had a relationship for over 2 years previous to this could have made her nervous (she was clearly nervous on the night out we had, and she told me she suffers from social anxiety) and she doesn't want to talk to me any more. Even so, I would appreciate it if she just told me and not ignored me like what seems to be happening. I think I'll just have one last ditch attempt to get her to tell me what's going on before I lose my patience and let her go.

Anyone on CFC got any wisdom to share on the subject?
I need some help and some questions answering.

A while ago I got talking to this girl. She was very nice - both to look at and personality wise, and she was intelligent with a good sense of humour... an all round good catch. It felt like we hit it off. We would regularly talk to each other both in person and online, she would often go out of her way just to talk to me and she always tried to think of new things to talk about, so it was clear that she enjoyed being with me and talking to me. I detected that she liked me too; she'd always seem a bit nervous when I was around, playing with her hair, and the little things like trying to make eye contact and laughing at near enough anything. So the time came when I asked her out with me just on a casual time out, nothing serious, to which she said yes. It was a good night, we got along and it looked like she enjoyed herself because she was smiling and laughing through it. I took her home and then we went our separate ways, saying that she would talk to me soon.

And so the day after she did talk to me (at this point I was fairly convinced that there was something between us) so I said we should perhaps do something on a free Saturday we both had coming up. She said it could be a good idea and to plan it later. And then I lost all contact with her. She never appears online any more, I can't bump into her at college any more because we have both finished our year, and she isn't responding to the message I sent her over a week ago, even though I know she has seen it (Facebook's new master troll messaging system.) Have I done something to upset or offend? Is this really what women are like? They show interest and having a good time and then just let you down like that?

It probably means she's gotten into someone else. And/or you might have said something that inadvertently turned her off. Just let it go and find someone else.

I thought maybe she was intimidated. Me being a little older, having had a relationship for over 2 years previous to this could have made her nervous (she was clearly nervous on the night out we had, and she told me she suffers from social anxiety) and she doesn't want to talk to me any more.

You're looking for rational on her part, but when it comes to a girl's affection rationality doesn't play much of a role.

Even so, I would appreciate it if she just told me and not ignored me like what seems to be happening.

I hear you, brah.

I think I'll just have one last ditch attempt to get her to tell me what's going on before I lose my patience and let her go.

Remaining cool and uneffected is your best course of action.
Does ct or mri brain scan hurt much? Contridictory answers on google.
No. They are non invasive. Which means that you just lie there while it is happening. But that doesn't mean they are comfortable. You have to stay pretty still for a long time. Claustrophobic people sometimes have a real problem with it.
Does ct or mri brain scan hurt much? Contridictory answers on google.

That would depend on one's equilibrium, and tolerance to loud noise. There is no physical (touch) pain.
I don't mean to take advantage of others' misfortune (and I apologize if I am) :blush: , but....
she isn't responding to the message I sent her over a week ago, even though I know she has seen it (Facebook's new master troll messaging system.)
How do I discover and figure out how to use that new feature?
It tells you how Facebook's chat system if they have seen the message. Just open up the chat window and if they have read it, it will say at the bottom.
Does ct or mri brain scan hurt much? Contridictory answers on google.

I don't remember any discomfort... my understanding is the dye they inject you with can cause problems for some people. They'll offer to do it without the dye, but they won't be able to see much without it.
At what point in history, Ok European history, did lighting a fire cease to be a pain in the ass?

The Dutch invented an oil-mechanism for lighting the street-lights of Amsterdam at some point in the mid-late 1600s... I would say around then maybe?
At what point in history, Ok European history, did lighting a fire cease to be a pain in the ass?

You're probably looking for the invention of modern matches, which would be mid-19th century (early matches existed in China from about the 6-7th century AD). Before this, you'd use different kinds of drills, or a fire piston, or a lens, or somehow create friction or spark.

The Dutch invented an oil-mechanism for lighting the street-lights of Amsterdam at some point in the mid-late 1600s... I would say around then maybe?

Oil lamps and street lights have been around for quite a while (like, Stone Ages times). They do make it easier to light a fire, what's with all that oil and burnable stuff; you'd only need a spark to get one going.
It is an impossible question to answer, with new technology making it easier over time and the fact that there was not single break off point.

Various flint and steel contraptions (such as those in tinderboxes) that predate matches weren't that hard to use. Sure they had disadvantages compared to matches, but they weren't that bad, they also could be reused and moisture posed less of a risk.
Past matches you have modern butane lighters and other electric igniters that just require the push of a button.
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