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Which pet is/was your longest lived pet?


King of the Plutonian Empire
Mar 11, 2004
How 'bout a break from the bs going on lately? :)

Simply put, a question for those who have pets, or did at some point in the past, which pet of yours has managed to live the longest?

Right now, my record is my cat, Tornado, who is currently 18. :)
We had a beagle named Snoopy, who lived to be 18. He had to be put down in 1986. My longest-lived cat, Lightning, died to be 17 years, 8.5 months. She was lying at my feet on June 24, 2004, and died just before 10 p.m.

I still miss them both terribly, along with my other departed cats and dogs. :(
Very few pets my family had were kept their whole live, they tended to be acquired as adults of indeterminate ages or gotten rid of for some reason or another (such as a dog and cat that never adapted to living in town and were each sent to live somewhere more appropriate).

The longest lived was probably our English Cocker Spaniel that we had for around 11 or 12 years. Don't know the age since she was an adult when we recieved her (a friend of my mothers was a breeder and raised it to breed, but she turned out to be sterile so they gave her to us).

The only pet we had from a young age to death was a cat that only lived 7 or 8 years.
My old cat was around 20 when he passed away. I had him from when I was a toddler until college.
I had a mutt from the pound that my parents got when I was three (he was a 2 years old when we got him, we think he was abused by his previous owner). He lived to be 16. My current dog is 11, and we got her as a puppy.
Ali, German Shepherd, 16. Love of my life.

Gave her away when she was 5 due to unsuitable accommodation (moved in with a girl into a unit). 6 months later broke up with the girl and (I'll leave you guys to judge) stole her back in a midnight raid.

11 years and 8 puppies later, there I am screaming and moaning like a child as I held her while she was put down.
Ali, German Shepherd, 16. Love of my life.

Gave her away when she was 5 due to unsuitable accommodation (moved in with a girl into a unit). 6 months later broke up with the girl and (I'll leave you guys to judge) stole her back in a midnight raid.

11 years and 8 puppies later, there I am screaming and moaning like a child as I held her while she was put down.

There's .. there's onions in here.
Ali, German Shepherd, 16. Love of my life.

Gave her away when she was 5 due to unsuitable accommodation (moved in with a girl into a unit). 6 months later broke up with the girl and (I'll leave you guys to judge) stole her back in a midnight raid.

11 years and 8 puppies later, there I am screaming and moaning like a child as I held her while she was put down.

Wait a second. You stole someone elses dog? Why didnt you just ask for her back?
Wait a second. You stole someone elses dog? Why didnt you just ask for her back?

If they had said no, it would have been obvious who took her since I was determined to get her back regardless. I can honestly say that Ali was happier as I had moved to a place in the country where she had huge tracts of land to roam.

I do however appreciate that stealing here back was wrong. But you need to understand I was truly heartbroken and people do strange things under such circumstances. I broke up with girl because she wasn't prepared to move to the Ali/RLF wonderland which I'd rented before I even had her back soley to execute the plan.

That night when I jumped their back fence and there she was, going ballistic when she saw me and then you had the 2 felons driving home with her on the passenger seat, head out the window, was a great night. But yeah, it was wrong.
If they had said no, it would have been obvious who took her since I was determined to get her back regardless. I can honestly say that Ali was happier as I had moved to a place in the country where she had huge tracts of land to roam.

I do however appreciate that stealing here back was wrong. But you need to understand I was truly heartbroken and people do strange things under such circumstances. I broke up with girl because she wasn't prepared to move to the Ali/RLF wonderland which I'd rented before I even had her back soley to execute the plan.

That night when I jumped their back fence and there she was, going ballistic when she saw me and then you had the 2 felons driving home with her on the passenger seat, head out the window, was a great night. But yeah, it was wrong.

Whoa - I assumed you were speaking figuratively. What's Ali/RLF?
My longest lived pet was a greenish yellow parakeet named Jill. She was alive from before I can remember (I'd guess '90) until around 2005. She was always rather grumpy, especially since the other parakeet she lived with died, but the day before she died, she was the friendliest bird I had ever seen. I still miss her, even though she was only friendly during her final hours. :(
I have a golden retriever named Lady. She's just over 10. She's showing some signs of her age but I think she's good for another several years. I got her when I was six so she's been around pretty much as far back as I can remember. I literally cannot imagine life without her. Interestingly, she's not named after Lady from Disney's Lady and the Tramp. She's named after a Thomas the Tank Engine character.
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