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Nov 18, 2002
For Civ3 1.29f and PTW 1.27f only.
Concerning C3C, there's no planned version for the moment.

Here is a description of this utility, from the readme :

"Civ3Ext is a patch which adds a few extensions for Civ3 1.29f and PTW 1.27f, which is possible by accessing the memory space of the game. Civ3Ext won't modify any application file. In this version, there are these extensions :
- food/shields/beakers cascade
- fast localization of cities which are going to riot or have just gained a citizen
- no more limit for units (4096)
- evolving barbarians
- corruption
- hall of fame"

About the first extension, Qitai had the same idea in the following topic : Removed Wasted Food/Shield on growth/Production Feature

download : Civ3Ext 1.12
New version. Civ3Ext 1.01 :
- No more limits for cities & units.
- (bug) Food can't be accumulated any more.
- The list is automatically hidden when you close PTW.
- Player number auto-detected (only tested with single, hotseat and PBEM games).
- Cascading food is no longer required to list cities which have just gained a citizen.
Thank you for creating this utility. I've downloaded it and I'm using it right now. It works just as it should and I've the European version of PTW 1.21f. It didn't work with version 1.14f of PTW.

There are still a few questions I have:
-what was this bug you were talking about in thee previous version? (I downloaded that first and didn't notice it)
-How long may the list you get in the beginning of the turn get? Is there a limit?
-If you could make a similar mod for the technology as for the shields and food in cities, I would appreciate that very much. Technology points are also lost, just like the shields and the food. But this is far less annoying because it is only one slider which you have to move to educe the losses, so far less micromanagement.

Thank you again for creating and sharing this utility.

Edit: Sorry another question: Will you create a new version when Conquests is finished.
Are the things optiional? I.e if you only want to get rid of the limits Is that possible?
Thank you for creating this utility. I've downloaded it and I'm using it right now. It works just as it should and I've the European version of PTW 1.21f.

-what was this bug you were talking about in thee previous version? (I downloaded that first and didn't notice it)
It is difficult to notice. You must have a city which can complete more than its food box in one turn. For example, if a city has 3 citizens, a granary, 14 food/turn and 18 food in its box, it should have 20 food in its box instead of 22.
In fact, I don't know if is annoying to accumulate this "extra-extra" food since all is lost when you reach a limit (aqueduc or hospital), but now, the rule is exactly the same as for the shields.

-How long may the list you get in the beginning of the turn get? Is there a limit?
The limit is such that it won't recover the mini-map. If there are more cities, there will be a scroll bar.

-If you could make a similar mod for the technology as for the shields and food in cities, I would appreciate that very much. Technology points are also lost, just like the shields and the food. But this is far less annoying because it is only one slider which you have to move to educe the losses, so far less micromanagement.
It was planned ;)

Will you create a new version when Conquests is finished.
First, I will need Conquests. I can't answer for the moment.

Are the things optiional? I.e if you only want to get rid of the limits Is that possible?
Yes. Uncheck what you don't want in the menu.
Thank you for the very clear answers :goodjob:
- fast localization of cities which are going to riot or have just gained a citizen
I noticed it doesn't work with multiplayer games other than PBEM and hotseat. The other extensions work.
I wonder if it is useful to fix Civ3Ext so that it detects each new turn in these games.

Do you have any plans for posting this on Apolyton ?
Why not. I posted it in and I hope it's ok.
Originally posted by Muchembled

I noticed it doesn't work with multiplayer games other than PBEM and hotseat. The other extensions work.
I wonder if it is useful to fix Civ3Ext so that it detects each new turn in these games.

I'm playing a multiplayer (LAN) simultaneus move game with a friend of mine. I would like to use these functions of your utility in this game and so would this friend of mine. So if you're able to make it work in these kinds of multiplayer games, we would appreciate it very much. You don't get as many messages in simultaneus move game as in a normal game. So maybe it is more difficult to get the information to make this utility work (I have no idea how your utility works, I'm just a happy user). Good luck, if you're going to try it.
Any chance you could make a civ3 v1.29 compatible version. :groucho:

I would love to have a riot pop-up. :goodjob:
Originally posted by Hurricane
Any chance you could make a civ3 v1.29 compatible version. :groucho:

I would love to have a riot pop-up. :goodjob:

A vanilla version would be great indeed!
So if there's a rainy day and you feel bored... :D ;)
Great tool and in one file that does not need installing - awesome! Good Work!

Just 1 question, it is still no clear for me (might be my English):

I read the readme and also this topic: does all civ (AI civs, too) get the food/shield cascade, or is it just the human player that is helped? So is it a general "change in rules" or just a player helping tool?
I would appreciate the answer from anyone who knows...
Just 1 question, it is still no clear for me (might be my English):

I read the readme and also this topic: does all civ (AI civs, too) get the food/shield cascade, or is it just the human player that is helped? So is it a general "change in rules" or just a player helping tool?
I would appreciate the answer from anyone who knows...
Answer in the readme :
"5. (Rule) food & shields cascade

Affects : all the civs that are processed by your PTW"
-> in a solo/hotseat game, it affects all the civs in the game : you and the AI
-> in a PBEM : it affects your civ and all the AI which play just after you (see "7. About cheating" in the readme)
-> in the other games (turn based / turnless / simultaneous MP) : for the humans, it affects only you, and for the AI, I don't have a clear idea (see "7. About cheating" in the readme).

Apart from that, I must say that the next version will be delayed.
I am very busy, the MP riot pop-up (read post #9) isn't easy, and for the beakers, I must be careful not to change anything because this may affects diplomacy (trading).
Thank you for the fast answer! I hope I will utilize the cascade better than the AI ;)

Originally posted by Muchembled

Answer in the readme :
"5. (Rule) food & shields cascade

Affects : all the civs that are processed by your PTW"
-> in a solo/hotseat game, it affects all the civs in the game : you and the AI
-> in a PBEM : it affects your civ and all the AI which play just after you (see "7. About cheating" in the readme)
-> in the other games (turn based / turnless / simultaneous MP) : for the humans, it affects only you, and for the AI, I don't have a clear idea (see "7. About cheating" in the readme).

Apart from that, I must say that the next version will be delayed.
I am very busy, the MP riot pop-up (read post #9) isn't easy, and for the breakers, I must be careful not to change anything because this may affects diplomacy (trading).
New version. Civ3Ext 1.02 :
- Beakers cascade (science).
- Preferences are saved.

Beakers : This option cascades the excess beakers for the next technology. Mind the minimum and maximum numbers of research turns. The surplus is always strictly lower than what you spent for the last turn, and it is even always null if you took advantage of the maximum research time.
Known bugs :
- beakers aren't cascaded immediately : the excess isn't visible when you choose the next technology
- there is a case where beakers aren't cascaded, but I don't know when
A player had problems with the cities/units patch. Here is his message :

I was playing when I suddenly realized that worker hasn't the "build railroad" option. :confused: I look everywhere and I notice that every resource I owned just disappeared!!! F***, I didn't change anything! That's it. I build a city and then the resources come back.

Later, my turn ends, and i see that I have to wait... and wait... finally, when my next turn begins, about a half of my cities (I had more than 200) ended with "We love the king day" and a lot of them are in civil disorder.

I wondered that the cause were the missing resources, but the resources were there. I suppose that:
Before end of turn: resources all right.
During turn transition: resources disappeared.
Next turn: resources re-appeared.
He sent me a savegame of the "next" turn (1766 AD) so I couldn't notice the disappearance of the resources but I can add :
- There are 515 cities in 1766 AD. His two latest cities were built in 1764 AD (the one of his message) and 1760 AD.
- Isolated cities (no road/railroad), and just barracks, a hydro plant and a research lab from wonders) had all the resources as if they weren't isolated.

We suppose my patch is responsible of those bugs so I wonder if other players had problems exceeding this limit.
I love the utility, but after downloading the 1.27 patch for PTW it doesn't work anymore.
Are you planning to make a version for this patch also?
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