CivWorld getting cancelled


Say No 2 Net Validations
Oct 22, 2008

On Thursday Firaxis announced that the Facebook game CivWorld will no longer be continued. The game will be shut down at May 29th this year.

For further discussions please see this thread.

Thanks to Circuit and Camikaze for this news hint :hatsoff:.


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The Zynga bubble burst a few months ago.
Good decision. They should have taken this step a year ago. CivWorld is a pathetic effort, a blot on Civilization title. I hate that it exists.
I don't hate that it exists :), but it definitely sucks. I actually wanted a light Civ that I can play online, but it just was not fun at all.
Nothing lost indeed. Extremily boring game and i was scared at that time that others would like it so it would take manpower away from civ5 expansions or civ6.
I had more fun playing silly games like smurfs or the hobbit. And thats saying a lot. They are boring too, but not after a full week, or smething.
I don't know the game but seeing it's a facebook app i"m happy they cancelled it, i really hate facebook.
Any one of the following will work (regarding the English error):

...will no longer be continued...
...will not be continued [any longer]...

The error is that "no longer" is an idiom, so rearranging the words results in a nonsensical product. "Longer" has no place unless it's with (in this particular case) "no" or "any". It's one of those knotty areas of English.
Wasn't this the title that Sid Meier was working on himself, doing coding and such ... sounds like he is way over the hill. :)
A big drawback of the incremental model is that they require peeps to keep playing to stay fiscally sound. This didn't happen here, as I'm a typical gamer, and it folded. Even if players leave on normal funded model games, or like me, buy the thing and don't get around to installing it for a year, it's still reached its funded goal ( or not ). Eitherway, the expenses ended and the rest is income.

Overall, CivWorld was just an unfun, must multiplay ( not single player friendly ) game. That latter overlook really killed it. If there was a challenge singly, I would have played more. Also, if it wasn't for Dan's 'Cast advertisements I would have forgotten about this civ version several times. Extremely poor advertising.
I certainly have a lot of respect for Sid, but I think it's becoming painfully obvious the man isn't the god everyone thinks he is. You even look at his early successes like Civ and Col and you can see they have glaring holes which others had to fix (with newer versions or simply filling in). You look at recent stuff he's taken a stronger hand in, like Railroads and CivWorld and you get the feeling he's not letting his design team do their job, as if his ego is taking control.

Whatever the deal is, I hope he can overcome it. He's got a lot of good ideas, and he used to surround himself with a good team who would (apparently) tell him when he was wrong so that the final product came out right. Frex, Civ4 is awesome because of this.
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