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MoFA - Spotlight Discussion #15 - Persia


Nov 2, 2001
South Florida
The spotlight finally turns towards Persia, the last of the civs, but truly not the least. The Persians are considered both Scientific and Industrious. Their unique unit (Immortal) is one of the more powerful units still in play, but is on the verge of obsolescence as equally powerful, yet faster units come into play. They are located west of Egypt at the far western tip of the eastern "hemisphere" (for lack of a better word).

[b][u]Civ[/u][/b]		[b][u]Emb[/u][/b]	[b][u]Spy[/u][/b]	[b][u]Diplomatic Status[/u][/b]	[b][u]Policy[/u][/b]
Persia		139	 No	Peace	(Cautious)
Once again, the purpose of this discussion is to assist this ministry in developing a cohesive foreign policy towards our fellow civilizations. For simplicity's sake, I suggest we attempt to categorize our official policy in one of the following ways:
  • Gracious Ally - These nations are considered our most trustworthy allies. All trades are generally accepted and sometimes gifts are exchanged. We would gladly come to this nation's aid in a time of need.
  • Trading Partner - Practically all proposed deals are accepted. Alliances, MPPs, and Embargoes must be discussed in the forums prior to signing.
  • Friend - Generally favorable opinion. Most trades are accepted unless not in our best interests. Alliances, MPPs, and Embargoes must be discussed in the forums prior to signing.
  • Rival - Generally unfavorable opinion, but publicly treated as a Friend. Most trades are accepted unless not in our best interests. Alliances, MPPs, and Embargoes with this nation will not be accepted, and those against must be discussed in the forums prior to signing.
  • Foe - Generally unliked. Technologies are not proferred to this nation and most trade deals would be rejected unless we clearly benefit more. Embargoes are our prefered weapon against these nations, and Alliances and MPPs against this nation must be discussed in the forums prior to signing.
  • Hated Enemy - As the name implies, these nations would be our most hated enemies. No trades are offered or accepted. We would actively seek to establish Trade Embargoes against these nations whenever possible and all out war is preferred to peace.
I would consider the Persians as our Friend :).
I would consider them as friends because their UU is almost obsolete and they are pretty far from us. And since they live right next to Egypt (one civ we are at war with) they could help us almost destroy them. Since their UU isn't quite obsolete, they could easily help us against Egypt. :)
Well, actually I feel sorry for Cleopatra, but that's irrelevant. I would say friend here, too.
Friend. Immortals will be useless soon, but for now they can still be a major aid in our righteous crusade against Egypt. Once again, they're too far away to be a threat.

Let's just hope they don't launch a revolution and take Fanatikan hostages..... the game doesn't have an arms-dealing capability....
Definitely friends.
hehe... Atleast *OUR* Immortals defeated Infantrymen and spawned Great Leaders! :D

Anyway, friend. They're pretty far south, and the only highly agressive civ in that region are the Zulus. (We got the agressive side...). Besides, even if Rome got any ideas, The Persians and Greeks can lend a hand... :)
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