A Brave New World Part 2

Central/South American News Report

CHILEAN ELECTIONS POSTPONED. Santiago, Chile. The Chilean military government has announced the temporary cessation of elections this year and for the foreseeable future, citing the need to recover from the destructive socialist regime and the World Wars. The declaration has been met with considerable unrest as the country continues to struggle in the postwar environment. Riots and protests have been held, spearheaded by the nation's unions and the Socialist Party. The military has been brought in to enforce martial law in order to preserve the security of the country against the threat of revolution or rebellion. The harsh methods of the government have been denounced by the Socialist Union of South America and several other nations in the region. (-1 Stability)

ARGENTINE REPUBLIC ELECTIONS. Viedma, Argentine Republic. For the first time since the end of the World Wars in South America, the Argentine Republic has held its constitutional elections as a free nation from the scourge of communism. The elections were heavily dominated by the Conservative Party, which relied on fears of the socialist threat reemerging to win on a platform of military buildup and strength. The Conservative Party has made the promise to the Argentine people to never be taken advantage of by the evil socialists in Urquizaville or Rio de Janeiro ever again. They have promised to double the size of the military and to establish a new naval presence in the region to help protect themselves from foreign domination. (+1 Stability)

GUYANA ELECTIONS IN TURMOIL. Georgetown, Guyana. For a variety of reasons, the elections this year in the new South American state of Guyana have collapsed into confusion and turmoil as the country struggled to preserve democracy. The emergence of over two dozen political parties and interests threw the process into confusion, threatening riots and revolution. The country's fledgling military has stepped in to preserve order and to restructure the nation in this time of confusion. Martial law has been declared and the military has been mobilized into the cities to preserve order as curfews are enacted. The commanding general, Diederick Closson, has pledged to step down once the situation has stabilized and to hold new elections on schedule in 1948. Venezuela and Cuba have offered troops and assistance to prevent further disorder, but General Closson has temporarily refused these offers in efforts to protect the nation's newfound sovereignty. (-3 Stability)

REBELLION IN YUCATAN ESCALATES. Merida, Yucatan. What began as a limited moved for rebellion against the new republic in Mexico has escalated to a larger war in the Central American region. Mexican and Mayan forces clashed through most of the year, and despite use of the Red Brigade against the rebels, they've been greatly reinforced in their struggle against Mexico. The Guatemalan nation has come outright and recognized the new government of Yucatan, pledging numerous troops to support them in their just war for independence. The deployment of troops to the front has helped the nation of Yucatan preserve the front lines, inflicting heavy damages against the Mexican advance. At sea, the Mexican government has initiated a blockade of the Yucatan coastline but has been met with unexpected opposition there as well. Unknown submarines have sunk several Mexican escort ships, causing much disconcertment to the blockading navy.
Casualty List
Mexico: 20 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 3 AVB-03 Brigades, 3 Destroyers, 1 PA-3 Squadron
Yucatan: 10 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades
Guatemala: 14 Infantry Brigades, 4 Oliver-Mk2 Squadrons

CUBA ESTABLISHES NEW MILITARY ARM. Havana, Cuba. The Cuban military has made some radical developments in warfare this year, establishing the Cuban Special Air Brigades, a force experimenting with the new tactic of mass parachute attacks. The training is highly specialized and requires intensive cooperation with ground and air forces, leading to the Cubans being one of only a few nations capable of such an exercise. The training for activities on a large scale have proven to be highly expensive and very dangerous for veteran ground troops, as the Cuban government launches its first use of the "airborne" troopers in war games outside of Havana. Military theorists believe that the massed airborne assault could lead to revolutionary new tactics in warfare as the armies of the world can now truly exploit the "highest ground around" for land attacks. (+1 Army and Air Force Quality for Cuba)

WEST INDIES SEIZED FOR NEW FEDERATION. Guantanamo, Cuba. As the World Wars come to a close, the Cuban government has made it clear that only the most limited European involvement in the Caribbean will be allowed from here on out. The Cuban navy and military has seized the Danish and Dutch West Indies from St. Maarten to Tobago, bringing to a close European rule in the region. The Swedes have been spared from the Cuban onslaught, as their involvement in the war against the United Collectives has painted them in a favorable light, and the Cuban government has pledged not to press any claims upon the Bahamas or New England controlled Puerto Rico. These islands are stated to form the base of the soon-to -be established Caribbean Federation, a democratic union of the various islands in the Caribbean Sea, including Haiti, the West Indies, and Cuba. A constitutional convention has been called from various representatives in the islands, ignoring "reactionary" individuals such as the decadent supporters of the old Haitian monarchy. The new Federation will go into effect January 1, 1946, ushering in a new age of regional politics.

European News Report

BOHEMIAN ELECTIONS. Prague, Bohemia. Elections in Bohemia resulted in a surprising outcome, as the long reigning Conservative Party was ousted from control by the Liberals. The Liberal Party has pledged to establish a new order for the Bohemian people, promising worker reforms and a more just and true government, while wiping away the corruption of the old regime. The politics of this year became ugly throughout the season, as King Francis refused to offer support for the newly elected government, unwilling to get involved with the new politics. The Bohemian Chancellor has promised to maintain the nation's sanctity in the establishment of a new French Europe. (-2 Stability)

TREATY OF SMOLENSK. Smolensk, Russian Federation. The World Wars have been brought to an end in most of Europe, to the relief of the millions of residents of the region. The Russian Federation and the Co-Axial Pact have signed an agreement this year bringing an end to the bloody conflict representative of the Russian Front. The Treaty of Smolensk has allowed the Russian Federation to maintain its territorial integrity in its entirety, even allowing the continuation of the war against the Korean Empire and the resulting Treaty of Vladivostok. The treaty effectively marks the end of the World Wars as a whole, with separate treaties between the Co-Axial Pact and the Republic of the Netherland and Swedish Empire soon following. The devastating conflict has been brought to a conclusion as both sides begin to pick up the pieces of the war. To some, this treaty is the death of the War for Freedom, and natives begin to lose hope for liberation with the failure of what was thought to be the world's greatest power to free them. (+2 Stability for all colonies, +2 Stability for all Co-Axial Pact nations, -2 Stability for all European Allied nations)

FREE GOVERNMENTS DISSOLVED. Moscow, Russian Federation. The Treaty of Smolensk has marked the effective end of the governments in exile of Hungary and Transylvania. The end of Russian support for the war effort has led to many believing that the cause is no longer capable of victory, and many have returned to their shattered homelands. The weapons of these individuals have frequently been taken with them, and in the confusion of the French withdrawal and mobilization, many of these arms have been brought home. The end of Dutch or Swedish support for the war has further discredited these movements, with only the last remnants of the German Republic holding on in the scattered few remains of the German empire. The German arms have also been brought into Germany proper to wage the ongoing rebellion for most of the year in a brutal struggle against French occupation.

TRANSYLVANIA ANNEXED. Bucharest, Romania. In a quick election in the former Russian protectorate of Transylvania, the populace has allegedly voted to join in union with the lisist state of Romania. Foreign observers were disallowed to witness the electoral process, having not been pledged to allow them in the Treaty of Smolensk. It is reported by some authorities that occupying Romanian troops were encouraged to partake in the plebiscite, which in addition to local support, was enough to win through numbers and intimidation tactics. The Romanian government has welcomed Transylvania into the fold, pledging to never let anything come between them ever again, regardless of foreign oppression or rule.

GREEK DISPUTE RISING. Athens, occupied Greece. The various nations of the Co-Axial Pact have been increasingly in debate over the fate of the former Greek nation. Currently occupied by the Italian and French governments, several Balkan states have some interest in the events to take place there. No one disputes Italian possession of the Grecian peninsula or the coastline taken from Turkey during the Suez War, but other issues have come into light. The Bulgarian government, having been forced to return Constantinople to the Russian Federation, has issued claims upon eastern Greece, calling for the creation of a Bulgarian coastline upon the Mediterranean Sea. The French government has refused to commit to such an annexation as of yet, as claims grow ever louder. The Serbian government has also called for its long-held position of Albanian independence, the issue which resulted in the Greco-Serbian War of 1926. The Bulgarian and Serbian governments have called for an immediate judgment to be made on the region to settle the disputes before further conflicts erupt.

ULSTER OCCUPIED. Dublin, Irish Republic. The Irish government has finally made a long awaited move and annexed the English held portion of Ireland, ending the province of Ulster at last. The English king and Parliament officially recognized the Irish annexation of the region, lamenting the inability of England to protect the province from French or Irish domination. The Irish government has lauded England for accepting its status, claiming that the turning over of the region could herald a new era of warmer relations for the two nations of the British islands. The Irish Republic has immediately set to work integrating the region into the rest of the nation, establishing new government offices, and allowing for the emigration for any Ulster Protestants who are unwilling to recognize their new leaders. Some of these Protestants have been offered return to England, while others have been encouraged to move to the Republic of New England or elsewhere. Nonetheless, the Protestant population has continued to remain uneasy in the wake of the changes of their politics, and several minor protests have been held as a resistance movement forms. (-1 Stability for Irish Republic)

FRENCH VICTORY PROCLAIMED. Paris, France. The Treaty of Smolensk recognizes that a new dawn has arisen in Europe, as the French government proclaims the establishment of the Third French Imperium. The French nation has managed to trample the previously formidable European Alliance of Nations and has humbled the great Russian bear, standing triumphant over two full continents. Almost the whole of Africa rests under the French banner and France is now to date the largest empire in human history, surpassing the mass of the Russian Federation. The Imperium is stated to be able to last a thousand years and the government has chosen to memorialize the occasion with a beautification project over Paris. Numerous monuments and other structures will be built to acknowledge the great success over the Allies, as the finest artists and architects throughout the Empire are summoned to help create a capitol worthy of such a nation.

TREATY OF AMSTERDAM. Amsterdam, France. With the end of Russian and Swedish involvement in the World Wars, the Republic of the Netherlands was the next nation to submit to a humiliating treaty with the powers of the Co-Axial Pact. The Republic of the Netherlands has been forced to vacate the European continent, ceding control of the Netherlands proper to French occupation and eventual annexation. The island of Ceylon was also ceded to join French India, as was Dutch West Africa, which have both been added to the varied realms of the French Empire. The treaty has allowed for the evacuation of much of the Netherlands citizenry, who have embarked, fearing retribution much like that which had been visited upon the Belgians. Many of these people have moved to start new lives in New Holland or New Zeeland, far away from Lisist occupied Europe.

TREATY OF COPENHAGEN. Copenhagen, occupied Danish Empire. The Swedish and French governments have come to peace, ending the Swedish involvement with the Allied cause in the World Wars. With the withdrawal of the Russian Federation from the war, it was determined by the Swedish government to be too risky to continue the war on alone. They have come to the bargaining table, achieving a much fairer peace than expected by many. The French government have agreed to a fifteen year nonaggression pact with the Swedish Empire and have even agreed to allow the Swedes to maintain their limited presence in Africa and abroad. The French have further agreed to help pay for the damages inflicted upon Sweden during the late invasion of the country during the World Wars. With this treaty, only the Danish Empire and England continue the good fight against the might of a virtually united Europe. (-2 Stability for Swedish Empire)

THE COLOGNE DECLARATION. Cologne, occupied German Republic. In a long awaited broadcast, the Consul of the French Imperium has announced the fate of much of occupied Europe. France's great victory over the Russian Federation and the Allied powers has heralded in a new golden age for Europe, and plans for new administration of the continent have been anticipated by many. France has announced the annexation of the new provinces of the Netherlands, Denmark, Rhineland, and Hanover into the heart of the French Empire, becoming recognized citizens of the land. Three new nations shall also be carved from the occupied regions, including the restoration of the nation of Hungary, established under French guidance. New regimes will be established with the restoration of the nation of Austria, occupied by the aggressive German Empire in 1902. This will include the recreation of an independent Bavaria and the total end to a unified German state. Many expect the new states to rest firmly under French control, economically and politically, though this detail has yet to be confirmed by the Consul.

GREENLAND ANNEXED BY ICELAND. Reykjavik, Iceland. The defeat of the Russian Federation and their withdrawal from the war with the Co-Axial Pact has announced to most of the world the imminent French victory over the remnants of the European Alliance of Nations. In order to spare its few denizens from the horrors of war that the stubborn Danish government could bring through French invasion, Greenland's Althaus has agreed to join in union with the government of Iceland. As Iceland is a recognized participant in the Co-Axial Pact it is believed that the new treaty will allow the Icelanders to protect their Greenland brothers from the wrath of the French or Danes through political alliances. As Greenland possesses few citizens or resources the move has gone relatively unopposed as Iceland quickly integrates its new people.

African/Middle Eastern News Report

REVOLT IN IRAQ. Basra, Iraq. Growing resentment against the Virginian government has at last led to a popular coup against the Virginian businesses and regime controlling the Middle Eastern nation of Iraq. The military has established a new regime, ousting Virginian control, and nationalizing the oil fields and refineries throughout the nation. The government has announced its immediate withdrawal from the Virginian Imperial Protectorate, establishing itself as an independent regime. Violent mobs have heralded the change in government, as attacks are launched against Virginians throughout the region, leaving several dozen dead. The new government has vowed to maintain its freedom from foreign control, and will not cede any further of the nation's wealth and resources to Virginian tyranny. The military has been mobilized and defenses established to hold the country against foreign attack. Several major battles have already been fought between the Iraqi Independent Army and the Virginian IX Armored Infantry Division as the Virginian governor attempted to preserve control. The Iraqis have done well in securing control of Basra and Baghdad, but the Virginians still maintain a heavy military presence in Kuweit City.
Casualty List
Virginian Empire: 9 Infantry Brigades, 2 Murphy Brigades, 2 Faustin Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 1 AS-Zero Squadron
Iraq: 12 Infantry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades, 1 Anti-Tank Brigade, 2 Anti-Air Brigades, 3 Destroyers

PERSIAN ELECTIONS. Tehran, Persia. The Moderate Coalition in power in the Middle Eastern nation of Persia has demonstrated once again the unity and peace that they have brought to the previously turbulent nation. Elections were held this year with the Moderates virtually running unopposed for office, smashing the minor opposition radicals which have been raised against them. The Moderate regime has pledged to continue Persia's course of peace and prosperity, while maintaining the nation's military guard against possible aggressive neighbors. While few grieve at the defeat of the Russian Federation in the late war, many fear that a collapsing Turkish Sultanate may lead to a rise in warfare throughout the region. (+1 Stability)

PALESTINE ELECTIONS. Al Quds, Palestine. The increasingly divided state of Palestine continues to struggle to restore the nation's lost unity and focus from the end of the Suez War. The increasing rift between Jews and Muslims within the country continued to escalate into violence throughout the year, bringing a shadow over the electoral proceedings. The mostly Islamic Conservative Party was ousted from power as liberal Muslims and Christians offered their support for the Liberal Party, which has pledged to secularize the government further and reunite the various factions of the nation. The Liberal Party barely won the elections over the Conservative Party, but has pledged to work with the other side as much as possible to maintain order and stability in Palestine. (-1 Stability)

JORDAN ELECTIONS. Amman, Jordan. The ever popular Liberal Party continues to dominate in the Republic of Jordan, keeping its word on worker reform and development, as well as maintaining the country's borders against the ever-present threat of Rashid Arabia. The government has pledged to enter into negotiations with the German Republic to gain the country a seaport on the Red Sea, a promise which has found even more support for the regime from the nation's emerging middle and business classes. The worsening situation in Palestine has raised concerns of a possible conflict, but the Liberal Party has promised to maintain neutrality while leaving immigration doors open for any Islamic refugees or emigrants from the troubled nation.

PERSIANS PERFORM MIRACLE. Tehran, Persia. A wondrous new invention has emerged from the glorious people of the Middle Eastern nation of Persia. Industrious businessmen have begun distribution of what is referred to in English, as the "air conditioner." This marvelous new device can actually change the temperature inside of a room, bringing extreme heat down to more reasonable levels. This "reverse heater" is said to be a godsend for warmer nations, as the new device will radically alter standards of living worldwide. Persian industrialists have already received a plethora of orders and requests for these new devices, and products mimicking the original design have entered into manufacture in the Russian Federation and other developed countries around the globe.

TREATY OF CONSTANTINOPLE. Constantinople, Russian Federation. Under the supervision of Russian mediation, the Turkish Sultanate made peace with the Republic of Italy and the other associated nations of the Co-Axial Pact. Promised Turkish independence in the Treaty of Smolensk, the Russian Federation encouraged a treaty to be established as quickly as possible to end the war in Asia Minor. With manpower reserves reaching the bottom of the barrel and Italian forces still mostly intact, the Turkish government saw few alternatives besides peace. In a move of benevolent generosity, the Axis governments offered to respect full Turkish territorial sovereignty in exchange for minimal reparations. The Turkish sultan agreed to the pact and the war in Asia Minor was brought to an end. Despite the agreement, the Turkish government has failed to pay reparations to France or the Republic of Italy, as the national situation continues to grow dire in the wake of demobilization. Some calls have been made for foreign intervention to stabilize the state for the payment of the costs of war.

TREATY OF LEESBURG. Leesburg, Ovambia. In a dire move for the Swedish Empire, a treaty has been signed with the southern African nation of Ovambia, ending Swedish control over the oldest of their colonial possessions, Gustava. The colony of Gustava has been turned mostly over to Ovambian control, following their great successes during the early stages of the World Wars. Only a small trading city has been left to the control of the Swedes, as many flee from Ovambian rule into the squalor of the settlement. The Swedish government has come under harsh criticism for not continuing the war effort against Ovambia, when it was apparent that the nation had been all but abandoned by their French allies and backers. In Ovambia, major celebrations were had over the nation's latest military victory, proclaiming a new era for Ovambia, and a strong new power in southern Africa.

CHAOS BECKONS IN TURKEY. Ankara, Turkish Sultanate. The Treaty of Constantinople has shaken the very foundations of the Turkish Sultanate. Though the end of the war was a popular move, only with the cessation of fighting and return of the few who survived did the populace truly realize the cost of the futile war. Massive mobs have rallied around government stations and military morale has dropped to an all time low as protestors blame the Sultan and government for the devastation of the World Wars in Turkey. Riots have broken out as have several strikes, demanding the end of the monarchy and the establishment of a new Turkish republic. The Sultan has refused to acknowledge demands, remaining barricaded in the Royal Palace, under heavy military guard. Martial law has been declared throughout much of the nation, though the constitutional elections are still scheduled and approved for 1947. (-6 Stability)

ABYSSINIA IN REBELLION. Addis Abada, Abyssinia. After years of turmoil, the Abyssinian people have at last risen up to overthrow New Englander imperial rule over their nation, a status which has existed since the end of the Great War. Abyssinia has rallied around a socialist cabal of unions and students from the industrial heartlands of the nation, calling for the overthrow of the absolutist imperial rule. They have denounced the New Englander people and government and have successfully rallied the masses in ousting control from the capitol region and much of the center parts of the country. The New Englander military continues to hold Arnoldka and the coastline, partially thanks to overwhelming naval superiority and airpower. The skies are clearly dominated by New Englander planes as rebel forces continue to be contained inland.
Casualty List
Abyssinia: 9 Infantry Brigades
Republic of New England: 4 Infantry Brigades

SOUTH AFRICA RISES IN PROTEST. Adamsville, Republic of New England. Loyal throughout the whole course of New England's involvement in the World Wars, the colony of South Africa has issued a written protest to the Boston government, calling for greater autonomy within the region. Having provided nearly a hundred thousand soldiers to New England's war effort throughout all campaigns, the South Africans have felt that they have earned their right to stand as full equals to the Republic. Though initial negotiations brought up the possibility of statehood, this has been rejected, stating that South Africa clearly has an identity of its own which deserves to be expressed. The people have staged peaceful protests calling for immediate action on behalf of the New Englander government. (-2 Stability in South Africa)
Asian/Pacific News Report

TREATY OF VLADIVOSTOK. Vladivostok, Russian Federation. The World Wars in the Far East were brought to a conclusion with the unconditional surrender of the Korean Empire upon their expulsion from the Co-Axial Pact by France. The terms of the treaty to end the war were dictated in the city of Vladivostok, as a new order was drawn up from the ruins of the Korean Empire. Japan has been theoretically expanded, as they are released from Korean control for good, with the conclusion of the Korean Imperial Protectorate and the end of vassalage to the Korean throne. The treaty has resulted in great changes in the political dynamic of the Pacific Ocean, with only China and the Dutch Federation offering any resemblance of local power.

EMPIRE OF JAPAN ESTABLISHED. Tokyo, Empire of Japan. The Japanese government has announced the end of the Japanese Kingdom, and instead the commencement of the Empire of Japan. The Emperor is granted executive authority and is absolute commander of the nation's armed forces, a title much in debate. The various samurai leaders have refused to place their forces under the emperor's command, instead maintaining their own rights, leaving the title to be mostly superficial. To help placate the samurai an Imperial Senate has been established, consisting of the ranking samurai and leaders among the rural regions of the country, consisting of what many would know as the landed gentry in Europe. They possess true power in opposition to the Congress, a fully elected legislative body from the various provinces, allowing anyone with the will to launch elections to compete. The reforms have been mostly popular, as the new regime is established, but the organization of armed forces continues to be a touchy subject with samurai refusing the use of their own private armies. Furthermore, several minor acts of violence have been reported, as samurai claim the new emperor has attempted underhanded and dishonorable methods such as kidnapping or assassination to gain influence. Attempts to use the nationalist militias to maintain power has resulted in several minor battles, as the samurai smash them in attempts to intimidate the Senate. (-5 Infantry Brigades, -1 Stability)

JAPAN OPENS FREE TRADE. Hiroshima, Empire of Japan. In a highly controversial move the Prime Minister of Japan has announced that the Empire of Japan is a free trade, no tariff zone to any foreign companies who wish to do business. They have welcomed foreign interests for internal development, a move which has greatly angered the nationalists, who have called for localized efforts in development. The move has been viewed from the outside as a profitable effort and businessmen from China, Russia, and even New England have been enticed for the potential for profits from the newly opened Japan, for the first time on the world market. The Japanese have portrayed the mysteries of the unexploited hills and mountains, calling for surveyors too look for the luscious treasures which likely rest below. This has helped anger the samurai, bringing both of the powerful factions into conflict with the regime's decision, and further threatening the country with civil war. (-1 Stability)

JAPAN WELCOMES KOREANS. Satsuma, Empire of Japan. In an even more controversial move, the Japanese emperor has passed de facto law stating that former Korean owners of industry and business throughout the islands and cities may continue to own their property. This includes some industries seized by the nationalists during the uprising against the Korean Empire. Even more disturbing, elements of the Korean military have been offered military positions and ranks within the Japanese government, outraging the samurai and nationalists who feel it to be a grave weakness within the military. The officers brought in from Korea are shunned by the Japanese, and refused any significant postings, forced to loiter in barracks, leaving many to return home to Korea in disappointment. The acceptance of the Koreans has led even more to believe that the emperor is not fit for governance and that perhaps he should step down in favor of a more suitable candidate. (-2 Stability)

REPUBLIC OF KYUSHU ESTABLISHED. Kagoshima, Republic of Kyushu. With the Treaty of Vladivostok, the island of Kyushu was to be turned over to Japanese control, but that was to be. The island has been in a state of persistent rebellion ever since it was seized from the Korean Empire by Portugal during the Korean phase of the Chinese Civil War. Viewing the Japanese government in Tokyo with disdain, particularly with the recognition of Korean ownership of property and immigration, the Republic of Kyushu was established as soon as the Korean military withdrew. Encouraged by the Koreans, even to the extent of gaining arms and munitions, the Kyushuans have managed to repulse a small Russian and Japanese attempt to establish control over the island. The Republic of Kyushu has called for international recognition and the end of the "wars of aggression" by the Russian Federation and Empire of Japan.
Casualty List
Russian Federation: 2 Infantry Brigades
Empire of Japan: 3 Infantry Brigades
Republic of Kyushu: 2 Infantry Brigades

KOREA SMASHES ASSETS. Pyongyang, Korea. The Korean military, in its final act of defiance against the Russian Federation, launched its last campaign as surrender talks continued. The campaign started with the utter destruction of the Korean navy, as the ships were dynamited before Russian troops could take possession. In order to further deny material to the Russian Federation, the nation's remaining planes were destroyed by their pilots in a variety of inventive methods, leaving nothing for the Russians to take. Other coordinated efforts were launched to demolish factories used to produce the modern equipment of warfare, as designs and blueprints were burned in order to protect the secrets of the Co-Axial Pact and Korea during the conflict. The remaining Korean military leadership has denied any organized involvement that would violate the Treaty of Vladivostok, claiming that the actions were undertaken by "patriotic Korean citizens" protecting their rights and property in a last hurrah of patriotism.

KOREA REFORMED. Seoul, Korea. The unconditional surrender of the Korean Empire has been marked by the establishment of a new regime upon the Korean peninsula. King Yi Gu has made his last act to be his abdication of control as the absolute sovereign of Korea, having been aged only fourteen years old. Yi Gu's older brother, Yi Jin, was brought in from a relaxing exile in the Caribbean, having spent much of his life there after his anti-Christian and secular views were considered unpopular by the standing government. Yi Jin has pledged to create a more modern Korea, ending the Catholic militarism which has been so predominant during Korea's meteoric rise and fall. Around the new monarch a new constitution has been created based on the Russian Federation, establishing a Duma to support the new monarch. This elected body will hold the real power within Korea, with true executive authority being placed in the hands of a national president. The new policies have been unpopular with the radical Catholics who formerly managed the nation, and some have found refuge in Japan with their liberal new policies, and others have fled to France or the Republic of Italy. The first free elections are to be held in 1946, to be followed every four years by a new series of elections. Russian troops will remain in the country to assure that the elections remain fair and just until their treaty approved withdrawal in 1947.

CHINA RECLAIMS TRADE CITIES. Peking, Republic of China. The conclusion of the World Wars has led to a new change in the organization of the trading cities along the Chinese coast. The Chinese government, under provisions of previous treaties has regained control of Macao and Behei from the Dutch Federation, which had seized them from Portugal and Korea during the war. Under provisions under previous documents, the Chinese have allowed that the Korean and Portuguese governments were no longer capable of protecting and supporting the trade cities they had been allowed to establish during the Chinese Civil War. In response the occupation has gone moderately successfully, adding the two cities to Chinese control. Another operation was launched upon the Shandong Peninsula, the last sizable Korean holding in China. The Chinese expelled the Korean garrisons, who peacefully returned to Korea for demobilization in the wake of the Russian victory and unconditional surrender of the Korean government. Finally, the Swedish government has signed an official treaty recognizing the loss of the Shanghai-Nanjing region, but have managed to obtain economic rights to businesses and properties owned within the region before the World Wars. These recent developments have left China facing only the Republic of New England and the Russian Federation for control of all native Chinese cities and regions.

DUTCH FEDERATION CREATED. Sydney, Dutch Federation. The Treaty of Amsterdam has exiled the Dutch population in its majority to the former imperial possessions of the Republic of the Netherlands in the Far East. As refugees continue to pour into New Holland and New Zeeland, fleeing from French oppression and domination in Europe, the Dutch government struggles to assemble some sort of order among the erupting chaos. Polls were established throughout the lands, and instead of true elections, calls for made for choices upon independence or union within the larger Dutch Federation. The polls were resoundingly clear from across the board, and the Dutch Federation will soon cease to exist. In New Holland, the polls were dominated by the Boers and the support they bought among the Dutch refugee populace. These polls have called for the fully independent creation of a New Holland Confederacy to control the world's smallest continent. They have declared themselves to be the true heirs of the Dutch Empire and have quickly alienated the various other regions of the Federation. In New Zeeland, the older immigrant population, spanning a widely diverse amount of cultures and religions, the population has also called for an independent state, alienated by the supremacist views of the New Hollanders. In eastern New Guinea, the population has erupted into virtual civil war, as the various tribes and factions struggle for control of the process. The multitude of local cultures and low infrastructure has led to the polling to become an absolute disaster, reviving ancient feuds and disputes throughout the populace and leading to a near state of anarchy. In what one English scholar termed "Indonesia" a variety of factions have emerged in various regions, calling for independence. Throughout Sumatra and parts of the southern Sunda Islands, the local Islamic leaders have rallied the populace, promising the theory of Pancasila, an idea of a new Islamic state and common cause among the "Indonesian" islands. The Islamic cause has met with much success in the polls as the people call for the establishment of an Islamic Republic. They have met the greatest opposition on the island of Borneo which would have voted in favor of Federation, but the tides of independence elsewhere has led to calls for establishment of a Bornean republic, especially spearheaded by the island's Chinese and European residents, who possess most of the local wealth and power. The natives of the island of Sulawesi have rejected both the calls of unity with the Islamic Pancasilans as well as the people of Borneo. The island has called for a local native republic, rejecting both Federation and alliance among the populace. Many of the pro-independence movement have used the polling opportunities to rally the masses to their causes with much success. In some areas temporary constitutional committees have been rallied, and most observers believe that the short-lived Dutch Federation is not long for this world.

SPECIAL: Remnants of the World Wars

PRUSSIA SEIZES ORKNEYS. Danzig, Prussia. As the war in Germany proper escalated, the Prussian government launched a bid to remove another one of the Axis' opponents completely from the European theater. The Prussian navy set sail after spending most of the war in port, and with a small contingent of ground forces, took the Orkney Islands from several small Danish garrisons, which had spent most of the battles feverishly destroying anything the Prussians may have found of use. The Danes thoroughly devastated their lands through the battle, destroying the infastructure which would have kept them supplied, as the Prussian forces fought island to island, driving the Danes out of their last strongholds in Europe.
Casualty List
Prussia: 3 Infantry Brigades
Danish Empire: 3 Infantry Brigades

BATTLE OF ENGLAND. London, England. The air war over England, which began during the latter years of the Russian Front, has surged in importance, as the English begin to run low on supplies and fuel. The Axis blockade has quickly tightened around the island, cutting off vital food supplies and fuel for the planes and vehicles of the English military. This has been felt in the skies as French and Portuguese planes begin engaging in large scale combat. Massive bombing attacks have been launched against the urban centers of England, pummeling the population with explosions almost daily for the course of the year, with most breaks occurring in the few days which were considered to be unflyable. The English started by countering the attacks as much as they could, relying on observers upon the coasts to spot approaching bombers and other planes to give warning by telephone. The lack of fuel and the overwhelming numbers of their opponents soon forced the English Air Defense to recall planes to the north, out of range of French bombers. This has allowed attacks with almost complete impunity as the English have been devastated on the ground and in the skies.
Casualty List
France: 4 G35 Squadrons, 6 BP38 Squadrons, 8 PPDA-41 Squadrons, 2 PHBA-40 Squadrons
Portugal: 4 PPDA-41 Squadrons, 1 PHBA-40 Squadron
England: 2 Artillery Brigades, 10 Anti-Air Brigades, 1 Zeppelin Bomber Squadron, 22 AS-124 Squadrons, 1 Buster Squadron

GERMAN REBELLION CRUSHED. Munich, occupied German Republic. The conclusion of the war on the Russian Front has allowed for the triumphant return home of many French soldiers, ready to head back to their families. One last challenge was in store for them, however, as throughout the previous year, large numbers of German resistance fighters rose up in opposition to the French imperial rule. The fighting was heavy, but the breaking of the Russian Federation also broke the spirit of the German soldiers, who lacked heavy equipment and air support. The French used the modern techniques of war to inflict a terrible toll upon their opponents, bringing brutal destruction down upon the towns and communities of Germany. Reports have leaked out of extreme brutality toward Germans in the areas which rose up in rebellion, including mass slaughters and attacks upon German civilians not involved in the actual war. Some have suggested that entire villages and towns have been wiped out by French retribution.
Casualty List
France: 41 Infantry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades, 6 A-42 Brigades
Prussia: 5 Infantry Brigades
German Republic: 122 Infantry Brigades

NIJERIAN FRONT. Christiansburg, Danish Empire. The Danes have continued to feverishly prepare themselves throughout the year for the onslaught they believe must come, as French forces begin to mass along the Niger River. The reinforcement of French garrisons throughout Africa has been made public, and the situation in Nijeria continues to become tense. Feeling that their liberation may soon be at hand, the Nijerian populace has risen up in arms against the Danes, resulting in a brutal slaughter. The Danes, well prepared for an insurgency launched retaliatory measures crushing the rebellion following the revolt. Heavy fighting was reported in urban centers throughout the region, as the Danes attempted to maintain order. With the new attacks and the execution of one of the leaders of the Nijeria First Movement, the resentment against the Danish crown continues to grow. Along the boundaries Nijeria, even as the internal parts explode, the French and Danes have had several small skirmishes between ground forces, as both sides continue to position themselves for the inevitable invasion.
Casualty List
France: 2 Infantry Brigades
Danish Empire: 14 Infantry Brigades, 3 Cavalry Brigades, 6 Panzer IV Brigades

INDIAN REBELLION. Delhi, India. The Indian rebellion has continued against French imperial rule upon the subcontinent. The Indians have taken a different approach, surprising the local colonial forces with a lack of a conventional attack. Irregular Indian forces have dispersed into the mountains and jungles of northern India, launching attacks on French air and other support bases, and then quickly fading into the background. The war has taken on a mostly guerilla tone, as the Indians hold their current borders against conventional French probes, while winning a number of victories behind French lines. The most spectacular victories have begun to rally some local support, convincing more Indians that perhaps French power has been spent in the humiliation of the Russian bear.
Casualty List
France: 11 Infantry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades, 3 A-39 Brigades, 2 Anti-Air Brigades, 1 CaD88 Brigade, 3 PPDA-38 Squadrons
India: 10 Infantry Brigades, 4 Jungle Brigades, 5 Mountain Brigades

Review of the Arts

A Brave New World
Type: Moving Picture
Genre: Documentary/Propaganda
Producer: Paradise Films
Running Time: 110 minutes
Summary: Produced as a counter to the New Englander film, The World Turned Upside Down, A Brave New World shows the full triumph of the Allied cause in North America. The film highlights the successes of the Virginian Empire, including the destruction of communism in North America, the end of Georgia, and a new era of might for the empires of the continent. The film was partially funded by the government of the Virginian Empire, and has been introduced as a staple cinema piece throughout all of the former Allied nations. The film has not made money, however, being the first major motion picture to fail to profit while still taking in money. The exorbitant budget for the film and accusations of corruption and embezzlement have led to an investigation of Paradise Films.

Just so Mexico
Type: Moving Picture
Genre: Comedy
Producer: Beria Productions
Running Time: 92 minutes
Summary: Just So Mexico is a Russian comedy about a discount vacation to Mexico after the end of the World Wars. Expecting to go away to a tropical paradise, a Russian couple finds that the vacation is just as war-torn as home, but they attempt to enjoy the getaway anyways. The film has met with much success throughout the Russian Federation, being the first film to be released from Odessa following the French withdrawal. This film is lauded as the triumphant return of Kinograd from its exile during the war years. Grossing top in sales throughout the Russian Federation and Eastern Europe, Beria Productions is celebrated for its efforts both during and after the war to entertain the Russian people.

The Immigrant
Type: Novel
Genre: Drama
Writer: Jacque Puzo
Length: 478 pages
Summary: The Immigrant is a popular novel published in Quebec, depicting the seedy underbelly of organized crime in both Quebec and Canada before, during, and after the war. Particularly the novel emphasizes the Italian families and their influence in organized crime throughout Canada, depicting the rise of syndicates within the country both before and during the time of Canadian oppression. Part of the novel takes place in Sicily, depicting the early years and a good detail of the Mafia in the region, a facet of Italian life. The story progresses into an erupting gang war in Quebec City as various criminal factions struggle for control.

We Who Remain
Type: Moving Picture
Genre: Drama
Producer: Caribbean Films and Production
Running Time: 180 minutes
Summary: We Who Remain is a three part film produced within Puerto Rico of the Republic of New England, illustrating the plight of the Metis people through drama. Following the life of a Metis farmer, the first part covers the period of the German Occupation of the Metis Republic and the Syndicalist Revolution which ousted the old regime while focusing on the events of the farmer's boyhood. The second part of the film shows the main character's life in school and establishes a growing romance. The final part of the movie, stated by many to be the most powerful images, the Virginian occupation has begun and the main character fights to defend his family and his beliefs against Virginian oppression. The film has been lauded by critics in the quality of acting as well as for the influential plot of the film, leading some figures in New Englander politics to question Virginian methods in the far north.

The Sports Page

AMERICAN CUP RESTORED. Columbus, Virginian Empire. The Virginian government, with the end of mobilization and the World Wars, has announced the return of the American Cup. Sponsored by the government and a number of wealthy businessmen, the revived International American Cup Authority has helped pay for transportation of rebuilt sports teams from across North America. In addition to the usual suspects from Virginia and the Republic of New England, teams have finally been brought to the games from Mexico, and a team has even arrived from the troubled nation of Deseret. While the games were solely taking place in the stadiums in the city of Columbus, reminding many of the Olympics soccer games, the International American Cup Authority has announced plans to restore cross-borders games outside of the Virginian Empire. The IACA has suggested that city governments begin plans to restore sporting centers and other fields, in preparation for the regular gaming schedule to return in 1947. The games for this year, and the ones planned in Columbus for next year, are not slated to have any true winner in the competition, but it is widely believed that the Richmond Football Club clearly emerged triumphant this year, sweeping victoriously against all opponents.

Political Cartoon from Tokyo, Japan
Spoiler :

A cartoon from Japan. The Thing that says the Japanese Constitution is the new constitution about the new rights of the people and the new Japanese state. The man with the crown is the Emperor, hoping the people will like it. The man on the left is a samurai (Holding a sword), and on the right is a nationalist (holding a Japanese Flag). While there are both some things that they like in the Constitution, there are other parts they are unsure of, thus their confused reaction.

Political Cartoon from Rio de Janeiro, Socialist Union of South America
Spoiler :

Lisismo = Lisism

The Diplomatic Pouch


ANNOUNCING: A Brave New World 2.2. In a mere five updates, I will create a new thread for A Brave New World, announcing the 1950s. One of the main reasons is the sheer length of the standing thread, and the difficulties this can create. ABNW 2.2 will modify the system we have going at the moment, bringing us into a modern era of whatever it may be. If you want to help with the modification, I'd gladly accept help for any of the following: Cover picture for the thread (preferably well done and not stick figures), redoing of the 1950 map into flyingchicken's map format, or just providing suggestions or criticisms upon the standing rules for things that may be able to use improvement (I reserve the right to ignore criticism if already addressed to my satisfaction). Confirmed elements of the new ruleset are:
-Complete reworking of unit design and production, elimination of the brigade as the standard unit
-Introduction of the Standard of Living stat, linked to Stability
-elimination of banked EP (so if you've got it now, spend it!)
-All nation stats will be adjusted for more appropriate manpower and Economic Points based on the current stability rules and adjusted production rules
-A new map, I'll finally get around to using flyingchicken's map to an updated 1950 status.
-LIMITED non-government (and playable) entities, currently planned: International Red Cross, Catholic Church
-Also, not directly related, but I'm confirming that the new ruleset used will take us all the way to 2010. the goal is to be at the break of the 2011 update by New Year's Day next year (real time).
-All standing projects, research, and most units will be transferred over to the new NES, so don't be discouraged from continuing as you were with whatever current plans you possess.

The colors of Mexico and Japan have been changed as per the request of the players. No one else ask me to change, as I will just ignore you. If you desperately need to have things changed, bring it up following the 1950 update in preparation for A Brave New World 2.2.

This should hopefully be the last of the truly big updates, and we should be going down to a more manageable size with the end of the World Wars. Fortunately things seem to be calming down (after the initial pains of the peace) and we may well have a nice quiet 1950s for ABNW 2.2.

World Map


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Cuba is still under a special reserve for another player. I realize that it is not taken, but this is due to the requested anonymous status for the person due to their possible lack of return.
To Axis, Turkey
From Russia:

The Russian Federation is willing to pay for the Turkish reparations to spare its ally in their time of need.
An Brief Letter to General Byrd

Your people tire of a war from which no victory can be gleaned. Leave the lands of the Métis, and cease your involvement in our domestic affairs, and we shall allow you to withdraw peacibly.

-Martin LaTournier
EQ, I would like to take the floundering Turkish empire, if that's acceptable. I'd also like to note that Tunisia is owed 50 EP from the Russians. :)
OOC: Great update! I liked the Lisism cartoon and The Godf- er, The Immigrant especially. Also the part about the thousand-year Imperium.


To: China, Virginia, New England, Italy
From: France

Now that peace has returned to the world, it is France's interest to see that this peace be a lasting one. We believe a major problem that brought about the last world war was an inability to communicate efficiently. We feel that, to negate this problem, an international organization would be in order - one that allows nations to discuss their grievances with one another in an open forum, in all matters economic, political, and even military. It would allow diplomatic channels to be opened and supported by a multilateral discussion.

To this end we have contacted the four other great nations of the world - the mighty Republic of New England, the distinguished Virginian Empire, the noble Republic of Italy, and even the Republic of China - to assist in the creation of such an organization. In this way, we have representatives from America, Europe, and Asia to lend the organization some credence.

We ask only for your interest, that we may begin planning.

To: Russia
From: France

That is perfectly acceptable.
To: France
From: China

We believe this is an excellent idea and thoroughly support this. Though the most "neutral" area possible would be preferable for the headquarters of this organization, we understand that Europe, and France in particular, occupies the paramount position in the world at the moment and so some sort of small "international zone" possibly on the Franco-Italian border (Monaco?) seems to be the best location for this unless the French government already has some ideas.

Also as much as it may pain the French nation, Russia still occupies a very important position in this world and we feel that the organization's goals may be undermined without their involvement at least some level.

OOC: Great update EQ!
To: China
CC: New England, Virginia, Italy
From: France

We anticipated a mention of Russia and we understand your concern; however given Russia's recent position we believed introducing them into the committee something that could wait. Naturally, we intend to include Russia at some point (and before the actual launch of the organization), but we believe it should be those who have something to celebrate that begin drawing blueprints for the new world.

We thought a thoroughly revamped Casablanca could be the site of the new organization if New England is willing.

To: Virginia
From: France

We are willing to make a series of loans to Virginia to assist them economically if they so desire it. Hard times do not necessitate longevity.
To: France
From: China

This is agreeable and Casablanca seems to be a suitable location given that New England does not object. If New England has some objections and France does not believe Monaco is a fitting location either, we are willing to offer Macao or Jinan as the place for this organization. We also believe Malta would be a good possible alternative spot.
To: China
From: France

Indeed, Malta is our second choice if Casablanca is not acceptable.
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