A Brave New World Part 2

THis'd be the 48 hour warning
This'd be the 24 hour warning.
This is the end of time in which order revisions can be sent in. A political cartoon is still required for the update. Fortunately, we have a much shorter update coming this year. I'm hoping that we may be able to get double the updates done this week, one on Thursday as well as today and the next Sunday. It'd be most preferrable that we switch to ABNW 2.2 somewhere around January 1.
No orders will be allowed from this point on. Update will likely be done tomorrow afternoon (or if i have the stamina for it, tonight). A political cartoon would still be nice.
Eq, I'll post a cartoon, cause I have no school today :smug:

But I'm snowed in :sad:

Any suggestions?
Eq, I'll post a cartoon, cause I have no school today :smug:

But I'm snowed in :sad:

Any suggestions?

First, don't post it. PM it to him so that you don't spoil it.

Second...four-wheel drive? Snow blower? Good ol' fashioned shovel? Or just staying home and doing your best to enjoy yourself.
No, I meant suggestions for the cartoon
Global News Report

INTERNATIONAL FARMER ORGANIZATION PROPOSED. Saint Augustine, Florida. The Floridian government has issued a call to the farmers and agricultural barons of the world, establishing the International Agricultural Committee in Saint Augustine. President Graham has called for the arrival of diplomats and scientists to attend the committee to discuss famine, global modernization of agriculture, and food distribution across the world. A shiny new building has been constructed to host the committee, boasting some of the most modern facilities and structures in North America. Stated to be a charitable endeavor, there is also a training school located on the premises for any would be farmer looking to learn the most modern techniques in irrigation and planting. Discounts are given to international students arriving in the city, and for official government representatives, all lessons are free.

INTERNATIONAL SOCIALIST CONGRESS MEETS. Sao Paulo, Socialist Union of South America. The defeat of the United Collectives of North America in the World Wars has caused socialists and communists around the globe to question previous methods used to bring about socialism worldwide. The Socialist Union of South America as therefore called a congress of the world's plethora of socialist and communist parties from all over the globe. Representatives from the few other socialist nations, such as Iceland and Pennsylvania, attended, as did members of both legal and illegal socialist movements from twenty-five different countries. Observers from non-socialist entities were also present, and all were shocked by the statements made. In a heartfelt speech, the leader of the Socialist Union denounced the methods of both the United Collectives of North America and the Union of Chinese Collectives, stating that violent revolution is NOT the preferred course to spreading socialism. They have called for the cause to be spread through constitutional means when possible and violent methods only as a last resort. They have also stated that socialism is not inherently tyrannical, claiming that any nation founded on the basis of the socialist cause ought to be more inclined to democracy than authoritarianism. Foreign press have lauded the new direction of socialism, believing that this new course may herald a promising age of world peace.

WORLD WARS CONCLUDING. Paris, France. While the remnants of the World Wars continue, it has become blatantly obvious that nothing can stop the might of the Third French Empire. The Danes continued to struggle futilely against the French in Africa, while the fighting in India continues without cessation. The war did seem to stop temporarily in England, as the French blockade continued and violence at least stopped in the skies, as Axis air forces were deployed elsewhere. This will be the final year for a special report on the World Wars, as it has declined to a point where it could be said they are no longer truly happening as a global phenomenon.

ECONOMIC REPORT. Paris, France. It seems clear that the recession which may have set in North America may at last be halting, at least for now. Overall, the year seems to be one of economic growth and resumed prosperity, particularly in Europe. In the Russian Federation, the chaotic political situation has led to an ensuing decline economically, while the ramifications of this has spread into the Middle East, while Europe begins to realign economically with Paris. In the Americas, economic growth has not truly begun, but it seems that economic decline has been at least temporarily forestalled. As before a list of economic changes is presented below:
Metis Republic: -2 EP
England: -1 EP
France: +4 EP
Portugal: +1 EP
Republic of Italy: +1 EP
Russian Federation: -3 EP
Swedish Empire: -2 EP
Kurdistan: -1 EP
Tunisia: -1 EP
Turkish Republic: -2 EP
Republic of China: +1 EP

North American News Report

RIOTING ESCALATES PROBLEMS IN MEXICO. Los Angeles, Mexico. The ongoing war in the Yucatan and continuing rise of casualties in the conflict has escalated tensions throughout the Mexican nation. The persistent decline of the Mexican economy, including high unemployment rates has further exacerbated the situation, and this year, rioting broke out in many major cities. The worst of the riots took place in the coastal cities of California, and martial law was forcibly declared, but military units found themselves nearly overrun by the angry populace. The government has called for calm, but even at the end of the year, some remote parts of the cities remained lawless and without any official control. The opposition has bombarded the government with accusations of corruption, claiming that they only protected select individuals in the rioting and devastation which ensued. (-1 Stability)

COUP ATTEMPT IN MISSISSIPPI. Oglethorpe, Mississippi. The withdrawal of Virginian troops has left a vacuum of power within the new Georgian nation of Mississippi. The military, consisting mostly of former socialists and communists, some of whom even fought alongside the United Collectives, made a bid for power this year. Fortunately, the attempt was foiled near the onset, as the government coincidentally began a purge of the most radical members who used to be a part of the defunct Communist Party. The leaders of the coup were arrested just as they began to enact their revolt, leading to a quick rounding up of the remnants of the rebellion and the government has successfully maintained order and stability. The Mississippi government has vowed to maintain a regime that is free from radicalism and communism. (+2 Stability)

RIOTING IN NEW YORK. New York City, Republic of New England. Spurred by numerous activists, major anti-government riots broke out in Albany and New York City this year, denouncing the Republic of New England and calling for an independent New York. The New England Home Army was quickly deployed to quell the resentment, but many believe that this could be the sign of a newborn uprising against New Englander control. Attacks on New Englander businesses and citizens have been launched from the countryside, as the New York Yankees claim credit for the rising tide of rebellion. The military has done its best to contain the attacks, fighting several pitched engagements throughout the region, leaving thousands dead or wounded.(-1 Stability, -1 Infantry Brigade)

MILITARY OVERTHROWS GOVERNMENT IN TEXAS. Dallas, Texan Republic. The Texan military launched a major coup for control this year, wiping out republican militias and launching a rapid assault upon the capitol. The rebels successfully managed to gain control over the bulk of the air forces and all of the nation's armored weapons, assuring their success against the loyalists. Though some loyalists did manage to raid one airfield, thus prohibiting massive attacks near Dallas, the Texan military has successfully ousted the republican regime. General Harry Blaine has denounced the Coalition Party which formerly led the state, claiming that Texas still is destined for greater military strength and power. Blaine has vowed to redefine Texas as a military power in North America. (+2 Stability, -3 Infantry Brigades, -1 AVB-03 Brigade,- 4 AS-124 Squadrons)

CRISIS IN DELAWARE BAY. Trenton, Democratic Republic of New Jersey. The Democratic Republic of New Jersey has launched a new effort with its naval forces to investigate and contain threats of piracy throughout the Delaware Bay. The New Jerseyan navy has waylaid Pennsylvanian ships, claiming to be investigating them for pirating activities, but many believe they are just blatantly abusing their power against Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvanian press has denounced New Jerseyan actions, claiming them to be in violation of the previous treaty protecting shipping on the Delaware River. The Naval Authority of the Republic of New England has also claimed that threats of piracy within North American waters are ridiculous and unfounded. The New Englander government has warned against New Jersey overstepping its bounds in naval activity.

METIS UNREST CONTINUES. Winnipeg, Metis Republic. Fighting continued throughout the whole of the Metis Republic as the Metis continue to struggle against Virginian control of their country. The various militias of the region have even fought each other in skirmishes for the nation's scattered resources and industry. The Virginians have managed to keep the barest of lids upon the effort, as goods are shipped across the Great Lakes to the Virginian Empire. The nation is clearly in ruin as the regional economies begin to shudder and collapse, as famine and disease prevail among the civilian population. Casualties have been moderate for the Virginian occupiers, as soldiers often find themselves outmaneuvered or ambushed throughout the vast wilderness of the nation, and only in the few urban centers do they maintain obvious superiority. (-1 Virginian Infantry Brigade)

CANADA REWRITES CONSTITUTION. Toronto, Canada. The Canadian government under Harvey Dent this year made some sweeping changes to the management of the Canadian nation. Stating that party politics are detrimental to the national cause, the Dent regime has announced that new elections will not allow organized political groups to participate. Elections are slated to be held in 1950, when locals will be elected for a national congress. Dent has proclaimed that this recognizes a new political movement for democracy, calling this "national socialism" to be the institution of America's future development. So far the move has been met with much support, as the blame for Canada's civil war has been placed on party strife which left the nation weak, allowing for the Quebecois revolt. (+1 Stability)

FIGHTING IN LOUISIANA. New Orleans, Louisiana. Heavy fighting has been reported to be emerging from the ruins of the Empire of Louisiana, as the various factions in the region struggle for control. The south has been plainly dominated by the vodoun leadership out of New Orleans, as they smash into the forces of Baton Rouge. Their cause was helped by the timely heart attack of the leader of the military forces in the region, which has been claimed to have been achieved by dark magic out of the former capitol of the empire. The various forces of the Baton Rouge warlord have surrendered to the vodoun, particularly after especially horrific tales of brutality from the units which did not surrender to the advancing forces. Some small skirmishes have taken place in the north, but no side has made significant advances as of yet, with all factions biding their time, particularly with the rising threat of the vodoun. The Texan Republic has been moderately involved, as various Louisianan warlords launched raids against refugee camps and Texan towns, leading to smaller skirmishes.
Casualty List
Louisiana: 10 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 2 Faustin Brigades, 1 Oliver Mk2 Squadron
Baton Rouge: 7 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 1 Anti-Air Brigade, 1 Murphy Brigade, 2 AS-124 Squadrons
Louisville: 2 Infantry Brigades
Saint Louis: 3 Infantry Brigades, 1 Murphy Brigade
Northern Louisianan Alliance: 4 Infantry Brigades, 1 Oliver Mk2 Squadron
Texan Republic: 2 Infantry Brigades

Central/South American News Report

NEW REVOLT IN CHILE. Santiago, Chile. Another Chilean general, rallying a base of support against the Emanez government's corruption and brutality, launched a bid for power this year. The effort started successfully, with the rebel army besieging loyalist positions in Santiago, attempting to secure absolute power against the enemy. The loyalist resistance proved too much, particularly when the rebel general was betrayed and murdered by one of his closest associates. With the leader behind the revolt slain, the effort for violent change soon crumbled and the loyalists managed to mop up the remnants of the dissident military force. The Emanez government has vowed retribution upon any citizens who may have offered aid and support to the rebellion, claiming that any action against the regime is nothing less than treason. (-1 Stability, -5 Infantry Brigades, -2 Mountain Brigades)

YUCATAN REBELLION. Merida, Yucatan. The heavy fighting in Yucatan continues without cease this year as the Mexican government struggles to regain control over the rebellious province. Massive forces have been moved against the state, which struggles with Guatemalan aid in the largest land battles since the end of the World Wars. The Mexicans have refused to recognize Mayan independence, denouncing the Guatemalan support, but pledging not to involve the "poorly led" Guatemalan civilian population in the conflict. So far, the Mexicans have made some advances onto the peninsula, but slowly, finding that the jungles are frequently reclaimed overnight through tunnels and flanking moves, leaving it hard to preserve cleared ground. Heavy casualties have been reported, and the fighting has been highly brutal among both sides, particularly with various epidemic diseases moving through the local populations. At sea, submarines have continued to strike at the Mexican blockade, which has forcibly turned back Caribbean Federation ships attempting to trade with the Yucatan. A single submarine has been reported sunk by the Mexican authorities, but no confirmation of nationality has been made.
Casualty List
Mexico: 45 Infantry Brigades, 4 AVB-03 Brigades, 1 PA-3 Squadron, 1 AFB-01 Squadron
Yucatan: 25 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 1 Anti-Air Brigade, 2 Anti-Tank Brigades
Guatemala: 37 Infantry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades, 4 Oliver Mk2 Squadrons

CARIBBEAN FEDERATION PROCLAIMED. Havana, Caribbean Federation. Representatives from across the Caribbean Sea met this year in Havana to proclaim the creation of the Greater Caribbean Federation. This democratic political body acts as a full government for the regions previously controlled by the Cuban nation. The new constitution of the government allows for greater autonomy by each of the individual islands, being administered in foreign affairs from Havana. Though the heart of the new nation's military is the old Cuban armed forces, they have pledged that Cuba is merely an equal member of the new political body, claiming that they do not view this union as an extension of Cuban imperialism. Some doubts have been cast upon this claim, but the first elections, to be held next year, should determine the truth.

European News Report

JUGHASHVILI CONFIRMED DEAD. Tbilisi, Russian Federation. Iosef Jughashvili was confirmed dead in January of this year when a team of unidentified gunmen entered into his home, shooting and killing his wife and children alongside him. It is claimed by former Jughashvili Faction members that "certain unspeakable acts" were inflicted upon the Jughashvili family, and the government initially pledged a full investigation. The investigation claimed that the "Iron Man" and his family were killed by disgruntled veterans of the World Wars, but conservative elements of government have loudly stated that the Federative Party use the Spetznatz to murder Russia's former leader. Crowds have turned out in protests, which have led to riots, and near anarchy breaking out, especially in the home state of the deceased president, Georgia. Opposition to the government have denounced the Federative Party, claiming that they signed a deal with the devil, enslaving the Russian people to the French scourge. Among the rise of the Jughashvili Faction once more in politics, the ensuing recession and anger has led to unrest and unemployment running rampant through the nation. The government has been forced to proclaim martial law in some region, sparking mutinies among the soldiers and leading to increased violence. In the wake of the death of this great leader, it seems that the Russian Federation is on the brink of dying with him. (-6 Stability, -14 Infantry Brigades, -23 Manpower)

FRENCH ECONOMY SURGES FORWARD. Paris, France. The creation of a new world order has clearly affected the French economy and markets. The failure of American companies and the opening of much of North America to French investment has led to a new surge in the creation of businesses and flow of wealth. The continuation of war in Africa and Asia has even allowed the French arms industries to maintain their profitability in a time of relative peace, avoiding the munitions slump other nations' have suffered. With Europe resting firmly under the heel of French and Italian business, and new markets seeming to open every day around the world, many have rest assured in the fact that this is clearly a new French golden age arising from the ruin of the World Wars.

SWEDISH ELECTIONS. Stockholm, Swedish Empire. Swedish elections this year were full of recriminations and disputes, leaving many dissatisfied with the end results. The nation's Liberal Party denounced the government, claiming that they abandoned "the Good Fight" when there was still a chance for victory against the might of France. The Conservative Party defended their actions, claiming that peace was the only hope for maintaining the sanctity of the empire. This view has led to further arguments as the Finnish and Norwegian Nationalist Parties rise to the forefront of Swedish electoral debates. Both nationalist movements have rallied their peoples with Lisist ideologies, claiming that they have destinies as sovereign states. Within their own territories, both the Finns and Norwegians have elected these nationalist organizations into office. The arrest of nationalist agitators earlier in the year only exacerbated the situation as Norway and Finland demand their freedom from the Swedish Empire. (-3 Stability)

SWISS ELECTIONS. Geneva, Switzerland. The rise of the third French Empire has left the neutral nations of Europe pondering their course in relations with the new juggernaut. Switzerland, landlocked within the European empire of France, has determined that its best interests lay with improved relations with Europe's superpower. The Swiss have begun exporting a greater number of goods than ever before, even at the expense of their internal industry. These policies came up for debate with this year's elections as the Swiss Moderate Party collapsed this year, as conservatives and liberals distanced themselves from each other's policies. The Conservative Party wanted to maintain a neutral course in diplomacy, while building up the nation's feeble military. Military build up was opposed by the Liberal Party which instead claimed that close alliance and friendship with the Republic of Italy would be a safer route. Nonetheless, the Conservatives clearly won the elections, and the first part of the Mountain Corps marched in a military parade sponsored by the government in Geneva. (-1 Stability)

IRISH ELECTIONS. Dublin, Irish Republic. The successful occupation of northern Ireland and the continuing dire circumstances surrounding the eastern island of the British Isles were the dominant issues brought to bear in this year's Irish elections. The Irish government touted its successful annexation of the region, while the Liberal opposition claimed that it was an act "befitting vultures, not a civilized nation." The Liberal Party argued that they should do more to aid the besieged English people, despite their history of oppression, claiming that no race should have to suffer to that extent. The Conservative Party reminded the people that the English spent years attacking and oppressing the Celtic people, and that it was due justice for what they inflicted. The Conservative Party won the elections with a sizeable majority, both for the Presidency and in Congress. (+1 Stability)

NEW KING CALLS FOR CHANGE IN GALICIA. Lesko, Galicia. The aged monarch of Galicia, King George III died this year, passing away after only returning to his country for a single year. His death has signaled a new era for the small European nation, as his son takes a more active role in politics. King Francis II has agreed to open a national Duma, calling for the end of Russian-sponsored absolute rule and a new era for politics. He has further denounced the Russian Federation and called for an immediate withdrawal from the Russian Imperial Protectorate. Calling for friendship and alignment with the rising star of France, King Francis II has pledged that Galicia respects France for maintaining its independence and that they represent the vision of the world's future. The withdrawal of Galicia from the Russian Imperial Protectorate represents the end of that organization, as the last of the protectorates leaves. Whether Russia will respond violently or even politically remains to be seen.

PARTITION OF GREECE. Athens, Republic of Italy. In a long-awaited ruling, France has proposed a division of the conquered nation of Greece which has proven acceptable to the various regional powers of the Co-Axial Pact. Western Greece has been placed under the administration of the Serbian government, including much of the territory known locally as Albania. The Serbian regime has pledged to open up the long awaited referendum on Albanian independence once more, fulfilling its promise of the Greco-Serbian War. Eastern Greece, including much of the Mediterranean coastline has been turned over to Bulgarian control, which has welcomed the creation of a port along the sea without needing to rely on Russian or Turkish tariffs or taxes. The city of Kavala is stated to be the capitol of the new area under Bulgarian control, as their main port to the world's commerce. The remnants of the region which was once Greece, including non-continental possessions has been confirmed as part of the Republic of Italy, which has trumpeted this success as a true rebirth of Italy's Roman legacy.

GERMAN REPUBLIC SURRENDERS. Berlin, Prussia. The utter defeat of the remnants of the Danish Empire and the besieged state of England has forced the tattered remains of the German Empire to surrender to the French government. The German military has been offered the choice of disbanding or joining the Prussian armed forces. Some took the offer, while others simply returned home to rebuild what they could of the life before the war. The Prussian government has welcomed reconciliation with their wayward brothers, and the monarchy has had only small issues with the rest of the peace. The German possessions in the Pacific Ocean, the island of Cyprus, and the trading port with Palestine and Jordan have been turned over to French occupation, rather than Prussian. The new French colonial regimes have moved into the areas, while their long-term fate is still as of yet undecided.

RECONSTRUCTION RUSHED IN SWEDEN. Stockholm, Swedish Empire. Desperate to preserve their control and order in an election year, the Swedish government rushed efforts to complete efforts of reconstruction from the French invasion during the World Wars. Taking only two years to achieve these efforts, throwing plenty of funds to make troubles go away has led to a poor job of completion. The roads and rails rebuilt have been warned to be highly unreliable and potentially dangerous for shipping. The Swedish government have derided these concerns, claiming that they are exaggerated and that Sweden has at last fully recovered from the devastation of global conflict.
African/Middle Eastern News Report

SOUTH AFRICA FREED. Capton, Republic of South Africa. After extensive negotiations between the Republic of New England's colonial administration and the various leaders within South African society, a new regime has been established to govern the region. The colonial administration has agreed to end all involvement in South African internal affairs, as long as the newly created government agrees to recognize New Englander sovereignty over international developments and treaties. The elite of the colony as well as the numerous nationalist agitators have met to determine the fate of the region, as the Republic of South Africa is established. The new constitution is modeled primarily upon the Republic of New England, promising elections every four years and maintaining a centralized government.

COUP ATTEMPT IN YEMEN. Sana'a, Yemen. In a fit against the New Englander Imperial Protectorate, a group of dissident generals launched a move against the protectorate republican government in Yemen this year. The coup turned into a dragged out civil war across the course of the year, prompting New Englander involvement, as colonial troops were taken away from the war effort in Abyssinia to preserve order. The New Englander colonial regime has deployed troops to maintain stability, crushing the rebel forces with the help of the loyalists who remained true to the republic. While some opposition parties have not been pleased by increased New Englander control over the country, the republican government's position remains strong in favor of the protectorate, fearing a Rashid attack or exploitation by another colonial regime such as France or Virginia. (+1 Stability, -8 Infantry Brigades, -1 Artillery Brigade)

ABYSSINIAN REBELLION. Addis Abada, Abyssinia. The war for independence against the Republic of New England continued in Abyssinia this year, as the Abyssinians struggled to throw the New Englanders out of their last holdouts along the coast. Heavy fighting took place all along the borders, as New England struggled to maintain their hold on the perimeter, fighting back the tide of the advance. With the insurgency in Yemen sapping resources from the New Englander front, the colonial forces have managed to keep the independents from securing any more territory, but have made only minimal advances into rebellious regions. Heavy casualties have been reported from the front lines, as the war continues to escalate, despite overwhelming New Englander air superiority.
Casualty List
Abyssinia: 32 Infantry Brigades
Republic of New England: 20 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades

TURKISH SULTAN ABDICATES TO NEW REPUBLIC. Ankara, Turkish Republic. With the nation heaving underneath him, the Sultan of Turkey has abdicated his throne, leaving much of his personal wealth to the nation's Congress in exchange for safe passage out of the country. The monarchy has been abolished by the new regime, as the Turkish National Party struggles to maintain control against the mobs. So far the military has been mostly success, and propaganda has helped to restore order as the government pledges a new constitution and government for the people. Hopes for a peaceful resolution grow stronger with each passing week as the nation fails to rise up in revolution. (+3 Stability)

IRAQ RELEASED FROM VIRGINIAN CONTROL. Basra, Iraq. To the jubilation of the Iraqi people, the Virginian government has agreed to fully release the nation of Iraq from the Virginian Imperial Protectorate. The Virginian government agreed to withdrawal all military forces, while leaving military installations intact by January 1, 1947. In exchange the Iraqis have agreed to recognize Virginian rights and economic interests within the nation, keeping the oil supply flowing to North America. The Iraqi government has at last opened independent diplomatic relations with neighboring nations, being welcomed to the community by Arabistan and Kurdistan, both happy to see the expulsion of Virginian political control from the Middle East.
Asian/Pacific Ocean News Report

KOREAN ELECTIONS. Seoul, Korea. As mandated by the Treaty of Vladivostok, the Korean government has held its first elections this year since the end of the World Wars in Asia. Several new Korean political movements have been established in response, hoping to achieve power and strength in an arising new Asia. The first among these is the Catholic Democratic Party, a conservative movement of the old guard who held most of the political power before and during the war. They appear to be the weakest of the movements, as the devastation of the war made clear that the Catholic Church may not be the best force to guide the nation. The runner-up political movement was the Socialist Party, more conservative than their counterparts elsewhere, but attemping to secularize and modernize Korea in the order of the original creation of the Socialist Union of South America. The definitive victor of this year's elections was the Grand National Party, which toed a line down the middle, committing to few policies, but pledging to avoid radicalism and to maintain the traditions of the nation while bringing the country into the new world order. (+2 Stability)

BALUCHESTAN ELECTIONS. Zahedan, Baluchestan. Elections in Baluchestan took a negative turn this year as the Liberal Party used aggressive tactics in their attempts to unseat members of the Conservative Party from the Presidency and Congress. Large scale protests and other actions have served to call out the Conservative government, as have vicious campaign speeches, claiming corruption within the regime. The Conservative Party has denied all claims, stating that they work for the best of the Baluch people. They have refused to sink to the level of the Liberals in politics, pledging to maintain a clean campaign in the elections and to maintain their positions in the wake of the onslaught. This position has helped them maintain their lead in the Congress and to control the Presidency, but damage has already been done. (-1 Stability)

CHINESE ELECTIONS. Lanzhou, Republic of China. A major upset occurred in Chinese elections this year, as the long standing KMT lost significant ground to the Traditionalist Party. Wei He, leading candidate of the Traditionalists led the party in a call for a slowdown of modernization and industrial reform, in favor of developing the nation's agriculture. Reigning two-term president Xue Yue seemed impotent in response to a vicious campaign, launched over the nation's radio waves and emerging press. The Traditionalist Party managed a surprising electoral victory, though they failed to gain a majority in the nation's Congress. The Presidency is firmly within Wei He's grasp, as the country, for the first time since the end of the Civil War, becomes under the political power of a different force. (-1 Stability)

THE DUTCH FEDERATION IS DEAD, LONG LIVE THE DUTCH FEDERATION. Sydney, New Holland. Less than a year after its formation, the Dutch Federation has ceased to exist as it crumbles into a variety of independent states. Islamic agitation in the north has led to the creation of the Islamic theocracy of Pancasila in the Indonesian islands. Meanwhile, the Chinese and Europeans of Borneo have entered into an uneasy alliance for power, establishing the state as a republic along the lines of the Republic of China. The natives of Sulawesi, in a series of violent activities, have thrown out the European colonists to create an independent Bugis Republic, though it lacks much stability. New Guinea has continued to collapse into infighting, until intervention brought in a new era of colonial rule for the island. The true successors to the Dutch Federation it is believed are the republics of New Holland and New Zeeland, where much of the refugees from the Netherlands settled. The military of the Dutch Federation, particularly the navy, remains nearly completely supportive of the New Hollanders, though a significant part of the army has pledged loyalty to New Zeeland. As successors to the Republic of the Netherlands, New Holland has modeled itself upon the defunct republic, with elections to be held every four years, starting on the next scheduled elections in 1949, allowing time for reconstruction and resettlement of the massive refugee population.

NEW GUINEA ANNEXED. Port Lafayette, France. New Guinea plainly suffered the most of the whole Dutch Federation following the organization's collapse. The various tribes and natives were sparked into war by the process, leaving white settlers in the region fearing for their lives. As the strongest organization in the region, the French settlers united the whites and used their technical superiority to preserve power and control. With Sydney unwilling to recognize the situation and the Federation in dissolution, the French settlers turned towards France, asking to be readmitted to the rising new French Empire. The French government has recognized the new colonial possession, though have yet to deploy a garrison, relying on local militias to preserve order and strength upon the newly acquired islands.

NEW ZEELAND INDEPENDENT. Nassau, New Zeeland. The sister republic to New Holland is the islands of New Zeeland, a war refuge even before Europe entered into the chaos which was the World Wars. Home to a varied society from all parts of the world, including Africa, the Middle East, and North America, there are a plethora of languages there, with only a mishmash of terms becoming the basis for translation. A liberal republic has been established here, close to New Hollander style, but with elections beginning next year, rather than waiting for the Dutch scheduled elections of 1949. New Zeeland has managed to acquire some of the support of the defunct Dutch military, though most of the impressive navy has remained with New Holland. For the time, a coalition government reigns supreme, preparing the nation for the possibly tumultuous process of full scale elections.

PANCASILA ESTABLISHED. Medan, Pancasila. Within the island chain known as Indonesia, the only force capable of preserving order and a resemblance of government have been a united group of Islamic religious leaders. Espousing a theory and nation known as "Pancasila" Islamic leaders have successfully forged a national identity out of united Islamic beliefs. Based on the new constitution of the nation, the government is greatly tied into the Islamic religion, as the various priests and imams will be responsible for the administration of towns and cities, granting political on top of their religious power. Based out of the city of Medan, said to be the second Medina, the various religious leaders have rallied together to pick out a leader for their new theocracy. Agus Hartono has been selected as the nation's first President, while not head of the religion, with a Cabinet of religious advisors for the administration of the Pancasilan theocracy.

BORNEAN REPUBLIC FOUNDED. Kuching, Borneo. The polling process for the dissolution of the Dutch Federation led to an unlikely alliance between two factions upon the island of Borneo. Fearful of rising Islamic influence from the fledgling thinkers of Pancasila, the Chinese and Europeans who call Borneo home were forced to work together to contain the threat. Their political alliance allowed for the creation of a united republic, and agreements established the new republic closely towards the policies and structure of the Republic of China. The new constitution calls for elections every six years from among the populace, and a highly centralized government, placing most of the power in the allied regime. Some elements of the Dutch military aligned themselves with the new republic, giving them greater firepower than any native force.

BUGIS REPUBLIC ESTABLISHED. Makassar, Bugis Republic. The Bugis native population of Sulawesi were able to achieve what other similar groups did not, a unified front against the colonial overlords. Despite intimidation methods and the like, the Bugis have managed to rally the population against the Europeans, establishing a new republic. The natives of the islands have pledged to maintain their strength against any intervention, and have ordered the expulsion of all European settlers from the islands. These refugees have only continued to add to the woes of New Holland, as they depart from Sulawesi with a heavy military escort. The Bugis Republic has followed Borneo in one respect, modeling their government on the most successful Asian nation to date, the Republic of China. Elections shall be held every six years, starting next year, much in time with the Borneans.

DISASTER ON KYUSHU. Kagoshima, Republic of Kyushu. Russian and Japanese forces, determined to restore the Republic of Kyushu to the Empire of Japan, met with utter failure this year on the beaches of the republic. The invasion started with disaster as the poorly trained Japanese crewmen of their heavy cruiser strayed too close to the shoreline and were promptly sunk by shore-based artillery fire. The Russians did a bit better, making a landing, only to be placed under heavy siege and firepower by resistance forces. Spending nearly two months within a mile of the landing zone, and unable to advance further, the Russian marines soon lost ground and men to an advance. With the beachhead collapsing, the Spetznatz rallied together and held back the advance, giving time for hte marines to escape at the cost of their own lives. The defeat has been a humiliating setback for the Russian Federation, and protests at home have exacerbated the already worsening situation.
Casualty List
Russian Federation: 6 Marine Brigades, 1 Spetznatz Brigade
Empire of Japan: 1 Heavy Cruiser
Republic of Kyushu: 16 Infantry Brigades

SPECIAL: Remnants of the World Wars

SCOURING OF NIJERIA. Christiansburg, France. The French military, in conjunction with the remnants of the Nijeria First Movement, launched a major offensive this year to end Danish resistance. The move proved highly successful as French air forces crushed Danish organized resistance and the Nijer River was crossed. Organized Danish military opposition soon broke down as disjointed fighting took place in the various strongholds they possessed. A Nijerian bombing attack upon Danish military headquarters caused the death of the leader of military organization and seal the Danes' fate. The Danish civilian leadership and monarchy have fled the region to an undisclosed location, presumably in the Caribbean region. The French have occupied Nijeria, but have not stated the locations fate, though many Nijerians are presuming an independent state to soon exist. The remnants of the Danish surface navy have been seized by the French government, though it is believed that the submarine fleet may have successfully fled to England.
Casualty List
France: 14 Infantry Brigades, 4 A-39 Brigades, 3 PPDA-38 Squadrons
Danish Empire: 45 Infantry Brigades, 4 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 8 Anti-Air Brigades, 7 Anti-Tank Brigades, 3 Panzer III Brigades, 10 Panzer IV Brigades, 14 AS-124 Squadrons, 19 Tyr-1 Squadrons

INDIAN REBELLION. Delhi, India. The uprising in India has definitively taken a turn in favor of the French colonial regime. Using the wealth and extensive funds, the French have been able to cause the defection and surrender of Indian forces, allowing for guerilla activities to be contained or destroyed. They have been greatly assisted by long-range New Englander planes, as the Republic of New England deploys forces to aid with the crushing of the rebellion in India. The French have managed to crush several conventional attacks to the west with little difficulty, and have even managed to push back controlled territory after crushing the majority of guerilla cells which have dispersed into the countryside. The Indian people as a whole have begun to believe the idea that the new Indian regime is not much more than a glorified warlord, and many have thrown in their support to the French government. Among this was even the proposal for the construction of a loyalist army to help crush the rebellion. Faced with unpopularity at home, desertions have been on the rise within the rebellion, and the Singh government is faced with major popularity. The French have also proclaimed that the Indian independence movement is nothing but the puppet of China and Russia, a claim which has been successfully proven by the successful capture of supplies said to come across the Chinese border through caravans.
Casualty List
France: 27 Infantry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades, 8 A-39 Brigades, 2 CaD88 Brigades, 2 PPDA-38 Squadrons
Republic of New England: 2 Hawk Squadrons, 1 Albatross Squadron
India: 70 Infantry Brigades, 41 Jungle Brigades, 40 Mountain Brigades, 6 Anti-Air Brigades (includes desertions)

Review of the Arts

Shoo Bomb, Shoo
Type: Moving Picture
Genre: Comedy
Producer: Beria Productions
Running Time: 98 minutes
Summary: The hilarious filmed called in English, Shoo Bomb, Shoo is a blockbuster comedy produced by Beria Productions. This cartoon motion picture is about a lovable rabbit who's forced onto the road of adventure by the arrival of a large bomb in his nest. Trying to find a way to make the bomb leave while the big bad wolf sabotages his efforts, sparks a series of amusing escapades which has struck a chord among the youth of Russia, and has even managed to gain wide scale international distribution. As one of the first films to market solely to children, this has proven to be a strong field for exploitation, as the movie quickly becomes one of the highest grossing pictures of all time.

The Sports Page

AMERICAN CUP. Baltimore, Virginian Empire. Even as the new World Cup is brought into being in Europe, the American Cup continues to take place throughout the year, as the events finally begin to take on independence once again. Under the royal supervision of the King of Virginia, the games have proceeded in competitive spirit once more, taking place outside of Richmond in other cities as well. The final game of the season took place between the famed Richmond Football Club and the Sacramento Football Club, from deep within the heart of Mexico. As Sacramento had been untouched during much of the war, much of the team was left intact upon the conclusions of the conflict. After several years of practice within military teams and in the Socialist Cup, the Mexican team upstaged the Virginians by winning the American Cup under the supervision of royalty.

WORLD CUP UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Paris, France. Modeled upon the prewar American and European Cups, the French government has asked participating nations to create national football teams for international competitions. Spanning entire continents, from Asia to the Americas, the World Cup tournament is said to be the sporting event of the millennia, surpassing the 1948 Olympics in anticipation. Paris is to be the center of a massive football stadium, to host the final games of the World cup, while a committee is established to finalize the rules and conduct of the game. Aficionados of the sport have much reason to celebrate as across the world national teams are formed in preparation for a whole new era of the game.


@Nestea Oreo: You aren't getting the manpower, as that's patently ridiculous in such large numbers for a nation not at war. Lastly, projects will not be allowed to have manpower spent upon them, so sorry. Your EP has been banked, with exceptions of military production. On that note, your project was pretty darn broad, and I have no idea what you're actually trying to do to achieve the goals you laid out. You also did not recieve what you thought you were going to get for the reason that all tech is known if it is mentioned in the update. The meaningless experiment on atomics was published in scientific journals and is therefore public knowledge.

@bombshoo: I apologize, but I lost the revised spending you sent over AIM. I put the excess EP into Reconstruction, though I'm willing to change this should you express an alternative for the next update.

Eltain has been dropped from the Argentine Collectives Federation due to inactivity.

Book Buddha has been dropped from Chile due to inactivity.

Qoou has been dropped from the Republic of Italy due to inactivity.

Nailix has been dropped from Egypt due to inactivity.

World Map


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I just need to pull another World War from underneath my hat and we can erase some of that blue from the map in no time.:p

Great update as always EQ.:)
OOC: Jolly good update, EQ. France invictus.


To: New England
From: France

Your assistance in handling the Indians was an unexpected surprise. With your grace, we will use the might of our army to crush the Abyssinian rebellion, and return control of the colony to the New English Imperial Protectorate with all due haste.
From: The Democratic Republic of New Jersey
To: New England, Pennsylvania, and all concerned

The Delaware Bay is not part of the Delaware river, it is the part of the Atlantic Ocean that the Delaware River empties into. By being part of the coastal regions of the Atlantic, it is the territorial waters if the two nations that touch it, Virginia and the DRNJ.

Now, we realize we may have taken inappropriately strong actions against pirate activity in our waters, but we felt it was better to be safe than to be sorry. We did not want another incident like the Chevrefeuille crisis of 1941 to happen again, and we merely wanted to ensure to our northern neighbor, New England, that we can keep our waters under control so that incidents would not negatively affect them or anyone else. If New England now believes we have our pirate problem under control, then we will step down our efforts to root out the scum of the sea.

However, we still must press that we have the right to monitor our territorial waters. The eastern half of the Delaware Bay is just that, our territorial waters. If Pennsylvanian ships, or any ships for that matter, want to traverse those waters, they must have proper approval from the Democratic Republic of New Jersey. French and New French vessels have no problem doing this. Although, if you want to skip the hassle altogether, one could just go through Virginia's half of the bay.

If Pennsylvania wants to continue going through our waters they, like was said previously, need our permission. We await a request from Pennsylvania.
To: New Jersey
From: Pennsylvania

We find your recent actions against our shipping a blatant act of agression. Your tales about piracy are only silly little lies that you have devised in order to illegaly interupt our shipping, in disregard to the treay you yourself signed only last year. Continued acts of needless agression against Pennsylvanian shiiping will be interpreted as an act of war against our nation.
I'd like to retake the Italy if you please. Long live the Republic!
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