A Brave New World Part 2

The high arctic doesn't have oil though. :p It has lots of rich raw materials, but even today the conditions are so hostile that it is nowhere near economically feasible to try extracting them.
This is the 24 hour warning. I apologize that I am (and have been) unavailable to answer questions, and due to this, I'm liable to be more lenient in the aspects of this update which rest under my control.

On the note of Italy, Nuclear_Kid did request it first, but I'd prefer if ya'll who are disputing it come to an arrangement of your own on this matter.
I would prefer to take it back, considering I did lead it before...
@Adrognans, As stated before I'd prefer if you and Nuclear Kid reached an arangement, since he also has led Italy before, in the previous NES and has had interest in claiming it for some time. I find it hard to be too concerned about the issue though with ABNW 2.2 rapidly approaching.

This is the No more order revisions allowed mark, though new order sets are still accepted.
Yeah, because by that point there will only be 3 nations left in the world, anyways, so wont matter if you get Italy now, it'll only be good for 4 more turns.

The current trend is more nations, not less
More French nations... mwahahaha... wait that doesnt sound right
No more orders of any type are allowed beyond this point. A political cartoon would still be nice to have though.
Global News Report

NEW ALLIANCE ESTABLISHED. Tehran, Persia. A new pact has been signed in the city of Tehran this year by several major powers on the eastern part of the Eurasian continent. The Republic of China, Persia, New Holland, New Zeeland, Borneo, and Korea have all agreed to a economic and political alliance to help protect the nations against foreign imperialism or aggression. The new alliance is said to stand for free trade and secular governments throughout the region, calling for improved economy and development in all regions. The Republic of China has demonstrated their position as the clear leader of this alliance, providing aid and funding to all the various nations of the alliance throughout the year. The Asian-Pacific Agreement for Cooperation and Security (APACS) has been viewed by the Co-Axial Pact of Nations to be a grave threat to the international establishment, particularly with blatant speeches against colonization and imperialism. Some observers believe that this could be the sign of the next world war, perhaps between these two powerful organizations, as horrific the thought of another conflict may be.

ECONOMIC REPORT. Paris, France. The global economy seems to have managed to halt the tide of recession overall, though some nations continue to suffer. The completion of the Ordenz Project and the pioneering of several technological advances has help balanced out the faltering world economy. Efforts by the Republic of China in the conference in Shanghai have also aided in halting the economic failure, though some nations have suffered nonetheless. Overall, it seems that the world is well on its way to returning to a strong period of economic growth, leading many to be greatly optimistic for the future. As before, a detailed economic report of changes is below:
Canada: +1 EP
Metis Republic: -1 EP
Mexico: -1 EP
Pennsylvania: -1 EP
Quebec: +1 EP
Texan Republic: +1 EP
Virginian Empire: +1 EP
Caribbean Federation: +1 EP
Chile: -1 EP
Colombia: -1 EP
Peru: -3 EP
Socialist Union of South America: +12 EP
Venezuela: +1 EP
England: -1 EP
France: +1 EP
French Algeria: +1 EP
French India: +1 EP
Irish Republic: +2 EP
Portugal: +1 EP
Republic of Italy: +2 EP
Swedish Empire: -1 EP
Persia: +1 EP
Rashid Arabia: +1 EP
Republic of China: +1 EP

North American News Report

VIRGINIAN ELECTIONS. Richmond, Virginian Empire. To the surprise of many, the Federative Party has managed to win the highest offices of power in the Virginian Empire. Gaining support from Kentucky, Miami, and Ohio, the elections were still in doubt as the Unity Party held a controlling grasp over Virginia proper and Maryland. This changed with Delaware's overall defection from the increasingly defunct Liberal Party as the Federative Party continues to gain support among the extended regions of the Empire. Though still heavily opposed in their goals by the Conservative Party and the Unity Party, the Federatives have gained the majority in the People's House with much Liberal support. The new government may well act upon previous platforms of further autonomy within the various regions, a move which has reflected well upon the various ethnicities within the North American empire. (+1 Stability)

WAR IN NEW JERSEY. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In response to New Jerseyan antagonizing of Pennsylvanian shipping over the past two years, the Pennsylvanian government launched a new war against the Democratic Republic of New Jersey. The Pennsylvanians have launched a full scale invasion of New Jersey, achieving some tactical surprise and establishing a bridgehead over the Delaware River. The Pennsylvanian army invaded the country, moving quickly, and encircled the capitol of Trenton. The fighting throughout the whole of the region was highly devastating, leaving heavy casualties and large scale destruction for such a quick conflict. New Jerseyan attempts to force their way up against Pennsylvanian shipping met with disaster as Pennsylvanian guns demolished the attempt from the land overlooking the river. The rest of the New Jersey navy met their end in port as sailors died defending the ships as they were scuttled to prevent capture. The government of New Jersey was detained as Pennsylvanian troops occupied the remnants of the state, mopping up leftover military forces. The world and North American diplomatic scene now watch in anticipation to see how Pennsylvania deals with the reoccupied lands.
Casualty List
Pennsylvania: 31 Infantry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 2 Anti-Tank Brigades, 3 Taylor Brigades, 5 Faustin Brigades, 2 AVB-02 Brigades, 3 AVB-01 Brigades, 3 Destroyers, 3 PA-1 Squadrons, 1 SUDB-01 Squadron, 2 Tyr-1 Squadrons
Democratic Republic of New Jersey: 19 Infantry Brigades, 11 Artillery Brigades, 3 Anti-Air Brigades, 3 Anti-Tank Brigades, 4 A-35 Brigades, 14 Destroyers, 12 Light Cruisers, 2 Heavy Cruisers, 4 G-35 Squadrons

WAR WEARINESS PLAGUES MEXICAN ARMY. Mexico City, Mexico. The end result of numerous years of war, first against the Allies, and now against the increasing coalition of Central American nations arrayed against the government, have led to a growing backlash against the standing regime in Mexico. Desertions from service have reached a massive high, even worse than during the darkest days of the World Wars following the deployment of poison gas by the Allies. The army has noted an increasing amount of individuals refusing to muster for service, as the war against Yucatan seems to be embroiled in an unwinnable fight. The Freedom Party has lost extensive popular support to various other parties, as it becomes obvious their campaign words of peace were naught more than hollow promises. The rise in dissent has been marked, threatening to destabilize the nation even further. (-1 Stability, -13 Infantry Brigades)

METIS FIGHTING CONTINUES. Winnipeg, Metis Republic. The Virginian government, in response to dramatically increased Metis guerilla activity over the past two years, took the offensive this year. Search and destroy missions were launched to locate militia headquarters and overall met with extensive successes. Some of the stronger French nationalist militias were leveled by the Virginian forces, and much of the southern region of the country was declared pacified by the occupation force during the later part of the year. Suspected hideouts in the north were bombed during the warmer parts of the year, while in the winter, Virginian forces moved in on land, fighting brief but brutal battles to restore order. Several of the stronger militias were routed with the heavy warfare, leaving many scattered or too destroyed for political or military success. With the increase in activity and offensive operations, Virginian casualties have mounted as well, as more die to preserve control over the vast region. (-3 Infantry Brigades)

Central/South American News Report

ECONOMIC FAILURE IN PERU. Lima, Peru. In a major economical disaster, the currency of Peru has collapsed into hyperinflation, as the government attempted to solve a growing war debt by printing new paper money. The problem spiraled out of control throughout the year, prompting a breakdown of the national economy and system. The government has attempted to set prices, but the amount of paper out there has caused many to revert to a basic barter system, trying to exchange for items of equal value. Some have accused the government of neglect, claiming that the effort was part of a socialist espionage move, attempting to bring down the military regime. The government has pledged to investigate all possibilities, and to maintain order among the masses. (-3 Stability)

PARAGUAY ELECTIONS. Asunción, Paraguay. The elections in Paraguay this year saw a dramatic shift once again from previous politics. A scandal indicting the current President in corruption and embezzlement has put the Liberal Party in high disfavor this year, as the Conservative Party rallies more support. Pledging increased international involvement in South America, the Conservative Party has called for greater trade ties, and a new era of improved relations with the newly reestablished state of Bolivia. Though the Bolivian government is in theory a socialist one, the conservatives have stated they will be friends of any democracy on a world scale. (+2 Stability)

BELIZE ELECTIONS. Belize City, Belize. The rising issue in Belizean elections was clearly the growing war between other Central American states and the nation of Mexico over the independence of the Yucatan. The Liberal Party has angered some of its support base by allowing the crossing of Guatemalan troops into Yucatan, but the attempted assassination of General Fletcher in Honduras made the people aware of the possible Mexican threat to Central America. Pledging to protect the people of the region and to build up support for a united front against the Mexican regime, the Belize Liberal Party has recaptured support from the people as they gear up for possible involvement in the growing Yucatan conflict. (+1 Stability)

VENEZUELA ELECTIONS. Caracas, Venezuela. Elections in Venezuela this year turned closer to domestic affairs than previously. The revival of the nation's Socialist Party has divided the previously unstoppable Liberal Party, which currently controls the country's government. The Conservatives capitalized upon this, portraying the Liberals and Socialists as the radicals fought in the Socialist Union during the World Wars. The Venezuelan Liberal Party followed in a similar fashion, denouncing the socialists, while calling for increased rights for the average worker. The Liberals have also won hearts and minds by announcing new economic programs involved with the exploiting of the Amazon rainforest to the south. The incredible success of the Socialist Union's Ordenz Plan has led to calls for the Venezuelan government to follow suit with a similar exploitation program. The Liberals won the election, but it is clear that the Conservatives and Socialists have both gained strength in the nation's Congress. (-1 Stability)

CARIBBEAN FEDERATION ELECTIONS. Havana, Caribbean Federation. The newly created Caribbean Federation held its first elections as a unified state this year, and Liberals and Conservatives battled each other for control of the country. The Liberal Party stood on a platform of improved relations with the various nations along the Caribbean Sea, taking a step back from the militarist stance of the former Cuban government. This appealed to many of the voters in Hispaniola and the West Indies, establishing a strong bastion of support. The Conservative Party took a more aggressive tone, calling for the extension of Caribbean power throughout the region and the world, increasing trade and military power internationally. The Liberal Party managed to win the day, bringing the Caribbean Federation looking more inward, hoping to improve relations with Mexico and the Republic of New England. (+1 Stability)

ORDENZ PLAN COMPLETE. Rio de Janeiro, Socialist Union of South America. The Socialist Union of South America, in a joyous ceremony in former parts of the Amazon Rainforest, symbolically cut down the last tree to be destroyed underneath the ambitious development program. Started in the early 1920s under the first incarnation of the Socialist Union, during the war with Germany, the Ordenz Plan dramatically reimagined the potential of the vast Amazon Rainforest. Destroying nearly 25% of the existing trees to make room for resource gathering and infrastructure development, the new plan now provides quick and easy train transportation from the coast to the Colombian and Peruvian borders in just a few days. The incredible amounts of resources discovered in the process have jumpstarted the Socialist Union's industry as a massive amount of jobs and factories came online this year. Unemployed across the world have travelled to work in the vast amount of job openings, as pay flows easily, and welfare is taken care of by state officials. The widespread destruction of the rainforest has taken a small toll however, as a small group of misguided activists viewed the devastation as a horrendous atrocity against nature, and some claim that numerous species may have been rendered extinct by the thoughtless exploitation of the Union's rainforests.

CHILEAN CRACKDOWNS SPARK ANGER. Santiago, Chile. The recent crackdowns upon the population by Chile in the wake of the World Wars has sparked diplomatic retribution from the Socialist Union of South America. The harshness and brutality of the government towards the dissident population has led to the Socialist Union proclaiming a full embargo of the South American state. The Chilean government has denounced the Socialist Union, claiming that its actions are fully justified. They have further proclaimed that the Socialist Union of South America is only attempting to expand their control over the region once again, claiming that they are possibly going to rise again as a threat to the free world.

MEXICO IMPLICATED IN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Two attempts were made upon the life of William Fletcher, long standing ruler of the Central American nation of Honduras. The notorious Red Brigade of the Mexican Army was implicated in the attacks, and several members were captured and publically revealed to have been ordered to act by the Mexican government. The political opportunity created by this news has led to Fletcher's purging of several "pro-Mexican" members of the nation's government and to an outright declaration of war against the nation of Mexico in favor of the Yucatan rebellion. Troops and aid were immediately sent overland with the blessing of both Guatemala and Belize as Central America unites for the first time against a common enemy. (+3 Stability)

YUCATAN REBELLION ESCALATES. Merida, Yucatan. The fighting in Yucatan has continued to escalate, despite the halt of submarine attacks upon the Mexican blockade. The influx of troops and supplies from Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras has led to the war being one of Central American unity against Mexico. The troops have helped continue to bog the Mexican army in a stalemate, as supplies continue to be brought in overland to aid the war effort. Mexican casualties have continued to mount, though superiority in the skies and in small unit tactics have helped to keep them comparatively low to similar fighting in the World Wars. Thanks to these elements of superiority, the Mexicans have managed to advance deeper into the Yucatan, though at a very slow pace. The various nations of Central America, including the belligerents and the mostly neutral powers of El Salvador and Belize have issued a demand for Mexico to recognize the independence of Yucatan and to end its war of aggression, returning the lands already taken in the invasion.
Casualty List
Mexico: 28 Infantry Brigades, 1 Artillery Brigade, 2 AVB-03 Brigades, 3 PA-3 Squadrons, 3 SUDB-01 Squadrons
Yucatan: 10 Infantry Brigades, 4 Artillery Brigades, 2 Anti-Air Brigades, 3 Faustin Brigades, 3 Oliver Mk2 Squadrons, 3 Osprey Squadrons
Guatemala: 10 Infantry Brigades, 2 Tank Brigades, 4 Oliver Mk2 Squadrons
Honduras: 9 Infantry Brigades, 1 Tank Brigade

FIGHTING IN LOUISIANA ESCALATES. New Orleans, Louisiana. In response to continuing raids into the Texan Republic, the Texan government has involved itself in the chaotic fighting in the former Empire of Louisiana. Blaming the Northern Louisianan Alliance for most of the activity against their nation, the Texan military has launched an invasion of Louisiana, smashing aside enemy defenses and capturing Peu de Roche with significant casualties in the fighting. The Texans have occupied the region against a battered populace, as the fighting continues to expand elsewhere. They have been opposed by the growing power of the Voodoo priests in New Orleans, who have managed to successfully overthrow the warlord of Louisville. The fighting has at least diminished to only three factions as Texas, New Orleans, and Saint Louis continue to struggle for political control over the war-torn region.
Casualty List
Louisiana: 15 Infantry Brigades, 3 Artillery Brigades, 2 Anti-Air Brigades, 1 Murphy Brigade, 2 AS-124 Squadrons
Louisville: 23 Infantry Brigades, 5 Artillery Brigades, 4 Anti-Air Brigades, 2 Anti-Tank Brigades, 3 Faustin Brigades, 5 Murphy Brigades, 6 AS-124 Squadrons
Northern Louisianan Alliance: 58 Infantry Brigades, 7 Artillery Brigades, 5 Anti-Air Brigades, 6 Faustin Brigades, 5 Oliver Mk2 Squadrons (destroyed)
Saint Louis: 1 Infantry Brigade, 1 Murphy Brigade
Texan Republic: 30 Infantry Brigades, 2 Anti-Tank Brigades, 3 AVB-03 Brigades, 5 AS-124 Squadrons, 2 PA-3 Squadrons, 2 AFB-01 Squadrons

European News Report

NEW KING OF SERBIA AMID ELECTIONS. Belgrade, Serbia. While inaugurating a new year of campaigning for the nation's Duma, King Peter II of Serbia suffered a fatal heart attack, keeling over in the middle of a speech. Though rushed to the hospital, the doctors proved unable to bring him back to full health, and he soon passed away, leaving his son the throne. The new Peter III is known to be a more liberal person, having attended universities in both the Russian Federation and the Republic of Italy. Though not considered favorably by the Conservative Party, he has nonetheless pledged his support to his father's former backers, denouncing the Liberal efforts. Despite this platform, he has agreed to allow the reopening of several private liberal newspapers, and to halt intra-party violence which has occurred over previous elections. The Conservative Party won the day once again, with the political success of the liberation of Albania and the establishment of that region as an independent nation from Greek control. The Liberal Party managed to regain some influence, but are still a silent minority in the Duma. (+1 Stabiliy)

ICELANDIC ELECTIONS. Reykjavik, Iceland. The Socialist Party of Iceland continues to maintain its control over both the nation's Althaus and the executive office of President. The Socialist Party's successes in establishing order over Greenland with the fall of the Danish Empire and the creation of a universal healthcare program have led to overwhelming popular support for the government. Even with a limited treasury and a tight budget, Iceland has touted its position as a utopian paradise, and the Socialist Party has proclaimed full neutrality in all international affairs. They have pledged to maintain their nation's stability and welfare throughout the years, providing an idealized establishment for the country's working and middle classes. (+2 Stability)

SCANDINAVIAN PLEBISCITES HELD. Stockholm, Swedish Empire. The final days of Sweden's Scandinavian empire seem to be reaching an end with the results of the recent plebiscite. The Swedish government agreed to nationalist demands to hold plebiscites on independence in both Norway and Finland this year, which has resulted in popular support for the freedom of both nations. While not the whole of either national region managed to win popular support for freedom, the larger population centers seem to back the nationalists as much as possible. Northern Norway remains firmly Swedish, backing the government in Stockholm, sparking some limited violence between nationalists and loyalists. In Finland, western parts of the region also remain loyal to the Swedish crown, as the nationalists mostly gain support in the regions formerly controlled by the Russian Empire before the Great War. With the results in, Europe awaits to see Sweden's response.

BATTLE OF BRITAIN CONTINUES. London, England. Last year proved only a temporary respite for the embattled people of Britain. The French have resumed air and bombing actions against the English, meeting with little resistance, as ammunition and fuel begin to run short among the defenders. The few planes to respond were usually shot down, as the French continue their extensive bombing of London and other urban areas. The blockade continues to remain in effect around the island, but the English have managed to stabilize the food situation from both local sources and smuggling, preserving their stability so far. The English government has pledged to maintain the "Good Fight" against the French attackers, promising to continue bleeding of French forces until they are brought at last to the negotiating table by English arms.
Casualty List
France: 2 PPDA-41 Squadrons, 4 PBHA-40 Squadrons
England: 9 Anti-Air Brigades

EMERGENCY SITUATION AND ELECTIONS DECLARED IN RUSSIA. St. Petersburg, Russian Federation. Tsar Alexander IV has called upon the nation's Duma for a vote of no confidence in the reigning President with the ongoing turmoil across the country not appearing to subside. With parts of the country still under martial law or in unrest, the effort for new elections was launched, as the government struggles to piece itself together. The elections soon reported a disturbing series of trends, as nationalist extremist militias won the popular vote in Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia. A significant amount of violence also erupted in the Ukraine and Estonia between nationalists and loyalists, with neither gaining a successful majority in the elections. The east has seen mostly pacification as the various Central Asian states vote peacefully as if it was a regular election year. The one exception has been Manchuria, which had a sizeable majority vote for the Chinese Unification Party, calling for joining of the province with the Republic of China. Despite the threats presented by the various nationalist movements, the elections appear to have provided some feeling of calm, even as the Federative Party wins reelection with a new candidate. (+2 Stability)

HOORAY FOR KINOGRAD. Odessa, Russian Federation. Researchers and technicians in Kinograd have stunned movie going audiences world wide with the popularization and mass productions of filming in color. New filming techniques such as mobile cameras and better production appear to have also reached out into the world of moving pictures, despite Russia's tumultuous position domestically. Odessa has fortunately been spared most of the fighting of the troubled times, allowing for a continuing economic boom in the region, even as the economy stagnates elsewhere in the Federation. Other film studios across the world have hired Russian techs to help with the development of their own industries, as Russia continues to lead the world in the cinema.

MIRACLE CURE INVENTED. Prague, Bohemia. A surprising development for medicine has emerged from the Institute of Medicine in Prague. Scientists believe that they may have developed a cure or at least a treatment for many known diseases. Termed "penicillin," this new miracle drug is claimed to help provide a cure for all sorts of infections and diseases, and many believe that this could revolutionize standards of medicine and living across the globe. It is said that is drug helps prevent complications in commonplace surgeries such as amputations and wounds inflicted by conflict. It has been confirmed that the drug was tested upon the soldiers of the Co-Axial Pact during the Russian campaign in various theaters. Local commanders who served in the region have provided stirring endorsements, and doctors from all over have taken note, crying out for a supply of this wonderful new miracle of medicine.

WE CAN SEE THROUGH SKIN! Venice, Republic of Italy. Medical scientists working in the University of Milan have unveiled a new device almost as revolutionary as the penicillin developed in Prague. The new X-Ray machine is said to be able to see through the upper layer of human skin, which has proven to be highly useful in medicine, allowing for the spotting of broken bones and fractures. As with the other new medical advance this year, this new device was tested on Axis troops brought home from injuries in the campaign against the Russian Federation. The valid medical use has shown many to be thrilled with this new device, and rumors of possible side effects have been whole-heartedly dismissed by the French and Italian governments.

SERBIAN MILITARY MODERNIZATION. Belgrade, Serbia. The government of Serbia has undergone an extensive modernization process before, during, and after the World Wars, hoping to bring its land forces on par with larger powers, establishing a stronger force in the Balkans. Studying French tactics from the fighting in Russia and the stagnant warfare of the Turkish campaign, the Serbian military commanders have worked to integrate new ideals of warfare into their army training. The new Serb military is said to be well trained and disciplined, capable of standing toe to toe with the Italian armed forces, and perhaps even superior to them. (+1 Army Quality)

ALBANIA INDEPENDENT. Tirana, Albania. As part of the agreed partition of Greece, Serbia gained control over the highly disputed region of Albania. In order to cement control over the territory, the Serbian government has created a new independent monarchy in the newly created nation of Albania. A brother of the Serbian king, the new monarchy is stated to be directly tied in alliance to the Serbian government. Though not a native of the region, he has won popular support among the military, pledging to maintain at least some resemblance of independence from Serbia, economically and militarily. Talks have also been launched about the creation of an Albanian Duma in the upcoming years, allowing for a similar constitution as the modern one of Serbia.
African/Middle Eastern News Report

PERSIAN MILITARY NOTES BOOST. Tehran, Persia. The Persian military in its war games this year demonstrated that it surely has a bumper crop of new recruits in the armed forces. The new leaders in the army have shown themselves to be surprisingly capable and well disciplined, showing a possible new future for Persian military strength. It is unknown why the Persian military has shown increased competence, it simply seems that the new leaders are just inherently superior to their predecessors. The lessons of the World Wars have been mostly learned by the new leadership, as they seek to forge their army into a modern weapon of war. (+1 Quality to Army and Navy)

TURKISH ELECTIONS. Ankara, Turkish Republic. The turmoil of the end of the war and the massive deaths has led to a tumultuous year of elections. Though many agree that the moderate Turkish National Party has done a good job of keeping the basic necessities of life flowing throughout Turkey, the ideological differences of the movement have caused it to split apart. The most leftist members of the government have called for an extension of the various programs in place to provide the basics to include more important elements of life. This campaign has proved promising to the people, struggling to rebuild their lives from the devastation of the World Wars. The Turkish Socialist Party has been swept into office, promising to build a brighter future for the Turkish people and nation. (+1 Stability)

SYRIA ELECTIONS. Damascus, Syria. The Syrian Christian Faction won a surprising electoral victory in the Middle Eastern nation this year, prompting accusations of illegal voting alterations. The Christian Faction has been accused of fraud and intimidation in achieving their victory, and Muslim supporters have rallied in protest. The new Christian president has vowed to restore the Christian principles upon which the region original rebelled against the Ottoman Empire and perhaps even the reconstruction of the Syriatic Union of the Christian faith. Muslims have rallied in massive protests against this, and martial law was forcibly declared in some regions. Islamic leaders have called upon the people to defend democracy and have asked the nation's Congress for a new round of voting. So far their demands have been rejected and the nation inches towards civil strife. (-3 Stability)

SOUTH AFRICAN ELECTIONS. Capton, Republic of South Africa. The newfound Republic of South Africa held its first general elections this year, establishing an independent new government under the New Englander Imperial Protectorate. The Republic has proven stable and both liberals and conservatives from the nationalist movement have worked together to establish a Moderate Party coalition to manage the nation. The rising threat of the monarchy of Ovambia and imperialist notions they might have is currently the prime international concern of the republic, but many are confident that South Africa will be able to hold its own against the northern nation. Internally, the country looks to develop the urban centers of the nation, adjusting to creating and enlarging the cities and ports for increased export to the rest of the empire. (+2 Stability)

ABYSSINIAN REBELLION CRUSHED. Addis Abada, Republic of New England. After several years of stalemate, the rebellious government of Abyssinia has been crushed by combined New Englander and French arms. While the Abyssinians desperately attempted to hold back the French onslaught, the New Englanders managed to break free of the coast, successfully pushing inland against enemy positions. The Abyssinian University has been shut down by restored colonial rule, in order to preserve continued stability in the territory. The cooperation between the Republic of New England and France demonstrated amazing power and strength to the natives, smashing positions through air power and ground operations. The conventional forces of the rebellion have been shattered beyond repair, as those who survived fled to the hills to continue the fight as guerillas.
Casualty List
Republic of New England: 10 Infantry Brigades, 2 Cavalry Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 2 Faustin Brigades
France: 12 Infantry Brigades
Abyssinia: 38 Infantry Brigades, 3 Anti-Air Brigades, 3 Anti-Tank Brigades (destroyed)

NIJERIA LIBERATED. Paris, France. The French government has announced the official restructuring and independence of Nijeria as promised to the nationalist movement there during the war. The various regions of the overall colony were considered separately, with a few regions being retained within the African portion of the French Imperium. The regions designated as ready for independence were divided into three new nations, all left completely independent of the larger French empire. The new governments of Togo, Mali, and Nijeria were all established by the French government, left to determine their own constitutions and ideals. The French government has withdrawn all forces from the region, providing the aid needed to bring an end to the rebellion in Abyssinia instead.

CREATION OF NIJERIA. Christiansburg, Nijeria. The Free Nijerian Movement have helped establish a new regime out of the former colonial capitol of Christiansburg. Creating a republic based on former Danish principles, the new government has assembled a coalition regime for the easy transition of power. A new constitution has been established disallowing military action against neighbors and military leaders from political positions. The government has been slated to hold elections every three years, as on the Danish model, with a presidency presiding over a national congress. The first elections are to be held in 1948, as the nation enters into the world as a sovereign regime.

ESTABLISHMENT OF TOGO. Lome, Togo. Like their brethren in Nijeria, the people of the new nation of Togo rallied around the former members of the Free Nijeria Movement in the establishment of their nation. A coalition government was established on the pretext of creating a republican form of management for the fledgling regime. Elections have been managed a different way, however, as the nation suffers from less stability internally than the other new countries in the region. Less developed economically, tribal influences threaten to destabilize the country, as it builds up a new constitution. The new document which manages the nation is based upon elections every four years, with a similar executive branch and legislature as to many American governments. The first such executive elections are to be held next year as the country forges a new path in global politics.

FORMATION OF MALIAN EMPIRE. Timbuktu, Mali. The French have resurrected a civilized ghost from Africa's past in their division of the former Danish colony of Nijeria. The new nation of Mali rests with its capitol in the formerly wealthy trading city of legend, Timbuktu, as the seat of a new Malian monarchy. Several important military leaders in the region have proclaimed a new Malian Empire, and the recreation of a new monarchy. A new Emperor Mahmud V has been proclaimed as the rightful monarch of the realm, using dubious ties to the past. Closely aligned with other monarchs in the region, this is claimed to be the rightful reestablishment of African civilization, and the creation of a new era of independence in Nijeria.

Asian/Pacific News Report

JAPANESE ELECTIONS. Tokyo, Empire of Japan. Elections held this year in the Empire of Japan seemed to have brought that nation back from the brink of possible civil war. The various factions of the fledgling empire sat back and allowed the elections to take place with minimal campaigning and effort on both sides. The samurai, relying on their history of resistance against the Korean Empire, managed to achieve a strong amount of backing from the rural populace, while even making inroads in the city areas. The Nationalist Faction failed to achieve popular support, being viewed as warmongering radicals by many, particularly in their lack of negotiation towards the Republic of Kyushu. The Samurai Faction has managed to gain control of both houses of government, and has pledged to end the fighting against Kyushu and to rebuild Japan based on the nation's oldest traditions. (+2 Stability)

NEW ZEELAND GOVERNMENT REFORMED WITH ELECTIONS. Nassau, New Zeeland. The New Zeelander government held their first elections this year, resulting in the running of a highly charismatic Dutch leader, Diedrick Metternich, who has rallied the masses behind his calls for order and strength. Pledging to maintain a moderate course, while forestalling anarchy, the Metternich regime has managed to secure the support of the military as well as the populace. Refusing to adhere to political party lines, Metternich has pledged to build up the nation and to open more Maori land to the refugee population. Disregarding old treaties with these people and the settlement of the southern island proved popular among the displaced population and Metternich was soon brought into office. Heavy opposition from the liberals led to a closure of Congress, as President Metternich vowed to maintain order among his wildly devoted population. His supporters in the legislative branch backed the closing of Congress with the establishment of a heavy executive arm of government. (+1 Stability)

BORNEAN GOVERNMENT SPLITS WITH ELECTIONS. Kuching, Borneo. The elections in Borneo have seen the collapse of the uneasy coalition on the island between Chinese and European settlers. A lack of trust between the two movements led to a heated debate as both tried to align the neutral natives with them in the elections. The Chinese proved to be the most successful, portraying the Europeans as remnants of imperialism and not to be trusted. They managed to win elections, and in order to prevent European influence upon the government, voted to shut down the nation's legislature in a constitutional change. The new constitution grants almost complete power to the executive branch, with elections continuing to be held on schedule. As an appeasement to the natives, the new constitution disbars anyone not born on Borneo from running for political office, enacted retroactively, effectively preventing the European settlers from any political influence. (-1 Stability)

BUGIS ELECTIONS. Makassar, Bugis Republic. The Bugis Republic underwent its first general national elections this year, proving to be highly successful against the odds placed by other observers. Despite the failure of the Bornean and New Zeelander governments to preserve true democracy, the Bugis have managed to preserve their constitution in its entirety. The Liberal and Conservative parties campaigning made valid points, usually upon international relations, with the Liberals calling for further alignment with New Holland and the Republic of China, while the Conservative Party called for a more isolationist approach. The Conservative Party ultimately won the day, as mistrust of foreigners grew, particularly with the effective Chinese coup in Borneo. The Conservative Party has vowed to retain Bugis independence from any foreign body and to preserve the hard-won freedom at any cost. (+1 Stability)

KYUSHU RAISES INTERNATIONAL DISPUTE. Seoul, Korea. The Korean republican government has renounced previous recognition of the Japanese government, in response to last year's military activity by Japan and the Russian government. The Korean government has called for the immediate recognition of the independent Republic of Kyushu, claiming that they deserve the right to sovereignty. The Empire of Japan's new regime has claimed that Korea lacks any authority over their affairs, and that the island of Kyushu rightfully belongs in the larger and proper Japanese nation. The Republic of Kyushu has persistently called for diplomatic recognition and support from the Republic of China and the associated Asian-Pacific Agreement for Cooperation and Security. So far the organization has remained silent, with only Korea calling for the independence of the nation to be recognized.

PACIFIC TRADE CONFERENCE HELD. Shanghai, Republic of China. Representatives from over twenty-five nations converged upon the Chinese city of Shanghai this year in preparation for a major diplomatic event determining the future of trade in the Pacific Ocean. The dramatic reshuffling of the regional map by the World Wars has led to a heavy debate between the various powers of commerce and resources. The New Englander and French standard of recognition of territorial waters extending to twelve miles beyond the coast has been adapted by all the various powers, with some disputes being settled with joint control over the more narrow waterways. Fishing rights were also brought up, as the conference worked together to make the Pacific trade routes more viable and efficient. The conference has sparked much hope for the economic future of the Pacific Ocean, as trading and regulation once more starts up after the chaos of the World Wars.

INDIAN UPRISING CRUSHED. Delhi, India. French troops besieged the heart of the Indian rebellion this year, with a full attack on the administrative center of Delhi. Part of an overarching campaign to end the violent uprising, the French launched several major offensives, once more with New Englander air support and supply. As the borders with the Republic of China close, the Indians have found themselves without supply or support as locals help lead French troops to arms caches and rebel bases. The French have successfully obtained support from many local religious and secular leaders, who have proclaimed the good of the membership within the French Imperium to the masses. The Indian military continued to be faced with desertions as a lack of morale plagued the armed forces. Udham Singh has been captured by French forces to await trial, as the remnants of the most dedicated Indian forces flee into the countryside to continue the fight.
Casualty List
France: 70 Infantry Brigades, 3 Marine Brigades, 8 Artillery Brigades, 9 A-39 Brigades, 4 A-42 Brigades
India: 98 Infantry Brigades, 10 Jungle Brigades, 10 Mountain Brigades, 2 Artillery Brigades, 9 Anti-Air Brigades, 12 Anti-Tank Brigades (destroyed)

Review of the Arts

In the Shadow of Rome
Type: Moving Pictures
Genre: Documentary
Producer: Beria Productions
Running Time: 188 minutes
Summary: The film, In the Shadow of Rome took the Russian people for a dark look through the current administration of Europe. Stealthy cameramen risked their lives and liberty to tour French occupied Europe, filming occupation tactics throughout the former German Republic and the Low Countries. Shocking scenes of executions of mass amounts of civilians have made their way into the lackluster support of the Russian people. The film is also the first to be completely done in color, as with new technologies pioneered by Beria Productions. The film, despite widespread agreement of its high value as a cinematographically well done movie, has not had much support in the box office. The Russian people seem unwilling to watch this film, reminding many of the bad old days of the French invasion and aftermath.

The Sports Page

AMERICAN CUP. Albany, Republic of New England. The American Cup this year was primarily overshadowed by the rise of the French-backed World Cup, which invited the creation of large-scale national teams. The drain upon city teams as governments sponsor the creation of national organizations has been obvious, as some of the local teams' best players are poached for the nation's greater sporting good. The only team not to suffer from the drain was the Albany Football Club, the only completely New Yorker team present in the Republic of New England. They played in the final games of the season against the Baltimore Football Club, which showed impressive skill for a usually lackluster organization. The Albany team emerged victorious, smashing the visiting team with three points to zero, a humiliating defeat for the Virginian club.

WORLD CUP. Caracas, Venezuela. The highly anticipated World Cup launched this year as nations from around the world competed in the new series of games. Competing teams from nearly fifty nations were involved, as regional matches started the Cup, and the eliminations began as nation after nation were dropped from the event. The final four contending teams came from the Texan Republic, Venezuela, Sweden, and the Republic of China, presenting uncontested dominance in their own regions as they swept aside all competitors. In the American game, the Texan Republic was defeated on their home turf in Houston, as the Venezuelans won a smashing victory of three to one. In the game between Sweden and China, the Chinese, bolstered by years of continuous play and practice for over a decade, showed their skill and inflicted a devastating defeat, making the final goal of the game, bringing the score to two to one after being stalemated for most of the competition. The final match of the first World Cup came between the Venezuelans and Chinese in the city of Caracas. The stadium overflowed with spectators, making it the most widely attended football match in history. The Venezuelans won a narrow victory in the last few minutes of the game, granting that nation the first trophies of the World Cup, sparking a series of triumphant orgies and celebrations throughout Venezuela.

NATIONS PREPARE FOR UPCOMING OLYMPICS. Geneva, Switzerland. The International Olympic Committee convened this year to view the preparations made for the 1948 Olympics in Saint Augustine, Florida. These are to be the first games held since 1936, and the first with maximum participating members since the 1932 games in Cardiff. The Committee presented several possible choices for the next scheduled games in 1952, considering the new global situation presented by the end of the World Wars. The first city on the list is the city of Barcelona in France, chosen for its location upon the Mediterranean Sea, and as acknowledgement of the new world order established by the French government. For similar reasons, the city of Milan was chosen in the Republic of Italy, further bolstering the esteem and power the Co-Axial Pact of Nations now possesses. In order to break with a previous trend, Quebec City has also been selected by the Committee, claiming that the new nation would prove ideal for a new era of sporting events. The Committee as before will announce its choice during the 1948 Games.


@chemhater: I'd highly recommend that you learn not to bank EP, as it really doesn't do you any good. That'll be a bad habit to keep with ABNW 2.2, as it will result in the wasting of much EP.

@Jason the King, it appears to me that the old Highway Development Project fits right in to the new Waterfield Plan, I have therefore clumped the spending together over an increased cost.

Skizzik has been dropped from the Fox Republic due to inactivity.

Germanicus12 has been dropped from the Republic of New France due to inactivity.

World Map


  • map47.PNG
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OOC: Great update EQ! I'm liking the Ordenz Plan but here's hoping that SUSA doesn't find out how lacking in nutrients that jungle soil is too soon. ;)


To: World
From: France

Clearly, Barcelona is the best location for the Olympics in 1952, and we urge the world to consider granting us the honor of hosting the games for the first time since the 20's.

To: New England
From: France

Recent victories in India and Africa have given us great cause to celebrate! We formally thank the New English for their assistance in taming India and look forward to several centuries more of prosperity and co-existence.
To: World
From: Quebec

Clearly Quebec City is the best city for the Olympics in 1952. There is more than the world than France, send them that message and vote for Quebec City. Do not feed the Co-Axial Domination. Quebec City is a stable, clean, and scenic city; ideal for the home to the Olympics.
To: Quebec, World
From: France

Quebec speaks highly of herself but perhaps is not aware of what might happen were the Co-Axial Pact to stop trading with her. World, take heed: Quebec thinks too much and says too much and appears to be much more than it really is, a dirty little nation of our own bastard children. It goes without saying that holding the Olympics in Barcelona would provide the highest quality sporting of any locations, with the exception perhaps of our Italian friends' hosting.
To: Quebec, World
From: France

Quebec speaks highly of herself but perhaps is not aware of what might happen were the Co-Axial Pact to stop trading with her. World, take heed: Quebec thinks too much and says too much and appears to be much more than it really is, a dirty little nation of our own bastard children. It goes without saying that holding the Olympics in Barcelona would provide the highest quality sporting of any locations, with the exception perhaps of our Italian friends' hosting.

To: France, World
From: Quebec

France uses her formidable world status as a threat; Do not concede to these threats. North America, especially north-eastern America has been neglected long enough and deserves it's rightful time in the spotlight. Once again, I urge every nation not to increase Co-Axial domination and vote for Quebec City, the suitable candidate for the home of the 1952 Olympics.
To: Russia
From: China

China will bring this to the discussion table so we may decide exactly what the special partnership should entail.

In this partnership the Russian Federation would gain a voice in any internal discussions made by the APACS, but have no power to vote on issues. There is a mutual acceptance that the APACS and Russia's goals are the same. Mutual trade benefits would extend between Russia and APACS members. Also, considering our special relationship with Korea after the last war, it would be prudent to keep us in the loop in regards to their foreign relations.

Finally on the issue of Kyushu, we defer to the APACS to decide the islands fate. The Russian Federation stands ready to side with either independence or reunion with Japan.
To: France, World
From: Quebec

France uses her formidable world status as a threat; Do not concede to these threats. North America, especially north-eastern America has been neglected long enough and deserves it's rightful time in the spotlight. Once again, I urge every nation not to increase Co-Axial domination and vote for Quebec City, the suitable candidate for the home of the 1952 Olympics.

To: Quebec, World
From: France

Come now! These silly anti-French ideals have been proven to be far misplaced in our glorious present day. You would visit war-torn Quebec City - and for what? To prove a point? Visit the wonderful Barcelona instead - war-free for 85 years and counting.
From: Arabistan

We shall express our interest in attending the 1952 Olympics in Quebec City.
To: Quebec, World
From: France

Come now! These silly anti-French ideals have been proven to be far misplaced in our glorious present day. You would visit war-torn Quebec City - and for what? To prove a point? Visit the wonderful Barcelona instead - war-free for 85 years and counting.

To: World
From: Quebec
If the ignorant French were aware of events taking place outside of their borders, they would know the unfortunate war never reached Quebec City. Additionally, the Nation of Quebec has invested greatly in the rebuilding of the countryside. There would be no complications if the Olympics were held within Quebec. In fact, Barcelona has no apparent advantages over Quebec City as a home city. I will not contribute to this altercation any further, I trust the world to follow Arabistan's decision and make the right choice.
To: Quebec
From: France

"Outside our borders"? Truly this is a mistake. There is nothing outside our borders.
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