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Camera Viewpoint mod - doesnt change to top-down as soon when zooming out


Nov 12, 2005
I believe the camera is zoomed in too far by default, and changes to the useless top-down view far too quickly.

The following fix keeps the camera at the isometric view for longer while zooming out, thus you can see more of the world.

- open up the civilization4\assets\XML\misc\CIV4DetailManager.xml file

- update the following values in the file to the new ones (I've put the new values in bold).

		<Key>8000, 0.00</Key>
		<Key>11400, 1.0</Key>
		<Key>%CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE, 1.00</Key>
		<Key>10800, 0.00</Key>
		<Key>11400, 1.00</Key>
Err, can someone tell me the original numbers?

Now that I changed it, I have a phase of black globe when about reaching the globe view...
it may happen I would like to set it back...
		<Key>5000, 0.00</Key>
		<Key>6400, 1.0</Key>
		<Key>%CAMERA_MAX_DISTANCE, 1.00</Key>
		<Key>4800, 0.00</Key>
		<Key>6400, 1.00</Key>

There you go.
Now that I changed it, I have a phase of black globe when about reaching the globe view...
it may happen I would like to set it back...

That happens :) You have to play with the numbers a bit to reduce it.
Sorry for this bit of thread necromancy, but has anyone figured out how to do this with warlords? I've had a search of the XML files, but these settings no longer seem to be used....

Warlords has its own assets folder. Copy the edited file to Warlords\Assets\XML\Misc.
That's the first place I looked :)

Notice that the OP states to change the settings in the CIV4DetailManager.xml file. Warlords does not have this file.

Also note that it instructs to change the settings for DF_SKY and DF_GLOBE_TERRAIN - neither of which I can find in any XML file in the Warlords XML directory (although, I haven't checked every file, skipping obvious ones).

So, does anyone know where these settings have been moved? Or, if they've been replaced with something else? Or, perhaps if they've been hard-coded?

Right, the file isn't there by default, so you'll need to copy it there yourself. I've done this, and it works.
Oh eggggcellent. Thanks for the help! :cool:

The toip down view is far from useless.
It goes in a top down view just to keep the ammout of shown polygons down and the framerate up. While zooming out your horizon goes up, showing more but less detailed.
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