analysis of AI file: something hidden?

ok here is so far what i've analyse:

wonder construct rand:
focuseing on wonder (from 0 to 50)
Louis XIV by far the highest,
follow by Asoka, Cyrus and Hatshepshut
Montezuma 0

Base attitude
how the civ like you:
Gandhi 2
Genghis, Isabella, monte, napoleon and tokugawa -1

THAT may prove that there is "hidden" factor in diplo

Peace base weight
how they value peace
Peacefull leaders have high value (Gandhi 10)
warmongers have low value (a lot have 0)

Warmonger respect
another "hidden" value, bonus if you are a warmonger
or maybe just the value for allied war
Gandhi 0
A lot of people 2

No tech trade treshold
one factor in the way they deal tech
Mansa Musa 20 (doesn't seem to trade tech)
a lot 5

Tech trade known percent
one factor in the way they deal tech, percent (between 0 and 100)
Mansa musa 0
Tokugawa 100

max gold trade percent
What percentage of gold they will trade?
Louis XIV 20
A lot of people 5

Max war rand
the first value for declaring war
Alex, Genghis, Monte 50
Gandhi, Mansa Musa 400

max war nearby power ratio
ratio (Other civ/own civ*100) for declaring war
100 means equal power
>100 means can declare war whereas in inferior power
<100 means can declarre war whereas in superiority
Montezuma 130
Elisabeth 80

max war distant power ratio
again a ratio, but according to the title, linked with distance?
Napoleon, Isabella 100 (they can declare war on a distant enemy)
Tokugawa 30 (the enemy need to be close)

max war min adjacent land percent
sorry no idea, seems to have link with borders
alex, genghis, isabella, monte 0
Tokugawa, Elisabeth, Bismarck 4

limited war rand
this one must be the lower side of the scale war rand
Ghandi, Hatschepshut, Mansa Musa 200
Alex, Genghis, Monte, Napoleon 40

limited war power ratio
this one must be the upper side of the scale war power ratio
alex, monte 130
gandhi 80

dogpile war rand
doesn't really know
Cat, Elisabeth, monte, FDR, Tokugawa 25
Bismarck, cyrus, fred, gandhi, hatschepshut, huayna 100

make peace rand
ability to make peace (the lower, the more peacefull)
Asoka, Catherine, elisabeth, gandhi, Louis, FDR, Saladin 10
Genghis, monte 80

demand rebuked sneak prob
link to a refuse to tribute
Asoka, Cyrus, fred, ghandi, hatschespchut, FDR, Saladin 0
Catherine 80

declaration of war if refuse to tribute
a lot at 0
Genghis, FDR 50

probability to raze a city
Genghis 75
a lot 0

probability to build unit?
Napoleon 40
Gandhi 15

feel some trick favors warmonger
Napoleon 6
Alex, genghis, monte, peter 4
Cat, cyrus, cesar, quin 2
others 0

diplo malus if you are weaker than the leader (a sort of "mepris", sorry don't know how to translate it), i think this one is a hidden one
Alex, Cat, Louis, Peter -2
a lot 0

diplo bonus if you are stronger than the leader ( a sort of worship bonus), i think this one is a hidden one
Mansa Musa 4
Asoka 3
Alex, Cat, Bismarck, cesar and Qin 0

malus if closed borders
vary from -2 to -4

bonus if you have the same religion
Asoka 7
Mao 2

doesn't really understand how it works...but it is linked to the different religion situation
vary from 0 to -2


bonus if you adopt the favorite civic
Gandhi, Monte 6
a lot 2

attitude threshold:
these defines the attitude (furious, annoyed, cautious, pleased, friendly) that is the first one preventing to do the listed diplomatic action (authorized the specific thing in the bargain screen, if tokugawa is cautious, he won't accept open borders)
None mean that any attitude let the AI do the action (Gandhi will always accept open borders...)
specific note:
Cat, gandhi will always accept to trade tech
gandhi will always accept open borders
Isabella must be friendly to convert to your religion
you will never make a permanent alliance with Alex, Napoleon and Tokugawa
the easiest deal with Tokugawa is to ask them to stop trading with somebody, you just need to have him cautious
it's impossible to ask Cathy to stop a war with somebody


flavors define wich tech the leader will focuse on (or is bound to focuse on)
Alex: military and growth (agriculture)
Asoka: will focuse on religion and science (meditation)
Bismarck: military (archery)
Catherine:science, culture (the wheel)
Cyrus: Military, growth (hunting)
Elisabeth: gold, culture (mysticism)
Fred: production (masonry or the wheel)
Gandhi: Culture (meditation)
Genghis: Military, science (archery)
Hatschepsut: Religion, Culture (mysticism)
Huayna: gold (mining)
Isabella: religion (polytheism or meditation)
Cesar: military, science (bronze working or the wheel)
Kublai Khan: military, culture (archery)
Louis XIV: military, culture (mysticism)
Mansa Musa: Religion, Gold (Meditation, polytheism)
Mao: Production growth (animal husbandry)
Monte: military gold (archery)
Napoleon: military gold (hunting)
Peter: science, growth (agriculture)
Qin: production, gold (mining)
FDR: production, gold (mining)
Saladin: military religion (polytheism or meditation)
Tokugawa: military science (hunting)
Victoria: gold, growth (agriculture or pottery)
Washington: military, growth (animal husbandry)

there are a lot of other factor, but they are all the same for all the leaders, so i don't know what they do

tell me what you thinks...
doesn't really understand how it works...but it is linked to the different religion situation
vary from 0 to -2

This one is saying that if you are a different religion then they are, their attitude is altered accordingly. As in they will have listed under the +/-:

-2: We're upset you've fallen under the sway of a hethen religion
the trouble is that it vary only from 0 to -2, and if i remember correctly, isabella is worst than -2, and every leader have memories that you are a heathen (everyone cares about it)
there are two others factor about different religion, but they are the same for everyone...
Have you read this?

Sirian said:
I urged Soren to change the AI. Many changes were made.

1. The AI now has three "war states" instead of just one.
-a. Limited War - intent is to damage a rival to slow them down or butter them up for concessions.
-b. Dogpile War - AI asks another civ to join them in a 2v1 vs their enemy.
-c. Total War - AI is intent on conquest and will try hard to take cities.

2. Limited War means the AI is trying to do harm without taking heavy losses, so it will focus mainly on pillaging. To stop pillagers, the defender must go on the attack. It will go for cities if there is a border city very weakly defended, but chiefly it will try to disconnect resources, rip up cottages, etc.

3. Dogpile wars are very opportunistic. The dogpiler will continue its effort if it is making gains. If it is taking a lot of losses and not gaining much, it will tend to stop.

4. Total War is in there, still, but even it is not as aggressive as Civ3 or GalCiv AIs. Even in a Total War, the AIs will keep a stronger defense at home than they do in Civ3 (making them less vulnerable to being wiped out by a simple dogpile.)
LAnkou said:
ok here is so far what i've analyse:

No tech trade treshold
one factor in the way they deal tech
Mansa Musa 20 (doesn't seem to trade tech)
a lot 5

Tech trade known percent
one factor in the way they deal tech, percent (between 0 and 100)
Mansa musa 0
Tokugawa 100

Strange, in my experience Mansa Musa is usually the most forthcoming in terms of trading techs.
sgrig said:
Strange, in my experience Mansa Musa is usually the most forthcoming in terms of trading techs.
Yeah, he has that backwards. At 100 Tokugawa is a complete isolationist and has and at 0 Mansa Munsa is willing to trade a lot of the time. This might be a percent increase in "cost" to trade that AI for a tech. Same with the other attribute. You can trade with Munsa almost all the way up to him being annoyed at you.

If anyone is interested in making a mod that makes the AI a little more aggressive by changing some of these values, I would be interested in playing! I'd do it myself but I'm short on time these days...just an idea.
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