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Barbs can build wonders?

The barbs in my game always build the collossos, usually because i forget to build a forge
well in my case the barbs weren't left alone as in amaterasu's case. i was in a very silly mood, and on prescription drugs that rather addled my brain. so i was not up to a challenge, and played a very easy game. i worldbuildered a spy into a barb city to watch them and see what they were up to, it was really funny and interesting for me.

at one point they were researching alphabet. you can win the game without alphabet. you can build a spaceship without alphabet. well not if you're a barbarian since you can't build a spaceship even with alphabet but you know what i mean. and barbarians can't trade techs. so i questioned their sanity. not for the first time, i do that every time they attack me when i'm standing on a jungle hill and they're across a river.

but the mystery was soon solved:

they wanted horseback riding ASAP. so they wanted to invest all 5 of the hammers their city was producing into research to speed that up.

later, the map had no fog of war so they couldn't make their cities any more. i created mega-barb only island. massive amounts of food, and plenty of health resources and buildings to provide health, and quite a few happy resources, including doublers for most of them. paradise, so that no happiness/heath problems would get in the way and i could see what they'd do late game if they existed in paradise but couldn't reach anybody to harass. this was a small island. they could see all of the land tiles from the city itself, so they didn't have a logical reason to post sentries to watch for AIs or the human player, etc. they were running Hereditary Rule, i forget what other civics at this point. earlier they were in slavery, and boy do they whip like crazy and not even care about unhappiness. cruel oppression for sure!

things you may have never wondered:
- barbs do go through anarchy when they change civics
- they do face emancipation unhappiness

- they're running the culture slider. that was apparently another reason that they researched alphabet, so that's logical, that's cool!
- they're using Hereditary Rule. they made a ton of units. there are 6 in that city that are providing some happiness. i don't know exactly how many troops were out running around needlessly on that island where they could see every tile even if they'd stayed parked in the city to keep the citizens happy, but it was at least 4, which would have made the city happy enough at the 20% culture. go figure.
- i have no idea why they're researching divine right. they're not allowed to build the wonders that come with it.

i donated a second city to their cause. i went back into WB, settled a city named Barb Research on a similar island with different pre-improved resources from the first island, set the population to more than 1 so that it wouldn't autoraze, and left it undefended. then i put some barbs on that island. i wanted to see how they traded resources, if they got a trade route going since they knew sailing and i made sure there was a coast connection. naturally they wasted a couple of turns pillaging the resources, but then they did capture the city.

they did get a trade route between the cities, they did both get credit for the resources. but that maintenance was interesting. they don't have distance maintenance, they have a "no palace penalty". that's not really fair ... they're not allowed to build a palace according to the .xml!

edit: i think i forgot to say, this was in warlords.
wow you sure out did yourself kmadcandy? i think you have my vote for dip vic of the boards as well :lol: :lol: :goodjob:
I like your style KMad! Must have been some kinda heavy drugs though! Also, the digits in the numbers on the screenshots, do they come with an addon UI or with Warlords?
warlords calculates two decimal places, so overflow works a lot better than it does in vanilla. my understanding is that in warlords, you don't need to micromanagement your slider to minimize "wasted" beakers on the last turn of research a tech or something. i'm not quite sure, since i never did that sort of micromanaging in vanilla.

and it was in fact narcotic cough syrup, illegal in the US without a doctor's prescription. the stuff made me even loopier than i normally am! my doctor told me to take it, and it helped ... eventually.
KMad, I applaud you. Wow, that's very interesting. In Terra maps, barbs usually span the New World w/ 5-16 huge cities complete w/ infrastructure and all. I wonder if they can build Versailles or Forbidden Palace?
*edit* what XML files control barbs?
check this out ... the new vanilla SGOTM that looks really really fun!

the stuff i know officially about what barbs can and cannot build, is in Assets/XML/Civilizations/Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml . there's a different one for Warlords/Assets/etc.

that's a text file. you can open/edit it with notepad, doesn't need anything fancy. all the civs are listed in there, barbarians are last. the barbs are the only guys with long lists like in this spoiler box. the lists are much longer, i just pulled out some samples. like RockNRoll, had to list it because i would giggle so much if they built it. i mean have you heard their civ music when you check out one of their cities?
Spoiler :




as far as i can tell, every "NONE" on those lists means barbs aren't ever allowed to make that unit or building. so my guess is that is you took a section out, say from <building> to </building> for library, then they'd be able to build libraries after they learn writing. that's only a guess, copy files before altering them, move to custom assets, use adult supervision, poster is not responsible if your pc explodes.
Back from a round of barb tests. I settled some barbs w/ a spy, and found that every city a barb settles grants them two warriors. Also, their tech rate is extremely quick (they teched to Mathematics before I hit writing) and man oh man, do they pump out units quick!
check this out ... the new vanilla SGOTM that looks really really fun!

the stuff i know officially about what barbs can and cannot build, is in Assets/XML/Civilizations/Civ4CivilizationInfos.xml . there's a different one for Warlords/Assets/etc.

that's a text file. you can open/edit it with notepad, doesn't need anything fancy. all the civs are listed in there, barbarians are last. the barbs are the only guys with long lists like in this spoiler box. the lists are much longer, i just pulled out some samples. like RockNRoll, had to list it because i would giggle so much if they built it. i mean have you heard their civ music when you check out one of their cities?
Spoiler :




as far as i can tell, every "NONE" on those lists means barbs aren't ever allowed to make that unit or building. so my guess is that is you took a section out, say from <building> to </building> for library, then they'd be able to build libraries after they learn writing. that's only a guess, copy files before altering them, move to custom assets, use adult supervision, poster is not responsible if your pc explodes.

OMG, can you imagine the Barbs with ICBMs? That would be scary. I guess it would be the closest thing CIV could have to TRUE Terrorists.

Edit: Oh and as for the file in question, I could not find it in either Vanillia CIV4 Assets or Warlords.
Edit: Oh and as for the file in question, I could not find it in either Vanillia CIV4 Assets or Warlords.

hmmz. i don't know what to tell you, that's exactly where mine is. it's not where my own games that i play are saved, it's where the game itself is installed. so for me, it's in the I:/civ4/Assets/XML/Civilizations folder and then there are 4 files in there. hopefully it's something easy like that, you're looking where the saves go and not where you installed it? cuz it's fun to peek :).
OMG, can you imagine the Barbs with ICBMs? That would be scary

They can't get their tech that far. But I have given them nukes via the worldbuilder and they use them instantly. Ouch
hmmz. i don't know what to tell you, that's exactly where mine is. it's not where my own games that i play are saved, it's where the game itself is installed. so for me, it's in the I:/civ4/Assets/XML/Civilizations folder and then there are 4 files in there. hopefully it's something easy like that, you're looking where the saves go and not where you installed it? cuz it's fun to peek :).

I think you are absolutely right. Geeze, Windows sure is complicated at times! :D
yeah, they can build wonders; when I bought the game and was a n00b playing it, in an earth map, on settler, they had riflemen and grenadiers protecting the Colossus and The Great Lighthouse, without the use of the WorldBuilder!!!
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