Eight New Hoplite units


Smeee heeeeed
Dec 22, 2001
Nottingham, central England
Here is a bunch of new Hoplite units for Exsanguination’s “Alexander the Great” scenario. They are nothing much, just simple modifications of the Civ3 Hoplite.
They would also suitable for Xerxes invasion of Greece or the Peloponnesian War, and could even be used as other nations heavy spearmen, such as the Etruscans, Campanians, Carthaginians, and the early Romans (who also used them until the sack of Rome in 387 BC by the Gauls caused them to reform the army into Legionaries).

Please see the following link for how to add these units to Civ3…..


As the Civ3 Hoplite only has an attack of 1, but a defence of 3, it is almost impossible for it to destroy another heavy infantry unit.
So I think it represents little more than a “Militia Hoplite”, capable of defending a city, but no good at attacking one.


Later Edit:
Due to popular demand, I have (finally!) created some civilopeadia pictures for all eight new Hoplites....



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Citizen Hoplite
This is the wealthier Greek citizen who is able to afford the expensive full Hoplite equipment, and has enough Citizen free time to train with it, so is capable of attacking and defeating an enemy.
Suggested stats: 2-3-1, cost 30, requires iron, and the Greeks build this unit instead of the Civ3 “Swordsman” (because in reality, it was the Romans and Celts in the west that used swords & shields, while the people of the east such as the Greeks and Persians used spears & shields, NOT swordsmen).



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Allied Hoplite
All the Greek city states were relatively small and couldn’t raise more than about 5,000 soldiers each. So ancient Greek armies larger than this were often alliances and coalitions. This unit represents these ‘allies’.
Suggested stats: 2-3-1, available with Bronze Working, requires no resources, cost 40, and upgrades to “Citizen Hoplite” (so if there is no iron, or if it runs out or is captured, then the Greeks will have to depend more on “Allied Hoplites” instead of their own citizens….even if these ‘allies’ demand political concessions: i.e. they cost more but require no resources).



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Theban Sacred Band
These were the elite of the Theban army. Composed of 300 pairs of homosexual lovers, they usually formed the front rank of the Theban Hoplite phalanx, but were destroyed in 338 BC at the battle of Chaeronea by Philip of Macedon’s Companion cavalry, led by his son Alexander.
Suggested stats: 2-3-1, requires iron, +2 hit points, and costs 60 (this is expensive in order to discourage the building of too many of them, as only one unit existed in reality).



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Theban Hoplite
These were the troops who made up the bulk of the Boetian armies.
The symbol on the bronze shield is the ‘club of Hercules’, which was the national symbol of Thebes. Whereas most Greek city states allowed their Hoplites to wear and display anything they liked, Thebes and Sparta had national symbols on their shields and wore standardized uniforms.
Suggested stats: 2-3-1, requires iron, costs 30 (the same as the “Citizen Hoplite”).



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Spartan Hoplite
The famous Spartans were the elite of the Lacedaemonian Peloponnesian Greeks. They lived in a strict ‘caste’ society, totally devoted to hardship and military training, with the Spartites of the city of Sparta at the top. Because of this they were few in number, with only some 5,000 at their height, and dropping to less than 1,000 by 370 BC.
Despite their renown in all matters military, the Spartans were defeated by the Thebans at the battles of Leuctra and Mantinea in 371 & 362 BC. The subsequent freeing of their lower class serfs (called ‘helots’) effectively destroyed their hierarchical caste system.
Suggested stats: 2-3-1, requires iron, +1 hit point, costs 50 (like the Theban Sacred Band, the high cost is to discourage the building of too many of these units).

Please note that this figure is not in Civ colours, but is instead in red.
This is because the Spartans wore red. They always wore red. So I’ve made this unit…. red.



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Perioikoi Hoplite
These were the second rank of Lacedaemonian society, and represent the troops from cities other than Sparta, as well as those who failed the strict military training.
Although free citizens, they had no political power or any say in the running of the state, but still made up the bulk of the Lacedaemonian army.
Suggested stats: 2-3-1, requires iron, cost 30 (the same as the “Citizen Hoplite”).



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Persian Subjugated Hoplite
This unit represents the Carians, Lydians and Ionian Greeks who were forced to fight for the Persian Empire. Having no love for their Persian overlords, they were often unenthusiastic.
Suggested stats: 2-3-1, requires iron, -1 hit point, costs 30 (despite the –1 hit point, this unit is still better than Spearmen, and so should cost a bit more).



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Persian Hired Hoplite
(Civanator is already creating a ‘Mercenary hoplite’, and I didn’t want to steal the name, so I’ve called this one a “Hired Hoplite” instead)
The famous Immortals were destroyed by the Athenians and Spartans at the battle of Plataea in 479 BC, and were never reformed. Instead, the Persians used their vast wealth to hire the best troops around at that time….Greek Mercenary Hoplites.
Suggested stats: 2-3-1, requires iron, and costs 40 (if the “Subjugated Hoplite” costs 30, then this unit should cost a little bit more).

You know, in reality, the Persian Immortal was never as good as Civ3 portrays them. Here is a brief history of this unit:-
First, they were formed about 530 BC, and disappeared after 479 BC, so only existed for some 50 years (or just two Civ3 turns!).
Second, there were just 10,000 of them, no more, no less. This is less than 5% of the total Persian army.
Third, they were destroyed by Athenian & Spartan Hoplites.
Lastly, rather than reforming them, the Persians hired Greek Hoplites instead.
When Alexander the Great invaded Asia Minor in 334 BC for example, he faced some 20,000 Mercenary Hoplites at the battle of Granicus, and 30,000 a year later at the battle of Issus, but NO ‘Immortals’, because they had disappeared almost 150 years earlier.

Soooo…..how did the Greeks defeat them, why were they not rebuilt, and why did the Persians use mercenaries instead?
The reason is obvious….Greek Mercenary Hoplites WERE BETTER!!!
Personally, I think Immortals should be 2-2-1, +1 hit point, cost 50, upgrade to “Hired Hoplites”, and have a defensive bombardment of 2 or 3 with a range of zero (in reality they were armed with spears + bows. It’s hard to see, but if you look closely the Civ3 Immortal actually carries a bow case on his back).

Having said that, I very much doubt that I can persuade anyone to downgrade their favourite ancient Civ3 unit just because it’s more realistic!
(“Oh well….at least you tried Kryten, at least you tried”)



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Last of all, here is a cut-down units_32 file, with just the above units in it.
You can cut-‘n-paste this into your current units_32 file, or, if you are not able to do this, then hopefully Zulu9812 will add them to his excellent up-to-date units_32 file (good work by the way :goodjob: ).


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Wow, all the new versions are really cool. Im gonna have to agree with W.I.N.T.E.R. on this one.
Such amazing effort, paired with originality and sheer sweetness deserves a prize:

The Sacred Band of the Spartan Order:
(The 1st official TRT Prize for Ancient and Antique Differentiated Scenario Design and Advanced Modding)

Unbelievable!:goodjob: And here I was thinking Hoplites were only from Corinth! Great Work!

Kryten- Having said that, I very much doubt that I can persuade anyone to downgrade their favourite ancient Civ3 unit just because it’s more realistic!
(“Oh well….at least you tried Kryten, at least you tried”)
I wouldn’t be so sure;).
It took me awhile to make all those previews, but they are now on my site.

Good job, your units have a level of detail that few others have. (And i have seen em all)

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