Here is a post I made in another thread regarding corporations. As it stands the effect inflation has is a major gamestopping bug and needs to be Firaxis' top priority:
Corporation was supposed to be similar to religion in general.
Corporation should provide benefits to cities which host them [as religions do] and also give a big bonus to the civ that holds the shrine[HQ].
As it stands, by the lategame corporation is devastated by the "inflation" which more than triples the
true cost.
I guess when people read this, they won't understand how bad it REALLY is, they may assume by me saying that "inflation destroys the concept of corporation" I am exaggerating and that its simply a minor annoyance.
I have a screenshot of a game I played as dutch:
Notice 3 things:
inflation ALONE is costing me 2136
per turn.
- Whilst units cost me 44

a turn and civic 180

a turn, city maintenance is 700

per turn.
- after one of my major corporation-franchise civs switched to state property, I'm running at 10% science and 10% espionage [luckily he did so towards the end of the game]
ps. the "10 turns to victory" doesn't mean I'm near the end, its from the spaceship; the actual date shown is 2003AD
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assumed that the 10%

boost of state property, and the 1

boost in caste system was there to counter the great effects that one would have with corporations.
As it stands, a workshop under SP/CS will give +4

and their "
total expenses" will be incredibly lower than mine letting them research at upto 90%. As a counter, civs running other civics could get corporations letting them get +

or +

but the damn inflation has screwed the whole system up to the point where the only viable civic now is SP+CS or Mercantilism+x.
Cottage economies were always supposed to be somewhat better once they had been maxed out because they have to build up, whereas workshops and farms are built almost instantly. This meant that peaceful civs would tend to have more cottages whilst areas devastated by war would be best to quickly rebuild the farms+workshops.
With workshops giving equivalent +12

and a fully completed cottage giving +10

It is definately broken, the only saving grace was that corporations were supposed to be a HUGE part of the game.
Also imagine that if I have the HQs in my country and its this bad, how bad would it be for civs who don't have the HQ.
Right now corporation is so broken that its best for me to found the corporation HQ and not spread it to a single city of mine but instead devastate the enemy by forcing them to run 90-100% tax.
This is more broken than the espionage
foment unhappiness one and needs to urgently be fixed. They MUST make the corporation maintenance come into effect AFTER inflation and/or they MUST cap inflation at a certain point.
you need to read a little more. there are some serious flaws in domestic corporation spreads which is where a lot of it should be because of inflation.
Its worst than a flaw in domestic corporation spread. Its just that you don't get to directly see the effect it has in foreign branches - its actually even worst for them.
Here are the other 2 threads regarding this issue: