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Problem with memory


Mar 26, 2006
Hi everybody
After I had installed Civ 4, game was very slow. Therefore I installed patch 1.52 and harkfix. But now when I want to open window of diplomacy (when I click another civilization for make a trade agreement for example), occur this error: "Your system has run out of video memory. Please trying reducing your video settings". I reduced video setting, but it didn't help. Problem occur in lately part of game, when big part of map is showed. Without harkfix this problem doesn't exist. Do you know what to do?
Look for this in your civilizationiv.ini:
; Don't show minimum specification warnings
HideMinSpecWarning = 0

Set the "0" to "1" to enable the hide. There are other semi-successful recommendations for performance in other threads. You may want to browse them also. Make sure you clear your cache after you make any adjustments.

As far as I know the Harkonnen patch is not recommended for the 1.52 version (yet).

Let us know how it works for you Czajna.
"; Don't show minimum specification warnings
HideMinSpecWarning = 1"
I didn't find something like this in civilizationiv.ini. I added it manualy, but I don't know if it can work now. Unfortunately error still exist and I can't play

Here config my civilizationiv.ini.

; Map Script file name
Map = Continents

; GameType options are singlePlayer/spLoad
GameType = singlePlayer

; Pitboss Turn Time
PitbossTurnTime = 0

; Max number of turns (0 for no turn limit)
MaxTurns = 0

; Handicap for quick play






; Game Name
GameName = ja's Game

; Save Path - relative to working (Civ4) folder
FileName = 0

; Account Username
Nickname = 0

; Email Address
Email = ja

; In-game Alias
Alias = ja

; Move along
CheatCode = 0


; Don't show minimum specification warnings
HideMinSpecWarning = 1

; Allow Mouse Scrolling in Windowed mode
MouseScrolling = 0

; Enable Trilinear Filtering for the Minimap
MinimapTrilinearFilter = 1

; Enable Tree Region Cutting
CutTrees = 1

; Allow Camera Flying
AllowFlying = 0

; Random seed for map generation, or '0' for default
MapRandSeed = 0

; Random seed for game sync, or '0' for default
SyncRandSeed = 0

; SMTP server login for Pitboss reminder emails
PitbossSMTPLogin = ja

; SMTP server for Pitboss reminder emails
PitbossSMTPHost = mail

; Number of seconds to accept live game list updates from GameSpy (-1 for initial snapshot only, 0 for no live updates
GameUpdateTime = 10

; Bandwidth options are modem or broadband
Bandwidth = broadband

; QuickStart - SinglePlayer games only!
QuickStart = 0

; Enable/disable background music
PlayMusic = 1

; Allows some memory savings *** ALT-TAB WILL NO LONGER FUNCTION ***
MemSaver = 0

; Use managed interface textures (may be safer but shouldn't be needed, uses more memory)
GUIManagedTextures = 0

; Allow Screenshots. May affect performance on some video cards
AllowScreenShots = 0

; Enable voice over IP capture and playback
EnableVoice = 1

; App Selects Specific IP to use for Multiplayer
SelectIP = 0

; Disable caching of file system (may slow initialization)
DisableFileCaching = 1

; Disable caching of xml and file system (may slow initialization)
DisableCaching = 0

; Disable PAK memory mapping (May affect performance)
DisablePAKMemoryMapping = 0

; Specify a Mod folder (Mods\Mesopotamia), '0' for none
Mod = 0

; Don't skip frames if falling behind
BinkNoSkip = 1

; Copy entire image each frame, not just dirty pixels
BinkCopyAll = 1

; Show movies using hi-color, not true-color (may be faster)
Bink16Bit = 0

; Copy ever other scanline during movie playback (faster)
BinkInterlace = 0

; Specify whether to play in fullscreen mode 0/1/ask
FullScreen = 0

; Set max frame rate clamp (0 means none)
SetMaxFrameRate = 0

; Set to 1 to page units out when non-visible
DynamicUnitPaging = 1

; Set to 1 to page unit anims out when the unit is non visible
DynamicAnimPaging = 0

; Set to 1 for no tech splash screens
NoTechSplash = 0

; Set to 1 for no in-game movies
NoMovies = 0

; Set to 1 for no python exception popups
HidePythonExceptions = 1

; The maximum number of autosaves kept in the directory before being deleted.
MaxAutoSaves = 5

; Specify the number of turns between autoSaves. 0 means no autosave.
AutoSaveInterval = 4

; Enable Audio
AudioEnable = 1

; English(0),French(1),German(2),Italian(3),Spanish(4) - Defaults to user-installed language
Language = 0

; Determines which user profile is loaded on game start
UserProfile = Default Profile

; Sync input to smooth interface (may run slower)
SyncInput = 1

; Force numlock always on while playing
ForceNumlock = 0


; Number of turns to autorun before exit (0 for no limit)
AutorunTurnLimit = 0

; Set App on Auto-Run
Autorun = 0

; Enable D3D9 Queries
D3D9Query = 1

; Custom Screen Height, ex: 768 - Normal resolutions can be set in-game and will be used when both values are set to 0
ScreenHeight = 0

; Custom Screen Width, ex: 1024 - Normal resolutions can be set in-game and will be used when both values are set to 0
ScreenWidth = 0

; Establish connection to Python Debugger
HAPDebugger = 0

; Show python debug msgs in IDE console
ShowPythonDebugMsgs = 0

; NetComm Port
Port = 2056

; Create a dump file if the application crashes
GenerateCrashDumps = 0

; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 1

; Overwrite old network and message logs
OverwriteLogs = 0

; Enable rand event logging
RandLog = 0

; Enable message logging
MessageLog = 0

; Break on memory allocation order #
BreakOnAlloc = -1

Here my Harkonnen.ini

; 0/1 - toggles all effects of this patch

patch_on = 1

; video memory usage in MB. Calculate as follows:
; 1. Low graphics settings (especially textures)
; video_memory + agp_apperture_size - 80
; 2. High graphics settings (especially textures)
; video_memory + agp_apperture_size - 64
; Setting this value too low will degrade performance because video memory
; won't be used for geometry (main performance and memory penalty with civ4)
; Setting this value too high might cause game crashes or slowdowns because
; geometry will displace textures from video memory
; I recommend using value of 80 for 128Mb TNL card on low texture quality settings
; and value of 64 for 128Mb TNL card on high texture quality settings
; (as I did for ATi Radeon 9800 Pro, 128Mb)

vid_mem_usage = 180

; Set to 1 to decrease virtual memory usage (the one that causes HDD swapping)
; by 'vid_mem_usage'. This uses approach that "doesn't work" according to
; DirectX documentation, but it worked at least with WinXP SP2 Professional,
; ATi Radeon 9800 Pro (128Mb), Catalyst 5.11
; Set this to '0' if you can't even start the game or if the game crashes with
; this patch during large/huge map scrolling (and didn't crash before).
; Also please note that keeping this value at '1' might eliminate Alt-tabbing
; possiblity, especially if you start some another game or keep flash player
; open or run the game in full-screen mode. It worked OK for me with windowed mode,
; but I kept most of my programs shutted down, including browser. I think that
; full-screen mode will most probably fail to alt-tab back with 'insane_mode = 1'.
; Also I didn't test it yet with nVidia cards.

insane_mode = 1
Ohh...and in ThemeParseLog.txt I found something like this:

[Mar 28, 2006 - 17:48:55] Messages while processing 'Resource/Themes/Civ4.thm'

Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:401, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_Italic' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:402, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size3_BoldItalic' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Common.thm', Ln:408, Col:13) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Error : Decl - ('Civ4Theme_Window.thm', Ln:3048, Col:9) Assignment source propertyId 'SF_CtrlTheme_Civ4_Control_Font_Size1_Bold' not found
Don't use Hark's patch. It's not meant for the version 1.52.
Uninstall the game. Delete all the "Sid Meier's Civilization IV" folders.
Reinstall the game and apply the 1.52 patch; you should be running again.
Enable the "HideMinSpecWarning = 1" if that condition continues.
The errors in ThemeParseLog.txt are not uncommon. They don't affect your gameplay.
It seems very odd that a line should be completely missing from the config file, and it's hard to tell if it's the only one as everything is in a completely different order from mine.

If you are still having problems I would strongly recommend removing the harkfix though. It was never intended to work with 1.52, and that patch corrected what it was fixing anyway.
Clear your cache after any changes too. In Windows Explorer navigate to C:\Documents and Settings\<your login id>\Application Data\My Games\Sid Meier's Civilization IV\cache and delete all files in that \cache folder. These are hidden folders so you may need to enable [Tools > Folder Option > View > Show hidden files and folders]in Windows Explorer to see them.
It's important to delete these files if you update your CivIV with a patch or reinstall it; loses some old data that may muck things up. You can actually delete the folder "\cache" and the game will create a fresh copy when you run CivIV next.
Ok, I did it.
Now I don't have problems with this error. Unfortunately game is very slow, but I see that I don't have any choice :/
Change this to 1 and see if anything improves for you

; Allows some memory savings *** ALT-TAB WILL NO LONGER FUNCTION ***
MemSaver = 0

I have same problem, but I don`t have Hark`s patch, only official 1.52 (which I installed after 1.09).
So I only need to add "; Don't show minimum specification warnings
HideMinSpecWarning = 1" line in civilizationiv.ini under "CONFIG"?
Spaner said:

I have same problem, but I don`t have Hark`s patch, only official 1.52 (which I installed after 1.09).
So I only need to add "; Don't show minimum specification warnings
HideMinSpecWarning = 1" line in civilizationiv.ini under "CONFIG"?
Aye. Let us know if it works for you.
Good luck.
Thanks. I`ll try today. But now I noticed I don`t have cache directory. I disabled "hidden" option, but nothing. Hope it isn`t problem.
I ran across this same problem. Sorry this post is a little long, but it includes a summary of proposed fixes I have found to date and tried unsuccessfully.

Again the problem ... "Failed to allocate video memory. Please try reducing your graphics settings.
File:\Source\main\Civilization4\SDKs\Gamebryo2_0\C oreLibs\NiDX9RenderedTextureData.cpp, Line:170"

It only started to occur when I began playing the AoD scenario (granted it is the largest map I have played on Civ4). And it occurs only when the video plays after discovering a new religion (mid 1538). Now earlier in the game videos played fine upon discovery of wonders. I can also continue on with the game by changing the technology I research, of course you can only avoid the discovery techs for so long. With that I beleive I have done everything suggested in the board to date ... to include:

(1) Tried loading auto-save version of the game after crash, one that was saved just before the video played. This did not work.

(2) Change "HideMinSpecWarning = 0" to "1" in civilizationiv.ini file

(3) Downloaded and installed latest DirectX drivers

(4) Installed most recent video drivers. (Radeo 9700 Pro w/128Mb)

(5) Started with a fresh install of Civ4 and latest patch.

(6) Reduced graphic settings in Civ4, minimum resolution, reduced texture quality settings, etc.

I've also tried tinkering with the XML files to prevent the video from playing altogether. Thus far I have not been successful, but I haven't invested much time in it either. If someone has hints in this regard, that would be great.

Now here is the rub. I have three machines and witness the problem on all three. Two are reasonably high-end and one is a moderate system. I am having difficulty beleiving it is really a memory problem. All are described below. It would be nice to see configurations that have successfully played the game and if anyone has discovered anything new or have most people simply given up. It would be nice to find a common thread.

All systems are running Windows XP SP2. WRT civ4 I am running v1.61.

Dell, Intel Pentium 4 3Ghz
512Mb memory
Radeon 9700 Pro w/128M

Acer Travelmate 8204WLMi
Intel Core Duo T2500 2.0Ghz
2GB of memory
ATI Mobility Radeon X1600 512MB Hypermemory, 256MB of dedicatd GDDR3 VRAM

AMD ATHLON64 X2 4200 CPU w/ HyperTransport Technology
1GB memory
NVIDIA Geforce 7800 GT 256MB 16X PCI Express Video Card

Again, it would be good to see system configs of people who have play the AoD scenario all the way through along with configs that have experienced problems in order to find a common thread. Thanks in advance for any information or ideas ...
Videos: instead of "tinkering with the XML", consider modifying the show movies option under graphics settings... :-D

Check that your AoD mod is uptodate. Check the mod bug thread if there are people with similar problems, perhaps this is a known issue. Generally, you will probably get more qualified answers if you ask in the mod thread. Consider uploading your immediate pre-crash save game to that forum.
Thanks, wasn't aware of that feature ... much easier than messing with XML files. Will give it a try later and post results.
Thanks, wasn't aware of that feature ... much easier than messing with XML files. Will give it a try later and post results.
Thanks, wasn't aware of that feature ... much easier than messing with XML files. Will give it a try later and post results.
I dont think Civcks was aware of that feature. Just incase you missed it.

Anyways, I am getting this error too. I am running with patch 1.61. I get the error while trying to load the game. I dont have a:

"; Don't show minimum specification warnings
HideMinSpecWarning = 0"

in my CivilizationIV.ini file, so I added it and made ie:

; Don't show minimum specification warnings
HideMinSpecWarning = 1

I also changed this from 0 to 1:

; Allows some memory savings *** ALT-TAB WILL NO LONGER FUNCTION ***
MemSaver = 0

I still get this error each time... Any ideas or help??

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