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Iranian UP: Power of Safaviyya: New (Non-Conquered) Cities automatically start with Shi'ite Islam and a Shi'ite Temple
Mexican UP: Power of the Yucatan- All Cities automatically start with +2:Culture.

Seem like weak UP's. Iran's a copy of Arabia's, Mexico's a copy of the old Creative trait.
Gustavus Adolphus
Spawn: 1523
UU: Karolin (Musketman(?) with 1-2 First Strikes, and is Immune to First Strikes)
UB: Riksbank (Bank with +75% :gold: and gives +1 Free Merchant )
UP: Power of the Formation: All Units start with the Formation Promotion
UHV: -Conquer Norway, Finland, Latvia, and Estonia by 1600 AD
- Do not lose any Cities before 1700 AD
- Become the the Wealthiest and most Cultured European Civ by 1980 AD

Perhaps a Ski Troop as the UU that can transverse mountain?
UP's rather weak.
Like the UHV's, except the last one

José de San Martín (1810-1943), Juan Peron (1943-)
Spawn: 1810
UU: Caballo (Cavalry with +30% Bonus against Gunpowder Units)
UB: Dance Studio (Theatre that adds +5 Culture)
- Ensure there are no Spanish Cities in South America by 1900 AD
- Become the Wealthiest Nation in the world by 1950.
- ?
Sounds good! Except the UB, perhaps...

One of the Argentinean UHVs should have to do with the Falklands. And maybe something else relating to the Europeans that immigrated there in the 20th Century.

Falklands are rarely settled by the British-or anyone- so there's not much to do there.

A very underpowered UP. A tundra would still only have what 1 :food: 1 :hammers: and 1 :gold:? Specialists would kill these tiles.

I suggest either plus 1 :food: and ability to build on tundra without water or ability to farm tundra (With bio is +2 :food: would be very helpful and other civs that cap the cities wouldn't go into starvation)

Also Canada should spawn around 1850 is my guess.

How bout this:

Power of the Great White North: Tundra acts as plains (anything buildable on plains can be built on tundra).

One of the Argentinian UHVs should have to do with their powerful economy, as they were the second largest economy in the world at one point. So:
-Be the richest nation in the world in 1910/1920
-Have the highest GDP (or whatever that thing is) in 1910/1920

Also, the Mayans are also super hard, perhaps even harder than the Khmer, if you can believe it. So, two things: a) don't expect it to be done for a little while AND b) any suggestions for how to find more/encompass more?

The highest GDP one sounds good.

Sure. Try looking for Modern Mayans, or, as a last resort, Mexicans from the Yucatan. And while you're at it, we'll need GP lists for all these new civs too.

The UB of the Swedish isn't very Unique. (It's the same as the English Stock Exchange, but stronger.) I suggest giving it 1 free merchant.
The last UHV of the Swedish is too hard. You won't be able to get the amount of culture that France (or every other civ) will get by the time you will spawn.

The UHV of Argentina comes too quick. You have just 20 turns to get it, which can be impossible. You have to be lucky to get this UHV.
The UB only add 1 culture, which isn't very strong IMO.

The plan is to extend the game till 2200 or 2100. Then the UHVs can be redated.

Oh, and +1 merchant sounds good.

Looks good, especially stuff like the dynamic rebirths.
Do you have plans to add any more civs? From Jarkovs mod, I think the Celts, Koreans, Native Americans and Zulu were good additions. Also think it would be good to have another South American civ, either Brazil or Argentina (or both).
Also wondering, do minor civs cause much time or resource usage? If not, would it be possible to create a good number, that only spawn depending on certain conditions. E.g. say if a civ collapsed completely like the Ottomans, any cities in the area around Armenia would go to a minor Armenian civ instead of just independents? Might be useful for some of the Chinese factions aswell.

Yes, Jarkovs mod will probably be incorporated, but balance is an important issue, so certain civs may be eliminated if need be.
The minor civs idea sounds good provided that:
1)Doesn't unbalance gameplay
2)Doesn't make the game too slow
3)The minor civs are actually significant.

Then you'll probably have to kill all European civs.

Spoiler :
Which isn't a problem either. :evil:

Indeed :lol:

With the Shi'a Muslim spawn, what would happen if someone other than Arabia gets Sunni Islam? Admittedly it only really happens with human players but it seems weird to have Islam in china suddenly split into two sects half the world apart.

Ah, I see what you mean... hmmm...well I suppose the split could have happened in real life anywhere. After all it had to do with a clash over leadership... those happen everywhere.

I'd not say it's impossible to culturally overtake everyone from 1523 to the 20th century. It's a lot of time to hire artists, build culture and use the slider.


For Argentina, you could do something to do with the education system, which is renowned as one of the world's best, and easily the best in Latin America. They also are quite well-known for their scientific achievements, so I was thinking a UHV somewhere along the lines of:
-Build 5 Universities, 5 Observatories, 5 Laboratories and an Academy by 2000 AD

Also, I was thinking that Argentina could be the Maya rebirth since they have no one else to be reborn as. Plus the colour works really well. Then, the Incas could remain as the more sensible Peru rebirth.

Will think about it.

  • Sir John A. Macdonald, regarded as the Father of Canada, forged the self-governing Dominion of Canada
  • Sir Wilfred Laurier, a highly regarded French-Canuck under whom Canada become very rich, two new provinces,
  • William Mackenzie King, the crazed guy who lead us through WWII
  • Lester B. Pearson, made the Canadian flag and lead Canada when it was actually influential

Again, if you can find LH's, anything's game.

Spawn: in 1840 the Canadas united into the province of Canada and in 1867 the self-governing Dominion was created, pick your poison mate.

UP; The Boundless Land: rivers give 1:hammers: 1:commerce:, Tundra gives 1:food:

1867 sounds good. Seem my Up suggestion above; yours might get overpowered with levies.
Have you considered the exploitability of building espionage? Espionage is already immensely powerful as-is, but when you can even invest your whole production into stunning and destabilizing your enemy I don't know whether the AI can still compete.
Have you considered the exploitability of building espionage? Espionage is already immensely powerful as-is, but when you can even invest your whole production into stunning and destabilizing your enemy I don't know whether the AI can still compete.

This is true... Does a 4:1 Hammer:Espionage ration sound better?

Guys would Denmark-Norway be better as a rebirth for the Vikings?

1)Incorporation of Aussie Lurker's True Prophets Mod. What the mod does:

Spoiler :

Aussie Lurker said:
A mod which requires you to use a Great Prophet to found the 7 religions of the game-via a special Religious "building". You can gain these Prophets by building-& manning-various Ancient Temples, Burial Grounds & Sacred Sites-as well as the usual Religious Wonders (Stonehenge, Oracle, Temple of Artemis).

The following things have been added:

Religion founding "buildings":
Tao Te Ching-Required to Found Taoism. Prereq: Taoism.
Analects of Confucius-Required to Found Confucianism. Prereq: Code of Laws.
The Gospels-Required to Found Christianity. Prereq: Theology.
The Ark of the Covenant-Required to Found Judaism. Prereq: Monotheism.
The Noble Eightfold Path-Required to Found Buddhism. Prereq: Meditation.
The Kaaba-Required to Found Islam. Prereq: Divine Right.
The Vedas-Required to Found Hinduism. Prereq: Polytheism.

"Pre-religion" buildings:

Native American Temple.
Central American Temple.
African Temple.
Greco-Roman Temple.
Egyptian Temple.
Asian Temple.
Mid-Eastern Temple.
Celtic Temple.
Teutonic Temple.
Burial Grounds.
Sacred Site

2)India now spawns in the 3000BC start at Harappa. Massive barb wave around 2500BC, Harappa burned. Around 2000 BC, Indie cities spawn and the Indies get a GP in Pataliputra, which founds Hinduism.
3)Buddhism now requires Priesthood and a monastery. Another GP appears in Pataliputra circa 500 BC, founds Buddhism.
4)Mauryans (India) spawn circa 322 BC. Barb waves around 200 BC. Instability hits caused by surviving past 180 BC.
5)Modern Indian spawn like normal ("Indian cities have declared their independence!" event)
2)India now spawns in the 3000BC start at Harappa. Massive barb wave around 2500BC, Harappa burned. Around 2000 BC, Indie cities spawn and the Indies get a GP in Pataliputra, which founds Hinduism.

Saying that Harrappa is a precrusor to the Indians is like saying that the Hitites were a precursor to the Ottomans. Im highly skeptical of this since archeologists know nothing of Harrapan language and know little of Harrapan religion and culture. And even little is know of their origins.
Anyways it is the Ganges not the Indus which is the origins of Indian culture.

And why should India get a special treatment. If this is the case then the chinese and egyptians should get a rebirth too.
This is true... Does a 4:1 Hammer:Espionage ration sound better?

Guys would Denmark-Norway be better as a rebirth for the Vikings?

This is a question similar to "Should the Incans spawn as Peru?" Denmark-Norway was not nearly as powerful as the Swedish Empire at its peak, but is definitely the more "appropriate" rebirth.
Saying that Harrappa is a precrusor to the Indians is like saying that the Hitites were a precursor to the Ottomans. Im highly skeptical of this since archeologists know nothing of Harrapan language and know little of Harrapan religion and culture. And even little is know of their origins.
Anyways it is the Ganges not the Indus which is the origins of Indian culture.

And why should India get a special treatment. If this is the case then the chinese and egyptians should get a rebirth too.

1) As far as Harrapa's concerned, fine. I'll make it indie instead. Rest of the plan stays put.

2) Egypt and China can get work done on them too, it's just that my convo with you brought India into mind.

This is a question similar to "Should the Incans spawn as Peru?" Denmark-Norway was not nearly as powerful as the Swedish Empire at its peak, but is definitely the more "appropriate" rebirth.

I think I'll have them as Denmark Norway/ Peru then.
Are we assuming that the new responds are mostly conditional spawns?
Yes, it is kind of hard to respawn a civ that isn't dead
This is true... Does a 4:1 Hammer:Espionage ration sound better?

Guys would Denmark-Norway be better as a rebirth for the Vikings?
4:1 should be fair.

Personally I'd view Denmark-Norway as the Viking civ surviving and forming a more centralized state (since this is roughly what actually happened).
I like the True Prophets idea, as long as we can find a way to incorporate the new religions into it plus the Sunni/Shiite and Catholic/Orthodox schisms as well as the Reformation.

I fourth Sweden. Sweden was far more powerful and at its height had an empire than dominated the Baltic area and was a major player in European politics, both things that Denmark-Norway were not.

Oh and if you need a better name than Synthesis, I propose Rhye's and Fall Xpanded (RFX)

Great Artists:
-Shah Tahmasp I
-Sadiqi Beg
-Kamal ud-Din Behzad
-Reza Abbassi
-Sultan Mohammed
-Mihr ‘Ali
-Naser al-Din Shah Qajar
-Reza-Qoli Khan Hedayat

Great Engineers:
-Muhibb al-Din Ali Kula
-Ustad Ali Akbar Isfahani
-Haji Abol-hasan Mimar Navai
-Haji Mohammed Hasan
-Shahram Entekhabi

Great Generals:
-Nader Shah
-Abbas the Great
-Karim Khan
-Lotf Ali Khan
-Reza Shah Pahlavi
-Jahan Shah

Great Merchants:
-Husain Ali-Beg
-Mozaffar ad-Din Shah Qajar
-Mirza Yusof Mostofi-al-mamalek
-Amir Kabir
-Ahmad ibn Rustah
-Nasir Khusraw
-Saadat Khan

Great Prophets:
-Jamal-al-Din al-Afghani
-Haik Hovsepian Mehr
-Mulla Sadra
-Safi-ad-Din Ardabili

Great Scientists:
-Baha’ ad-Din al-‘Amili
-Abbas Mirza
-Cumrun Vafa
-Vahid Tarokh
-Nahid Shahmehri

Great Spies:
-Allahverdi Khan
-Reza-qoli Mirza
-Ali Murad Khan
-Mirza Reza Kermani
-Saeed Asgar


Great Artists:
-Uaxaclajuun Ub'aah K'awiil
-Ix-tz’ib Canul
-Itzamnaaj B’alam II

Great Engineers:
-Jasaw K’awiil I
-K’inich Janaab’ Pakal
-Popol Hol
-Smoke Imix

Great Generals:
-Siyaj K’ak’
-Yik’in Chan K’awill
-K’ak’ Tiliw Chan Yopaat
-Uneh Chan
-Yuknoom the Great

Great Merchants:
-Atlatl Cauac
-K’inich Yax K’uk’ Mo’
-King Moon Skull

Great Prophets:
-Ah Tohil
-Ah Cucumatz

Great Scientists:

Great Spies:

Yes, I know Maya is incomplete. After a day of searching, the list is still here. Most of them are Wikipedia-verified, a couple are kinda iffy. But don't question them. It's all we've got. And I'm giving up on them, at least until EVERYTHING else is done. Someone else can give them a try.

What is the current list of Civs that will almost definitely be in Synthesis, and still need GP lists (presumably, like Mexico and Maya)?
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