Incomplete Installation error 55 Please Help

Uninstalled vis Steam. Reinstalled from disk to save the download, and then updates via Steam. When I go to launch the game I get that 1% message and then after a while the error message.
Gah I'm getting this problem now, I'm running XP and it was fine until I defagged today after a slow load problem, maybe it was the hotfix?
Well, maybe it was for you, but I hit this problem before the recent windows updates.

I have been able to run the suggested fix via a dos window (the steamservice.exe /install), however I still get the same error message afterwards. And again, any time I attempt to run civ 5, my system slows right down, and this only comes right after exiting steam.

I have repeated the installation and update (after deleting local content) with my antivirus deactivated, in case the conflict was there. I have renamed my clientregistry.blob file, heck I've even reinstalled steam altogether. Still no joy, same error. Support ticket to Steam has had no response yet, after 3-4 days.
Yeah I reinstalled everything and had no joy from it either.....can't play the game at all now...
hmmn...well, as much as I don't want anyone else to suffer this fate, hopefully we'll get some attention (and a fix!) if it starts to affect more people...?
re-installing my antivirus and spyware programs fixed my issue, or it happened to stop after i did so by chance. either way i can play again.

Same problem, error 55 when launching the game.
I have several times reinstall steam and Civilization 5, but i still the same problem.

1) When downloading the game or launch, steam is extremely slow and there are important lag on my pc.
2) the download announced just over 5 GB, but when I get to access the download, there adverts only 4.7 GB.

The problems started at the last update, I've never had any problem to run civilization 5 before.
I have no problems with to another steam game (Team Fortress 2, earth 2160, Red Orchestra and empire total war).

Pleaze help.

Same problem, error 55 when launching the game.
I have several times reinstall steam and Civilization 5, but i still the same problem.

1) When downloading the game or launch, steam is extremely slow and there are important lag on my pc.
2) the download announced just over 5 GB, but when I get to access the download, there adverts only 4.7 GB.

The problems started at the last update, I've never had any problem to run civilization 5 before.
I have no problems with to another steam game (Team Fortress 2, earth 2160, Red Orchestra and empire total war).

Pleaze help.

I think the difference you're noticing in 2) is between the original game download (4.7) and the download plus updates / patches (over 5).

Sounds like exactly my problem. Steam support has yet to respond to me, over a week later. 2K support offered the following solution, which did not work for me:

Please completely quit the Steam application, and then enter the directory where Steam is installed. Normally this is in:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\
Delete the following two files:
After this is complete, load steam back up and sign back in. Steam will attempt to update itself, this may take a few minutes.
Once this is complete, click on the "Library" button and make sure "All Games" is selected from the drop down box below it.
Right-click the game, select "Properties", then "Local Files" and then "Verify Integrity of Game Cache".

Let me know if it works for you. For me I get exactly the same problem.
I'm having the same problem.

I tried all tips mentioned in this thread and it didn't work.

Steam support is bad. I opened the case a week ago, reminded couple of times, but never heard anything back from them.

I can't play the game and it sucks
Here's what Steam came back to me with after 9 days. So you might want to run the same thing and attach it to your ticket.

Please follow the instructions linked below to run an msinfo32 report and attach it to this ticket so we may further diagnose the issue:

Title: How to run and submit MSINFO32 Reports

NOTE: Please make sure your Operating System is fully updated before running this report.

I think soon I'll point them and 2K to this thread (and there are others around as well about the same issue), as this seems to be a serious issue several players are experiencing.
Sorry to bump this, but I'm also having the exact same issue, Incomplete Installation, stuck at 1%, it's driving me nuts!

The ironic thing is it worked perfectly before I got upgraded memory and a re-format, but other than that ntohing changed!

I'm literally about to go bonkers here! and like many said Steam Support sucks REALLY badly.

Anyone got ANY solutions?
I've had this same "Installation Incomplete (55)" error and tried all of these solutions with no results. The one thing I found that works is to boot the computer in "Safe Mode with Networking" (hold F8 while booting to get the menu), log into Steam and launch the game ... all those "Completing installations" that failed before will run as they should. Civ will crash once it completes the install ... no worries, just reboot normally and launch the game and it may work (mine did).

I think there's some problem in either the steam client or the hotifx.. I'm still having 25 minute+ save game loading times, which I think is a separate issue. I recently verified my game cache because of this issue, and when Steam downloaded my missing file, it couldn't install it and popped up that same error ... when I repeated the method I outline above, it installed the file and reverification said I wasn't missing anything. Didn't solve the mega-loading times, however. Hope this helps!
I've noticed that my issue is with avast!, once i completely turned off avast! I managed to "complete" the insallation, however, while not able to play the game, i'm now experiencing severe lags, however, a friend pointed that it could be due to playing with 12 civs, 24 states on a huge earth map, which is understable, but it got the point that it just lag too much for me :(.

Gonna have to find another way to get the achieveemnt!
I've noticed that my issue is with avast!, once i completely turned off avast! I managed to "complete" the insallation, however, while not able to play the game, i'm now experiencing severe lags, however, a friend pointed that it could be due to playing with 12 civs, 24 states on a huge earth map, which is understable, but it got the point that it just lag too much for me :(.

Gonna have to find another way to get the achieveemnt!

I also use avast! as my anti-virus, so perhaps we've zeroed in on the problem. Do other folks here use avast?
I use Avast as well, but I turned it off completely and then did a full reinstall, and I still got the same error with it off.

I will try the safe mode trick and let you know if that works. I was also getting 20 minute plus load times (on a standard earth map), which is why I uninstalled in the first place, to try to fix it!

Also, I was using Avast all through my 582 play hours of Civ 5, during which I had no problems.
Okay, I did the safe mode trick and the game was finally able to launch. Seems to play fine (apart from starting in windowed mode, ick). For a test I started a new game on a tiny oval map. This took about 5 minutes to load up to the point of being able to move.

I will have to test on loading later saves...I suspect the long load time issue is still there...we'll see.

Thank you, Hephaiston!!!
I had this game running pretty good on my 7 year old puter. Had windows xp re-installed with all the greatest updates that Bill offered and now "Installation Incomplete (55)" now they did install avast (which I did not ask for). Tried turing off firewall and avast but to no help same result (uninstalling/ reinstalling Steam and Civ V many times in the process). Does the run as administrator work? My user has administrator priviledges but this does not help. Also I don't see an extra user "Administrator" under my users (I know windows has this user) run as asks me for password? when I boot windows I only see my user which does not ask for password (see it when I log off, startup goes auto to my start page).. any thoughts
Ok. I've had this issue since the last Hotfix, and now finally fixed it. Here's what I went through. This is on Win XP and already running as Admin.

1) Follow Steam's instructions (modifying slightly - since this is Win XP, it's easier to open a command line and cd to Program Files, then Steam, then Bin, and then run the Steamservice.exe /Install command. (No joy here.)
2) Delete c:\Program Files\Steam\Steam.dll, and relaunch Steam to let it update the client. (No joy here.)
3) Defrag the hard drive. (No joy here.)
4) Increase the page file size. (No joy here.)
5) Use the Steam client to delete all Civ local content, and reinstall the game. (No joy here.)
6) Disable avast! and then launch Civ. (Joy! The game updates complete, and Civ launches.)

After successfully launching, I quit out, reenabled avast!, and launched Civ again. It's still good. There was just something about the hotfix install that avast! didn't like...
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