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OT Additional Rules

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Take it like a voter
Retired Moderator
May 9, 2005
Welcome to CFC's Off-topic forum. Here's a link to our general forum rules.

Of those, some that should really be noted here are:

On Civility
A primary goal of CivFanatics is to promote interesting and useful discussion of topics that interest our members. Not being civil in your posts will result in you being infracted by the mods and could result in bans from the site or forum if you continue to post in such a manner after having been told to stop. Trolling, flaming, name calling and insulting are not permitted. Direct threats of violence to other posters, sincere or not, will likely result in an immediate ban.

Your rights to Freedom of Speech don't apply here.
You are welcome to have opinions. You are welcome to question certain subject matter posted on these forums. You are welcome to dislike a certain post or disagree with it. Though we typically encourage people to express their opinions and ideas, we have the right to delete yours if necessary, should we consider it abusive, inappropriate or not in the best interests of the community. Remember: This is a public forum, and your posts are indexed and can be found by search engines. This means that they can be found by friends, family, employers or the like. Take care with what you post, as CFC cannot guarantee your anonymity on this forum.

Here are some additional rules and notations that you should keep in mind when posting. Of course, this list is dynamic. We will amend it as needed.

1. If an official thread is available for a purposes, use it and do not start your own thread. Stay ON-TOPIC in any thread.

2. Reviving old discussion threads on occasion is allowed as long as the post is relevant and adds to the discussion.

3. No "postcount threads" or posts.

4. User-specific thread or popularity-contest threads are not allowed. There may be a rare exception, but ONLY with CFC staff permission.

5. Essentially stated in the rules, but warrants repeating: Keep discussions civil and polite. We all aspire to be civilized, mature people here. Be the better person if things get personal. "Report to Moderator" is your friend. If a thread gets out of hand, you may well find it locked and multiple infractions given out (including to those who joined in rather than reporting the thread). Again, BE THE BETTER PERSON.

6a. When posting a discussion topic originating from a media article, you MUST post a link to the article as well give the context of what you wish to discuss. This helps give focus to your thread. Posting a link and just "discuss" will result in a locked thread.

6b. For that same link, do NOT quote or post entire articles. Please only quote or post the amount of the article needed for the discussion you wish to have and the point you wish to make. This applies to all posts, not just OPs. This rule helps avoids copyright issues. Initial offenders will be warned with repeat offenders being more severely disciplined.

7. The Forum is not a chatroom or a blog. Rants or "look at me"-type threads will be closed. There is a "rants and raves" thread. Use that for your microblogging/angst needs.

8. No spelling or grammar police. While English is the official language of the forum, it's not everyone's first language. Posting just to hassle someone about their poor grammar isn't welcome.

9. Inappropriate or crass language will receive an initial warning, then infractions, leading to being banned. This includes terms that are accepted to be denigrating in nature or that CFC staff have placed off limits (IE "teabaggers")

10. 1000 post threads:
10.1. Person who posts 1000th post gets to start the new thread (that is, the person who posts the post with the "1000" in the top right, not the 1000th 'reply'). Even if the threads over-runs, it is the 1000th poster who starts the new thread.
10.2. There must be AT LEAST TWO other posts before you can post again.
10.3. No person who started the 'current' version of the thread can start the next one. If they happen to get the 1000th post, then the thread can be started by the 999th person.
10.4. If thread is not started within 24 hours by the 'proper' person, it goes to the 999th poster, then 24 hours later the 998th etc. Anyone else starting it will have their thread deleted, and risk a spam infraction.

11. 'Help me with my avatar' threads are not allowed in the OT or Feedback forums, please put all requests in the "Avatar Help Thread" in the Computer Talk forum.

12. Smiley-only posts are not allowed.

13. When replying to a post, please don't reply within the quote box. Reply outside the quote box.

14. Copycat threads will get closed as spam.

15. Do not reference specific posters in the tags.

Nothing new here. Some rewording. A couple redundancies merged and something addressed by the rules taken off. Original can be found here.
Announcement of Changes
You may be aware that we have had a scheme known as "The Road to Permbanhood" (TRPBH) for a small group of OT posters (less than 20), which was a series of escalating ban lengths that ultimately led - if the poster did not improve his or her behaviour - to a permban. We have decided to do away with this approach, and those who survived TRPBH have been released from that programme. Some, though not all, of those released were returned to normal status as a reward for their efforts at good behaviour. A very select group of posters have been notified that they still under careful watch.

This small group will receive non-expiring points for posts that are particularly detrimental to the forums - in other words, flaming and trolling and associated behaviour. Bans at the eight- and fifteen-point thresholds will still occur as per normal, but twenty-one non-expiring infraction points will earn a permanent ban. The decision to place a member in this group is not one which has been taken lightly, and it has been made only after a careful consideration of the individual's contribution (or lack of) to the site, in some cases stretching over several years. They are those who long experience has shown to have posting styles which moderators have found detrimental to the forum. The purpose of this new system is to encourage them to change now and to do so permanently, or to be removed from the forum altogether. This change is not a rash move borne out of impatience or frustration, but a carefully considered policy specifically designed to improve the forum for those posting in it, and posting within the rules. If you have not received a PM telling you that this policy now applies to you, you don't have to worry about it. That doesn't mean in the future that you can't be added to it, but for now it doesn't apply to you.
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