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What does CFC recognize you for?

Copied from Miles Teg's list, so if you're not on it, please mention so.

Abaddon: English, partying
aelf: The member photos thread
Ahovking: AUSTRALIA #1
aimeeandbeatles: Likes Petty, which used to be annoying, but I don't find it so anymore.
Ajidica: Likes the Byzantines?
amadeus: In Japan, chief libertarian.
Ayatollah: :shrug:
bigdog5994: Microphone, the blues
Bill3000: Cool guy, on fiftychat.
Camikaze: Australian, pretty cool.
cardgame: Atheism, ponies.
CELTICEMPIRE: Conservativeconservative
Cheezy the Wiz: Intellectual, Russophile, speaks Arabic.
Chukchi Husky: Cool guy, from Brighton, should paint more, as the one painting you posted looked really great.
CivGeneral: GMod Master
classical_hero: YEC, Australian
Colonel: :shrug:
contre: Canadian, Potter puppet pals,
Cutlass: Liberal, swirly avatar that I don't know what it means
Dachs: Shows me how much more I have to learn about history.
Defiant47: :shrug:
Domination3000: Conservativeconservativeconservative, has irrational want to move to a red state from New York.
downtown: Brazilian, jazz, teaching, elections, sports, fiftychat, Mormonism, cool guy.
El_Machinae: First sent me on my path to atheism, or at least irreligiosity; also science.
Elrohir: Used to be around more (at least I perceive it like that), don't really know other than that.
Eran of Arcadia: Mormon, cool-looking avatar, cool guy.
Flying Pig: English, was in military
Gary Childress: Civ 3 units, occasionally goes into OT
Glassfan: :shrug:
Hygro: Electronic music
IglooDude: Mod, New Hampshire
innonimatu: Romanian(?), bear avatar for as long as I can remember
Integral: economist
Jehoshua: Catholic, gets in fights with Dommy
Joecoolyo: Chicago, rockets, Art Deco
JohnRM: George Carlin avatar, used to be JohnHSOG
JollyRoger: Funny posts, usually first or second reply to a political thread
Kraznaya: Get him mixed up with Karalysia
Lone Wolf: Russian Nationalist thing is, despite what people say, funny.
lord_joakim: :shrug:
LucyDuke: Cool female from Rhode Island, likes coffee milk, put up with my noobiness in fiftychat
Mad_Man: :shrug:
madviking: Very cool guy, goes to University of Virginia, listens to Smashing Pumpkins, Beck, and Pink Floyd, and is Russian. Also used to be libertarian but has said he is apathetic. I think.
MagisterCultuum: Theological posts I don't understand.
Mango Elephant: North Carolina, posts I don't really understand if they're sarcastic, colorful sigs and avatars, likes Lady Gaga
mechaerik: From Mexico, makes Civ IV stuff, unless I'm getting you mixed up with someone else.
Mise: British, of Indian descent (IIRC), people use his face as an avatar
Narz: Plays chess and gets trophies for it, father
NickyJ: Conservativeconservativeconservativeconservative
NiRv4n4: Nirvana + 1337. Used to be really into both, now only a bit into Nirvana, and not into 1337.
nonconformist: Anglo-French guy, fiftychat
Owen Glyndwr: Bay Area (IIRC), avatar avatar
Perfection: That stadium thing in his avatar, Minneapolis, spam, KO-ing creationism
PlutonianEmpire: Sims, sci-fi, blue aliens
Quackers: British, don't know how much he's being sarcastic and is thus confusing, Bowie
RedRalph: Irish, very leftist leftist, grumpy looking avatar
Richard Cribb: Used to be Luceafarul, communist, likes Gilbert and Sullivan
rugbyLEAGUEfan: English, likes like Metallica
Skwink: Cascadia
Taniciusfox: Capitalism, has a lot of self-confidence
Traitorfish: Smart guy, but can't recall any of his opinions atm.
Valka D'Ur: Cats, Western Canada, Dune, mod, cool guy.
Verarde: Pope avatar
Virote_Considon: Likes punk, post-punk, ska, and gothic rock. And is making an Indo-Greek scenario. So he must be a cool guy.
VRWCAgent: Has an awesome cat and dog, fiftychat, Missouri, Mitt Romney.
warpus: Poland, but also Canada. Usually funny.
west india man: Brazil, but also Not Brazil. SatW comic avatar, has long hair and a mustache.
Yared: Swede of Eritrean descent, cool guy.
Zelig: :shrug:
_random_: Was Baptist, became Orthodox, seems a bit intimidating in his knowledge.
Well, you missed me out. :)
Same, Huayna!
Domination3000: Conservativeconservativeconservative, has irrational want to move to a red state from New York.

My desire to move isn't really mainly motivated by politics.

Jehoshua: I was kidding , but apologies extended anyway.
You missed me.
My desire to move isn't really mainly motivated by politics.

Oh. Sorry. I thought you said that in one of your posts.

Arakhor: British guy who has a cool avatar that I don't know what it is.
GamezRule: Was once conservative, but has become liberal, showing the awesome power of our indoctrination debate on OT.
useless: Don't know what his avatar is, but I like it better than what it was before.
Zack: A Bro, usually funny
Oh. Sorry. I thought you said that in one of your posts.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like the way politics are in NYS. But if that was my only problem with it, I don't think that alone would make me leave.

There are much more personal reasons I want to leave it though.
Abaddon Overly sensitive, has strange CFC-heavy relationship with Boundless?
aimeeandbeatles Likes Tom Petty, makes a lot of threads, asks a lot of questions.
amadeus Disagree with a lot, still cool guy, is now older.
Ayatollah Ayatollah So? Remember as a decent poster.
Azash What a cool dude.
azzaman333 Football avatar!
bathsheba666 Sounds like a witch, and if I remember correctly, has a matching avatar. Tends to have good opinions (I agree with them).
bigdog5994 Bluesy. Think he's still ignoring me because I was too amoral for his tastes.
Bill3000 Ace physicist, one of the better people on CFC.
Boundless Abaddon's better half and part of the Siamese posting pattern that is Aboundon.
Brighteye Intuitively.. Bayesian? Cartesian?
Camikaze Takes things, including himself, way, way too seriously.
Cheezy the Wiz Tom Cruise avatar, silly person.
Chukchi Husky One of my favourite people on CFC, though he's prone to disagree.
CivGeneral Should get out of the self-excusing.
classical_hero Had a name change at some point, or was that Amadeus? Still don't agree with him on a lot of things.
contre Totally awesome dude who I remember better by another name.
Cutlass Dom3k sympathizer, toss him to the wolves!
Domination3000 Also takes himself and fake elections way, way too seriously. Does not like losing.
downtown When words are not enough.. That's downtown.
Dumanios Downvoted Mise.
El_Machinae Chases futile and dangerous dreams, still pretty smart, became a mod when I wasn't looking.
Elrohir Fiftychatter, conservative, still looks like he's going to make more money than me and that is a damn shame.
EnglishCrusader Attacked me when I was defenseless. Next on my kill list :)
Eran of Arcadia To me the best poster of CFC. Perfect blend of religion and common sense. Has a good modding style, too. Could show up on my doorstep any day if he still did that.
Hygro Is pretty convinced he's smart. Has not yet convinced a lot of people.
IglooDude Guns, woman shooting a rifle, and guns.
LucyDuke Fiftychatter, all around awesome dame. Sensible poster.
Mango Elephant More troll than below all the bridges of the world combined.
mechaerik Always confuse him with Erik Mesoy.
Mise HERE MISE, overlord of OT, cool guy.
MjM Iron Cross, NESer, good lad.
Narz Pretty sure he's registered on more places than CFC.
NickyJ The only thing worse than taking yourself too seriously is taking another guy too seriously.
Smellincoffee Trekkie at large! Remember from old OT times but not more than that.
SuperBeaverInc. The only man who could have a beaver in his avatar and not get it changed.
Taniciusfox Boastful, but in the end hapless, furry. Tries to be an economist.
VRWCAgent The true American hero. Great guy, wish the rest of the conservatives learned from him and Eran.
west india man So many pictures.
Yared So many pictures.
Alassius - At the moment one my favourite poster on the forum. Enriches CFC OT. Angers the far-left on "Ask a red" thread. I read every post.

What he says about ideologies and political philosophy is hilariously mistaken most of the time. It's like deriving entertainment from the fact that creationists piss people off in evolution threads for being pig-headed. Yeah, that's how dumb that really is.
What he says about ideologies and political philosophy is hilariously mistaken most of the time. It's like deriving entertainment from the fact that creationists piss people off in evolution threads for being pig-headed. Yeah, that's how dumb that really is.

I'm guessing you're one of the guys in the "far left" in Ask a Red?
And I'm guessing you're one of the creationists in the evolution threads.
I have never changed my name, well not here, that was Amadeus. He changed his name. I still remember what it was.
I'll admit it, I used to mistake you for Amadeus and/or someone else. (Not sure who.)
I don't think we've had a evolution thread for a while, specifically one I've posted in.

So that "15 Questions" thread was about something else?
What he says about ideologies and political philosophy is hilariously mistaken most of the time. It's like deriving entertainment from the fact that creationists piss people off in evolution threads for being pig-headed. Yeah, that's how dumb that really is.

Despite him being "hillariously mistaken" he does seem to wind the reds up :lol:. They weren't laughing at Alassius though, they got really angry :P
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