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G-Minor 133


Where's my breakfast?
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Nov 28, 2003
While the general Hall of Fame is an ongoing competition, we like to run time-definite competitions between updates that we call Gauntlets. Standard Hall of Fame rules (*) still apply, but any games meeting the settings will be counted towards the Gauntlet.

[size=+1](*) Please read the >> HOF rules << BEFORE playing!

  • Victory Condition: Space Race Colony (though all victory conditions must be enabled)
  • Difficulty: Settler
  • Starting Era: Ancient
  • Map Size: Standard
  • Map Type: Great Plains
  • Speed: Normal
  • Required: Raging Barbarians, One City Challenge, No Vassal States, No Tribal Villages
  • Must Not Be Checked: No Barbarians, Random Personalities
  • Civ: Any
  • Opponents: Any
  • Version: 3.19.003
  • Date: 25th November to 10th December 2011
Must not play as Inca.

The earliest finish date wins, with score as a tiebreaker.
I thought about adding No PA but thought that might be too difficult. Should I have?

No, Settler is too low of a level for the ability to make Permanent Alliances to be useful to the Human player. The AI Civ is just too slow at the level to help the Human player. In fact, a PA will be a hindrance to the Human player, if he attempts to utilize a PA for a faster win.

Sun Tzu Wu
I have played this twice, the second time only took two hours. Dates of 1927 and 1890. I used the peaceful OCC guide as a basis.

Kinda funny getting attacked by the AI near the end. I had only a warrior and axe in my city, built two tanks and wiped out a couple cities defended by longbows and maces.

Had no coal or aluminum in either game, but did get oil in my boundaries.
I finished now with 1961... spawning in the east (my plan) was dumb... plain and simple, don't do it.

I took Elisabeth, random AI's.

Didn't get stone, marble, aluminium, coal and no oil too... absolutely horrible. Problem was production and to lesser degree research.

Built Mids (yeah without stone!), then GT, then OU, libbed Physics, because I didn't have prereqs for Bio (my oversight) then NP in capital, IW too.

horrible, won't repeat this.
I never ever played with PA on, so i'm not really sure what are the benefits but wouldn't a PA at least greatly help in actually building the ship parts?
First try 1850, with Peter.
Made some mistake in tech path towards the end as i rarely go space in my games. Bottleneck for me was production. I did not changed to SP and workshop though. I'm not sure it's worth? trading one specialist for 4 production ... hm have to think about it.

Funny story: i choose peter for Philosophical and expansive to help me NOT building national park (i believe with ambientalism, acqueduct and hanging gardens plus settler bonus it can be skipped). As i found out i did not have coal, i went for it anyway. Of course coal random popped in one of my mines 2 turns after i finished it. :mad:

Question: you can delay oracle a lot and basically use lib for whatever tech you prefer. What do you pop with them? i used oracle for civil service, and lib for bio, but maybe i should have gone for some later and more expensive tech like industrialism.
Also: are cottages really out of question? They are worse early on and on higher levels early game is everything, but here?
First game I played to get a feel, barbs were a real nuisance pillaging stuff, so I built Great Wall after Oracle in my proper playthrough. I think it is worthwhile.

Hmm.. I'm regretting it. I ended up getting 4 great spies. I never saw more than 2 warriors.
I had a quick run through, 1820s I think.

The bottleneck was the research not the building of the parts.

I'm seeing exactly the opposite. Production is a huge bottleneck.
I even have every hammer booster you can imagine built.
I wasn't going to bother mentioning that this should be "Space Colony", and not "Space Race", but I think that's why it shows there are no games submitted.
I never ever played with PA on, so i'm not really sure what are the benefits but wouldn't a PA at least greatly help in actually building the ship parts?

Players more experienced with Space Colony Victory at Settler level could answer this question better than me.

At Settler level, you can build parts much faster than the AI. Your single city probably can build all space ship parts unlocked by a space ship technology by the time you complete the next space ship technology, but I could easily be wrong, since I never tried Settler level via One City Challenge.

It would be annoying if your PA partner grabbed the task of building both Engines with a 20 turn estimated time of completion (selected low Hammer cities) while your city could complete them in 1t each?

A Permanent Alliance would be essential for any of the higher levels though.

Sun Tzu Wu
... spawning in the east (my plan) was dumb... plain and simple, don't do it.

I've always preferred the east too, but I took your suggestion and played a couple in the west. I managed late 1700's, but would have a tough time breaking into the 1600's.

Then I tried the east and finished mid-1600's. I also had no stone, marble, copper, oil, or aluminum. I traded for copper. All those forests in the east make up for all that. I think 1500's is possible in the east.
I even have every hammer booster you can imagine built.

Is this code for "The Space Elevator"?

Are you saying that this is a rare exception to the conventional thinking that the Space Elevator is awful?
Is this code for "The Space Elevator".

Are you saying that this is a rare exception to the conventional thinking is that the Space Elevator is awful?

Nope, that is so awful that I don't even consider it.

Even if it didn't require a tech that you don't need for victory, there's no way the hammers put into building it will ever give you a good return on your investment.
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