Austria by Dumanios


Hakugyukurou Gardener
Oct 24, 2008
The Austrians were, for a long time, one of the strongest European empires, so it seems odd that there is a lack of Austrian units.





Unique Unit:


Unique Building:


Flavour Units:


Spoiler :
Row 1: Settler, Worker, Scout, Warrior, Swordsman, Axeman
Row 2: Maceman, Spearman, Pikeman, Musketman, Grenzer, Grenadier
Row 3: Infantry, SAM Infantry, Marine, Paratrooper Archer, Longbowman
Row 4: Crossbowman, Chariot, Horseman, Knight, Cuirassier, Cavalry
Row 5: War Elephant, Tank, Modern Armour, Gunship, Cannon, Machine Gun
Row 6: Mobile Artillery, Destroyer, Battleship, Fighter, Jet Fighter, Bomber

Meet Bach, Mozart, and Schwarzenagger here

Spoiler :
Franz Josef: Ekmek

Maria Theresa: Ekmem

Maximilian I: Cybrxkhan

Opera House: Refar's Theatres

Warrior: Ethnicae

Swordsman, Axeman, Spearman, Archer, Horseman, Chariot, Pikeman, Maceman, Longbowman, Crossbowman: Danrell's Crusaders

Medieval Warlord: Wolfshanze's HRE Warlords

Musketman, Cuirassier: Bakuel's Hapsburgs

Knight: mechaerik's Eisenritter

Grenadier: GeneralMatt's Napoleonic Grenadiers

Cannon: Realism Invictus

Rifleman(UU): Kaiserjager from CivFusion

Cavalry: cool3a2's KUK Dragoon

Destroyer: Snafusmith's SMS Elster

Battleship: Wolfshanze's Tegethoff Dreadnought

Fighter: Snafusmith's WWI Fighters

Tank: Wolfshanze's LT vz 38 Tank pack

Modern Armour: Snafusmith's Leopard 2s

Mobile Artillery: Snafusmith's M109 Howitzers

Gunship:Snafusmith's Experimental WWI units

SAM Infantry, Paratrooper, and Bomber: Varietas Delactate

Infantry, Marine, and Machine Gun: SeZereth's WW1 Infantry pack

Jet Fighter: Snafusmith's Eurofighters
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Nice, but I recommend you change the UU's abilities. Now it's just a redcoat ;)
I would also recommend that you don't just rehash the CIV Gold's UU and UB every time you release a civ.
Hmm, maybe the KUK Infantry could be a 15 strength Rifleman, but without the extra bonus against Gunpowder dudes. Anyone against?
I personally thing "Grenzer" would be a better name for the KUK Infantry. Maybe it has a bonus when fighting on hills?
Alright, Grenzer with a Hills combat bonus of +25%.

EDIT: File Updated, the UU is now the Grenzer, with the above bonus. What would you guys suggest as bonuses for the Hungarian Huzsar Cavalry?
The Magyar Mod has the Hussar begin with March, which I thnk is a good effect (at least on paper).
Very nice work, especially Maria Theresa and Maximilian... these leaders are important historical figures, and they deserve to be in Austria mod! :)
Austria reuploaded + updated

  1. Settler now has mid-game and late-game graphics for those eras (late-game graphics shared with the EU, mid-game graphics using the Settler graphics from my German civ)
  2. Worker now has new graphics (German graphics for Ancient + Classical eras, Armenian for Medieval + Renaissance)
  3. Warrior now uses Celtic Warrior graphics from Ethnicae.
  4. Cannon now has Austrian Cannon graphics from Realism Invictus.
  5. Infantry now has Austrian Infantry graphics by SeZereth.
  6. Machine Gun now uses Austrian Machine Gun graphics be SeZereth.
  7. Marine now uses Austrian Shock Trooper graphics by SeZereth.
  8. Tank now uses Austrian LT vz 38 graphics by WolfShanze.
  9. Paratrooper now uses German Fallschirmjager graphics, shared with Germany.
  10. Bomber now uses German Ju-88 graphics.

Was just today trying to download this updated Civilization.
Following the link in the original post leads to the civfanatics download-section. The download-button to... They have been out of business for eternity now...
Do you happen to have your civs on available websites?

Kjotleik 8-)

Was just today trying to download this updated Civilization.
Following the link in the original post leads to the civfanatics download-section. The download-button to... They have been out of business for eternity now...
Do you happen to have your civs on available websites?

Kjotleik :cool:

Here's a direct link since the Download database is a finicky thing:
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Hello Dumanios, let me first say that I have downloaded and used many of your created civilizations for my own modded version of civ (mostly it’s just regular civ with extra units, buildings, civilizations) I think Poland is probably my favorite because the medieval units. I also have Austria and when playing the other day I noticed the gunship looks, well bizarre. I may even override it with the normal skin. Other than that it’s another well done project, and when I look for new civilizations to add I specifically prioritize “By Dumanios” because I trust the quality like a brand name. As someone who intermediately mods a bit, I appreciate your contributions and you make things much easier for some of us novices. c:
Hello Dumanios, let me first say that I have downloaded and used many of your created civilizations for my own modded version of civ (mostly it’s just regular civ with extra units, buildings, civilizations) I think Poland is probably my favorite because the medieval units. I also have Austria and when playing the other day I noticed the gunship looks, well bizarre. I may even override it with the normal skin. Other than that it’s another well done project, and when I look for new civilizations to add I specifically prioritize “By Dumanios” because I trust the quality like a brand name. As someone who intermediately mods a bit, I appreciate your contributions and you make things much easier for some of us novices. c:

Thanks for the compliments! I haven't really done much with Civ4 modding in a while, just doing my own private meme mods. I haven't really thought much about doing anymore public mods. Maybe one day I'll get into the mood again, but that's probably not gonna be soon.

As for the helicopter, I went for something more unique than a normal helicopter, but for a normal helicopter, the best fit might be a Bell Huey or a Eurocopter. Modern Austria doesn't really have gunships, so either suggestion is a 'close enough' compromise.
Love to see you return Dumanios. Many of your civs I used in my own mod. Israel for example. Ekmek had an old Israel modular civ with unique unit art for the medieval period, shame it was on atomicgamer :( . But you did a good job filling in that era with Crusaders from the kingdom of Jerusalem. For Palmyra I followed your example with your Israel and Seleucid civs.
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