Statecraft and Duplicity

Looks good. Will watch and possibly join thread at a later point in time.
ooc: The Warriors are the Madinah, correct?
ic/ooc fusion: SIP, warrior to Mecca to protect
ic: Thank you for your confidence, my brothers and sisters. My most worrisome vision at the current moment concerns the coming of a great wind-storm. However, it was cryptic. The Gods say that if we build sturdy houses to protect us from the winds, they will not come. Instead, the Gods commanded, let the winds of the dream represent the problems, the feuds, the fighting that will come. We shall not be immune with our new houses, but we shall endure. We shall work together to build sturdy homes for our families, so that we may weather the coming storm. We shall also bind by marriage our tribe and the Madinah tribe, if their elders are agreeable. Can we have volunteers to send to them a message proposing my marriage to one of their Chiefs' daughters? I myself shall go with you, in order to form a great alliance. The Madinah are renowned for their prowess in battle, and we for our skills in hunting. We shall ask them to support us militarily in return for our efforts on hunting, which we must improve.
ooc:all that means SIP, warrior to Mecca, research hunting, asking Madinahs for marriage with one of their equivalent-to-princesses, thus cementing alliance.
OOC: Can I make a speech, even though I'm not a politician?

Also, a list of players would be nice.
ooc: Oh, ok. Orders still stand. who are the warriors anyway? If Meccans, why are they so far away?
OOC: Can I make a speech, even though I'm not a politician?

Also, a list of players would be nice.


I'll try to do one today.

ooc: Oh, ok. Orders still stand. who are the warriors anyway? If Meccans, why are they so far away?
Read the Session 0 story. They are on a "vision quest" for the fallen Saladin. Anyway, I just said that b/c they started off there.... ;)
ok call them back because of Salah al Din's death.

~The city of Mecca was founded with the guidance of Ibn Abi Ishaq~

Life in the new city was going along swimmingly, with the palace now complete. The people had settled into this new routine, though hunters still went out daily to feed a growing population. Then, the Madina came. At first, it was only a few advisors to negotiate the King’s marriage to their princess, but when the advisors returned to their village and told of the great new town growing on the Hill of Mecca more came. This time, many came to stay. Soon, the trickle was a flood. The people are worried, oh great King. What shall we do?

OOC: The Madina village also gave us 54 Gold (and 54 umla).

Spoiler Mecca City Screen :

Mecca Can Produce:
Settler (17)
Worker (10)
Warrior (5)
Barracks (17)
Monument (10)
Stonehenge (40)

Spoiler Mecca Tile Map :

Mecca Tiles Owned By Players:

Spoiler The Empire :

In-game Issues:
What shall we build in Mecca?

IC Issues
How will we deal with the Madina?
What will we name the river that runs near Mecca?

And remember, if you ever want any more info, just ask!

EDIT: Player List added to last OP post.
I say we let the Madinahs in with full rights and name our bountiful river Madinah in honor of our long-term trading partners, and now brothers. We should build a great monument to celebrate our settling. We do, however need to decide whether or not to devote time and resources into having our monument should align to the stars and sun.
ooc:Monument or Stonehenge guys?
I agree with our esteemed leader on what to do with the Medinah, but not about what to build in our fair city. We need to have a dedicated work force to let our city have more food to survive. However, if we must choose between a Monument for our gods or a lavish henge of stone, I would choose a Monument, as the Stone Henge is not worth the effort, when we need food. As for names, I think we should name the sea to our north the Arabian Sea, after our great nation.

OOC: How do I take ownership of a plot? If I can now, I'd like the cows.
We should build a monument to glorify the gods oh great leader, for the due honour of the deities should be our first priority on this auspicious occasion! I also suggest we name the river the Shat-al Arab and the sea to our north the Bahr al Arab. As to the Madinah they are arab, that much is clear and they are our brothers by the grace of the gods, we should not be so impious as to not grant them the full equality under our divinities that our brother tribe is due. I say we give them equality and full rights as fellow arabs.

OOC: I am sure we will build a very good relationship Civ'ed ;)
The Exalted Ahmed Al-Fulani supports the requests for the construction of several concentric circles of megaliths. Such a construction would serve as a glorious wonder for our people for centuries, and be a center of culture and natural power for eternity.

The Exalted also suggests that we name the river that flows east of our city the Ishaq, in honor of our Glorious Chief of the Arabs.
I'll join as Doteiti al Mualim. Forgive any mistakes in the name. I used to know a little about Arabian names, but I forgot it all.
Our sovereign Lord is exalted and glorified indeed by his own state. Is it not best therefore to honour the entire people whom together have exalted our Lord and established the beginnings of this great civilisation, rather than naming he river after the humble servant the gods have in their wisdom ordained to govern us and who of his own merits will be remembered as our first ruler for all time regardless of a geographical landmark?
I mush agree with that. I am greatly honored by the suggestion of naming our bountiful river for me, but I am not worthy of such an honor. I support Jehoshua's suggestion for a name.

On the subject of what to build in Mecca, I see sense in gathering a group of dedicated workers. However, in celebration I still would like a monument to be built in Mecca first.

ooc: Tambien, official orders are Monument in Mecca then Worker in Mecca barring something we need to react to.
ooc: continued: Maybe we should focus on food while we build the monument?

ooc: EDIT I'll take the Elephants
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