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Build your own religion

Oh, look this is. New Cynics.
What did you think of Diogenes?

Diogenes sounds like Greek Daoism. Not something I really approve of, but to each his own.

Contemporary cynics, though, get on my nerves hella lot.
brave or corrupted, or
brave and corrupted, or both brave and corrupted and neither brave nor corrupted, or....

@Joecoolyo Oh, I don't know. Do you want some more from Contemporary cynics 714?
Reasons to be cynical 70-90
Spoiler :

70. spam! spam! spam! spam!
71. losing half our free time to internet addiction
72. losing most of our day to meaningless work
73. having to play office politics
74. having to play golf with your superiors
75. the term “superiors”
76. the term “subordinates”
77. cubicles and other sensory deprivation cells
78. people who thrive in cubicles
79. people who thrive on 14-hour workdays
80. people who take their cell phones on vacation
81. “A” students who end up working for “C” students
82. “It takes money to make money”
83. “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know”
84. the “power words” used on resumes to impress employers
85. the fact that employers are impressed with power words on resumes
86. college graduates who have to settle for a job at Blockbuster
87. the salaries of liberal arts graduates in the business world
88. the miseries of liberal arts graduates in the business world
89. prostituting yourself for less than a prostitute makes
90. staying at a job you detest because the alternatives are even worse
Number 70 seems relevant.
Ah. Friday evenings.

A Book of Verses underneath the Bough,
A Jug of Wine, a Loaf of Bread—and Thou
Beside me singing in the Wilderness—
Oh, Wilderness were Paradise enow!

Spoiler :
Spoiler :

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom."

"The tigers of wrath are wiser than the horses of instruction"

Blake explains that,

"Without Contraries is no progression. Attraction and Repulsion,
Reason and Energy, Love and Hate, are necessary to Human existence.
From these contraries spring what the religious call Good & Evil.
Good is the passive that obeys Reason. Evil is the active springing
from Energy. Good is Heaven. Evil is Hell.

I wonder if any of this is true. What do you think?

Spoiler :
edit: golly, this is dull. a bit like watching paint dry!
edit2: oh just had another idea: confessional! (I'm still bored, though)
edit3: extrapolate people! (there's loads of people in here waaaaay cleverer than I, yes really!)
edit4: I confess I had one pint of beer last night and got hammered, listened to a very drunk bloke tell me a very slurry, very dirty, joke (extremely badly and which I found - mildly - entertaining), and laughed sufficiently to assure him that it was actually a pretty good joke quite well told. And other stuff. Wicked, ain't I?
edit5: just thought of a very good reason to drink excessively: Octoberfest!!!! yay. Everyone who agrees say aye.
edit6: I can't see why confessing anything does any good at all. But perhaps it does. Perhaps some psychology person can tell me?
edit7: breakfast time. or shall I go out for a walk, or go back and have another kip - decisions, decisions
edit8: you know, I thought this was a very simple idea, and I'd thought you'd have picked up on it by now - so perhaps it's a dud - <sigh> I've got loads of other stuff I need to do.
edit9: ah yes, minimalism? Less=more
edit10: Borachio=drunkard (Spanish)
edit11: zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
edit12: when is someone going to bump this thread? Might be interesting
edit13: actually there's plenty of related threads, or perhaps this thread is related to some others, perhaps they should all have a marker like *, or gnnnrhygbleuh, or ..... something for the benefit of posterity (if you think it is a benefit, or that there is a posterity - I was sitting on my posterity last night down the pub so I think there probably is a posterity - in some sense of the word)
edit14: let's go viral
edit15: I should perhaps point out that this is only a virtual idea in a virtual world
edit16: where are we? half way down page one - I wonder if this thread will sink to page 2?
edit17: gone out for walk and to hear dawn chorus - bit early for dogs and dog-walkers
edit18: back - strange nothing's happened - I could still be out there.
MALVOLIO: My masters, are you mad? Or what are you? Have you no wit, manners, nor honesty, but to gabble like tinkers at this time of night? Do ye make an alehouse of my lady's house, that ye squeak out your cozier's catches without any mitigation or remorse of voice? Is there no respect of place, persons, nor time in you?
SIR TOBY: We did keep time, sir, in our catches. Sneck up!
edit19: ah good falling down the front page nicely. sink my little chum, sink. out of sight out of mind. time for a bit of tidying up.
edit20: in sight of the bottom of the page, YAY!
edit21: only 4 more lines and I'm off the front page!
edit22: ah, good. bottom of the page, time for a cup of tea, only one person needs to start a thread and we're on page 2 - no-one goes on page 2 - cunning eh?

Tense? Nervous? Headache?

I propose Thunderfall as Patron of Civland Religion. (When/if proposal(s) are legit.)
Observe Tavern this evening.
Blake is obviously da man.
Tiger, tiger burning bright....
Hey! You can't go picking stuff off Page 2. That's not netiquette.

(it was a bloomin' nuisance getting it there - let's let this thing sink)
Take it easy its a cute thread and soon will go where you want it to be...:)
Your own logic is inconsistent (surprise!). Why should a rule that explicitly excepts itself apply to itself?

That it actually includes this exception makes it more consistent than sola scriptura, to start with.

You can't make a rule stating that no rule are cast iron except this one. Either all the rules are cast iron, or they are not and if they are not cast iron, then they are not rules in the first place since rules are for order and if they aren't being enforced then the rule is not worth it, just better have no rules instead.
I have already agreed with your logic. Hence the poll, which I thought might resolve the impasse. What do you suggest?
You can't make a rule stating that no rule are cast iron except this one. Either all the rules are cast iron, or they are not and if they are not cast iron, then they are not rules in the first place since rules are for order and if they aren't being enforced then the rule is not worth it, just better have no rules instead.

If you're done splitting hairs, we can move on.

What you're seeing is a simple clause added to the rule to make sure its known that there is an exception. It could be worded better by saying "None of the other rules are set in stone", but you know that and are arguing for the sake of arguing.
Hey! Why didn't I think of that. But it should be "None of the other rules is set in stone". (If you don't mind me saying. "None" in this situation being singular. But you could argue that the plural of rules has "attracted" the plural verb. But I nitpick.)

Mind you, would it do the job?

I think this is the most important rule of all. It deserves sober and careful assessment.
Huh as in you don't understand; or huh as in you disagree?

Are some things better for being flawed?
As simple as you can go. Check him out on Wiki. But do not under any circumstances stand between him and the sun.
Are you then both a member and not a member? Either, both, neither, both and neither, neither both nor either....are all acceptable. And will both qualify and disqualify you from membership, should you so wish. Or not.

Quantum membership. I like it.
No that's horsecrap. You're either a member or not. It's just difficult for others to tell if you are one.
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