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The DYOS Consul (DYOS XI: 2009-2013)

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A thought has occurred after reading E350tb's dA message. Stylesrj, do you run Origin in order to have The Sims Medieval running?

There is word that Origin is pumping out viruses.
A thought has occurred after reading E350tb's dA message. Stylesrj, do you run Origin in order to have The Sims Medieval running?

Nope, I got the game way before ME3 and Origin.

But then again, maybe an Origin update for ME3 piggybacked a virus into the Sims Medieval.

Or maybe it's Ubisoft and their new UPlay launcher for Anno 2070.
Hey guys, I was going to make a comic this week, but I've got a new computer so I'm in the middle of file transfers and an annoying keyboard that needs a lot more pressure to get the space bar to work properly.

I'll need to re-install a lot of things and transfer backups until I can be back in operation. But my new computer should be faster and allow better quality images and such for next week.
Good News, Everyone! As I mentioned in the Random Raves Thread, I got a new laptop that has a good enough graphics card to run things like Garry's Mod without borking! I also took advantage of Steam's Summer Sale to buy it and a few other things on my own Steam account, meaning I no longer have to wait for kill fire to get off of Steam for me to be able to use Garry's Mod. :woohoo:
Good work Choxorn!
I wish I could do the same thing for myself, but you know, I bought too much for my brother's account and it'd be expensive getting the games for myself.
The good news is, I'm cornering the outstanding "main" scenes, which means the critical segments might even be done by later today.

The bad news is, I don't think I'm making the 30th.

Long story short, it's one of these musical pieces, and although I've got the beginning done and the end mapped out, the bulk of this is filling in the middle. Even using shortcuts, it's a bit of a struggle to find enough relevant imagery to work into the cues. Add in the time to splice it all together and I'm all but certain June's another bust.

Given that the week in question is a bust and I have a gut feeling that July is going to be another bust. Are there any updates in regards to this piece? I don't know if this suggestion would help, but if the musical pieces are giving you a tangle. Perhaps it's best to cut out the music and keep it simple and not overly complicate the piece even further.
Well I'm testing out GIMP to see if it comes up to the same standards I gave Photoshop. If not... I might have to purchase Photoshop again.

So for starters, here's two pictures of our favourite Desert-Elf sorceress getting ready for that wedding of hers.

As you can see... she really doesn't look forward to it. At least she's got a nice dress though.

I'm already hating GIMP's quality settings... it even make .jpg files more than a MB in size...
I'm already hating GIMP's quality settings... it even make .jpg files more than a MB in size...

Have you tried adjusting the settings for the file format in question?
Yeah I tried a few settings, but it's very hard to find out what's the best quality when it tells you it's in the GB range.
Then you save it and it's 100KB or something.
Given that the week in question is a bust and I have a gut feeling that July is going to be another bust. Are there any updates in regards to this piece? I don't know if this suggestion would help, but if the musical pieces are giving you a tangle. Perhaps it's best to cut out the music and keep it simple and not overly complicate the piece even further.
Oh sure, it'd be short, but it'd also be boring!

Sketches are almost done. One or two pages left. I'm not giving an ETA since every time I do I jinx myself; I think July was designed to destroy me.
Sketches are almost done. One or two pages left. I'm not giving an ETA since every time I do I jinx myself.
That's good, since I was worried that we've been abandoned :). I guess I should come up with something in the mean time to hold off the impatient crowd, while not jumping the gun at the same time.
I'm still wondering if I should continue with my New Novaya Nova Vegas series or just give up on DYOS and only come back when XII rolls around...

Stylesrj's post has convinced me to come out in the open about this particular subject. For a couple of months now, I have been suffering in silence out of fear of being lashed out by Thorvald when I voiced my concerns of the lack of updates. I feel as though I have to walk around eggshells around him and cannot voice my genuine concerns.

The progress of the ending for DYOS 11 has slowed to a crawl that is starting to resemble that of Plans within Plans and is starting to cause some of the contributors to start to lose interest, myself included (As reflected in the infrequent monthly contributions instead of my usual weakly ones). I understand that Thorvald has obligations outside of this board (I'm sure many of us do) and occasionally gets broadsided, but I feel as though having us bound to the release of his comic and not giving us any sort of flexibility to conclude the plot and start on DYOS 12 is unfair towards the rest of us. Many of us have a rough idea on what the next DYOS's plot is going to be (Perhaps evident that the discussion for the next plot has died down with unanimous agreement).

In prior DYOSes, when a contributor hasn't posted a comic, we all normally don't sit around and wait for their return. We just simply continue on without the contributor in question. If we all waited, DYOS would have died around the 10th series. I'm even at a point to continue without Thorvald and conclude the plot and start DYOS 12. The mainstream DYOS is not like Plans within Plans that can afford to have lengthy periods between comics since it's set outside the mainstream. I know there are some pieces in DYOS that are complicated that would be found in PwP, but more often than not, they are mainly within a contributor's individual plot line whenever there is no crossovers between contributors (I'm guilty of this and I'm sure not alone on this).

I am not being selfish or impatient, but I am growing concern about the community losing interest in this series with many giving up on DYOS (We may have a small knit community, but it's enough to keep the series going). While some voiced only coming back when 12 comes along. This is not the first time I have seen DYOS had an untimely death due to lack of interest. I can recall the forth DYOS series not taking off with only a few pages in it before dying prematurely. It would take about a year (around the 5th saga) that I've regained any interest in the series (minus the aneurysm moments with powergaming shenanigans). Even back then I had little faith that DYOS would take off and I am starting to see that feeling returning back. Even Stylesrj completely lost interest in Thorvald's planned trial. Heck, I even had to axe a couple of my ideas in PwPs just to get the plot quasi-moving.

Eventually towards the end of August, my classes will start up again and soon follows *knocks on wood* a job offer and would again have a limited freetime (Still enough to produce weekly comics). Seeing that DYOS has been stalled for a while now, I'm starting to feel that my freetime is better spent elsewhere. DYOS is perhaps the only thing that still keeps me linked in to CFC since it's always moving. If there was no DYOS, I would have been a lurker by now occasionally drifting in OT.

I just wanted to voice these words that I had on my mind for a couple of months and get them off my chest, so please don't hurt me or lash out at me. If I get told off or lashed out on, it would only further convince me to leave DYOS.
I was hoping to save this for the debriefing, but since you insist...

I hate this comic, I really do. I thought for sure summer would be my catch-up season. A quagmire like this I expected for stuff I have planned for PwP, not a bloody collage. I don't even know why it's so hard anymore. The ultimate irony, of course, is that TK's the one who concludes everything; I'm just the bridge right now. In any other circumstance, I probably would have given up.

But I always come back to this comment:
Finally, the Hacker becomes as epic as I imagined him being 3 years ago when we created him. :goodjob:
The Hacker had the potential to be one of the best community villains of DYOS, but by story's end he was an utter joke. Rather than cyber-warfare and demigod machinations, rather than playing to his strengths, CG, once again, reduced him to a dime-a-dozen army general (subordinated to Wesker) whose talents were more character quirks rather than the nexus of his power. The climax on Wetickra followed the same tired pattern we saw with kulade, the Combine, the Enclave, what we will see with the Space Nazis and probably Mariko: the Big Bad has been on the wane for months and it's just waiting to see when he gets taken down. In spite of the strong start to this thread, in the end the Hacker was nothing special, if not eroded into an outright wuss.

Years ago, circa the discussion of revising the rules, lord_joakim suggested in a conversation with Dae and myself that the Hacker hide out on Xen as a compliment to CG, something I promised to do before the story was out. When I went to make that comic, I realized it was my last chance to salvage what had proven a mediocre main story, as well as give the villain a respectable persona. Was my intervention too tardy? It was a scramble, certainly; but I would much rather end this with a bang than a whimper, something no-one else seemed willing to do. Quality over quantity. It's a matter of narrative principle.

The comic is coming. I can't thank TK enough for agreeing to take on the third section, else this would be even longer. If the rest of you want to send pictures of characters talking on phones I'll throw 'em in with the supplementary copypasta; otherwise it's all up to me now.
Geeze, overcritical over how I handle antagonists much?
He doesn't mean to offend you, CG, he's just giving his two cents on the issue. :)
A lot of my inspiration also was drained when I couldn't transfer Photoshop to the new computer.

Even if we were to move to DYOS XII, I probably won't be as inspired.
I'd probably be more tempted to go do something else instead of doing something creative and fun in Photoshop.
A lot of my inspiration also was drained when I couldn't transfer Photoshop to the new computer.
Have you tried buying a new copy of Photoshop for your new computer? It could be that your current version of photoshop may not be compadable with your new OS.

Even if we were to move to DYOS XII, I probably won't be as inspired.
I'd probably be more tempted to go do something else instead of doing something creative and fun in Photoshop.
I hate to see you disappear into the void. Things won't be the same without you if you do disappear :(.
Have you tried buying a new copy of Photoshop for your new computer? It could be that your current version of photoshop may not be compadable with your new OS.

Why should I buy a new copy? I've got the old one lying around somewhere in the house...
You see it's not a matter of transferring the files over. I gotta re-install the damned thing.

If you want something incompatible with my new OS (Windows 7) try Fallout 3 :p

I hate to see you disappear into the void. Things won't be the same without you if you do disappear

And let Azzaman and Fifty and whatever Abbadon calls himself win? Nevar!
Try Paint.NET as a temporary alternative to Photoshop. It isn't as good, but it's decent.
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