CNES: The Flames of War (BETA)

Update 5: The Great Escape

Political Report

Renames Tyrossa to Kocsis Szar.
Renames Alefei to Baszd Katolikusok.
Systematically executes all those not of the master race within its borders. (-9000 mod points)
Gives all blueprints to Seyzan Naktuan, Blue Bombers, and Great Lijiang.

Allies with Tallman Revolution.
Gets 1 mod point for fast orders.

Gives Entrenching Tools and Mechanized Agriculture blueprints to Lijian.

Changes name from Muscovia to Seyzan Nakutan.
Allies with Great Lijiang.
Gives Ballistics and Entrenching Tools blueprints to Birodalmat Szuzies and Great Lijiang.

Gets 1 mod point for fast orders.

Allies with New Daeacht.
Gives Entrenching Tools blueprint to Kandra.

Gives Domestic Goods blueprints to Chaoyang Intendancy.
Gets 1 mod point for recognizing a reference.
Gets 1 mod point for “Basque Basque Revolution.”
Gets 1 mod point to make you, dear reader, upset.

Allies with Bolshaya Yuzhnoi Soyuza Belki.

Allies with Euzaro.
Gives all blueprints to Euzaro and Birodalmat Szuzies.

Gives Chemistry and Domestic Goods blueprints to Ninth Diarchy.

Gets 1 mod point for fast orders.

Adopts Third Way.
Allies with Seyzan Nakutan.

Adopts Third Way.

Alliance Watch

ANTI-CELTIC UNION: Domeni dels Cendres, Seyzan Nakutan, Birodalmat Szuzies
PACT OF TENJIR: Lijian, Susumu, Chaoyang Intendancy
SHORTMAN’S ANONYMOUS: Enlightened Sarkantos, Ninth Diarchy
BASQUE BASQUE REVOLUTION: Tallman Revolution, Euzaro
LIJIANG-SEYZAN PACT: Great Lijiang, Seyzan Nakutan

Economic Report

Urbanizes Kivas.
Builds Biplane in Szolmasz.
Builds Biplane in Izgal.
Builds Infantry in Izgal.
Banks $1.
Researches Aerodynamics.
Annexes Tyrossa.
Annexes Kivas.

Builds Airbase in Euzaro.
Banks $18.
Scientists twiddle their thumbs... just kidding, . Researches Structures. Loses 9000 mod points.

Industrializes Valasha.
Builds Infantry in Valasha.
Banks $1.
Researches Chemistry.

Builds Airbase in Minako-o.
Builds Sub in Coast of Ejin.
Banks $4.
Researches Ballistics.
Occupies Picsaba Azsiaiak.

Builds Artillery in Eastern Zalafi.
Builds 2 Infantry in Eastern Zalafi.
Researches Ballistics.
Occupies Szuro.

Builds Armored Car in Great Parsha.
Builds Armored Car in Zulara.
Builds Armored Car in E’oa’na.
Researches Chemistry. Loses 1 mod point.
Occupies Tana’hi.

Builds Airbase in Chaisadov.
Builds Biplane in Chaisadov.
Builds Infantry in Zhenkov.
Banks $3.
Researches Submachine Guns.

Builds Airbase in Anconi.
Builds 5 Biplanes in Anconi.
Researches Aerodynamics.

Builds 4 Infantry in Ilyan.
Builds Landship in Irkzan.
Builds Infantry in Irkzan.
Researches Domestic Goods.
Occupies Brannoc.

Builds Artillery in Jadian
Builds Stormtrooper in Jadian.
Builds Infantry in Jadian.
Builds Artillery in Zhalik.
Builds Stormtrooper in Zhalik.
Unlocks Submachine Guns blueprint.
Researches Submachine Guns.
Researches Differential Hardening.

Builds 2 Stormtroopers in New Taelan.
Builds Infantry in Ynetha.
Researches Mechanized Agriculture.
Annexes Tythain.

Researches Fragmentation Grenades.
BONUS! Gets 3 free Stormtroopers for finishing Infantry Tech Level 1 first! March on!

Industrializes Xersha.
Banks $1.
Researches Ballistics.

Builds Stormtrooper in Varassa.
Builds Stormtrooper in Rashakuti.
Builds Stormtrooper in Urdaprathi.
Unlocks Domestic Goods blueprint.
Banks $10.
Researches Domestic Goods.
Researches Fragmentation Grenades.
Annexes Dedessa.

Industrializes Donnath.
Researches Ballistics.

Builds Infantry.
Unlocks Entrenching Tools blueprint.
Researches Entrenching Tools.
Occupies Kobo.

Banks $4.
Researches Third Way.

Builds Destroyer in Coast of Ejin.
Banks $1.
Researches Third Way.

Combat Report

Gallee Kor and Kandra Both Attack Kobo! War over Kobo breaks out!
The Northern Front
Gallee Kor: No bonuses, Breakthrough
Kobo: Army split, +2 from Mountains, +1 from fortification

Spoiler Northern Front, Kobo War :
Gallee Kor ARMY:
3 Infantry
1 Landships
2 Artillery

Kobo ARMY:
2 Infantry


Gallee Kor Infantry missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Infantry missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Infantry missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Landship missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Artillery missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Artillery missed Kobo Infantry!
Kobo Infantry missed Gallee Kor Infantry!
Kobo Infantry hit Gallee Kor Infantry! Gallee Kor Infantry destroyed!


Gallee Kor Infantry missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Infantry missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Landship missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Artillery missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Artillery missed Kobo Infantry!
Kobo Infantry hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kobo Infantry hit Gallee Kor Artillery! Gallee Kor Artillery destroyed!


Gallee Kor Infantry hit Kobo Infantry! Kobo Infantry destroyed!
Gallee Kor Infantry missed Kobo Infantry!
Gallee Kor Landship hit Kobo Infantry! Kobo Infantry destroyed!
Kobo Infantry hit Gallee Kor Infantry! Gallee Kor Infantry destroyed!
Kobo Infantry hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!


Gallee Kor ARMY:
1 Infantry
1 Landships
1 Artillery

Kobo ARMY:
No Kobo forces remain!

Gallee Kor VICTORY!

The Southern Front
Kandra: No bonuses
Kobo: Army split, +2 from Mountains, +1 from fortification

Spoiler Southern Front, Kobo War :
Kandra ARMY:
10 Militia
4 Infantry
1 Landships

Kobo ARMY:
2 Infantry


Kandra Militia missed Kobo Infantry!
Kandra Militia missed Kobo Infantry!
Kandra Militia missed Kobo Infantry!
Kandra Militia scored a critical hit on Kobo Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Kobo Infantry destroyed!
Kandra Militia missed Kobo Infantry!
Kandra Militia scored a critical hit on Kobo Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Kobo Infantry destroyed!
Kobo Infantry scored a critical hit on Kandra Militia! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Kandra Militia destroyed!
Kobo Infantry hit Kandra Infantry! Kandra Infantry destroyed!


Kandra ARMY:
9 Militia
3 Infantry
1 Landships

Kobo ARMY:
No Kobo forces remain!


Battle for Kobo
Gallee Kor has the initiative!
Gallee Kor: +1 from Initiative, Breakthrough
Kandra: No bonuses

Spoiler Battle for Kobo :
Gallee Kor ARMY:
1 Infantry
1 Landships
1 Artillery

Kandra ARMY:
9 Militia
3 Infantry
1 Landships


Gallee Kor Infantry hit Kandra Militia! Kandra Militia destroyed!
Gallee Kor Landship hit Kandra Infantry! Kandra Infantry destroyed!
Gallee Kor Artillery hit Kandra Militia! Kandra Militia destroyed!
Gallee Kor Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Kandra Landship! Kandra Landship resisted the attack!
Gallee Kor Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Kandra Infantry! Kandra Infantry destroyed!
Gallee Kor Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Kandra Militia! Kandra Militia destroyed!
Kandra Militia hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Militia scored a critical hit on Gallee Kor Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Gallee Kor Infantry destroyed!
Kandra Militia hit Gallee Kor Artillery! Gallee Kor Artillery destroyed!
Kandra Militia hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Infantry missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Infantry hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Infantry missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Landship hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!


Gallee Kor Landship hit Kandra Landship! Kandra Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Militia hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Militia hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Militia hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Infantry hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Landship hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!


Gallee Kor Landship hit Kandra Militia! Kandra Militia destroyed!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Militia hit Gallee Kor Landship! Gallee Kor Landship resisted the attack!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia missed Gallee Kor Landship!
Kandra Militia scored a critical hit on Gallee Kor Landship! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Gallee Kor Landship destroyed!


Gallee Kor ARMY:
No Gallee Kor forces remain!

Kandra ARMY:
5 Militia
1 Infantry
1 Landships


Susumu Attacks Picsaba Azsiaiak!
Susumu: -2 from amphibious attack, Autonomy
Picsaba Azsiaiak: +1 from Jungle, +1 from fortification
Other: -1 Atk for Armor-type units (Jungle)

Spoiler Battle of Picsaba Azsiaiak :
Susumu ARMY:
1 Landships

Picsaba Azsiaiak ARMY:
1 Infantry


Susumu Landship scored a critical hit on Picsaba Azsiaiak Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Picsaba Azsiaiak Infantry destroyed!
Picsaba Azsiaiak Infantry hit Susumu Landship! Susumu Landship resisted the attack!


Susumu ARMY:
1 Landships

Picsaba Azsiaiak ARMY:
No Picsaba Azsiaiak forces remain!

Chaoyang Intendancy Attacks Szuro!
Chaoyang: +1 from flanking, Breakthrough
Szuro: +1 from Hill, +1 from fortification
Other: -1 Atk for Armor-type units (Forest)

Spoiler Battle of Szuro :
Chaoyang ARMY:
2 Militia
2 Infantry
2 Landships
1 Artillery

Szuro ARMY:
5 Infantry


Chaoyang Militia missed Szuro Infantry!
Chaoyang Militia missed Szuro Infantry!
Chaoyang Infantry missed Szuro Infantry!
Chaoyang Infantry missed Szuro Infantry!
Chaoyang Landship missed Szuro Infantry!
Chaoyang Landship missed Szuro Infantry!
Chaoyang Artillery hit Szuro Infantry! Szuro Infantry destroyed!
Chaoyang Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Szuro Infantry! Szuro Infantry destroyed!
Chaoyang Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Szuro Infantry! Szuro Infantry destroyed!
Chaoyang Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Szuro Infantry! Szuro Infantry destroyed!
Szuro Infantry missed Chaoyang Militia!
Szuro Infantry hit Chaoyang Militia! Chaoyang Militia destroyed!
Szuro Infantry hit Chaoyang Landship! Chaoyang Landship resisted the attack!
Szuro Infantry hit Chaoyang Landship! Chaoyang Landship resisted the attack!
Szuro Infantry hit Chaoyang Infantry! Chaoyang Infantry destroyed!


Chaoyang Militia missed Szuro Infantry!
Chaoyang Infantry missed Szuro Infantry!
Chaoyang Landship hit Szuro Infantry! Szuro Infantry destroyed!
Szuro Infantry missed Chaoyang Infantry!


Chaoyang ARMY:
1 Militia
1 Infantry
2 Landships
1 Artillery

Szuro ARMY:
No Szuro forces remain!

Chaoyang VICTORY!

Officer promoted to Level 1!

Ninth Diarchy Attacks Tana’hi!
Ninth Diarchy: No bonuses, Defense in Depth
Szuro: +3 from Jungle and Mountains, +1 from fortification
Other: -1 Atk for Armor-type units (Jungle)

Spoiler Battle of Tana’hi :
Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
2 Landships

Tana'hi ARMY:
2 Infantry


Ninth Diarchy Landship scored a critical hit on Tana'hi Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Tana'hi Infantry destroyed!
Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Tana'hi Infantry!
Tana'hi Infantry hit Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!
Tana'hi Infantry hit Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!


Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Tana'hi Infantry!
Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Tana'hi Infantry!
Tana'hi Infantry hit Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!


Ninth Diarchy Landship scored a critical hit on Tana'hi Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Tana'hi Infantry destroyed!
Tana'hi Infantry hit Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!


Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
2 Landships

Tana'hi ARMY:
No Tana'hi forces remain!

Ninth Diarchy VICTORY!

New Daeacht Supports BYSB Attack on Brannoc!
BYSB: +1 from flanking, Defense in Depth
-New Daeacht: +1 from flanking, Autonomy
Brannoc: +2 from Desert and Hills, +1 from fortification

Spoiler Battle of Brannoc :

2 Armored Cars
2 Landships

New Daeacht ARMY:
1 Infantry
2 Stormtroopers

_-*Brannoc's COALITION*-_

Brannoc ARMY:
5 Infantry


BYSB Armored Car missed Brannoc Infantry!
BYSB Armored Car missed Brannoc Infantry!
BYSB Landship missed Brannoc Infantry!
BYSB Landship hit Brannoc Infantry! Brannoc Infantry destroyed!
New Daeacht Infantry missed Brannoc Infantry!
New Daeacht Stormtrooper missed Brannoc Infantry!
New Daeacht Stormtrooper missed Brannoc Infantry!
Brannoc Infantry missed New Daeacht Stormtrooper!
Brannoc Infantry hit New Daeacht Stormtrooper! New Daeacht Stormtrooper destroyed!
Brannoc Infantry hit BYSB Landship! BYSB Landship resisted the attack!
Brannoc Infantry hit BYSB Landship! BYSB Landship resisted the attack!
Brannoc Infantry missed New Daeacht Infantry!


BYSB Armored Car missed Brannoc Infantry!
BYSB Armored Car hit Brannoc Infantry! Brannoc Infantry destroyed!
BYSB Landship hit Brannoc Infantry! Brannoc Infantry destroyed!
BYSB Landship hit Brannoc Infantry! Brannoc Infantry destroyed!
New Daeacht Infantry missed Brannoc Infantry!
New Daeacht Stormtrooper scored a critical hit on Brannoc Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Brannoc Infantry destroyed!
Brannoc Infantry hit New Daeacht Stormtrooper! New Daeacht Stormtrooper destroyed!
Brannoc Infantry missed BYSB Armored Car!
Brannoc Infantry missed BYSB Armored Car!
Brannoc Infantry hit New Daeacht Infantry! New Daeacht Infantry destroyed!



2 Armored Cars
2 Landships

New Daeacht ARMY:
No New Daeacht forces remain!

_-*Brannoc's COALITION*-_

Brannoc ARMY:
No Brannoc forces remain!


Blue Bomber Battleships Belligerate Brown Boats!
Battle of Coast of Ejin
Blue Bomber: No bonuses
Susumu: No bonuses

Spoiler Battle of Coast of Ejin :
Blue Bombers NAVY:
1 Subs
2 Destroyers
2 Battleships

Susumu NAVY:
1 Subs


Blue Bombers Sub hit Susumu Sub! Susumu Sub destroyed!
Susumu Sub hit Blue Bombers Battleship! Blue Bombers Battleship destroyed!


Blue Bombers NAVY:
1 Subs
2 Destroyers
1 Battleships

Susumu NAVY:
No Susumu forces remain!

Blue Bombers VICTORY!


Spoiler Main Map, Update 5 :

Spoiler Minimap :

What is a map? A miserable little waste of bandwidth. But enough loading - open in a new window!


Spoiler Stats :

Spoiler Tech Progress :

Spoiler Tech Tree :

Moderator Notes

Reminder, guys, provinces can only make 1 unit/turn unless urbanized (infantry no longer count against the limit) or industrialized (no limit).

Spoiler Changelog :
[font=”Courier New”]RULES:
-From now on, if you indicate a tech to research that you can’t research, I will select one of the prerequisites for that tech for you to research at random. And by at random, I mean I will try to pick the one that is least valuable. And I will take away 1 mod point from you. If you indicate *no* tech to research, then you don’t do any research.
-There are now “Finish First” bonuses for each category on the tech tree. Finish all the techs in one category first and win a prize!
-It is no longer permissible to build naval units in a sea province occupied by hostile naval forces.
-Air units cannot hold or occupy territories. If they are the only friendly unit left in lieu of a hostile attack where hostile attackers survive, they are dislodged and must rebase.[/font]


Orders due in 68 hours, or Friday, 9 P.M. GMT.
To: Southern Brigands
From: Gallee Kor

A hundred times the greatest agony you have ever suffered awaits your leadership should your forces not drop their weapons and surrender immediately.
On another note, Crezth, you left #nes before I could ask a few questions:

1. Why is my income $13? Given 2 Industrialized Territories, 1 Urbanized Territory and 4 territories worth $1 apiece, I should have an income of $17, which would mean I should have $18 to spend this turn, at least according to my understanding of the rules.

2. How am I supposed to tell that the thing that looks like a Kandran Armoured Car is actually a Landship? I am feeling frustrated that I was unable to recognize what it was by looking at it, and interpreted its identity incorrectly.
On another note, Crezth, you left #nes before I could ask a few questions:

1. Why is my income $13? Given 2 Industrialized Territories, 1 Urbanized Territory and 4 territories worth $1 apiece, I should have an income of $17, which would mean I should have $18 to spend this turn, at least according to my understanding of the rules.

2. How am I supposed to tell that the thing that looks like a Kandran Armoured Car is actually a Landship? I am feeling frustrated that I was unable to recognize what it was by looking at it, and interpreted its identity incorrectly.

1. Ah. I see. I forgot to record the extra industrialization. It has been fixed.

2. Your concern has been noted. I will attempt to be more forthcoming with labeling ambiguous unit objects in the future.
Very sexy update! Love the updated map and stats :D :) :)

Compulsory complaint: I should have another Biplane, it looks like just one down there.

Question: can you build a new airbase, and rebase air units to it in the same turn? And can those air units fight to defend the new airbase?

EDIT: Question #2: regarding Tech, do you still need all the prerequisites before you can unlock a blueprint? I did just re-read the front page, sorry if this has been asked before.

Offer: regarding the ambiguous graphics, I second Iggy's concerns. Its the wheels of that sprite that make it look like an Armored Car. I'm happy to submit some alternate graphics for all the factions that are using that sprite.
To: Northern Tyrants
From: Kandra

Hahaha no.
I do agree with Iggy, though, that the Landship is a little hard to tell apart from an armored car. There's some other nations use a similar sprite, although as they actually have regular armored cars, you can tell which is which.

While it's up, occasionally the militia units look like infantry (for other nations), although I haven't seen it become a problem yet.

To go with Daftpanzer's question, could you use buildings for constructing units the turn they are built? Like building your first port and a sub on the same turn. What about using techs on the same turn that they're researched?
Infantry research bonus "!¤#)(%U#(")%/. Ahem. "Perhaps you could've announced it last turn? <3"

Nice update Crezth. The title made me giggle. I second that motion with the AC/Landship issue. I thought it was an AC too, now I actually have to revise continental politics. (It's mostly an issue because we have no other labels that designate unit types or position beyond the ones on the map ofc but I like it that way so please change the sprite.)
Compulsory complaint: I should have another Biplane, it looks like just one down there.

Chaisadov is not industrialized, so you can't build more than 1 unit per turn there.

Question: can you build a new airbase, and rebase air units to it in the same turn? And can those air units fight to defend the new airbase?

Yes, Yes.

EDIT: Question #2: regarding Tech, do you still need all the prerequisites before you can unlock a blueprint? I did just re-read the front page, sorry if this has been asked before.

You don't, not really, but you cannot invest s into a tech without the prerequisites. Given that a blueprint can never 100% research anything, I think this is OK.

Offer: regarding the ambiguous graphics, I second Iggy's concerns. Its the wheels of that sprite that make it look like an Armored Car. I'm happy to submit some alternate graphics for all the factions that are using that sprite.

Noted, again, and it is appreciated, but I already have an idea. :)

lord_joakim said:
Infantry research bonus "!¤#)(%U#(")%/. Ahem. "Perhaps you could've announced it last turn? <3"

Sneaky sneaky. :mischief:

Popcornlord said:
To go with Daftpanzer's question, could you use buildings for constructing units the turn they are built? Like building your first port and a sub on the same turn. What about using techs on the same turn that they're researched?

Yes, Maybe (you benefit from a tech right away, but you can't always anticipate the cost of new things, so it's not always possible to plan for them).
FC and I adopted Third Way, which isn't reflected in our stats.
FC and I adopted Third Way, which isn't reflected in our stats.

It isn't noted in your stats, however your income has been adjusted. You can still send spending orders though I will fix the stats graphic asap.
I haven't had a problem with telling the difference between Armored Cars and Landships, but that's mainly because I have both and can compare them and because I saw the change in graphics when I changed my helmet style. Granted, it is really difficult to tell the difference if you aren't in the same positions as I am.

However, I've had similar problems seeing the difference between my Infantry and my old Militia (apparently there was a slight difference in uniform and rifle coloring, which doesn't help me seeing as I'm colorblind). Crezth was kind enough to change the Militia to the more standard graphic after I voiced my concern.
Noted, again, and it is appreciated, but I already have an idea. :)

Its your call, but I'm happy to help, even just submitting prototype sprites for you to customise. I'm doing sprites for giggles these days, and I can see you using some of my work from NEB1 and ZPNESV on the map already. Just let me know :)
Its your call, but I'm happy to help, even just submitting prototype sprites for you to customise. I'm doing sprites for giggles these days, and I can see you using some of my work from NEB1 and ZPNESV on the map already. Just let me know :)

Hey, man, if you have some sprites for me to dig into, have at it. Always on the lookout for more, here! Thanks! :D
Deadline postponed to tomorrow; Saturday, 2 P.M. GMT
Deadline ist hier! Update starting.
Update 6: The Betrayal

Political Report

Shares blueprints with Seyzan Nakutan, Great Lijiang, and Blue Bombers.
Gets 1 mod point for fast orders.

Gives 5 Landers to Tallman Revolution.

Renames Valasha to Valak.
Renames Tsukuhita to Tsukuhet.

Gives Entrenching Tools blueprints to Susumu.

Breaks alliance with Enlightened Sarkantos.

Gives Submachine Guns blueprints to Great Lijiang.
Gets 1 mod point for fast orders.
Gets 1 mod point for good orders.

Allies with Ateuma.
Shares blueprints with Chaoyang Intendancy, Ateuma, and Susumu.
Gets 1 mod point for fast orders.

Gives Differential Hardening blueprints to Bolshaya Yuzhnoi Soyuza Belki.


Betrayed by Ninth Diarchy.
Gives Ballistics blueprints to Ninth Diarchy.

Allies with Lijian.
Shares blueprints with Lijian.

Adopts Breakthrough doctrine.
Gets 1 mod point for fast orders.

Gets 2 mod points for best orders.

Alliance Watch

ANTI-CELTIC UNION: Domeni dels Cendres, Seyzan Nakutan, Birodalmat Szuzies
PACT OF TENJIR: Lijian, Susumu, Chaoyang Intendancy
SHORTMAN’S ANONYMOUS: Enlightened Sarkantos, Ninth Diarchy Aw, so sad!
BASQUE BASQUE REVOLUTION: Tallman Revolution, Euzaro
LIJIANG-SEYZAN PACT: Great Lijiang, Seyzan Nakutan

Economic Report

Builds Airbase in Kocsis Szar.
Builds Airbase in Baszd Katolikusok.
Builds Port in Izgal.
Builds Biplane in Kocsis Szar.
Builds Biplane in Baszd Katolikusok.
Builds Biplane in Szolmasz.
Researches Improved Suspensions.
Researches Tankette.
First to finish Armor/Artillery Level 1! Gets free Light Tank!
Occupies Taelan.

Banks $24.
Researches All-Metal Aircraft.
First to finish Aerodynamics Level 1! Gets 2 free Fighters!

Builds Artillery in Valak.
Builds Infantry in Valak.
Banks $12.
Researches Differential Hardening.

Builds Sub in Central Tenjir Ocean.
Builds Artillery in Ietsu.
Builds 2 Infantry in Minako-o.
Researches Electronics.
Annexes Picsába Azsiaiak.

Builds Artillery in Eastern Zalafi.
Builds 4 Infantry in Eastern Zalafi.
Researches Differential Hardening.
Annexes Szuro.

Builds Armored Car in Zulara.
Builds Armored Car in Great Parsha.
Banks $1.
Researches Mechanized Agriculture.
Annexes Tana’hi.
Occupies Narisiya.
Occupies Xersha.
Occupies Jormunj.

Builds 3 Stormtroopers in Chaisadov.
Builds Biplane in Chaisadov.
Banks $2.
Researches Chemistry.

Banks $20.
Researches Structures.
Loses Semikadira.
Gets 11 Militia in Anconi.
You lost your capital! Rebuild it in one of your Cores or spend $10 to rebuild it in another province!

Builds Landship in Brannoc.
Builds 3 Infantry in Chaiyarsk.
Builds 2 Infantry in Ilyan.
Banks $1.
Annexes Brannoc.

Builds Artillery in Zhalik.
Builds 2 Stormtroopers in Zhalik.
Builds Armored Car in Upper Siat.
Builds Armored Car in Jadian.
Unlocks Entrenching Tools blueprints.
Researches Entrenching Tools.
Occupies Chu.

Builds Port in New Taelan.
Builds Submarine in Coasts of Euzaro.
Builds 2 Infantry in New Taelan.
Researches Improved Suspensions.

Researches Improved Suspensions.
Occupies Semikadira.

Builds Airbase in Narisiya.
Builds Airbase in Jeiyan.
Builds Port in Jeiyan.
Builds Biplane in Jeiyan.
Builds Biplane in Narisiya.
Banks $7.
Loses Narisiya.
Loses Xersha.
Loses Jormunj.
Gets 13 Militia in Jeiyan.
You lost your capital! Rebuild it in one of your Cores or spend $5 to rebuild it in another province!

Urbanizes Rashakuti.

Builds 2 Artillery in Balmora.
Builds 4 Infantry in Balmora.
Banks $5.
Researches Differential Hardening.

Builds Airbase in Uhaku.
Annexes Kobo.
Occupies Nieke.

Builds 1 Artillery in Chu.
Builds 3 Infantry in Chu.
Researches Entrenching Tools.
Loses Chu.
You lost your capital! Rebuild it in one of your Cores or spend $5 to rebuild it in another province!
You have no units or income! GAME OVER!

Builds Airbase in Haido.
Builds Biplane in Haido.
Researches Aerodynamics.

Combat Report

Birodalmat Szuzies and Great Tython Attack Taelan! Struggle ensues for control!
Southern Front
Birodalmat Szuzies: +1 from flanking, +1 from leadership
Taelan: +2 from Hills and Cold
Other: Forest (-1 Atk to Armored units)

Spoiler Southern Front, Battle of Taelan :
Birodalmat Szuzies ARMY:
1 Infantry
3 Armored Cars
1 Landships
2 Biplane

Taelan ARMY:
3 Infantry


Birodalmat Szuzies Infantry missed Taelan Infantry!
Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car missed Taelan Infantry!
Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car missed Taelan Infantry!
Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car missed Taelan Infantry!
Birodalmat Szuzies Landship hit Taelan Infantry! Taelan Infantry destroyed!
Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane hit Taelan Infantry! Taelan Infantry destroyed!
Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane missed Taelan Infantry!
Taelan Infantry hit Birodalmat Szuzies Infantry! Birodalmat Szuzies Infantry destroyed!
Taelan Infantry hit Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car! Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car resisted the attack!
Taelan Infantry hit Birodalmat Szuzies Landship! Birodalmat Szuzies Landship resisted the attack!
Taelan Infantry hit Birodalmat Szuzies Landship! Birodalmat Szuzies Landship resisted the attack!
Taelan Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car!


Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car missed Taelan Infantry!
Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car missed Taelan Infantry!
Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car missed Taelan Infantry!
Birodalmat Szuzies Landship missed Taelan Infantry!
Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane hit Taelan Infantry! Taelan Infantry destroyed!
Taelan Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane!


Birodalmat Szuzies ARMY:
3 Armored Cars
1 Landships
2 Biplane

Taelan ARMY:
No Taelan forces remain!

Birodalmat Szuzies VICTORY!

Birodalmat Szuzies Officer promoted to Level 2!

Northern Front
Great Tython: +1 from flanking, Breakthrough
Taelan: +2 from Hills and Cold
Other: Forest (-1 Atk to Armored units)

Spoiler Northern Front, Battle of Taelan :
Great Tython ARMY:
7 Infantry
3 Artillery

Taelan ARMY:
2 Infantry


Great Tython Infantry scored a critical hit on Taelan Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Taelan Infantry destroyed!
Great Tython Infantry hit Taelan Infantry! Taelan Infantry destroyed!
Taelan Infantry scored a critical hit on Great Tython Artillery! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Great Tython Artillery destroyed!
Taelan Infantry hit Great Tython Infantry! Great Tython Infantry destroyed!


Great Tython ARMY:
6 Infantry
2 Artillery

Taelan ARMY:
No Taelan forces remain!

Great Tython VICTORY!

Battle of Central Taelan
Birodalmat Szuzies: +1 from Initiative, +2 from leadership, +1 from flanking
Great Tython: +1 from flanking, Breakthrough
Other: Forest (-1 Atk to Armored units)

Spoiler Final Stage, Battle of Taelan :
Birodalmat Szuzies ARMY:
3 Armored Cars
1 Landships
2 Biplane

Great Tython ARMY:
6 Infantry
2 Artillery


Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car hit Great Tython Artillery! Great Tython Artillery destroyed!
Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car hit Great Tython Infantry! Great Tython Infantry destroyed!
Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car hit Great Tython Infantry! Great Tython Infantry destroyed!
Birodalmat Szuzies Landship scored a critical hit on Great Tython Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Great Tython Infantry destroyed!
Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane hit Great Tython Infantry! Great Tython Infantry destroyed!
Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane hit Great Tython Infantry! Great Tython Infantry destroyed!
Great Tython Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Landship!
Great Tython Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car!
Great Tython Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Landship!
Great Tython Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane!
Great Tython Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane!
Great Tython Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car!
Great Tython Artillery missed Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car!
Great Tython Artillery missed Birodalmat Szuzies Biplane!


Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car hit Great Tython Infantry! Great Tython Infantry destroyed!
Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car hit Great Tython Artillery! Great Tython Artillery destroyed!
Great Tython Infantry missed Birodalmat Szuzies Armored Car!
Great Tython Artillery missed Birodalmat Szuzies Landship!


Birodalmat Szuzies ARMY:
3 Armored Cars
1 Landships
2 Biplane

Great Tython ARMY:
No Great Tython forces remain!

Birodalmat Szuzies VICTORY!

Birodalmat Szuzies Officer promoted to Level 3!

Ninth Diarchy Declares War on Enlightened Sarkantos!
Battle of Narisiya
Ninth Diarchy: No bonuses, Defense in Depth
Enlightened Sarkantos: No bonuses, Breakthrough
Other: Forest (-1 Atk for Armored units)

Spoiler Battle of Narisiya :
Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
6 Infantry

Enlightened Sarkantos ARMY:
1 Biplane


Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane hit Ninth Diarchy Infantry! Ninth Diarchy Infantry destroyed!


Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane hit Ninth Diarchy Infantry! Ninth Diarchy Infantry destroyed!


Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Ninth Diarchy Infantry missed Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane!
Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane hit Ninth Diarchy Infantry! Ninth Diarchy Infantry destroyed!


Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
3 Infantry

Enlightened Sarkantos ARMY:
1 Biplane

Ninth Diarchy VICTORY!

Enlightened Sarkantos Biplane rebases to Jeiyan.

Battle of Xersha
Ninth Diarchy: +1 from Initiative, Defense in Depth
Enlightened Sarkantos: No bonuses, Breakthrough

Spoiler Battle of Xersha :
Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
1 Armored Cars

Enlightened Sarkantos ARMY:
1 Infantry


Ninth Diarchy Armored Car hit Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry! Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry missed Ninth Diarchy Armored Car!


Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
1 Armored Cars

Enlightened Sarkantos ARMY:
No Enlightened Sarkantos forces remain!

Ninth Diarchy VICTORY!

Occupation of Jormunj
No resistance; Victory for Ninth Diarchy

The Battle for Zulara
Enlightened Sarkantos: +1 from Initiative, Breakthrough
Ninth Diarchy: No bonuses, Defense in Depth
Other: Jungle (-1 Atk for Armored units)

Spoiler Battle of Zulara :
Enlightened Sarkantos ARMY:
2 Infantry
5 Armored Cars
2 Artillery

Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
8 Militia
6 Armored Cars
1 Landships
1 Artillery


Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry hit Ninth Diarchy Artillery! Ninth Diarchy Artillery destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry missed Ninth Diarchy Militia!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car hit Ninth Diarchy Militia! Ninth Diarchy Militia destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car hit Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car hit Ninth Diarchy Militia! Ninth Diarchy Militia destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car hit Ninth Diarchy Armored Car! Ninth Diarchy Armored Car resisted the attack!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car missed Ninth Diarchy Armored Car!
Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery hit Ninth Diarchy Militia! Ninth Diarchy Militia destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!
Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Ninth Diarchy Militia! Ninth Diarchy Militia destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!
Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery hit Ninth Diarchy Militia! Ninth Diarchy Militia destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!
Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Ninth Diarchy Militia! Ninth Diarchy Militia destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery's attack kept going and hit a Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!
Ninth Diarchy Militia missed Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry!
Ninth Diarchy Militia missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Militia missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Militia hit Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry! Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry destroyed!
Ninth Diarchy Militia missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Militia missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Militia hit Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry! Enlightened Sarkantos Infantry destroyed!
Ninth Diarchy Militia scored a critical hit on Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery destroyed!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car scored a critical hit on Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car destroyed!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car hit Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery! Enlightened Sarkantos Artillery destroyed!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Artillery hit Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car! Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car resisted the attack!


Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car missed Ninth Diarchy Militia!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car hit Ninth Diarchy Militia! Ninth Diarchy Militia destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car missed Ninth Diarchy Armored Car!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car hit Ninth Diarchy Armored Car! Ninth Diarchy Armored Car resisted the attack!
Ninth Diarchy Militia missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Militia missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car hit Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car! Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car resisted the attack!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!


Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car missed Ninth Diarchy Armored Car!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car scored a critical hit on Ninth Diarchy Militia! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Ninth Diarchy Militia destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car scored a critical hit on Ninth Diarchy Armored Car! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Ninth Diarchy Armored Car destroyed!
Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car missed Ninth Diarchy Landship!
Ninth Diarchy Militia missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car hit Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car! Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car resisted the attack!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!
Ninth Diarchy Armored Car hit Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car! Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car resisted the attack!
Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Enlightened Sarkantos Armored Car!


Enlightened Sarkantos ARMY:
4 Armored Cars

Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
5 Armored Cars
1 Landships

Ninth Diarchy VICTORY!

Enlightened Sarkantos Army can’t retreat! Enlightened Sarkantos Army destroyed!

Ninth Diarchy Attacks Hulye!
Ninth Diarchy: No bonuses, Defense in Depth
Hulye: +1 from Jungle
Other: Jungle (-1 Atk for Armored units)

Spoiler Battle of Hulye :
Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
1 Landships

Hulye ARMY:
1 Infantry


Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Hulye Infantry!
Hulye Infantry hit Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!


Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Hulye Infantry!
Hulye Infantry hit Ninth Diarchy Landship! Ninth Diarchy Landship resisted the attack!


Ninth Diarchy Landship missed Hulye Infantry!
Hulye Infantry missed Ninth Diarchy Landship!


Ninth Diarchy ARMY:
1 Landships

Hulye ARMY:
1 Infantry


Seyzan Nakutan Invades the Constitutional Republic of Lijian! Bombs Zhalik and Attacks Siat!
Operation Siati Freedom
Seyzan Nakutan: No bonuses, Autonomy
Lijian: +2 from fortification, Breakthrough

Spoiler Battle of Upper Siat :
Seyzan Nakutan ARMY:
2 Militia
1 Infantry
1 Landships

Lijian ARMY:
1 Infantry
1 Armored Cars


Seyzan Nakutan Militia missed Lijian Armored Car!
Seyzan Nakutan Militia missed Lijian Infantry!
Seyzan Nakutan Infantry missed Lijian Infantry!
Seyzan Nakutan Landship missed Lijian Infantry!
Lijian Infantry hit Seyzan Nakutan Militia! Seyzan Nakutan Militia destroyed!
Lijian Armored Car hit Seyzan Nakutan Landship! Seyzan Nakutan Landship resisted the attack!


Seyzan Nakutan Militia missed Lijian Armored Car!
Seyzan Nakutan Infantry missed Lijian Infantry!
Seyzan Nakutan Landship missed Lijian Armored Car!
Lijian Infantry hit Seyzan Nakutan Militia! Seyzan Nakutan Militia destroyed!
Lijian Armored Car hit Seyzan Nakutan Landship! Seyzan Nakutan Landship resisted the attack!


Seyzan Nakutan Infantry missed Lijian Infantry!
Seyzan Nakutan Landship missed Lijian Infantry!
Lijian Infantry hit Seyzan Nakutan Landship! Seyzan Nakutan Landship resisted the attack!
Lijian Armored Car hit Seyzan Nakutan Infantry! Seyzan Nakutan Infantry destroyed!


Seyzan Nakutan ARMY:
1 Landships

Lijian ARMY:
1 Infantry
1 Armored Cars


The Bombing of Zhalik
Seyzan Nakutan: No bonuses, Autonomy
Lijian: +1 from Hills, +2 from fortification, Breakthrough
Other: Forest (-1 Atk for Armored units)

Spoiler Battle of Zhalik :
Seyzan Nakutan ARMY:
1 Biplane

Lijian ARMY:
2 Infantry
3 Stormtroopers
2 Artillery


Seyzan Nakutan Biplane missed Lijian Infantry!
Lijian Infantry hit Seyzan Nakutan Biplane! Seyzan Nakutan Biplane destroyed!


Seyzan Nakutan ARMY:
No Seyzan Nakutan forces remain!

Lijian ARMY:
2 Infantry
3 Stormtroopers
2 Artillery


The Constitutional Republic of Lijian Invades Chu Peninsula! Declares War on Great Lijiang!
Operation Pivoting Bootstrap
Lijian: No bonuses, Breakthrough
Great Lijiang: +2 from fortification, Breakthrough
Other: Forest (-1 Atk for Armored units)

Spoiler Battle of Chu :
Lijian ARMY:
2 Infantry
1 Stormtroopers
3 Armored Cars
2 Landships
3 Artillery

Great Lijiang ARMY:
6 Infantry
3 Landships
2 Artillery


Lijian Infantry hit Great Lijiang Artillery! Great Lijiang Artillery destroyed!
Lijian Infantry missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Stormtrooper hit Great Lijiang Infantry! Great Lijiang Infantry destroyed!
Lijian Armored Car hit Great Lijiang Infantry! Great Lijiang Infantry destroyed!
Lijian Armored Car missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Armored Car missed Great Lijiang Landship!
Lijian Landship missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Landship hit Great Lijiang Infantry! Great Lijiang Infantry destroyed!
Lijian Artillery hit Great Lijiang Landship! Great Lijiang Landship destroyed!
Lijian Artillery missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Artillery hit Great Lijiang Infantry! Great Lijiang Infantry destroyed!
Great Lijiang Infantry hit Lijian Armored Car! Lijian Armored Car resisted the attack!
Great Lijiang Infantry hit Lijian Infantry! Lijian Infantry destroyed!
Great Lijiang Infantry hit Lijian Stormtrooper! Lijian Stormtrooper destroyed!
Great Lijiang Infantry missed Lijian Infantry!
Great Lijiang Infantry hit Lijian Infantry! Lijian Infantry destroyed!
Great Lijiang Infantry missed Lijian Armored Car!
Great Lijiang Landship hit Lijian Landship! Lijian Landship resisted the attack!
Great Lijiang Landship missed Lijian Armored Car!
Great Lijiang Landship hit Lijian Artillery! Lijian Artillery destroyed!
Great Lijiang Artillery scored a critical hit on Lijian Landship! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Lijian Landship destroyed!
Great Lijiang Artillery hit Lijian Landship! Lijian Landship resisted the attack!


Lijian Armored Car missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Armored Car missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Armored Car scored a critical hit on Great Lijiang Artillery! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Great Lijiang Artillery destroyed!
Lijian Landship missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Artillery missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Artillery hit Great Lijiang Landship! Great Lijiang Landship destroyed!
Great Lijiang Infantry missed Lijian Armored Car!
Great Lijiang Infantry missed Lijian Armored Car!
Great Lijiang Landship hit Lijian Landship! Lijian Landship resisted the attack!
Great Lijiang Landship hit Lijian Armored Car! Lijian Armored Car destroyed!
Great Lijiang Artillery hit Lijian Landship! Lijian Landship resisted the attack!


Lijian Armored Car missed Great Lijiang Landship!
Lijian Armored Car missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Landship missed Great Lijiang Infantry!
Lijian Artillery scored a critical hit on Great Lijiang Infantry! ZIP! BAM! WHACK! BOFFO! Great Lijiang Infantry destroyed!
Lijian Artillery missed Great Lijiang Landship!
Great Lijiang Infantry hit Lijian Armored Car! Lijian Armored Car resisted the attack!
Great Lijiang Infantry hit Lijian Landship! Lijian Landship resisted the attack!
Great Lijiang Landship hit Lijian Landship! Lijian Landship resisted the attack!


Lijian ARMY:
2 Armored Cars
1 Landships
2 Artillery

Great Lijiang ARMY:
1 Infantry
1 Landships


Great Lijiang Army cannot retreat! Great Lijiang Army destroyed!

Kandra Attacks Nieke!
Kandra: +1 from flanking
Nieke: +2 from Hills and Jungle, +1 from fortification

Spoiler Battle of Nieke :
Kandra ARMY:
2 Militia
1 Infantry

Nieke ARMY:
1 Infantry


Kandra Militia hit Nieke Infantry! Nieke Infantry destroyed!
Nieke Infantry missed Kandra Infantry!


Kandra ARMY:
2 Militia
1 Infantry

Nieke ARMY:
No Nieke forces remain!



Spoiler Main Map :

Spoiler Minimap :

The net/the net/the net is on fire/we don’t need no new tabs let that bandwidth burn

Spoiler Stats :

Spoiler Techs :

New Units

Spoiler Units :


Moderator Notes

The cost to activate Science blueprints is shown in the tech progress chart. It is the dollared number next to the tech’s name.

The situation in Upper Siat was incorrectly managed (Ateuma should have fought), but due to the outcome I have decided it does not merit restitution.

@DarthNader: In the future, if you want to use expected incoming money the turn you receive it, make a special note in your orders indicating such.

Spoiler Changelog :
Biplanes no longer receive bonuses from fortification or terrain defense.
Biplanes now cost $4 (was $3).
Flying units can no longer fortify.
Flying units can no longer be hit by splash damage.
Officer promotion levels 4 and 5 removed (max promotion is now 3).
Armored units that move through deserts must now end their movement there.
You may no longer rename provinces except by spending 5 mod points (and if you own the province).
Power calculation changed: Province # is multiplied by 5 to get its power value.
You can now buy Cores! Refer to the new rule on “Getting Cores.”
VICTORY CONDITION: Be the faction with the highest POWER by the end of Update 50.
VICTORY CONDITION: At any point, be the faction that accounts for 70% of the world’s total POWER.

Getting/Removing Cores

In any province you control, you may add a core there for a cost. The cost depends on how many cores your faction already has:

# Cores|Cost ($)

You may also remove a core, yours or another faction’s, in any province you control for $20. BE WARNED! This action has a 50% chance to spawn 1d6 Militia under the control of the victim faction, and another 50% chance to raze improvements in the province!
Meh. Dedicated my whole game to helping Matt out and cooperating with him. I wouldn't expect orders from me nest update... Let's see. :/

Matt, sorry really doesn't do it. I know, it's a game and all, but I actually invested into this NES' setting with writing stuff for my parties. I wouldn't have had a problem with being invaded. This is just really gay of you and I'm the one that does guys. :p

EDIT: Have to say it seems like the pragmatically good choice of you, though. Let's see if the rest of the continent attempts a dogpile or not! :)
Due to confusion regarding the deadline and my orders not being accepted, I will not be continuing in the nes
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