[Utility] Soundtrack XML Generator


Feb 26, 2014
United States
Civilization V Soundtrack XML Generator

This tool makes creating your own civ 5 soundtracks easier. (+100 :c5production:) If you have no idea what I mean, check Leugi's tutorial out: http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?p=12437437

This handy tool generates those usually-tedious-to-make "AudioDefines.xml" and "Audio2DScripts.xml" files for you! No more having to manually type in each and every name and id yourself.

Make 3 folders named "Peace", "War", and "Either". Then place all of your respective .mp3/.ogg files in them. And don't worry about renaming them; there's no need.
UnRAR the attached file and place "Civ5SoundtrackGenerator.exe" in the same directory as your "Peace", "War", and "Either" folders. Your directory should now look like this:

After this, just run the .exe, input your civ's name and sound volume, and the .xml files will be created for you (in the same directory)!

Things to Note:
-As of right now, the max amount of music files per type (peace, war, either) you can have is 50. I can easily change this if this become an issue.
-Files placed in the either folder are played during peace in civilization by default (because no "EITHER" script ID's exist). I can change this to be either peace or war (by using "Peace" and "War" subfolders) depending on a user's choice if there is a demand for it.
-Make sure to not put spaces when it asks you for you civ name (for obvious reasons -_-). Again, however; if the users demand it, I can make the program replaces the spaces with underscores.

Here's a picture of the program in progress:

Please leave some feedback and let me know if there is anything I missed in the .xml files, as I haven't extensively tested this tool!

EDIT (2/28/14): Fixed a bug where duplicate ScriptID's were created (because there are no "EITHER" ScriptID's).
EDIT (3/5/14): There is a chance that you might need to download the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package if the program doesn't start for you. You can get it here.
If this gets to be too much of a hassle I can always put a Java version of the program up (though you still might need to download some Java SDK).
Added a Java version. It works the same way.

EDIT (4/23/14): Any "missing .dll errors normally mean you need to install a redistributable/SDK. After that, I suggest restarting your computer. Feel free to comment if further help is needed.


I must say this is awesome!

Though I seem to be having a little problem,
when I got to launch the program I get this error message:
The program can't start because msvcr120.dll is missing from your computer.
Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

Any idea what it is?
Hmm... odd, it still appears to not be working. I tried installing both downloads,
then I tried installing them one at a time, though I get the same error.
Hey (total noob here); where do I put the xml files once they're made? Thanks!
When I try to run this (not the Java version) I get the following error message:

The program can't start because MSVCP120D.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.

And when I run the Java version I get:

Could not find the main class: xml.Generator. Program will exit.

How can I get this to work? I have an awesome soundtrack that won't work, and I've tracked the problem down to some mistake I'm making in my xml, so this tool should fix that...once I fix the tool's requirements. Thanks!
Looks like you need to install the VS Runtimes. That .dll file is referring to the 2013 runtimes specifically. You can check my link: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=40784 though since I'm on a mobile, I can't check to see if it's the 2013 one (you might want to google it). Same issue on Java (just download correct Java SDK), though in your case I'd suggest the VS option first. Also, if in doubt, download both the 32 & 64 bit ones (for both Java and VS).
Awesome work. I'm going to be making soundtrack mods for all of my Civs which don't already have one, and this is going to cut the work to about a fifth of what it was going to be. Thanks!
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