Latest Release -- 3.17 (Time Capsule)

I don't understand how to install this. The file is a .7z instead of a .zip, so the installation instructions on the wiki seem to be outdated and my computer doesn't recognize the file type. What do I do?
The files with the 7z extension are just another type of archive like *.zip.
You could also see *.rar, *.cab, *.ace or any other of the dozens of archive formats available and readily seen all over the place.

It just means you need to download the suitable software for it.
Just pulled down the latest Communitas 3.17 version for Civ 5 BNW and Played the French. On version 3.16 once I researched the Gatling guns I could upgrade Musketeers & Arquebusiers to Gatling guns since they are classified as Archery units.

In CEG version 3.17 Musketeers & Arquebusiers are no longer up-gradable, but Crossbowman are upgrade-able to Gatling guns. So this looks like a feature regression. And by not upgrade-able I mean they will not upgrade to musket-man or Gatling guns. They won't upgrade to anything in the Industrial Era.

Repro Steps:

1.) Install Communitas 3.17 into the Civ 5 mods folder.
2.) Install IGE latest version into the Civ 5 mods folder.
3.) Start a Mod game in the Industrial Era as the French.
4.) Use IGE to give yourself the tech updates necessary for Gatling Gun (Steampower), and 2000 gold to purchase unit upgrades.
5.) Use IGE to give yourself a Crossbowman, a Musketeer, and an Arqebusier.
6.) Attempt to upgrade the Crossbowman, and notice that it will upgrade to a Gatling gun.
7.) Attempt to upgrade the Musketeer, and notice that it will not upgrade to anything (no upgrade button).
8.) Attempt to upgrade the Arqubusier, and notice that it will not upgrade to anything (no upgrade button).
I believe the solution here is that arquebus/musketeer do not and are not intended to upgrade to gatling guns any more, but to muskets/rifles/infantry. They are no longer considered ranged units and should work normally as with default, upgrading to other gunpowder units. So if you are using IGE, then you would require a different tech to unlock them for upgrading and not steam power to test this. The change to have arques be a ranged unit in the archery line was... contentious and unpopular here, and considered unnecessary to preserve so they were reverted back to default and work as an upgrade for pikes instead (longswords would upgrade to musketmen, as would arques).

It's possible there's an error in the tech unlocks and no tech does this (there's no change to when those units unlock though that I can see, so there should not be a problem).
Not too sure if this has been reported before...
But with CEG 3.17, the AI seem to have access to dozens of trade units. In the ancient era. In the first game I got going, the Japanese have 8 different caravans trading with my cities...
Enabling 3.17 with CSD (with or without dll) seems to cancel some UB. For example, Rome loses the new forum-market.
Why do jaguars and maori warriors upgrade to spearmen? They should upgrade to swordsmen.
Thal did that because he didn't like being unable to upgrade your original troops if you didn't have iron near your starting location.

You can delete the relevant lines (just search for jaguar and maori) in the CEA_Upgrades file to revert the change if you don't like it.
Purchased units have different promotion options from built units. Is this intended?
Enabling 3.17 with CSD (with or without dll) seems to cancel some UB. For example, Rome loses the new forum-market.

Seconded, definitely not compatible with current CSD. Rome = Ballista instead of Forum; Japan = Zero instead of Dojo; & Austria losses one altogether, receiving only Hussar. Maybe more?
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