Dawn of Russians

Almighty Tsar, I have heard of your glorious struggles. As the representative of my old Parsi people, I would like to offer our services and help you in attempting to dominate the cities of Samarkand and Merv in exchange for Gurev.

OOC: Yeah, didn't have a better backstory on my mind, I just want to play around a bit and see if I can conquer Samarkand. So for now I'm demanding Gurev, but if you build a more productive city I'll move there.

Dear baron Kinkaz,

You are accepted in the royal council. Conquering Samarkand and Merv requires preparations. We will discuss it in the next meeting, while I'll try to gain information about the situation there. What will you do with Gurev if you take control of it?


OOC: I'll update today. If Samarquand is indepedent and conquerable, it can be liberated today. Which city do you want to control finally?
Royal council (urgent!):

Our spies inform us that Mongols prepare a large army to attack us! Training a large army may prevent the war. In any case we have to prepare. There are three choices available: pikes, knights, trebuchets. What shall we train? I will train all of them, the ratio depends on the ratio of votes. The update is postponed for tommorow.
Pikes! Let them come to us!
Indeed, we need Pikemen so we can fight their horsemen.

In addition, continue the Harbor in Gurev.

Also, yeah, I'm finally going for Samarquand.
I will also let Uglish train one pikemen division
I propose we train knights for they are stronger than pikemen.

- Strategoi of Cherson, Ambassador of the Steppes
Pyrros Pegonites
Ok guys, it was easier than I thought. I will update and explain everything.

OCC: I decided to play instead of reloading.

Edit: I'll update in two parts. One today, one tomorrow.
Russo-Scandinavian war:

Peter moved the army to Sankt-Peterburg and decided to conduct some amphibious invasions against Ragnar.


It seems Scandinavians didn't expected that. Two free workers for our worker thirsty state!


Some scandinavian spies were caught in Gurev. They didn't speak, so we killed them.


Capturing Scandinavian cities was impossible. It was clear this war would be a war of attrition. The descendants of Vikings would suffer a war similar to what the used to do, but in the other side.


Bronze mines of Scandinavia were destroyed. No more copper for Scandinavia.


Peter ordered a second battalion to do an amphibious invasion too.


Russians dominated the baltic sea. No fishermen allowed without Peter's permission.


Well, Scandinavians didn't have the same opinion. One of our triremes was destroyed. However, there are losses in every war.


Russians continue to pillage the countryside. Defensless peasants were arested and driven to Russia, to work.


The horse herds of Scandinavia in Finland were destroyed. Scandinavia couldn't train mounted units anymore.


Our army pillaged the countryside. The iron mines were well defended.


After pillaging almost all Sweden and Finland Ragnar decided to pay war compensations to end the war. Peter agreed, since he could expect nothing more than pillaging the countryside. Moreover, Scandinavians had trained a stronger navy.

The turko-spanish war:


Spain and Ottomans wanted Russia's intervention in their war. Peter decided to join neither side.


This war ended, when Ottomans surrended to Germany. The german borders triggered Peter's curiosity and sent a unit to explore German empire.

Other events:

Lwow's failure didn't disappoint Poland. They founded a port in black sea, and this time their religion spread to the new city. Kiev's influence would decrease in the area in the future.


Peter founded a new organisation in the Tsardom. Its responsibility was the collection of rival information. Peter sent the first spy to observe Samarquand.


Finally, the world started to notice our existence. The extended building of churces paid off.
We shall destroy the Mongol Army and then crush the Poland for their insolence!!!
So Scandanavia is building more ships? My citizens are willing to do what ever it takes to make sure no power but us controls the Baltic. After my queue is done build as many galleys and triremes as needed.
The house of Kazan is shocked at this abusement of power by the tsar! We do not condone the institution of slavery nor leaving our friends in Gurev behind!
Emergency situation:

Gurevians report a suspicious mongol movement. The army was small, but Peter ordered all units to move towards Gurev. Samarquand was near.


Mongols concentrated a large army. It was clear they would invade the next days! The army was large and Mongols are really tough at war. Our generals estimated that we may lose the siege of Gurev. This would be disastrous, because we had no more army.

At first Peter was socked and terrified. After an afternoon of calm thinking he decided what he needed to do. Although he had already requested an urgent meeting of the royal council, he skipped it and start ordering.


Peter decided to leave Gurev alone. Gurevian forces refused to leave. So a battalion stayed back. Peter promised that he will liberate them soon. All the other army retreated to Caricyn.


We need more army and fast. Peter decided to declare emergency. Lower class citizents were forced to work harder. All cities were ordered to train units, mainly cavalry, because it moves fast. Workers worked only to support the war effort (cut trees). This caused a period of anarchy, but Mongolian army was too strong and Peter couldn't let this on luck.


As expected Mongols attacked. Russians prayed to god to help them and show mercy. The next day battle begun!

Loss of Gurev:


Gurevians defended heroically their city. They lost, but they damaged the invaders giving Russia the needed time to prepare appropriately.

External (non) help:


French army was near. Peter asked France for help, but they didn't help us.


China could surprise Mongols in the far east. However, they didn't help us too. Russians had to fight this war alone.

Second battle of Kazan:


Some mongols battalions moved towards Kazan. Russians managed to kill them all except a weak crossbow.

Not military events:


Peter ordered and funded extended espionage against Mongols.



People died of exhaustion supporting the war effort. Mainly in Sankt-Peteburg, Kiev, Uglish, Krasnodar, even Moskva!


Wars started in western Europe. People questioned papacy at last. This event was good for Russia, because no western state would declare war in Russia now.

Battle of Gurev:




Our army concentrated in Caricyn and marched to Gurev. In a historical battle that is still studied in modern wars academies the Russian army managed something amazing. They killed all mongols units losing only 2 out of 18 battalions, while our generalsestimated the chances of success between 49% and 65%.

Collapse of Mongol empire:


The loss of Gurev was devastating for Mongols. Mongols lost over one fourth of their army in just one month. Warlords of Kublai Khan revolted against him. The mongol empire collapsed. However, Kublai fleed to his capital and regained some control over Mongolia.


Russia started to go back to its ordinary condition. Longbowmans moved back to their homes to clam down the worried citizents.

Russia survived again the mongol invasion paying a harse price, but the war wasn't over yet. Mongol state was collapsing but still too strong for Russia.


Our generals estimated that there wasn't any mongol army near us. So the emergency could end. Our citizents celebrated the end of the war. The tsardom needed some years to come back to its normal state, but after all it was a great celebration.


The war ended formally in 1459AD. This time the terms were opposite and Mongols paid war compensations. It was the first time in history Mongols paid war compensations.


Yuan dynasty controlled northern china. South China was controlled by a chinese dynasty, the Ming. Mongol warlords declared indepedence from Yuan and continue the never-ending wars between them. Timur declared indepedence in Samarquand and the Ilkhanate was formed in Persia. Golden Horde was massacred by us.


According to our spies the Yuan dynasty had a large army. However, their units were less powerful than our cavalry.
Royal council:
War is ongoing, but now we have some time to discuss.
Mongols are severely damaged but continue to be a threat. If we could take one more city they will probably collapse completely, but we know nothing about their cities.
Our army is healed in Gurev.

Graf Kinkaz wants to liberate Samarquand. Samarquand is probably under chaos right now, so it is our chance. Mongols might be near though.

Our state is still in emergency. I think we can change back to normal now (OCC: readopt agrarianism), but I'm not completely sure, what do you think?

We shall destroy the Mongol Army and then crush the Poland for their insolence!!!

I would like to end the mongol wars (if possible for good this time), and then we will discuss about Poland. But I agree, we should do something about them.

The house of Kazan is shocked at this abusement of power by the tsar! We do not condone the institution of slavery nor leaving our friends in Gurev behind!

We used the same strategy in the first mongol invasion involving your own Graftsvo and turned out well. A good general knows when it is time to attack and when it is time to retreat.
As for the emergency, we must be prepared for every possibility. This state of emergency helped us to collapse the Mongol Empire in just some years!
I will not stand for nilly willy plunging our empire into anarchy every ten years. Every civic change has to be discussed extensively.
Farmes must go back to their filed and workers must go back to their work. Our economy doesn't work well under emergency. We need emergency only if we see a large army and we are unprepared.
Conquest of Timurstan:

Timur declared its indepedence from Kublai Khan. This was our opportunity to liberate Samarquand from nomadic rulers.





Timur didn't have time to prepare against us. Timurstan fell in some years.


Timurstan was integrated in Tsardom of Russia. Missionaries from Moskva and Caricyn spread christianity in the muslim lands. Timurstan was rich in silk and cotton boosting our economy. The clothing guilds flourished.






The russo-french and russo-mughal relations became better. So did the trade relations and our exports.

Other events:

Patriarchate of Kiev was built in 1471AD. Church of Russia declared autocephaly and will be administered by the "patriarchate of Kiev and all Russia".


Poland declared war in German empire! Our generals didn't know Poland was that strong. This was our chance to invade Poland.


Our scholars managed to analyse the eastern weapons. Peter was disapointed, because this research lasted too long.


Portoguese shared their knowledge of compass with us. The deal was unfair, but it is better than be so backward.
I think you mean "invade" and not "evade". Evade means to escape from something. Also, it is backward and not backyard.

Also, glad to see our economy is growing, and that our war with the Mongols has ended.
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