Dawn of Russians

OMG Now you switched back to Agrarianism? How are we ever gonna get anything done with so much anarchy. :sad:
Unregistered cities: Totma, Gurev, Merv

Royal council:
What should we do with Ivan Grozny? If we settle him in Caricyn, then caricyn can produce level 3 XP mounted units.

What shall we research next? I propose military tradition, it would be a great boost to our army.

Our economy is developping. The famine during the emergency period reduced our population, but all citizents work in improvements. And we have plenty of workers at last.

We have a considerable mounted army. 11 cavarly battalions, a trebuchet unit, the elite longbowman battalion (has the leadership promotion), the kievan army (2 crossbows), the navy (2 galleys, 1 trireme), and the defensive units (defensive longbowmans).

Graf Matthias proposed to declare war in Poland. The reason is their claims of Kievan lands. Shall we declare war in Poland? Shall we liberate the orthodox Lwow from catholic rule and destroy the heretic Odessa? (They are so heretic, they don't even agree with their own king!) If we should declare war in Poland at some point, this is our chance. Because Poland is at war with Germany and their vassal Turkey.

And I would like to train some modern units. We need at least 3 musketmans and 3 bombards. Who volunteers? Moskva will train some units after building a castle and training a settler. If your city doesn't have barracks and you volunteer, it will be built before the training.

I think you mean "invade" and not "evade". Evade means to escape from something. Also, it is backward and not backyard.

Thank you! I shall appoint you my personal spelling corrector.

OMG Now you switched back to Agrarianism? How are we ever gonna get anything done with so much anarchy. :sad:

Under agrarianism farms produce more wealth and our workers work faster. Moreover, this emergency made our citizents angry, and believe me we don't want angry mobs out of our palaces. You see what happened in the mongol empire, because of the angry mobs.

The anarchy, the emergency and the total cost of the second mongol invasion was disastrous. We kept our economy stable, but the growth we lost is unparalleled. We must prepare better for next wars to avoid these states of emergency as much as possible. Mongols are still strong and they start rebuilding their empire from its ashes.

Sorry for my long speech. We have a lot of time to make a normal royal council.

Maybe I should make a forum to give the building orders there? I have some difficulty to remember the situation of all cities.
Crier's speech:
Tsar anoints graf Kinkhaz graf of Samarqand!

Graf Otrok:
Monastery, granary built. What do you want to build in your city?

Graf Matthias I:
The patriarchate is built at last. I built a theatre too. What do you want to build next?

Graf Bigfoot:
Currently building walls. Three tiles are famed to help your city grow.

Graf Caterpillar:
A market is about to be finished. What do you want to build next?

Grafinya Knoedelkova:
Granary, forge, barracks in the production qeue. During emergency your city was ordered to train cavalry, delaying the production.

Graf TheNoob:
Your city builds the aqueduct. I noticed your city isn't growing. The lands around you are dry plains, so most of your citizents should be farmers.

Graf Kinkaz:
Your city has no buildings, but at least its countryside is fully developped. What do you want to build in your city?

EDIT: I broke the long post in two smallers.
Is there already a worker for my city?
I want Grozny settled in Kazan plox.
I would like for more workshops and farms please. Or mines if there are hills.
What do you think about Poland?

I want Grozny settled in Kazan plox.

Kazan needs some time to develop. It needs time to grow in population and infrastructure. I would prefer a productive and developped city.
Kazan will become the most productive city on the continent once you stop inserting random units instead of basic infrastructure.
The construction of a Granary in Samarqand is essential to the restoration of the town. We shall continue the construction of said building.
Krasnodar will volunteer to build a musket regiment for the reformed army. This will also require the building of a barracks as well. Afterwards I think a courthouse would be a wise investment, a forge afterwards if you manage to finish all that.

I would also petition that Gurev be added to the domains of the Cumans, there is great potential for it to be the major commercial city of the Caspian Sea.
TBH citis I think you should make a group, it'll make your work a lot easier, and will make the story thread more readable for the ones that aren't part of your Royal Council.
That would be a great addition.
I would like a group too, but I am mostly on here with my phone so it would be cumbersome to go onto a group that I have to go to manually instead of just doing it here.

Graf of Caricyn offered Ivan Grozny a seat as military instructor. Grozny teached in the barracks the new tactics developped in the Timurstan's war. Caricyn could train very experienced units, and its fame as a great military training center became international.

War against Poland:

German empire asked for our help against Poland. Peter wanted to liberate Lwow from catholic Poland, so it was the opportunity he waited for.


Polish workers worked near our western borders. Our army captured them easily.


Heretic Odessa was destroyed. Peter wanted to give a lesson to infidels, although some believe he just didn't want the city.


Polish forces attacked our units near Warsaw. Unfortunately, our cavalry was susprised and surrended.


Poland decided to convert to real christianity at last. They believed they could persuade Peter to end the war this way. Peter thought he should capture Lwow before ending the war. Else Poland would refound Odessa, and the border disbute would go against Russia again.



Lwowians proved to be good defenders. We lost three light cavalry battalions, but we captured Lwow at last.


Poland agreed to pay war conpensations and end the war. Peter didn't want anything more from Poland. Moreover, now that Polish coverted to our religion, they should be our allies, especially against the dangerous Germany. Peter wondered if this war was a mistake after all. If he waited more time, maybe Polish king would ask to vassalise to him. But what is done, is done.

Diplomacy and trades:

Ottomans agreed to open our borders, after joining the war in their side.


Buying technologies is expensive when you are backward.


Iranians destroyed the Ilkhanate and managed to form a central authority. Peter recognised the new empire and singed a trade agreement.


Mughals regociated their deal. They didn't want to pay the gold anymore.


Kingdom of Denmark recognised at last our lawfull claims in Karelia. The scandinavian markets opened for Russian merchants again.


You know that you are really bad in technology, when you can make a trade with an african medieval civ. However, this deal would benefit both sides, and it was maybe the fairest tech deal ever made.


Malinese cried from joy. They couldn't believe they could make such a deal with a european country. So they decided to open their markets to our merchants.

Other events:

Ottomans claimed a port in Caspian sea. This meant dispute between Russia and Ottomans. Ottomans were vassals of Germany, so things could be really dangerous.


Polish revolted in Lwow. Military units were involved to crash the uprising.


A kievan playwriter wrote a masterpiece, proving that Peter except a military instructor could be patron of arts.


Mongols states collapsed. Russians could sleep peacefully at last.


The first gunpowder unit was trained in Moskva. Peter saw personally the tests of this new type of weapon and was satisfied.


Poland singed a peace treaty with Germany in 1519AD. The kingdom was unstable and exhausted.


Western Europe had explored the world the previous century. Although Peter had purchased maps, exploring the globe on our own had more fun.


German empire had expanded into Barcelona and Madrid! We should do something, else Germans would become a dangerous threat!


Russia increased to ten million people. Our cities were developped at last.


However, Russia had a lot of work to do.


Africans spread new ideas in the tsardom. They believed a person should devote his whole life in God. Moreover, they used to percecute other religions and heretics. Some priests adopted these ideas and wanted the central government to follow more the divine path.
Priests and devoted christians want increased christian values in our administration. They believe, we have a chance of success only if we follow truly God. Moreover, they believe we should save our neighbours by teaching them the true religion and push away heretic ideas like papacy, the reformation and islam.

Revolution fractions:
The fate of the revolution will be decided via election. Join α side:

Fundamentalists (fanaticism):
+25% faster unit training
No spread of other religions

Traditionals (organised religion):
+25% faster building production
The city requests and claims will be hosted here from now on.

Edit: The main thread will host the story, the royal council, the revolution elections and in general anything else.

Edit edit: I think we need 1 settler, three heavy horsemen and a bombard. Volunteers?
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