BETA TEST: 1.24b4


History Rewritten
Jul 14, 2004


K-Mod (Windows only)
  • Smarter and faster AI
  • Culture: more dynamic, more important, spreads beyond borders and over trade routes
  • Religion: improved spread mechanics, older religions can be displaced
  • Great Artist: culture from Great Works now scales with era
  • Spy: automatically wake when they reach their maximum fortification bonus
  • Human players can become vassals of the AI
  • Advanced Combats Odds when hovering over enemy units
  • Numerous fixes to longstanding bugs in BTS
  • Numerous other tweaks and improvements

  • Windows and OS X saved games are no longer compatible
  • Multiplayer between Windows and OS X only possible if Windows players remove DLL
  • Mulitplayer between Windows and OS X probably has OOS issues (working on a fix)

  • New Civilization: Nigeria (leaders: Odudawa, Ewuare, Aminatu, Obasanjo)
  • Aztec: new leaders (Atlatl Cauac, Juárez)
  • Burma: fixed crash when selecting Spearman in Pedia or Worldbuilder
  • English: improved city naming, new leader (Aelfred)
  • Hittites: fixed issue where both National Festival and Puruli (UW) were unbuildable
  • Javans: Candi (UU) is now a Bath replacement
  • Romans: Ballista (UU) now upgrades to Bombard (formerly Trebuchet)
  • Sioux: Inipi (UU) is now a Bath replacement
  • Turks: improved city naming, new colours and flag
  • Starting techs reassigned for most civilizations (now 7 choices, up from 4)

  • Numerous trait reassignments
  • Further adjustments to leader personalities

  • Financial: now grants +25% share when founding corporations (instead of a Golden Age)

Civil War
  • Dissent in a city is now reduced by its espionage output
  • Dissent penalty (+50) added when a city starves
  • Further balance adjustments to dissent mechanics
  • Nearby Barbarian cities will now join a seceding civilization
  • Any barbarian culture in or around a seceding city will convert to the new owner
  • Civic Dissent is now displayed in grey during Golden Ages (Domestic Advisor, City Dissent Bar)
  • Fixed an issue preventing Great Temples and Shrines from reducing dissent
  • Fixed a potential error during rebel civ selection
  • Fixed duplicate leaders appearing when playing with the 'Unrestricted Leaders' option

  • New Civics: Merchant Trade, Warrior Class, Conscription
  • Removed Civics: Regulated Trade, Clan Warfare, Warrior Code
  • Many civics redesigned and rebalanced, with changed tech requirements

  • Altruism: now unlocked at Ethics
  • Discipline: free Artist from Great Temple instead of chance from Stadium
  • Enlightenment: now unlocked at Humanities
  • Humanism: now unlocked at Academia
  • Idolatry: increases cost of Wonders by 25%, no longer blocks access to Stone/Marble
  • Judgement: now unlocks at Judiciary
  • Occultism: espionage increased to +2, free Merchant from Great Temple instead of chance from Clinic, now unlocks at Astrology
  • Preservation: now unlocked by Alchemy
  • Rationalism: research increased to 2, free Scientist from Great Temple instead of chance from School
  • Salvation: now unlocked at Theology
  • Scripture: wealth increased to +2, free Priest from Great Temple instead of chance from Library
  • Superstition: culture increased to +2
  • Fixed a bug causing Tolerance tenets to sometimes cause attitude bonuses/penalties
  • Worship tenets no longer have a tech requirement (except Apostasy)

  • Temples and Great Temples no longer have a tech requirement
  • Improved calculations to determine a religion's faith leader
  • Fixed a bug that sometimes allowed a reformation when adopting another civ's state religion
  • Lowered the volume of certain sounds

  • New Techs: Academia, Combined Arms, Fortification, Inheritance, Sociology
  • Removed Techs: Ceremonial Burial, Charity, Corporation, Divination, Evangelism, Hunting, Insurance, Milling, Seafaring
  • Astronomy: changed to Astrology
  • Chivalry: changed to Warrior Code
  • Constitution: moved to the late Renaissance Era
  • Gunpowder: moved to the late Medieval Era
  • Humanities: moved to the late Medieval Era
  • Jurisprudence: changed to Judiciary, moved to the late Medieval Era
  • Logistics: moved to the early Renaissance Era
  • Meteorology: changed to Geography
  • Oratory: changed back to Oral Tradition
  • Property: moved to the late Classical Era
  • Many other within-Era changes to tech requirements
  • First column of 'starting' technologies merged/removed
  • Tech Trading now unlocks at Academia (Early Renaissance)

  • New Buildings: Abattoir, Pharmacy
  • Removed Buildings: Smokehouse, Clinic
  • Castle: now unlocked at Fortification, cost increased to 160
  • Cemetery: now unlocked at Ritual
  • Constabulary: no longer increases happiness with espionage rate
  • Courthouse: cost increased to 250, lowered happiness from espionage rate, now unlocked at Constitution
  • Customs House: now unlocked at Economics
  • Forge: production bonus now applies to land units only
  • Grocer: also grants +1 health with Spices
  • Hotel: wonders should now be counted correctly for commerce bonus
  • Market: redesigned (+25% wealth, +1 trade route, allows 1 merchant)
  • Mill: now gives +10% production with Hemp/Rubber/Timber/Peat/Bitumen
  • Museum: now gives +10% commerce with Stone/Marble/Amber/Jade/Gems, no longer grants a free specialist
  • Nuclear Plant: meltdowns no longer destroy buildings or population
  • Observatory: cost increased to 220
  • Park: now allows 1 artist instead of doctor, no longer requires Civic Square
  • Tannery: also grants +1 happiness with Salt
  • Theatre: now allows just 1 artist
  • University: now unlocks at Academia
  • Constructing a cleaner/safer Power Plant in a city will now remove any existing ones

National Wonders
  • Military Academy: now unlocked by Combined Arms, cost increased to 500
  • National Monument: now unlocked by Politics
  • National Theatre: now unlocked by Humanities
  • Naval Arsenal: now unlocked by Logistics, cost increased to 600
  • Palace: now grants +2 commerce
  • Royal Cemetery: now unlocked by Inheritance
  • Seasonal Palace: now unlocked by Architecture, cost increased to 400, no longer requires Castles
  • Stock Exchange: now unlocked by Economics

  • Apostolic Palace: now unlocks at Dogma
  • Brandenburg Gate: now unlocks at Constitution
  • Great Library: now unlocks at Writing
  • Jetavanaramaya: now unlocks at Ethics
  • Notre Dame: now unlocks at Patronage (with Architecture)
  • Oracle: now unlocks at Calendar
  • Shwedagon Paya: now unlocks at Architecture
  • Sistine Chapel: now unlocks at Humanities
  • Taj Mahal: now unlocks at Heritage
  • Temple of Kukulkan: now unlocks at Fortification, cost increased to 600
  • Versailles: now unlocks at Nationhood
  • Number of World Wonders that can be built in a city is now capped by its culture level

  • Production cost of all projects increased
  • SDI: no longer has a production boost from Aluminium
  • Spaceship Components: no longer have production boosts from resources
  • Other production increases from resources lowered to 50%

  • Clipper: can now be built faster with Prime Timber
  • Colonist: now provides Barracks instead of a Smokehouse
  • Cuirassier: no longer requires Iron (except some UUs), now unlocks at Combined Arms
  • Galley: now unlocked at Sailing
  • Guided Missile: range increased from 4 to 5
  • Workboat: now requires Fishing, some AI adjustments
  • Most Renaissance and some Industrial units now require Saltpeter
  • Enslaving units will no longer create Settlers on One City Challenge

  • Several adjustments to yields and commerces

Great People
  • Great Doctor: new ability - Humanitarian Mission (resets dissent/improves attitude)

  • Corporations will now spread independently
  • Executives can now only be trained in the headquarter city
  • Headquarters now grant +100% to their specified commerce instead of +1/2/3 per city
  • Headquarters now relocate to a city belonging the Corporation's largest shareholder
  • Corporate Shares can now be bought and sold
  • Corporations pay a dividend each turn to their shareholders
  • Corporations now trade in 6 resources each (up from 5, many reallocations)
  • Corporations now have 5 competitors each, including 1-2 Syndcates
  • BASF: redesignated as Bayer
  • McDonalds: removed
  • Toyota: removed

  • New Syndicates: Al Niqaba, Los Cárteles, The Mafia, Triads
  • Syndicates compete with Corporations and drain wealth from cities

  • Fallout: now causes 1 unhealthiness (formerly 0.5)

  • New Resources: Bitumen, Hemp, Opium, Saltpeter
  • Horses: now revealed by Pastoralism
  • Some adjustments to distribution on random maps
  • Improved yields of most resources lowered slightly
  • Better icons for many resources

  • Camp: now unlocked at Carving, +1 commerce bonus now at Rifling (formerly Gunpowder)
  • Farm: new +1 food bonus at Crop Rotation
  • Fishing Boats: now unlocked at Fishing
  • Fort: can no longer be adjacent, will clear terrain features when built
  • Harvest Boats: now unlocked at Sailing
  • Highway: now requires just Bitumen
  • Lumbermill: now gain +1 commerce from Railroads (previously +1 production)
  • Mine: now gain +1 commerce from Railroads (previously +1 production)
  • Orchard: no longer require irrigation

  • Giant: slighty larger, balanced better
  • Massive: removed, too unstable
  • Increased default number of starting civs for each mapsize (except Duel)
  • Mapscripts can no longer deviate from the defined size (could lead to MAFs)

  • Main Screen: Great General bar no longer reports anarchy
  • City Screen: now displays National and World Wonder limits
  • City Screen: Ethnicity bar tooltip shows cultural revolt chance again
  • City Screen: several fixes to the Culture bar
  • City Screen: Dissent Bar colours now behave more like other progress bars
  • City Screen: no longers shows Faith/Research/GP/GG bars when examining foreign cities
  • Espionage Advisor: redesigned with additional information
  • Event Signs: removed, may return in a future version
  • Civilopedia: more entries added
  • World Builder: updated to PlatyBuilder 4.17b

  • Ancient Era games now start with a Warrior instead of a Scout
  • Defeated player culture now converts to barbarian culture instead of disappearing
  • Fixed too high Legendary culture requirement on Marathon gamespeed
  • Drafting: limit raised, anger reduced to 2, now costs 1 population regardless of era
  • One City Challenge: can now construct a Monastery and Great Temple
  • HR Settings now stored in (My)Documents, will be preserved when updating
  • Numerous redundant settings removed or consolidated
  • Several technical fixes and optimizations
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I'll give it a try once it finishes downloading. I've been reading all the new features all those months and looks like it might be a big improvement.
I still have a doubt, though. "K-Mod windows only" means I will not play with those cool features if I'm running a mac?

Thanks and even before seeing the results, congrats and thanks for the great work you surely did.
What specifically is new in this beta from the last one? (I'm super excited for Nigeria, btw!)
I'll give it a try once it finishes downloading. I've been reading all the new features all those months and looks like it might be a big improvement.
I still have a doubt, though. "K-Mod windows only" means I will not play with those cool features if I'm running a mac?

The changes listed above under the "K-Mod (Windows only)" heading are the only things that you won't get if you're running BTS for Mac. Everything else you will.

What specifically is new in this beta from the last one? (I'm super excited for Nigeria, btw!)

The last beta had K-Mod (with some incompatibilities), the new Aztec and English leaders, and a few other changes/fixes. This new one includes Nigeria, a civics overhaul, a techtree review, redesigned corporation mechanics (still incomplete), and tons of other changes.
Hi Xyth,

I've got the chance to test this version on a Mac and on a Windows, only few turns.

While playing with my Mac I've noticed still happens that when exploring a tribal island, if it spawns hostile pirates, they keep static. And this bug doesn't happen on the Windows version.

The same for the useless AI workboats. On my Mac version I can see some of them, while on Windows I didn't see (maybe because I didn't explore enough? or maybe because this bug is only Mac-related... not 100% sure).

About the Idolatry tenet, won't you add another negative effect? I think is too advantageous choice (at least at the first eras, when you are not used to have dissent, so Golden Ages are not very common).

Thanks! Enjoying to see new sources on the map and excited to explore the new tech-tree
While playing with my Mac I've noticed still happens that when exploring a tribal island, if it spawns hostile pirates, they keep static. And this bug doesn't happen on the Windows version.

The same for the useless AI workboats. On my Mac version I can see some of them, while on Windows I didn't see (maybe because I didn't explore enough? or maybe because this bug is only Mac-related... not 100% sure).

K-Mod AI is possibly resolving these issues when they arise, or preventing them in the first place. Not for Mac, obviously. Let me know if this distinction remains as you continue your games.

About the Idolatry tenet, won't you add another negative effect? I think is too advantageous choice (at least at the first eras, when you are not used to have dissent, so Golden Ages are not very common).

I meant to add a second penalty but forgot. Will get onto it.
K-Mod AI is possibly resolving these issues when they arise, or preventing them in the first place. Not for Mac, obviously.

Resolving... Not creating? I think this bugs came together with 1.24. Couldn't it be a conflict between K-Mod and Mac?

Also, I've noticed the Proselytism tenet is not providing anymore the temple.
Resolving... Not creating? I think this bugs came together with 1.24. Couldn't it be a conflict between K-Mod and Mac?

I think people were started reporting these in 1.23, I'd have to check. Can't be a conflict with K-Mod as it has no effect on Mac BTS.

Also, I've noticed the Proselytism tenet is not providing anymore the temple.

Ah yes, it's trying to check a tech requirement that no longer exists. Shall fix.
The unit AI for barbarians overrides everything else once they are on a tribal village, so they will never leave the tile again. I assume the behavior carries over to tribal islands. It's likely that K-Mod removed this behaviour.
The unit AI for barbarians overrides everything else once they are on a tribal village, so they will never leave the tile again. I assume the behavior carries over to tribal islands. It's likely that K-Mod removed this behaviour.

In K-Mod barbarians also stay on a tribal village forever (or at least I've never ever seen them move, I didn't check whether the code is the same).
Hi Xyth,

I think the value for unit cost is off by a large factor. I've attached some screenshots. I'm playing on Windows also if that helps.

Unit cost aside, thanks for all the hard work!

(also is there an option to turn down/ disable the religion sounds by any chance?)

Financial Advisor
Spoiler :
financial advisor.jpg

Spoiler :

GNP Graph
Spoiler :
If anyone has a saved game that has the 'stuck' barbarian ships or the the AI with excessive workboats, please post them.

I think the value for unit cost is off by a large factor. I've attached some screenshots. I'm playing on Windows also if that helps.

Has anyone noticed this on Mac? Almost certainly due to K-Mod, unit upkeep was an area of incompatibility. I must have missed something. Could you please post your saved game.

(also is there an option to turn down/ disable the religion sounds by any chance?)

Not in game, but their volume can be adjusted in Assets/Audio/Audio2DScripts.xml and Audio3DScripts.xml. Been meaning to take a look at that myself, cheers for the reminder.
I think I've fixed the unit upkeep issue. Windows users, please try the attached DLL. It won't fix any existing saves, sorry, you'll have to start a new game.


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How? I can't see any file with the same name.

Just dragging the attached DLL to the main directori?
How? I can't see any file with the same name.

Just dragging the attached DLL to the main directori?

It's in the Assets directory.
I also noticed the excessive AI Work Boats (on a Mac) - save and screenshot attached.

No commerce from Palace was a surprise! Changes things a little in the early game.


  • Work Boats! BCE-0220.CivBeyondSwordSave
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  • Screen Shot 2016-10-02 at 9.26.14 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2016-10-02 at 9.26.14 AM.png
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Hi i meet same event whit that error for unit cost even if im still in free unit support.
Well i hope that dll will work but anyway posting the save game files. (One turn it was 70 the second 200)

The DLL should work but it won't repair existing games. Unit upkeep should be normal again when you start a new. The problem comes from K-Mod changing unit upkeep to a percentage, whereas in BTS it is in an integer. In order to have it working the same on both Mac and Windows, I had to switch K-Mod back to an integer. I stuffed up in one place though and left the value as 100 (percent), which it was interpreted as 100 wealth per unit! As soon as you'd passed your limit of free units, upkeep shot up drastically.

I also noticed the excessive AI Work Boats (on a Mac) - save and screenshot attached.

Thanks! I have some code ready to go that will stop the AI from building so many workboats, but I want to spend some more time trying to find why it's doing that in the first place.

No commerce from Palace was a surprise! Changes things a little in the early game.

Yeah, I removed it from the Reciprocity civic and didn't put it back on the Palace. Want to see how it feels without it.
Okay, I've been doing a lot of testing and reading of code, trying to find out what's causing this workboat issue. Short answer is that I don't know exactly, but I've ruled out quite a number of things, at least in isolation. At this stage I don't want to spend any further time trying to solve the underlying issue, so I've come up with a fix that prevents things from getting out of hand: if an AI city has more workboats in its waters than it does unimproved resources, then construction of workboats is disabled until this is no longer true.

It's not a perfect solution, tricky pathfinding can sometimes mean a resource won't get improved, but that's a much better situation than the AI wasting much of its production on workboats it'll never use. Please try it out and let me know what you experience. Goes in /Assets/Python/ and won't break games in progress (won't get rid of any existing workboat swarms though).


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