• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

Team M.I.A's Constitution.


In whom I trust
Jan 30, 2003
Perth,Western Australia
Article I - The Constitution.

1) This constitution shall govern the manner in which Team Missing in Action
(M.I.A.) makes decisions, and acts upon them in order to play our turn of the
save provided to us in through the Multi-Team DemoGame (MTDG).

2) This constitution shall regulate all members of M.I.A. and have no weight
in the proceedings of other teams, nor the administrators of the MTDG. When
there is a conflict perceived between this constitution an the constitution of
the MTDG, The MTDG constitution shall overrule the constitution of M.I.A.

Article II - Citizens.

1) A citizen shall be defined as any person who has joined M.I.A. and has not
withdrawn from the game.

2) A citizen of M.I.A. is made up of the following classes - Founder, Natural
and Refugee, and also a Resident.

a) A Founder citizen is defined as a person who has joined M.I.A. before July
31st 2005, and has not withdrawn from the game.

b) A Natural citizen is defined as a person who has joined M.I.A. after July
31st 2005, and has not withdrawn from the game.

c) A Refugee is defined as a person, who was originally a citizen of another
team, who has joined M.I.A., and has not withdrawn from the game.

d) A Resident citizen is defined as a Lurker or a Refugee. These citizens may
engage in discussion and vote in general polls, but not vote in elections.

3) Any Refugee who wishes to become a Natural citizen may ask the President
Or Team Captain to sponsor them to become Naturalised and gain the right to
vote and to hold office. If either agrees, a poll shall be taken among the
remaining Founders. After 72 hours if a majority of votes cast favour the
naturalization of the refugee, that person shall be defined as a Natural
citizen with all the rights that title holds.

4) Once refugees have joined M.I.A., for any refugee to be elected to office,
that refugee must get 1 Founder of M.I.A. to sponsor their candidacy, and
must have at least 1/5 of the votes from the Citizens of team M.I.A.

5) All Citizens have the right to assemble, the right to free movement, the
right to free speech, the right to a fair trial, the right to representation,
the right to demand satisfaction and the right to vote in general polls.

Article III- Leadership.

0) A term is defined as 20 game turns.

1) The President shall be the designated player; meaning he plays the save.
When playing the save he has the responsibility to carry out the decisions of
other leaders. He is responsible for workers, city management, and powers
and responsibilities not specified to other leaders. This position shall be
elected every term.

2) The Team Captain shall represent team M.I.A. in the UN and shall also
maintain order in the team. This position shall be elected every other term.

3) The Domestic Minister shall be responsible for settlement, sliders,
research, wonders, and government changes, and all duties and powers
affecting the economy not specified to other leaders. This position shall be
elected every term.

4) The Defence Minister is responsible for all military units. He is
responsible for the building, upgrading and the placement of units. This
position shall be elected every term.

5) The Foreign Minister determines trades and declarations of war, peace,
alliances, and MPP. All dealings with other nations must be approved by the
Minister. He appoints a single Diplomat to every remaining team. He must act
as a Diplomat when one is absent or someone cannot fill the position. This
position shall be elected every term.

6) The Diplomats to other teams are appointed by the Foreign Minister. They
shall be responsible for discussions and trades with other teams.

7) The election process, where all citizens of M.I.A. are eligible to vote.

a) During turns 15 a thread shall be opened for nominations. Any citizen may
nominate any other citizen, including themselves, for any position that is up
for election. The nominee then can either accept or decline the nomination.

b) On turn 18 a poll shall be held for each position, with the names of every
nominee that accepted. The poll must be open for 48 hours, although it is
recommended it is open for 72. A simple majority is required to elect someone
to a position; not including abstains.

c) Once turn 20 ends, a new term has begun and the new leaders shall take
their positions.

d) Any tie shall be broken by the sitting Team Captain, unless the Team
Captain is running in said election, in which case the tie shall be broken by
the President. If both the President and Team Captain are running, the tie
shall be broken by a simple majority of the Foreign, Defence and Domestic

8) No person may hold more than 1 office at the same time, except in cases
where the position would otherwise not be filled.

9) In the event the President resigns or cannot play the save on a certain
day, the line of succession shall be:
Team Captain
Domestic Minister
Defence Minister
Foreign Minister.

a) If it has been 19 hours or more since the save has been received, and
no notice has been received from the Designated Player (DP), the Team Captain
shall receive the full powers of that granted to the DP, and the president
shall still maintain such rights. After 20 hours and no notice regarding the
save has been received from either the Team Captain or President, the
Domestic Minister shall have the full rights of the DP, as shall the Team
Captain and the President. This shall continue for every hour going down
the Chain of Command. If any member plays the save after hour 19 they
must immediately notify the team beforehand of such in the save information
thread. At hour 23 and following, every citizen shall have the obligation to
request a 24 hour extension in the turn tracker thread at the U.N. forum. At
hour 30 any citizen may play the save.

10) If there is a vacancy in a position mid-term, the President or Team
Captain shall temporarily take on the responsibilities of that vacancy. An
election to fill the vacant position will be held at the earliest possible

11) Any leader can delegate powers of their office as they see fit, as long as
the delegation does not conflict with any other rules.

Article IV - Game Actions which require Consent of the People

1) The Declaration of War with another team shall require a poll up for at
least 48 hours that obtains at least a 3/5 majority in favor of war.
a) If MIA has been directly attacked the President and Defense Minister may
send troops into foreign territory with the intention of attacking or being
attacked for up to 10 turns without the consent of the people. For those
troops to remain in that position, or any other troops to be deployed with
similar intent requires a simple majority of the populace in favor of war.

2) The following require a simple majority to be adopted:
a) A declaration of Peace
b) The granting of Rights of Passage to another team.
c) Entering a Mutual Protection Pact with another team.

Article V - Ratifying and Amending the Constitution.

1) This Constitution shall take effect once a poll has been taken of all
citizens of M.I.A. This poll must be open for 72 hours, anonymous, obtain a
2/3 majority in favour (not including abstentions) of adopting, and at least
50% of citizens must vote (including abstains).

2) Amending the Constitution.

a) Any citizen has the right to put forward a motion to amend the

b) Any citizen can call for a motion to amend the constitution; and for it to
be legal, either the original forwarder or the seconder must be a Founder

c) The motion is then put to all citizens of MIA for a vote; a majority of 2/3
votes of the population deem the amendment passed. The poll must be open
for 72 hours and have at least 50% of citizens who voted in the last
contested election vote.

d) The constitution is then amended and becomes law.
We've got the required 2/3, we're just waiting for the clock to run out on the poll. Why can't everything be this simple?
fe3333au said:
In preparation of our most sacred of documents ...

BWRAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :lol: :lol: That is great!!! :lol: :lol:
Hopefully this is an ok place to post this…

In order to help all our new members understand how things practically get done around here, I've made this little flow chart to draw attention to the Key areas that they will need to pay attention to.

Blue lines show how information is distributed from the playing of the save.

Black lines approximate the way orders flow to those that make the ultimate actions. (turn player or diplomats)

This is only a guide, and will hopefully help. (especially the new people)
(If others on the team think I have misrepresented anything, missed anything, or need to improve this some way – please let me know and I'll update it!)

Hope you all find this helpful!
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