• Civilization 7 has been announced. For more info please check the forum here .

The Culturalists

:D Good, Welcome Illini Rule!
I support Agricultural for our tech line and settling in place as our city position. Putting it out there and hoping party members will do the same!
With creative at our side, going to alphabet, and then trading for most techs gives us access to more culture producing wonders and improvments.
Bengeance has gracefully accepted entrance into the O.P! :D
And So has 5star Woohoo!
I don't know how many of you guys attended the turn chat for the first game session but I have an observation that I would like to share.

In my OPINION Blkbird was actively making the game less fun for everyone involved by his constant bickering and nit picking about any item that he could find.

The chat log that was posted does not include some of the things he said that were most annoying and offensive in the setting of a Demogame.

I'm paraphrasing here but it went something like, "I'm out to have fun and that means fun for me not fun for everyone. It is fun for me when things happen that I want to happen not when things happen I don't want to happen." And in response to Tsteamer there was an exchange that amounted to "So you (Blkbird) are now the Pres., the SoS, the SoW, and the govenor in addition to being the SoScience?" "Yeah, I (Blkbird) like getting my way."

With this kind of attitude and demeanor during the turnchat and for a review of his postings in the forums I have decided that I will not be voting for him in any future elections and I encourage others to do the same. You may disagree with me and that is fine. As I stated before this is my opinion and I could have misinterpreted several of his statements.
This idiot will support a boycott of Blkbird. I'll forward this in the Idiot Partee as well. Blkbird is also running the next turn session offline or non-interactive online. That means that he can do pretty much what he wants without input. That's no way to be a DP in my opinion.
I'm officially neutral on the whole boycott thing, but the O.P. will make a decision soon. Also there is a Humanitus Rector election poll in the poll section!
Hmmm... I haven't really had much contact with the person... Can't judge just yet.
nice temmage!:D
Looks like the Culturalist party has had quite a comeback lately.
what title do I put on my signature? And can someone explain this whole boycott thing? I'm not up to speed in demogame affairs as I have been busy this past week.
You put Valde Alio of the Culturalists, and 'm unsure about the whole boycott thing. There was some Blkbird hating sweeping the nation and that it, i think!
The boycotting thing was a result of Blkbird's actions during the first turnchat for the first game session. I've posted on that above. I am in no way trying to prevent Blkbird from participating in the game as he has shown to be quite competent in many aspects, especially his organizational skills. However, it was my feeling that he should not be elected into an office of any significant authority becuase his attitude seemed to indicate that he would disregard the will of the people for his own opinion whenever possible.
Bengeance is the winner of the Humanitus Rector elction, and is the first head of the O.P. He may now call sessions and votes of the O.P. an Post the Policy the O.P. condiers best. i will continue to post my views as well. :goodjob: Congrats Bengeance
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