Achtung Jagdpanther!


Jan 18, 2006
Here it is - brand new model unit of the best tank destroyer of WW2. There're no animations and teamcolor yet. I still have to figure it out.
Also I'm not a modder and I don't know how to properly implement it to the game (check out F15 thread for that). Me, I just substituted some unit files.


Reference model from Gunpoint3d (
Reference textures from Combat Mission: Barbarossa to Berlin

Have fun:)


Nice, I love the German WWII armor!

I have a question though - could you post your XML files so I can see what you did to change them? I made a model, and can't get it to work in the game, and I tried following the F15 thread, but still no luck.

It almost looks like a ghost, but it's great that new models are being released.
I have a question though - could you post your XML files so I can see what you did to change them? I made a model, and can't get it to work in the game, and I tried following the F15 thread, but still no luck.

Me either I had no luck with XML. I just substituted the howitzer file (panzer_fx.nif) in Savomod, loaded the mod and it worked. The problem is that the sounds are messed up and annoying. I'm not sure but I think it's because of animation looping only 5 frames (default).
:goodjob: :goodjob:
great job!! Perfect for my WWII scenario, please a lot more WWII tanks! Also tanks like the 'Maus' or railguns pls!:mischief:
Yes, I do need it, I added the JagdPanther just 2 days ago ;)

I'll try to get the teamcolours (I'm hopeing that playing around with the alpha channel might work...), although my skills on that area are quite limited...

EDIT: Oh.. where's the .dds files for the textures?? The orig models have them, one for the texture itself, one for the alpha channel (or something, the black&white one) and one for the damaged texture.
Almost as good as your tiger! That camo you do is so good.
it's one of the first model in community so:
- it's not animated
- texture is builded into model (not as a seperate .dds)

I did this version couple months ago - it's animated (thx to great sharick's tutorials), but has other texture - from one of the Blitzkrieg mods - i didn't knew how to save texture. It has also less poly count.


Here it is - brand new model unit of the best tank destroyer of WW2.

Dunno, I'd go with the ISU-152 there. 152mm gun with a 100 pound shell ... wow ...

Mind you, bigger isn't always better. The Hetzer was a very good tank destroyer for instance.
it's one of the first model in community so:
- it's not animated
- texture is builded into model (not as a seperate .dds)

I did this version couple months ago - it's animated (thx to great sharick's tutorials), but has other texture - from one of the Blitzkrieg mods - i didn't knew how to save texture. It has also less poly count.



Cheers, I did actually manage to figure it out (at 0130 local time) and then crashed into bed :) I'll give yours a go too. BTW I've been meaning to ask about your nick. ASIO down here is the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation.

Meaning of word asio is top secret and important for national security :shifty: :nono:
In fact it means nothing - i wanted new nick on other civ forum - and what first came to my head was this :) If i knew i would be modder and stay longer on the forum probably i would choose something else :crazyeye:
Meaning of word asio is top secret and important for national security :shifty: :nono:
In fact it means nothing - i wanted new nick on other civ forum - and what first came to my head was this :) If i knew i would be modder and stay longer on the forum probably i would choose something else :crazyeye:

Hmm, so the first thing that came to mind was Australia's version of the CIA, in triplicate no less. Thats only slightly worrying. ;)

Well, the ISU-152 was more an assault gun that tank destroyer. It was designed to help assault position and fortifications, It could act as a tank destroyer, but it was primarily designed for infantry support and assault work.

In theory, yes, in practice, no. The ISU-152 developed out of the SU-152, which had been designed to break fortifications. But it earned the nickname "beast killer" because it got put to use breaking Tigers, Elefants, and Panthers at Kursk before it ever really got tried against heavy fortifications. The ISU-152 was a recognition in design of the tank destroyer role (things like addition of a machine gun etc), and built around the idea that the machine would be used extensively for tank killing. They were issued a new 152mm AP shell, the BR-540. It retained, however, the mobile gun functions as well.
In theory, yes, in practice, no. The ISU-152 developed out of the SU-152, which had been designed to break fortifications. But it earned the nickname "beast killer" because it got put to use breaking Tigers, Elefants, and Panthers at Kursk before it ever really got tried against heavy fortifications. The ISU-152 was a recognition in design of the tank destroyer role (things like addition of a machine gun etc), and built around the idea that the machine would be used extensively for tank killing. It retained, however, the mobile gun functions as well.
Hmm, OT, but could the same be said about he IS-2?
In theory, yes, in practice, no. The ISU-152 developed out of the SU-152, which had been designed to break fortifications. But it earned the nickname "beast killer" because it got put to use breaking Tigers, Elefants, and Panthers at Kursk before it ever really got tried against heavy fortifications. The ISU-152 was a recognition in design of the tank destroyer role (things like addition of a machine gun etc), and built around the idea that the machine would be used extensively for tank killing. They were issued a new 152mm AP shell, the BR-540. It retained, however, the mobile gun functions as well.

The ISU-152 did not come into being until after Kursk. The name change came about simply because of the change of chassis from the KV series to the IS series and had nothing to do with tank destroying. The addition of the machine gun was a recognition of a fault of the machine when engaged in urban operations (primarily as an assault gun). While the (I)SU-152s could be powerful anti-armour weapons they were not ideal, the relatively short barrelled, gun/howitzer ordance imparting only a relatively short effective range when compared to other weapons such as the German 88mL/71 or the 100mm or 122mm on the respective SU's.

After all this technical detail, all I have to say is: looking fine!;)

(Too bad on the animations...)
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