LINESII- Into the Darkness

Clearly, they don't really exist... ;)
OOC: Gahh... Iggy, stop looking at the thread and just post the update! I've been waiting for you for more then a hour :cry:
Update 16- Years 1138-1202: The Second Exodus

Veritas was fallen, and occupied. But its proud people were not crushed. The Assemblum called upon its people, and hundreds of thousands of Valins came to Strategium to meet them. There, according to those who witnessed it, the One was made manifest. He declared that Veritas had been led astray by Dominius, then slew the High Elder.

The One then commanded his people to leave Veritas and Tellus for an epoch, to cleanse themselves of sin.

So with a single-minded purpose, the people of Veritas began the construction of a great fleet. Parts of the scattered navy came to Stockheim, the center of shipbuilding activity, to resume their service to Veritas. The merchants gave their ships up for the cause. Davar sent sloops, and Emor, in an act of small repentance for what it had done, sent some of its fleet as well.
(-4 Davarian Sloops, -5 Davarian Galleys)

For several years of frenzied shipbuilding, hundreds of thousands of Valins built ships, from massive Arks to sleek Brigantines. After a decade of shipbuilding, the exodus fleet of the Valins was complete.

But where they would go was not decided. So they split up, in order to increase each others odds of survival.

One group went north. Past Davar, the Citadel, Gamorrea, then beyond civilization, and past the edge of the Citadel’s map. They were in a bitter northern land. Great white mountains floated through the sea, unanchored to the seafloor beneath. Bitter storms and weather killed thousands. And after one particularly nasty storm, the fleet found itself far away from the frozen shore. But in the other direction, on the horizon was a great mountain. On it was something green.

Taking any sign of a life as a beacon, the fleet passed across the strait and became the first of their people to set foot in this new land.

For a brief few weeks, they stayed there and hunted the strange creatures of the region, who were specially adapted for the cold. They donned the skinned animals furs for warmth, then moved on. This land could not sustain a culture such as theirs. It would collapse into barbarism, as every moment would be a struggle for survival.

So they left again and traveled along the coastline. Gradually, the lands became warmer, and the scattered pine and spruce trees became a vast forest. There was much game in the forests, and the soil was fertile enough to support agriculture.

So these people settled down at the mouth of a river stock full of fish, and began the reconstruction of the glory of Veritas in this new land, founding the city of Unias, which became the capital of the Exarchate of Norvalin.

Another group sailed south, beyond the southernmost parts of Myocaca. They traveled along the coast, ever searching for a good place to live. After several months of sailing, they found their location.

The lands were comfortable, if rather rainy. They could be easily cleared and farmed. So here, the majority of the Valins founded the primary successor state to Veritas, the Republic of New Veritas. From their capital city of Redemption, they quickly spread their large population along the coast. Rumours from their uncivilized neighbours speak of great nations over the mountain range to New Veritas’ west.

The last group of Veritasian colonists was led by Pacian himself. He traveled to Exilsium, and clothed in rags begged for forgiveness from the people there. It was granted by the ever-forgiving Exiles, and Pacian and his followers were clothed and welcomed into society.

Pacian told them of the fall of Veritas. The Exiles were solemn, but generally regarded this as a good thing. Pacian spoke also of his dream to found a nation in the far east. The leaders of Exilsium laughed, insisting to him that in all of their lengthy expeditions, nothing had been discovered to the east.

But Pacian was adamant in his goal. Exilsium, beginning to get annoyed by his ‘Veritasian arrogance’ gave in and gave him supplies for his voyage.

Pacian left, and after a year returned. He claimed to have discovered a very mountainous and heavily forested land, filled with wild barbarians who had attacked his group when he tried introducing knowledge of the One.

So Pacian and his followers settled down in a large island partially colonized by Exilsium, and became integrated into that nation.

Contact between the three Veritasian splinter nations, while they exist, are very tenuous. Often, the nations will go without contact for years. Despite the best efforts of Pacian, ships simply do not yet have the strength or navigational equipment to safely make the voyages without putting the ship through great dangers. So the proposed ‘Valin League’ which Pacian and the old Assemblum had hoped for has not come to be.

But the three nations are still quite similar. The only noticeable difference is in Norvalin, where the people over the course of a few generations have become much hardier and less materialistic, as a result of the need to survive in their harsh environment.

Old Veritas has been carved up. It has been cut up into various states, some quickly absorbed by neighbours and some remaining.

The province of Strategium was absorbed by Davar, who had purchased it from Shalamari. But the Shalamari made no mention of the deal, sparking some confusion.

The lands of Hathran, officially a part of Strategium, declared themselves to be a part of Tristaria, and joined their Dula brethren under one banner for the first time in centuries.

The Kalmar Monarchy was reinstated, under the rule of Thorum I. To its north, the Keran people have been given their own domain, and for the moment it is but an insignificant backwater, without even a central administration. To its south, the Republic of Tellia exists, consisting of many of Zibon’s former lands, and others.

All of these former states are still quite Veritasian, in language, religion, and culture. But they are all in quite possibly unstable states. Their governments are still young and delicate.

Davar has settled the last of the unclaimed lands between it and the Citadel, confirming its last undefined border. Offers to allow Veritasians to immigrate to Davar have mostly gone unanswered, as the roughly hundred thousand who remained were those who didn’t want to move in the first place.

Gorinese settlement has begun on a small scale in the Kalmar nation, much to the annoyance of the Kalmar majority in the area. But as they are still very dependent on Gorin and the CRA, little can be done other than small protests.

Continuing their earlier efforts, a Gorinese blacksmith from Hemleth has successfully formed iron into a useful and strong metal without burning down half of the city. But a method easier than long periods of arduous blacksmithing has not yet been developed, so it is still not as commonly used as bronze. This strong new metal is being referred to by its creator as ‘steel’.

As technology is a major part of Gorin’s pride national image, this advance has drawn metalworkers from all over the nation to Hemleth.
(+Hemleth Cultural Center)

Gorin’s burgeoning population has begun migrating into the lands to the west, starting what some will call the ‘second great expansion of Gorin’, the first being Gorin’s expansion up the Wardash centuries ago.

Croyodon has increased its ties with Gorin, both religiously and economically. The population is now nearly all Masra, and increasing trade has turned Croyodon City into a center of trade.
(+Croyodon City Economic Center)

The city of Calvaron has been established on the coast to the north of Skilv’so, a nation which has been doing little other than stagnating.

Khemri is revitalized, following the end of the long and brutal Great War. The cities of Khadon, Alexandria, and Said have been rebuilt, and the nation is expanding. The riches from the conquest of Veritas and the gracious gift of gold from Kehexou for Khemri’s aid in the war have begun to bring the economy back to life.

The Andues faith is regaining popularity, and trade is restarting. Khemri is quickly rising back into a state of prosperity.
(+Alexandria Religious Center, +Said Economic Center)

Khemri has reopened communications with Nurmafer. There is still some bad blood between these people, but for most, the war is history. But many Nurmaferis still wish to someday regain their holy land.

But this may be changing.

For it has been officially declared that the exodus of Nurmafer is complete, and that a newer and more glorious nation shall be built. This has led some to believe that Nurmafer is forsaking the holy land. Is this the case? Will Nurmafer attempt to take back these lands by force, or will they negotiate with Khemri for a right of passage?

The city of New Turfar has been established in the center of Nurmafer’s lands, and the people are at last settling down.

Nurmafer has mastered Bronze Working, after many years of investment and experimentation.
(Nurmafer enters Bronze Age)

A voyage has been sent up the river to Nurmafer’s south, to reach Guangfei. The language barrier has finally been broken, and the Nurmaferis have been well received.

Guangfei has been even more active than usual as of late. Due to another Panda infiltration from OOC into IC realms (according to the penguin report), opium has been introduced to these people. The government quickly instated controls on this substance, to prevent an addiction epidemic.

But Shangei was not so quick to act.

Opium reached them, and began wreaking havoc with society. The phrase ‘Beware of Guangfei bearing gifts’ has become increasingly common.

The stone Jade has also been discovered in large amounts, and its export has brought riches to Guangfei.
(+Hangshei Economic Center)

A clever Guangfei metalworker striving for the prizes offered by his government traveled to Nurmafer and discovered how they made bronze. He then returned, forged bronze in front of the Emperor, and was given the massive prize. Everyone was happy, except for the Nurmaferis, who were annoyed that Guangfei had gotten for practically no effort what had taken them great investments of time and capital.
(Guangfei enters Bronze Age)

But they got some opium from Guangfei traders, and decided to call it even.

As usual, however, the domestic accomplishments of Guangfei were outshone by something foreign. This time, it has been the invasion.

Under the leadership of the Warrior-Prince Hong, the Peace of Emperor Han was declared over. Before this declaration, Guangfei troops had been infiltrating the city of Shangei. With the declaration of War, an amphibious force in War Galleys attacked simultaneously with the Prince’s forces within the City. The surprise totally crushed the Shangei forces in the city with almost no Guangfei losses.

Much to Guangfei’s surprise, no retaliatory force arrived. For Shangei had put too much of its army. Its defeat there had spelled defeat for the League. It quickly began to dissolve, even as Guangfei forces took Shysang. After the fall of the second city, the remenants of the League, Bandong and Faitei, declared themselves to be independent of the League. They may be willing to join Guangfei, but only if their rights are guaranteed, and that they are to be treated as equals.
(-5 Guangfei War Galleys, -2000 Guangfei Spearmen, -500 Guangfei Axemen, -500 Guangfei Archers, -4000 Shangei Spearmen, -10 Shangei River Boats)

Explorers sent over the mountains in the east report strange men with an apparently advanced society, strange customs, and a significant population. They could become significant rivals in the future, if they are not cut in the bud.

The strange stone flung from the sky has been brought to the Temple of Zester in Trinlin. The excitement brought around by this sign of Zester has caused a massive surge of volunteer work, accelerating the construction speed of the temple.
(+1 Project Progress)

Great explorations have taken place around Trinlin, greatly expanding their knowledge of the world. The end of the river their nation is based around has been discovered, where it empties into a vast body of water.

The entirety of the mountain range to Trinlin’s west has been claimed as part of their land, and this claim is largely unchallenged.

Sanctus Tutela has become a majour artery of trade for Myocaca goods. But it faces tough competition with the Swade city of Unchete, which trades Swade products to the north.
(+Sanctus Tutela and Unchete Economic Centers)

With the completion of the Bronze Blademaster, the Swade City of Jarade has become a second center of Bladeist Religion. But it competes for the pilgrimage of Bladeists with the city of Swade. This competition may become unhealthy for the nation in the future.
(+Jarade Religious Center)

In imitation of the massive constructs of the Swade, Myocaca has begun the construction of two great statues in the city of Sempronia, now known as Venustas. The statues are of Fasra, founder of Myocaca, and Feanor, Fasra’s successor.

Myocaca has opened its borders to Oneists living in Swade lands. It has been swamped with thousands of Emoran Oneists, who still practice traditional Oneism, rather than the Path of the One practiced in Emor.

These people tell of horrible abuses at the hands of their Swade occupiers.
(10 000 Population from Swade to Myocaca)

Myocaca has abandoned its holdings in former Veritas, leading to a conflict over who should own the region around Salvation. Tellia claims it is a logical extension of its land, Emor believes that as it was controlled by its ally it should become Emoran.

Khemri intervened, and referred to the treaty it had signed. It decreed that the land should be Emoran. Tellia reluctantly retreated from Salvation, and Emor assumed control.

A road system has been built in Emor. As it is both a major agricultural center and the hub of roads in the nation, Ansamsana has become a very prosperous city.
(+Ansamsana Trade Center)

Little has happened in Kehexou. The House of Mayanas has strengthened its control over the country, which is considerably easier with the heir to the house of Gayanax (Terias) missing, receiving no word of him for several decades.

The northeast has been fairly peaceful. Malkavia has completed the Tower of Ascension, and made closer contacts with the barbarians to the north. They are not divided along tribe lines, they are essentially one large, ungoverned body. Peacefulness throughout their history has made a central authority rather unnecessary.

Gamorrea has expanded into the mountains and along the coast to its northeast.

The Citadel continues on as always. It has celebrated in the peace achieved in the south. They aided the Valins sailing to the north, and even sent along a few explorers with them to map their journey.

Attempts to civilize the tribes to the north have failed, due to their decentralized nature.

The city of Seaport, while the Citadelers have been attempting to make it an attractive port, has still failed in this goal simply because it is not a practical port to trade out of at this time. The only coastal nations to the north are Gamorrea and Norvalin. Gamorrea doesn’t trade by sea, and Norvalin is too distant. For trade to the south, there are more convenient ports in Davar.

Ikki has been preparing for a Lengel invasion, but this fear has proven to be unfounded. Many Ikki believe that the Lengels do not wish to fight a costly campaign for a fairly insignificant piece of mountainous land.

The Lengels’ southward conquests continue. More information has come to light about these people. Their ‘megalomania’ is merely their philosophy. Their religion is Lengri. They worship the Koke, the eternal Blue Heaven. Much of the religions other tenets are quite similar to Animism, with a few mentions of ‘Warfare is the Epitome of the Human Spirit’ and other similar things.

The Lengels also have a strict code of laws, to govern their strictly structured society.

But this information is of interest primarily to Philosophers in the Citadel. What mattered to most was their military, not their domestic policy.

One of the first military things Lengel enemies took note of was the actions of the Veritasian Host-Lord Illian Vantias. He came to the Lengelzai and offered his services to the man, offering to give him bronze and the aid of his Falchions. The offer was accepted, and the formidable power of the Lengels was increased.
(Lengels enter Bronze Age)

The Lengelzai’s barbarian conquests are slowly being indoctrinated into the Lengel way of life, swelling the already large War-Host.
(+4000 Lengel Horsemen)

The War-Host has split up into several distinct groups. Two began raiding along the barbarian lands of Maugot. Maugot raised a large barbarian army to fight. The Lengels retreated when attacked. The Maugotians suspected trickery. They were right. So they didn’t pursue. They realized that the Lengels wouldn’t retreat against a force such as theirs, unless it was to create a false sense of security.

Maugot set up a quick fortified position, then the raiding force fell upon them. They set up a wall of shields, but couldn’t fight against the Lengel mobility. Then a deathblow was dealt from behind, as a second force hit them. Once again, the Maugotian army was destroyed. The involved barbarians ceased to believe the Maugotians to be gods. Desperately, forces loyal to Maugot retreated to their capital, which was under attack from yet another Lengel group. This group had been commanded to redirect the Wardash to erode out the bottoms of the walls of Magi. But the Wardash was such a massive river that such an action was next to impossible.
(+6000 Maugotian Spearmen, -7000 Maugotian Spearmen, -3000 Lengel Horse Archers)

Meanwhile, non-military Maugotians began to flee their city for the relative safety of Croyodon and Gorin, before it was surrounded. The rest practiced their bows and began preparing for a siege, something that the Aneyan race have become quite skilled at. Foods were stockpiled, and crops were planted anywhere that was possible within the city walls.

An attack by some barbarian and Maugotian forces against the Lengels on the split of the Wardash was repelled, and these forces realized that they would be better off helping defend their capital.

So the Maugotians came to be totally besieged. The Lengels cut off all other supply routes. But Magi would not fall easily. Its people were desperately building fortifications, growing stronger every day.

The Lengelzai considered the situation and made his decision. The Maugotians were unlikely to survive a long battle, but a long battle could sap Lengel strength, possibly leading to discontent, which could tear apart the Lengels.

So he opted for a direct approach. He had several rams built out of the largest trees in the forest, capping them with bronze. A roof was built over each to defend the men pushing the ram, and the constructs were advanced upon the gates of Magi.

Constant Lengel harassment prevented the defending Archers from dealing massive damage against the rams with fire arrows, but many Lengel horsemen were taken down in these harassment actions.

But it would all pay off. After a few weeks of siege, the rams had been completed and finally smashed through. Lengel forces and Vanitas’ Falchions stormed into the city. After a brutal battle, in which many fell, the city was taken. The surviving Aneyans were given a choice. Join the Lengels, or die. The Aneyans chose death before the offered ‘disgrace’.
(-6000 Lengel Horse Archers, -Maugot)

While war raged in Maugot, another Lengel force plunged into Nkondi, led by the Lengelzai’s son, Temujan. Using tactics similar to his father, Temujan sent raiders into Nkondi’s territory. Fierce Shaka forces came out to fight, but their light armour and frenzied tactics made them poor counters for the Lengel cavalry. They were drawn into battles and crushed. Then, a force of Lengels larger than any other yet smashed along the eastern side of the Kalmar River and sacked the Nkondi capital of Alaki. The Nkondi fell apart into mobs, even more disorganized than they had been before.
(-Nkondi, -5000 Lengel Cavalry)

The nations of the south had had enough. They were going to do something about the Lengels that their enemies were apparently incapable of. Stop them.

So Gorin and Shalamari moved their armies north. Gorin fortified its northern border, and Shalamari occupied much of Nkondi. The rest of Nkondi was ignored, and collapsed.

The Lengels then ceased their advance. This series of conquests was finished, they now had to consolidate their current gains and strengthen their army more.

Shalamari and Gorinese generals consider the situation. It seems that a Spear-only army, while good on defense, is not good at dealing damage to the Lengels. Conversely, archers and light infantry, while they can deal damage on the Lengels, are easily cut down by extremely mobile forces such as those of the Lengels.

So the Lengels have passed their first test, in assimilating barbarians. They passed their second test in destroying two fringe civilized nations. Now, they approach their third and most difficult yet, the war against an advanced and militarily powerful alliance in the south.


Notes: Conehead, the first number in your economy is your TOTAL economy, INCLUDING economic centers. I didn’t put money into education this turn.

MjM, bad turn to forget orders. :p And you had extra time too.

Phew. Long update. I have to go to sleep now. 'Night.
OOC: YES! A hour of waiting was not in vain! :D EXCELLENT UPDATE! :D
wow wow wow wow, that is awesome
few questions and minor mistakes

Croyodon's city hasn't been put in red on the map

I assume im not in the iron age but ummm could you tell me just in case? should another round of funding for iron do the job?

edit- blah cross posting anyway

From the Gorinese Empire
To all Civilized Nations (everyone except the Lengel)

Two nations have already been swallowed up by these barbarians, and now they seek to devour us. We must stand together now, before it is to late, before our civilizations crumble under attack from these raiders from the north. Though we may have many differences, we have one thing in common, we are civilized!
From: Skilv'so
To: Croyodon

We propose a mutual protection pact.
From Croyodon
To Skilv'so

We graciously accept a mutual protection pact. We ask that you commit soldiers to help fight off the Lengels that are increasingly threatening the civilized world.
OOC: My god that was quick. I don't even have a turn to prepare for this crap.

A message written by the Moneil of Davar and sent to every known nation.
To The Rulers/ Governing bodies of Gorin, Shalamari, Khermi, Gerber, Kalmar, Kernia, Tristaria, Tellia, The Citadel, Malkavia, and Gamorrea. (And If I have contact, Croyodon and Ikki)
From Davar

Tellus is at yet another crossroads. The Khermian* war of old shall fall short in comparision to what shall soon break across the world. word has reached us of these "lengels" to the north. Reports of these barbarians are warriors that cast a shadow over all else. Word of a nation of warriors that will conquor all of Tellus if action is not taken immediatly.

We do not wish for war, yet it is the only option available to us. We have, like much of the power of the south, just gotten out of a major war and the very idea of proposing yet another one sickens us to our stomachs. But it cannot be avioded. War will come to every corner of this world.

We come to some of you out of desperation, some to offer our assistance, some out of pure stategy. We all most unite, if only for temporary, and stand firm against these barbarians. Past grievances must be forgiven, if not forgotten, for if not there will like be no future for many of us.

We are proposing a united front, viod of all conflict until this problem is taken care of, against these Lengels. Some may argue that they share no border with these barbarians and have nothing to fear. We say that if they do not assist, then soon they will share a border and there will be less help for them.

We all must fight this threat, whether it is our choice or not. War will come to the farest corner of the world as the barbarians trash every army they meet. In order for any nation to be successful, every nation must contribute. we must attack from every side, from every angle, and from every possibility. Only by dividing their forces do any of us have a standing chance against these people. Their armies must be drawn out on every side of the continent, overwhelmed by pure numbers and stategies; for if only one nation or alliance fights them, they will surely lose.

These barbarians have already destroyed both the fleeyars of Aney-Tigot and the Nkondi. How many more shall fall before everyone unites to face a problem that affects us all, not just some.

We await word upon your decisions.
Signed Adrenis Yesn, Moneil of Davar.

OOC again: Cross-post. And I changed it from "the Great War" to the "Khermian war" since this next war will proably knock it out of the park. ;).
From: Skilv'so
To: Croyodon

We shall place soldiers into this conflict, do not worry.
From thr Gorinese Empire
To Croyodon

The Lord Kaiser thanks you for honoring the pact. Perhaps more could be added to such a pact, would you care to become a member of the CRA?

Don't know. I thought we had contact through others.
Kenthrau could you please explain to me what the CRA is?

Also, could you explain to me what Masra is and is it possible for me to establish a Croyodon Church of Masra?
From the Gorinese Empire
To Davar
CC: The International Communittee

The Gorin people are weary of this hate between us. It has been such a distasteful thing and we will put it away, to the far corners of our minds and join together with the people of Dava and fight the Lengel barbarians. We, as civilized human beings, MUST stand against the barbarians that seek to rape our women and defile our temples and churches. A united front is needed, hence, Lord Kaiser Drago Oborski of the Gorinese empire, proposes an alliance between all our nations against the Lengel and the Lengel alone. We propose that the alliances be called, The Alliance of Civilization.

Never has such a thing been done, never has the entire civilized world been united against one common threat. But what better time than now!
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