Russian Fighter (fictional) (400.5 KB)

Oct 16, 2005
The Middle West
Ok so it isn't a real aircraft but it combines all the best qualities of a Fishbed, Foxbound, and uh... a fully loaded Huey.

Poly count is 1221

Known Bugs & Issues:
*Had trouble merging the mesh into the jetfighter_fx.nif (damn those rotational matrices!) so right now, like with my killer rabbit, it attacks tiles telepathically.

*Teamcolor works correctly when the unit is first spawned. But when you hide it and reveal it again the teamcolor turns red (as seen in screenshot)
Combo units are some of the best from Civ 3, hopefully this will continue to Civ 4.
Looks very nice, it has that sci-fi B-movie kinda feel to it, very cool :thumbsup:
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