Hotseat High


Not Sarcastic
May 4, 2005
Pacific Time Zone
It's a new schoolyear, and it's time for fun!

For this story I will need 8 ACTIVE volunteers.

The current roster:
soul warrior
502nd PR
The Lone Man

I just need one more person to sign up! Respond to this thread.

Hotseat High is meant to be a hotseat game where I play the game for you. You can send me PM'd orders per set. However, most decisions will be based on a randomizer I have created for this game. Also, roleplay is encouraged but not required. I will mostly be basing the plot on the story around the gameplay and how the characters's lives seem to match the events in the game.

Disclaimer: Please remember that anything I write about is a work of fiction. Though places and events may seem similar to things that happen in the real world, none of that is meant to be described in a disparaging manner. The people and characters in this story are all not real and do not accurately describe anything linked to the places or events referred to. Additionally, the characters are archetypes, and they may not actually apply to the places or events. All of this is fictional and clearly does not accurately reflect anything in the real world.

List of Contents:
Planned Updates
The Starts
Rules for PM Orders
Chapter One: Detention in Principal Tribute's Office
Transcript of Turns 31 to 40 with Pictures
Turns 31 to 40 POV's Part 1
Turns 31 to 40 POV's Part 2
Chapter Two: Off the Hook?
The Rules of Hotseat High!

Bully: (expansionist militaristic) Zulu prefers to Despotism->Monarchy<->Feudalism->Fascism

up: Focus on military and expansion (+5% settler +5%(+5%) land units +10% to reject demands and trades+5% to declare -5% to peace)
down: buildings are rarely built (-5% science building -5% commercial building)

The student that bullies others to get what he wants whenever he wants it, and when he doesn&#8217;t want to even ask, he simply can take it. He is a predator, never an equal. However, the bully spends so much time building up his strength that he neglects his studies and his social life.

Gamer: (scientific religious) Babylon prefers to Despotism->Republic<->Communism

up: science building and wonder emphasis (+10% science building +5% wonder -10% land units -5% culture)
down: demanded and declared on more (+5% from others each)

This student is both smart and well known. However, many are jealous at how he can waste so much time playing games, the thing he worships most. Note that he can build wonders even with settler space remaining.

Contraband Trader: (commercial scientific) Greece prefers to Despotism->Republic->Democracy

up: both trading probabilities upped (+15% trade to and from others)
down: must automate workers and settlements (with governors)

This sneaky student has connections with everybody in the school. And the deals that he strikes are to everyone&#8217;s benefit. However, there is no way that someone who is so busy can control his own life.

President of Student Body: (industrious expansionist) America prefers to Despotism->Republic->Democracy

up: demanded and declared on less and traded to more (in same government) (+5% each from others)
down: demanded and declared on more and traded to less (in different governments) (+5% each from others)

The democratically elected leader of the entire student body, this boy strives for the support of everyone. However, those who disagree with him seem to act very unfavorably towards him. He, however, maintains his image by being unbiased to all.

Cheerleader: (religious seafaring) Spanish prefers to Despotism->Monarchy<->Republic

up: lucky factor (people are more generous) and focus on commerce (+5% commerce/other buildings)
down: focus on culture more (+10% culture -5% science -5% military -5% land units)

The cheerleader spends her time beautifying herself, and everyone in school either wants to be like her, or have a &#8220;relationship&#8221; with her. Having rich parents, she continually shops around for beauty products and studying fashion, never thinking much about school.

Library Loner: (scientific militaristic) Germany prefers to Despotism->Feudalism->Democracy

up: no wars and no demands either way. (unless only civ remaining before a conquest victory)
down: traded to less (-10%) and worthless militaristic trait

Nobody talks to this guy. He always seems to be hanging out in the library. Nobody even cares about what he has to offer, or what they may have to gain from him. Likewise, he doesn&#8217;t care about what others have, but he does study carefully what they can offer him&#8230;.

Plain Jane: (industrious commercial) France prefers to Despotism->Monarchy->Republic->Democracy

up: focuses on workers (+5% workers and workers are built until 1.5X of settlements or until worker actions are done, (and corresponding +5% to land units))
down: is rather backwards (-5% science buildings)

Plain Jane is a hard worker, but Plain Jane is not very smart. She may not be pretty, but she will never give up, a most admirable quality.

Snitch: (agricultural seafaring) Netherlands Despotism->Monarchy->Democracy<->Communism

up: Focuses on contacts and demands more (+5% scout/explorer +5% naval unit +10% demand)
down: unlucky factor (people are more miserly)

This weasel-like young man finds out about everyone in the school as soon as possible, spying on their every move. Then, he demands what he can from them, and with the information he knows, blackmail will be unavoidable. Nobody likes him; they will not be so nice in their dealings with him.

(if something is rolled that does not apply, then I get to choose what occurs.)

As for tech choice, the one that seems to apply most to the character will be chosen. Also, situational choices will be made. Such as Math if you have ivory, or Atomic Theory and Electronics if you get ToE. If you get GLib, then science will go to 0 until education, where the next tech gets randomized. Every time a government tech is researched, the person will change to it if it is on their list of preferred gov&#8217;s. Gov&#8217;s can switch back and forth as I see fit. So do mobilization economies. All trades will be fair enough. Of course, if it cannot proceed, then it fails. Demands are shown through a 1 gold for something trade.

Finally, for the first 30 turns, in order to ensure nobody is stuck with 1 city for too long (settler building probabilities are quite low after all), I will be playing as I would normally. That also means no silly wars where someone dies in 5 turns or something. Everyone is meant to survive (and suffer).
Planned Updates:

Done: 9/1/06: Characters and The Corresponding Players
Done: 9/4/06: The Starts
Late: 9/9/06: Initial Manual Set of 30 turns
Done: 9/10/06: Deadline for reserved spaces. Everyone can join in if the spots are not all filled.
Early: 9/11/06: Story update for Bully, Gamer, Contraband Trader, and Class President
Early: 9/12/06: Story update for Cheerleader and Library Loner
Early: 9/13/06: Story update for Plain Jane and the Snitch
Done: 9/23/06: Deadline for PM'd orders for Chapter 2. Will be playing along at the same time. So do this early.
Late: 9/24/06: Chapter 2 completed with my randomizer
Late: 9/28/06: POV's of Bully, Gamer, Contraband Trader, and Class President
Done: 10/1/06: Remaining POV's
Done: 10/8/06: Dialogues for Chapter 2
10/14/06: PM'd orders for Round 3 (turns 41-50) due.
10/22/06: Round 3 done.

Somewhere in between must be a Fiery French update. Those are fun too.
All signed up and ready to roll! I believe I'll be playing the bully?
yeah i know but ill probably get stuck by the bully or whatever and get eliminated early:p
Is this gonna be an actual C3C game or more like an NES type thing?
i need a short explanation of the rules here...
mainly mechanics.

* do we PM you our orders (ALA NESing), with you playing
* do we play our turns (as in a PBEM game)

rules of diplomatics - as in the game?

i guess we will roleplay our prespective faction?
so.... we PM you with orders on what to do if each of the events occur, and we can post role play in this thread, and.... yeah?
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