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Need help fixing Civics display!!!!

Jul 21, 2003
Adelaide, South Australia
Hi guys-yes it is me again :mischief:. In spite of recent difficulties, my modding efforts do seem largely on track. However, I have recently run into a problem I have never encountered before. When I modify the CivicsInfo.xml file in my mod, the changes never show up when I load it. Even if I remove stuff completely, all of my old changes keep showing up in-game. Has anyone else seen this and-if yes-how did you go about fixing the problem? Any help you can give would be very much appreciated.

Nope, I am starting a new game each time I make a change. That's is what makes this problem so wierd. It has never happened to me before-but only seemed to start occuring after I made the changes to GameTextInfos-at least thats when it became noticable....Do you want me to send you my relevent files?

What exactly are the options that aren't being done correctly? Are they the otions that come default with the civics or tags that you have added yourself?

If they're the default ones, then the only thing I can think is that the file's in the wrong place.
Well, the file itself is by no means original. In fact its been extensively modified previous to this point-without a problem. Yet all of my recent changes-either to add or remove info-have had no effect.
Of course, how embarrassed will I feel if I have been spending all this time modifying a file in the wrong folder? :mischief: :blush: If I have been, then I don't think I could admit to it :lol:.

Both. In that, I had a civic with a +2 StateReligionHappiness bonus, and I removed it. Launched the mod and-guess what-the +2 happiness is still there in the civic screen!
You know, the more I think about the problem, the more suspicious I am that I have done something REALLY dumb-like modified the wrong file! Tonight I will check the path of the CivicsInfo file I have been altering, just to make sure. If my suspicion is correct, then you all have permission to throw rotten eggs at me ;).

Oh, this is HILARIOUS!!!! :lol:
I checked the file pathway of the CivicsInfo.xml file that I was modifying, and it was actually the one in my Unzipped folder :blush:. I modified the REAL file and-guess what-it worked!!!! Well, except for the freespecialist change, but I think I know where I went wrong with that, so should have it working soon enough!
Thanks for all your advice and help though guys.

oh, and take a look at a picture of my successful effort. Now all I have to do is give it a proper in-game effect ;).

Pretty cool, huh?

Aussie_Lurker said:
Oh, this is HILARIOUS!!!! :lol:
I checked the file pathway of the CivicsInfo.xml file that I was modifying, and it was actually the one in my Unzipped folder :blush:. I modified the REAL file and-guess what-it worked!!!! Well, except for the freespecialist change, but I think I know where I went wrong with that, so should have it working soon enough!
Thanks for all your advice and help though guys.


::goes to buy a carton of eggs and the "Egg-Rottifier-O-Matic 5000"::

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