RBW1 - The True Isolationist

Washington is our best production city and there is already a great general settled there, so heroic epic + west point seems best for it. Nottingham has so much food that it can run 6 scientists without caste system library + observatory + Oxford.

995 - Hannibal circumnavigates the globe. A barb axe threatens our horse farm near Nottingham and I have to use a CR2 axe at 50-50 odds. We lose, but an avenging catapult finishes the job and earns a promotion.

1010 - Saladin adopts bureaucracy.

1040 - 18g plundered from barb city, Saladin assisted in its destruction. OK, courthouses are built and I'm ready to start on FP. I'll finish my turns after work, so let's hear some feedback on where to put it. I vote Nottingham.

London has extra food let's build National Epic there.
well forbidden would make a heck of alot more sense in nottingham since we are going after saladin eventually. Honestly, nottingham has enough hammer tiles to speed up fp to a tolerable rate and the food to support those mines.

Washington just has too many hammers to plunk oxford down on it. That and washington's hand was already played using the great general there. I second Heroic + west point in washington.

Since Nottingham does have a science academy (thanks again liz!) oxford there makes more sense than in washington seeing as we can concentrate on hammers in washington as a pure military depot.

As for globe, keep in mind that saladin's towns are in jungle land to the south, meaning lots and lots of grasslands otw. All our cities, other than nottingham, are gnawing at tundra land so nottingham looks great compared. Not unreasonable to expect to use one of sally's sites for perma drafti- erm I mean a globe! :devil:

Soooo in all I guess I'm siding with shogi here. pun intended.

oh and looking at the save, we have fish + whales firmly in cultural borders along the north and clams to the south. Should pop out a few workboats at york or new york (oh the irony) to gain the free +2 health and a happy with optics. Not a rush thing as we aren;t near health caps yet nor do we have optics but something to keep in mind.

1100 AD Hanging Gardens and Chichen Itza BIDL. The peace treaty with Liz expires, so the next person can feel free to raze the last city. FP started in Nottingham. I finished metal casting and started Machinery (prereq of Engineering) due in 26 turns. We are making a slight profit at 30% science. Spread Buddhism to NY, so now all our cities have it. A marketplace is started in York; that city sure needs food, recommend spreading irrigation from London, but not until Civil Service. London is a good production center, so I'm building farms there on the plains. We are #1 in land area and #6 in population. Saladin is #2 in land. Adding his 17% to our 18% and filling in the gaps puts us 2/3 of the way to domination without leaving our continent.
No, we can't afford the city. Burn it. It's more important to get to Engineering ASAP and go after Saladin.
All right, I don't have too much to write about these turns, pretty uneventful. On about my 4th turn, I razed Lizzy's last city and also razed the little barb city that had popped up to the west of our FP city. We, of course, didn't suffer any losses at all. The rest of my turns, I just MMed the cities a little bit. If the next player thinks any citizens should have been put to different use on other tiles, let me know, I would appreciate the feedback. But this is how I would have configured the cities in my own personal game. I also hired a scientist in our far east city (forget what its called) My remaining 5-6 turns were just pushing enter and healing our city attacker units. :goodjob: Here's the save!

Wash - move off plains hill and iron and onto farms - we can still finish HE in 1 turn and now we grow to size 10 in 2. I don't think we should cut that forest to build a cottage there, better to put mines on hills for production. Production cities prefer farms on plains, (I think [comments?]).

NY - move off sea and onto sheep, its ok to grow even if unhappy. I'd run 2 scientists here.

Canterbury - I'd move 2 onto sea and grow in 1 turn then move back as you had it.

Boston - we need 1 worker down there to build cottages on grass, better than working sea

Gustorvald - that worker should be in Boston.

Nottingham - move off the mines and onto max food, so that the city grows to cap, then work mines.

We should consider caste system and run merchants, to fund our science. A Great Merchant settled in Boston would enable us to grow and work both gold mines and horse.

All the religions are founded so we are way behind in tech. Will trebs be obsolete when we get them?
I only played 7 turns to even out the turnset, I'm in a little bit of a hurry anyway.

First I change some city tile assigments, because there were some pretty :smoke: moves. Aside from the things playshogi mentioned one thing that I noticed was New York(far eastern city). It worked 2 sea tiles instead of the sheep+1 more scientist, which overall gives +2.25 bakers per turn, +3 GS points and +1food instead of stagnation.

During the turnset absolutely nothing happened. I just micromanagent the cities a little bit but didn't want to declare war. I'll leave that up to the next player.
erm ok, I'll take a look at the save, eat maybe rest and get cracking on a report longer than 2 paragraphs:)

I'm assuming we want trebs for attacking saladin... swords vs longbows is a losing battle lol.

We should build a forge in Washington.

This game seems to have gone very well, so far. When I try emperor on my own, it doesn't go nearly so well. The AI defends better against the quechua rush, although I did wipe out Ramses. Ragnar, however, always seems to have 5-7 archers defending. Then Zulu joined the fight...
preturn: ok well I see this as wacking end turn 10 times seeing as nothing to do except work engineering. Machinery in 2 and I leave the towns well enough alone seeing as they were just microed to death :)

IBT: sally wants to trade yawn.

[1]1196 AD
Washington builds a sword and well forge is up in 10.... go for it. Well cleaning up this post in notetab light and noticed Shogi mentioned a forge... well a bit too late now but heck we think alike once again.

workers are getting bored lol. When in doubt, road up everything. bards come from both sides... gonna lose some improvements.

[2]1202 AD
Barbs take out the corn, not much can do since nottinghhams only defender is a sword. Mchinery comes in and well 30% sci is 27 turns on enginnering, making +11 gold though. Putting the armada back into nottingham fend off the barbs. Can make crossbows now, will make a few.

The main stack was headed back to nottingham and was able to lose city attack3 axe at 76% odds... :mad: 7/8 exp cat though comes in and takes the free exp cleaning up and gaining a promotion. corn will be back up in 2 turns as a super stack of workers hits it.

[3]1208 AD oh WTH. barb axe crosses river to attack a defensive axe as we lost:eek: .... WTH WTH WTH. Well exp up cr1 sword who is now cr2. I'm going to pump out some crossbows to fend off the barbs.

8 turns on forbidden though as Nottingham grew to 9 and claimed another mine.

btw started building a windmill on a tundra hill next to york turn after machinery came in.

A flurry of end turns later...

[10]1250 AD
That was very exciting whacking end turh 6 times.
Washington got its forge in and it's a troop pumping monster. fp in nottingham is 1 turn away Engineering in 15 turns at 40% science. Keep in mind 40% science is +3 gold and fp in nottingham is 1 turn away.

I set washington on a crossbow in 2 turns. We can use a grocery as washington is still the cash capitol, but 2 turns for a modern defensive unit is too good. Nottingham can really use a forge as well but it's 12 turns and FP took precidence.

Another barb (axe) popped up sw of london. Its own xbow is 2 turns away and will eat an axe so long as it's not on my shift :cry: .

killer stack is chilling west of nottingham as it was guarding against barbs.... not to worry seeing at our attack is a ways away. it has 2 medics now, a medic 1 spear and a medic 1 axe. if/when we split up our army there will be a medic for both.

We can really use civil service for the macemen and the food. we have a ton of plains that need farms.

So sorry for the boring turn log but there's literally nothing to talk about here. exciting times coming up though!

The forum is really slow so if attachment never made it I'll try again in a bit.

We can save 4.64 gpt by moving our large army inside our cultural borders. There is no need to keep so many out there. Putting more citizens on high commerce tiles, I can bump science to 50% and break even, and before FP completes.

We have a Great Scientist due from NY in 17 turns. Looks like best use might be an academy in NY, or settle in Wash. for the extra hammer. The tech we could rush would be compass which we don't need.
Since Saladin built the Pyramids, Great Wall, and Parthenon in Medina, he probably won't generate a great prophet for the hindu shrine. Therefore, we may want to assign a priest specialist in London to generate one. It would be due in about 60 turns (with a small GS% chance, since I polluted the gene pool there.) We could get it faster but spreading hinduism there, build the hindu temple and assign 2 priests or we could take the scientists off NY and get a prophet in about 30 turns, but this is just a sideshow compared to the upcoming holy war.
My bad on the army being on hill outside nottingham. the basic problem was that I was getting chain barbs from the east and west and I over reacted. Been having serious barb issues on my private warlords games.


The army btw was far south between sallys new towns... I moved them back into cultural borders just in time for barb fun.

Imo make sure to add a few xbows to the army to fend off melee's and to garrison our towns.

Does new york have enough beakers to warrent an academy? Seems like an awful lot of plains there. if we are going to meld the great scientist, nottingham will be getting oxford right? would it be worth the travel to head there?

As for techs we really want civil service after eng. There are clear paths to chain farm to all our towns except boston which is perma effed. Would help to close culture in the middle, should pop a new town in center to take out the wheat once we get irrigation going.

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